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1、New wordsThink about ittextLets do itchart n.图表dry v.adj.干的;变干干的;变干bike n.自行车自行车wear v.穿穿sentence n.句子Do you do your homework every day?Why or why not?Do you help your mother and father at home?What do you do?What does Danny never do?MW:Ok,everyone.Lets make a chart.Li Ming,do you always do your hom

2、ework?L:Yes!MW:Good!Lets put a triangle for always.Jenny,do you always help your mother?J:No,I usually help her.I usually dry the dishes.MW:Lets put a circle for usually.Steven,do you always walk to school?S:I sometimes walk to school.Sometimes I ride my bike.MW:Lets put a square for sometimes.Danny

3、,do you wear dresses?D:No!I never wear dresses!MW:Okay.Lets put a line for never.Namesdo your homeworkhelp your motherWalk to schoolWear dressesLi MingJennySteven Danny alwaysusuallysometimesneverDraw a chart and practice interviewing with a small group.What else can you ask?Here are some good quest

4、ions!Do you always brush your teeth in the morning?Do you always watch TV in the evening?.Lets make a chart.让我们绘个图表。make v.做,制造;建造。例如:My mother made me a skirt.我母亲为我做了一条裙子。拓展:make a fire 生火 make money 赚钱 make war 开战make trouble 引起麻烦 make sure 查明,弄确实 make a noise 吵闹辨析:make与do make表示“做”出一种以前并不存在的实物。例如

5、:-Im making a card.我在做一张贺卡。do表示“做”一个动作。例如:-Im doing my homework.我在做作业。chart n.航海图,图表。例如:a weather chart 气象图a physical chart 地势图Li Ming,do you always do your homework?李明,你总是做你的家庭作业吗?Do you always do your homework?是一般现在时的一般疑问句。答语用:Yes,I do./No,I dont.例如:-Do you always go to work by bus?你总是乘公共汽车去上班吗?-Y

6、es,I do./No,I dont.是的,我是。/不,我不是。always adv.总是,永远,一直(反义词:never从来不)。例如:The sun always rises in the east.太阳总是从东方升起来。Good!Lets put a triangle for always.好!让我们画上个三角来代替“总是”吧。put v.放;摆;移动,拨动;写上;标上。例如:put the children to bed 把孩子放到床上。Put down your name here.把你的名字写在这。拓展:put 构成的常用词组:put away 把收起来 put on 穿上(衣服)

7、put off 推迟put back 把(钟表)拨慢 put down 平定triangle n.三角形;三角形物体。例如:a triangle of land 三角形陆地Jenny,do you always help your mother?詹妮,你总是帮助你妈妈吗?help v.帮助。常用句型:help sb.do sth./help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事。例如:Li Lei often helps me learn English.=Li Lei often helps me with my English.李蕾经常帮助我学英语。拓展:Help!Help!(呼救用语)

8、救命啊!救命啊!help oneself 自用(实物)He got up and helped himself to some coffee.他站起身来给自己倒了些咖啡。No,I usually help her.I usually dry the dishes.不,通常我帮助她(不总是帮)。我通常把盘子擦干。usually adv.平常,通常(反义词:unusually)。例如:We usually eat out on Fridays.星期五我们通常在外面吃饭。dry v.把弄干;弄干;变干。例如:Our clothes soon dried.我们的衣服不久就干了。adj.干的;干燥的;口

9、干的。例如:What a dry weather!多么干燥的天气啊!I feel dry.(dry同thirsty)我口渴了。拓展:dry cleaner 干洗机 dry cleaning(衣服)干洗Lets put a circle for usually.让我们画个圆代替“通常”。1)circle n.圆;圈;环状物;循环。例如:a circle of trees 一圈树木He has a large circle of friends.他又一大群朋友。The circle of the seasons has brought us again to spring.四季的循环再度把我们带进

10、了春天。2)v.画圆圈;绕圈子。例如:The birds circled around in the air.鸟在空中绕圈子。I sometimes walk to school.Sometimes I ride my bike.我有时候步行去上学,有时候骑自行去。sometimes adv.有时候。例如:Sometimes I have noodles.有时候我吃面条。She is sometimes late.她有时迟到。Lets put a square for sometimes.我们画个正方形代替“有时”吧。squaren.正方形;广场。例如:A square has four sides.正方形有四条边。Lets go to Tiananmen Square.我们去天安门广场吧。adj.正方形的;直角的;平方的;宽而结实的。例如:There is a square box.有一个正方形的盒子。three square feet 3平方英尺square shoulder 宽肩

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