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1、雅思口语话题一个决定Describe a (good) decision someone made You should say: Who made it What was the decision When it was made And explain why it was a good decision 解析: 题目要求描述一各别人做的正确的决定,在回答时要求阐明这个人是谁,在什么时间做的什么样的决定,并且解释为什么这是一个正确的决定。可以写身边熟悉的人在就业、学习或生活中做的正确决定,或者你所知的某个名人做的正确决定。 Well, I am going to talk about a

2、great and well-known decision made by Jobs, the founder of Apple. He quitted from university when he was 17 and he considered it the best decision he had ever made. When he quitted from university, he could take more time to learn the courses that appealed to him like typography and these courses tu

3、rned out to be very useful to him. Later he launched Apple, one of the first highly successful mass-produced personal computers. He used his knowledge learned in school to design the marvelous typography on Mac. Other products like iMac, iPhone, iPod and iPad also gained great popularity all over th

4、e world. Thus he established himself as a leading pioneer in the technology business. The reason why I thought it was a good decision is that Jobs loved what he was doing. If he had not quitted from school, he might have missed the golden period when personal computers began to be developed at a mas

5、s number and other competitors might have replaced him to be the leading figure in the business. It was his passion for this business that led him to do the decision. His experience was so unique and I dont think there could be another person who can copy his experience. 3雅思口语宁静的地方话题 Describe a plac

6、e that is quiet 1. Are there many quiet places in your city? 你的城市里有许多宁静的地方吗? Well, quite a few. As I know. There are several cosy spa treatment zones where people can take a break from a constant stream of noises, feelings, thoughts and vibes which dont belong to them. There are botanical gardens an

7、d remote corners of parks which help people slow down, catch a deep breath and set their minds straight. There are public libraries, museums, art galleries and a planetarium which help people reboot their brain and unwind. And, of course, there is a good deal of small quiet cafes which help people r

8、id their minds of negative and unnecessary thoughts, and just a cup of tea or coffee and a piece of delicious cake. So, there are quite enough quiet places in my city. 2. Why do people sometimes prefer to be alone? 为什么人们有时更喜爱独处? Oh, I guess, first of all, because they need to reboot their brain and

9、unwind from time to time. There is too much noise and communication in peoples everyday lives these days and sometimes all of them need time just for themselves, time to think about their past actions and behaviour or think through every action they are about to take, time to discover themselves and

10、 find their own voice. Sometimes people need solitude to improve concentration and increase productivity or work through problems more effectively cutting off any dependance on how others can affect their state of mind and decision-making. I guess these are the main reasons. 3. Is there much noise a

11、round your home? 你家四周有很多噪音吗? Well, fortunately, no as I live in a very quiet area with quite few people around. There are no industrial facilities or machinery in my neighbourhood, so the worst noise around my home is either barking dogs of my neighbours or the noise from air conditioning equipment.

12、 Though, from time to time I can also hear squealing brakes of passing cars but it is the exception rather than the rule, thank god. 4. Does this noise affect you in any way? 这种噪音对你有任何影响吗? Well, I am pretty tolerant to noises and just try to tune out whenever I hear them. So, noises which I usually

13、hear in my area dont make me nervous or stressed. Though, there are some kinds of noise I am very sensitive to. I mean some special noises like scraping chalk or nails on a board or persistent knocks on the door. They immediately distract my attention from what I am doing and make me very irritated.

14、 I also cant stand loud snoring and intermittent noises that repeat. 5. How do you think noise in cities could be reduced? 你认为城市里的噪音是如何减少的? Oh, I guess there is a list of noise off solutions and large-scale steps that could be taken by cities all around the world. One of them is to lower the speed l

15、imit in the inner parts of the city to 40 km/hour. It will not only provide a quieter atmosphere in the city but also reduce pollution and traffic accidents. One more important step that should be taken is to pave roads with noise dampening asphalt, and if it doesnt change the situation significantl

16、y reduce traffic volume in the most crowded areas. I would also offer to plant noise buffers composed of trees and shrubs everywhere and especially in busy and create quiet areas and zones in parks, squares and other recreational areas around the city to provide people with special places for relaxa

17、tion and energy reboot. 4雅思口语Environment话题 1. Tell me about some of the environmental problems that are affecting countries these days? 这个题目看起来应该是非常好说的,环境问题,大家应该多少都是知道一些的。题目要求说some,我们大概说两个就差不多了。每个环境问题,我们可以把它的起因,现状和影响都陈述一下,回答的内容一定会是很充分的。下面罗列一些常见的问题和对应的思路表达。 全球变暖:global warming/ temperature rise/ carb

18、on emission/ ice glaciers and caps melt/ sea level rise/ fishing industry/ residents living in coastal areas 空气污染:air pollution/ exhaust from cars and factories/ burning of fossil fuels 水污染:water/ ocean pollution/ chemical runoff/ untreated sewage 白色污染:white pollution/ plastic bags/ non-biodegradabl

19、e materials 水土流失:soil erosion/ soil fertility decrease 乱砍乱伐:deforestation/ unbalance ecosystem/ 下面也给大家一个范例回答: The most serious pollution that is widely discussed these days is global warming. With the increasing carbon emission and the loss of ozone layer, the global temperature is on the rise, whic

20、h makes the ice glaciers and caps melt and the sea level increase. Therefore, many coastal areas have been flooded and people living there become displaced. 2. Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle the problems? 我个人觉得,比较真实的回答应该是没有的。因为如果有的话,其实这些问题就不会存在了,或者得到很好的缓解。而

21、事实是,很多问题不但没有改善,而且还在恶化。那么,显然,政府做得还不够。I think governments have not done their best to deal with the environmental problems. 下面就说说为啥: 很多环境问题,比较宏观,影响面非常的广,根本没法一时半会解决,甚至根本不太可能解决。 Many environmental problems are affecting very large areas, so that they cannot by dealt with in a short time or be tackled by

22、 one country. 以中国为例,为什么我们关于一些污染治理不够?因为,社会经济的发展,很多时候,不可避免地会造成环境的破坏。比如我们这几年非常流行的雾霾的天气,其实就是工业高速发展的一个必定产物。当年伦敦也是一样的。所以,如果要做到绝对的杜绝污染,所有的排放物不能有一点的脏东西,那么,很多的产业就会收到严重的影响,经济会有庞大的打击。 Also, take China as an example, if we impose strict rules on reducing the emission and on forcing factories to release their wa

23、ste with no harmful material at all, many of the industries will be influenced. The local industry will be damaged. 比如汽车,如果全部环保,都用电动的,那么很多人都买不起汽车了,那么人们的出行,社会的基本效率的坚持,都会收到严重的影响。 If we want to control the air pollution in the cities and replace all the existing cars with the electricity cars, many of

24、the car users cannot afford buying cars and the productivity of the society will be reduced because they all have to take public transport instead. 法律制定的得不是很完善,有些问题没有被写到法律中去。 The current legal system is not perfect, many of the urgent issues have not be included in the law. 法律的处罚措施太轻,不能起到约束的作用。比如我乱扔

25、垃圾,通常是没有人回来阻止我,或者罚款的。及时罚款,可能就5块钱,10块钱。那么,下次,我可能还会扔垃圾。假设,扔垃圾一定会被捉到,每次罚款5千,我想我这辈子都不会再丢垃圾了。 The punishment of the laws is not strict enough to restrict people from violating laws. For example, if the factory emits some chemical waste, they may not be immediately fined or only a small amount of money wh

26、ich is comparable to their benefit they make. 相关环保法规的宣扬力度不够,或者我们都知道要绿色出行,要绿色生活的方式,但是,到底怎么绿色,用什么方法,其实我们并不知道,所以,政府应该多做一些宣扬片,或者学校里面增加相关的课程,去指导人们绿色环保。 There is limited publicity of the environmental regulations. We may have some basic idea of law carbon lifestyle, but we fail to live that way because we are not told about how to live environmental friendly or how to recycle and reuse all the waste materials. The authority should make more videos and booklets to tell people the detailed steps in becoming greener in life. 第 10 页 共 10 页

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