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1、This is a pencil.Is this a pencilThis is my pencil.Is this your pencilYes,it is.No,it isnt.Is this your pencil?Yes,it is.Is this your pencil?No,it isnt.Its her ruler.Is this _(you)pencil?Yes,_ _.yourit isIs this _(you)book?Yes,_ _.This is _(I)book.my it isyourIs _ _(he)book?_,it is.thishisYesA:Is th

2、is your?B:Yes,it is.Its my.No,it isnt.Its his.No,it isnt.Its her._that _(she)sweater?_,it isnt.IsherNoA:Whats this in English?B:Its a/an _.A:How do you spell _?B:_.A:Is this your _?B:Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Itshis/her_.具体做法:由简到繁,教师每具体做法:由简到繁,教师每画一笔,学生都可以根据自己画一笔,学生都可以根据自己的想象进行猜词并拼写,画完的想象进行猜词并拼写,画完最后一笔才

3、可以确定哪些同学最后一笔才可以确定哪些同学猜对了。给猜对并拼写真确的猜对了。给猜对并拼写真确的同学奖励小贴画。同学奖励小贴画。具体做法:根据屏幕上显示的图具体做法:根据屏幕上显示的图片,每组上来两位同学,一位用片,每组上来两位同学,一位用手势比划或用英语解释出图片中手势比划或用英语解释出图片中的物品,另一位同学猜出这个物的物品,另一位同学猜出这个物品的英语名称(品的英语名称(30秒内能猜出秒内能猜出5个物品的英语名称的小组,奖励个物品的英语名称的小组,奖励小贴画)小贴画)Follow Up(Group work)Follow Up(Group work)设计一张手抄报设计一张手抄报“我们的教室

4、我们的教室”,要求凡是画出来的物品必须标,要求凡是画出来的物品必须标出英文名称(可以查字典),并出英文名称(可以查字典),并给我们的教室配几句解说词。最给我们的教室配几句解说词。最后评出最佳后评出最佳 editor,designer and writer.本单元各组组员课堂表现互评评价表本单元各组组员课堂表现互评评价表A、B、C、D分别代表优秀、良好、一般、尚须努力四个等级。在各组员相应的空格内打,教师可根据评价情况对学生的学习策略作及时的指导和帮助。同时,学生也要把该表放入“成果包”内以作对照。评价标准评价标准Name1Name1Name2Name2Name3Name3Name4Name4小

5、小组组活活动动能能够够用用英英语语交交流流,获获取有效信息取有效信息A B A B C DC DA B A B C DC DA B A B C DC DA B A B C DC D合合作作意意识识强强,配配合合小小组完成任务组完成任务A B A B C DC DA B A B C DC DA B A B C C A B A B C DC D积积极极主主动动参参与与小小组组活活动动,在在活活动动中中起起主主导导作用作用A B A B C DC DA B A B C DC DA B A B C C A B A B C DC D本单元各组组员课堂表现互评评价表本单元各组组员课堂表现互评评价表学生知识

6、掌握自我评价表学生知识掌握自我评价表I canI canYesYesNeed moreNeed morepracticepracticeNeed more Need more helphelp1.tell the names of1.tell the names ofthe school things.the school things.2.read 2.read and and spell spell the the words words in the lesson.in the lesson.3.write 3.write the the words words I I learnt l

7、earnt in the lesson.in the lesson.4.ask and answer:4.ask and answer:Isthis/thatyour/her/hisIsthis/thatyour/her/his?5.ask and answer:5.ask and answer:WhatWhatsthis/that in sthis/that in English?English?6.understand the listening 6.understand the listening materials.materials.7.read and understand the

8、 7.read and understand the bulletin board notices.bulletin board notices.8.write simple lost and 8.write simple lost and found notices.found notices.Vocab-builderUnit2 Is this your pencil?I need more time.Im great!在在vocab-buildervocab-builder表表格格的的左左栏栏里里填填写写还还未未完完全全掌掌握握的的单单词词,在在另另一一栏栏超超前前词词汇汇表表(右右栏栏)里里填填写写已已记记住住的的非课文内的单词非课文内的单词。Homework:1.Copy the new words of P12 five times.2.Make your own conversations.Compare and find(比较并发现比较并发现):这是他的英语书。这是他的英语书。This is his English book.这是他的英语书吗?这是他的英语书吗?Is this his English book?那是她的字典。那是她的字典。That is her dictionary.那是她的字典吗?那是她的字典吗?Is that her dictionary?

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