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1、外贸跟单员考试_实务操作试题及答案资料仅供参考 全国外贸跟单员培训认证考试外贸跟单操作实务试卷(A)(考试时间: 11月11日 下午2:004:00)题 号一二总分阅卷组长得 分一、出口跟单操作题(共80分)根据以下业务背景资料,回答第(一)(四)题的相关问题。 5月6日,江苏宏大进出口有限公司(JIANGSU HONGDA IMP.& EXP. CO.,LTD.)收到了丹麦客商(H.YOUNG CO.,LTD.)的采购单,5月20日丹麦客商对江苏宏大进出口有限公司提供的服装样板(Style no.926)提出了修改意见,请根据所给资料,回答以下问题:PURCHASE ORDER(P/O)SE

2、LLERSJIANGSU HONGDA IMP. & EXP. CO.,LTD.NO.HY 0506BUYERSH.YOUNG CO., LTD.DATEMay 06, MARKSDESCRIPTION OF GOODSQUANTITYUNIT PRICEAMOUNTStyle no.925 100% Cotton Blouse (EEC-7)Style no.926 95% Cotton 5% SpandexCulotte(裙裤)(EEC-6)2250PCS3750PCSFOB Shanghai (incl.quota)USD15.20/PCUSD14.20/PCUSD34200.00USD

3、53250.00TOTAL6000PCSUSD87450.00REMARKS1. Garments must be free from AZO, PCP and nickel.2. “YKY” zipper must be used in culotte.3. 5% more or less in quantity & amount are allowed.4. Packed in strong export carton and suitable for long distance ocean transportation.5. Fabric: 40s40s /120100 in style

4、 no. 925 and 40s40s +40D/13372 in style no.9266. The shrinkage of fabric must be below 2% in style no. 925 and below 3% in style no. 926.7. The colour fastness of fabric must be 34.TOTAL AMOUNTSay US Dollar eighty-seven thousand four hundred and fifty only.TRANSSHIPMENTo Allowed x ProhibitedPARTIAL

5、SHIPMENTSo Allowed x ProhibitedSHIPMENT DATE 40 days after L/CINSURANCE x by the buyers o by the sellersTERMS OF PAYMENTo The buyers shall pay 100% of the sales proceeds through sight draft/by T/T remittance to the sellers not later than .x The buyers shall issue an irrevocable L/C at sight through

6、Bank of China in favor of the sellers prior to May 30, indicating L/C shall be valid in China through negotiation within 15 days after the shipment effected, the L/C must mention the P/O no.o Documents against payment:The buyers shall duly make the payment against documentary draft made out to the b

7、uyers at sight by the sellers.o Documents against acceptance:The buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft made out to the buyers at days by the sellers.DOCUMENTS REQUIRED The sellers shall present the following documents required for negotiation/collection to the banks.x Full set of clean on b

8、oard ocean Bills of Lading.x Signed commercial invoice in THREE original and TWO copies. A certificate evidencing that the garments are neither of requirements for concentration limits for certain hazardous substances nor do they contain hazardous materials on the health of human population and envi

9、ronment is requested separately.x Packing list/weight memo in THREE copies.x Inspection certificate of quantity and quality in ONE original issued by SGS .o Insurance policy in copies.x Certificate of origin in ONE original issued by China Chamber of Commerce.SHIPPING ADVICE The sellers shall immedi

10、ately, upon the completion of the loading of the goods, advise the buyers of the contract no., names of commodity, loaded quantity, invoice values, gross weight, names of vessel and shipment date by E-MAIL / FAX.INSPECTION AND CLAIMS 1. The buyers shall have the qualities, specifications, quantities

11、 of the goods carefully inspected by the SGS Inspection Authority, which shall issue inspection certificate before shipment.2. The buyers have right to have the goods inspected by the local commodity inspection authority after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination if the goods are foun

12、d damaged/short/their specifications and quantities not in compliance with that specified in the contract, the buyers shall lodge claims against the sellers based on the inspection certificate issued by the commodity inspection authority within 60 days after the goods arrival at the destination.3. T

13、he claims, if any regarding to the quality of the goods, shall be lodged within 30 days after arrival of the goods at the destination, if any regarding to the quantities of the goods, shall be lodged within 7 days after arrival of the goods at the destination. The sellers shall not take any responsi

14、bility if any claims concerning the shipping goods is up to the responsibility of insurance company/transportation company/post office.FORCE MAJEURE The sellers shall not hold any responsibility for partial or total non-performance of this order due to Force Majeure. But the sellers advise the buyer

15、s on time of such occurrence.DISPUTES SETTLEMENT All disputes in connection with this order of the execution thereof shall be amicably settled through negotiation. In case no amicable settlement can be reached between the two parties, the case under dispute shall be submitted to arbitration, which s

16、hall be held in the country where the defendant resides, or in third country agreed by both parties. The decision of the arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. The arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party.LAW APPLICATION It will be governed by the law of the

17、 Peoples Republic of China under the circumstances that the order is signed or the goods while the disputes arising are in the Peoples Republic of China or the defendant is Chinese legal person, otherwise it is governed by Untied Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods.The

18、 terms in the order based on INCOTERMS of the International Chamber of Commerce.VERSIONS This order is made out in both Chinese and English of which version is equally effective. Conflicts between these two languages arising therefrom, if any, shall be subject to Chinese version.This order is in TWO

19、 copies, effective since being singed/sealed by both parties.Representative of the sellers: Authorized signatureRepresentative of the buyers:Authorized signature(一)审核采购单(共16分)1根据上述采购单,请把下列句子译成汉文:(每小题2分,共4分)(1)Garments must be free from AZO, PCP(注:五氯苯酚,是一种防腐剂和防霉剂)and nickel.(2)Packed in strong export

20、 carton and suitable for long distance ocean transportation.2根据上述采购单,出口商在制作商业发票时,除了显示发票的必要内容外,还要附加什么说明?(4分)3出口商提供由中国进出口商品检验检疫局签发的一般原产地证书是否符合采购单要求?为什么?(4分)4出货前的最终检验,必须经过什么检验机构进行检验并出具书面报告?检验的内容包括哪两个方面?(4分)(二)样品跟单(共19分)跟单员王平收到了外商对该公司样品的确认意见(具体见下表)。经过阅读,王平对其中的英文表述有些疑惑,请你帮助翻译。H.YOUNG CO.,LTD.APPROVAL SAM

21、PLE COMMENTSStyle nameCULOTTEColl03 Coll. 5, Fransa(81)Style no.926BrandFRWSupplierJIANGSU HONGDADate30.05.07Measurement/Size(cm)SampleDifferenceComments01 Waist width37.50+1Improve02 Hip-9cm down from top of waist44.00+0.5Improve03 Hip-19cm down from top of waist49.50+1Improve04 Bottom width70.0005

22、 Waist facing height8.5006 Total length c.b. from top waist59.00+3*Revised07 Total length off from top waist57.50+4*Revised08 Zipper length from top of waist18.002Improve09 Pocket face height insides13.001*Revised10 Pocket face width13.0011 Pocket height against cuff5.00General comments:( )=Measurem

23、ent is OK;(+)=Measurement is too big;()=Measurement is too small;(*)=Measurements marked are revised. Please (pls) follow the size specification(spec.)with the latest changed date.Approval Sample(smpl) Attention1. Pls compare approval smpl measurement with new revised measurement in size spec. All m

24、easurement must be adjusted according to new revised size spec.2. Pls send size set in size 3842 for re-approval by us before starting production.3. Packing:1 piece in polybag & flat, with G.W. no more than 10 kgs per carton, solid colour and solid size with style no.925, 1 piece in polybag & flat a

25、nd 8 pcs per carton,assorted colour and size with style no.926.4. Export carton must be strong. 5. Shipping mark must show H.YOUNG, style no., quantity, colour and carton no. Side mark must show gross weight, net weight,size of carton.6. Pls inform us by fax/mail of all inquiries regarding delivery

26、before shipment.Approval Sample Workmanship1Pls note that new length is 66cm.2Pleats (皱折) at back must be closed as on front.3Zipper must be original “YKY”.1“Approval sample”的汉文意思是什么?请说出跟单员在评估这类样品时,需要关注的五个方面内容。2在表格中,“Difference”和“Comments”栏目项下显示了“+”、“”和“*”符号,请说出其汉文含义。(6分)(1)“+”汉文含义: (2)“”汉文含义:(3)“*”

27、汉文含义: 3在表格中,还对装箱方法作了叙述,请将以下英文译成汉文。(6分)1 piece in polybag & flat, with G.W. no more than 10 kgs per carton,solid colour and solid size with style no.925,1 piece in polybag & flat and 8 pcs per carton,assorted colour and size with style no.926.(三)生产进度和质量跟单(共15分)1江苏宏大进出口有限公司将丹麦客商的订单委托苏州宏源制衣有限公司生产,跟单员王平

28、时间有限,不能长期驻厂跟单,你认为她至少应该分哪几个阶段进行检验?(2分)2在第一阶段的检验过程中,主要需进行哪二方面检验?(2分)3请写出订单对style no. 925面料的规格和技术指标要求。(5分)4跟单员王平必须在生产任务完成多少比例(成箱率)以上才能够做最后阶段的检验?(2分)5根据采购单要求,成品出口数量是否能够增加或减少?为什么?(2分)6假设苏州宏源制衣有限公司能够将订单中的926款提前完成,工厂希望能提前出运,请问江苏宏大进出口有限公司能否同意安排提前出运?为什么?(2分)(四)辅料跟单(共30分)跟单员王平在收到外商意见的同时,还收到采购单中规定的“YKY ZIPPER”

29、供应商联系地址和方法,请阅读以下所给有关“YKY ZIPPER”资料,计算并回答问题。DETAIL INFORMATION OF YKY ZIPPER ORDERING ADDRESSConnect Trimmings Ltd.6/F, Flat D, Linyin Bld., 123 Tung Chau St., Hong KongTel:0 Fax:0E-mail:BANK DETAILSBank: The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited No.1 Queens Road, Hong KongSWIFT Code:SBC

30、HKHHHKHAccount no.:599-8-65423PLEASE NOTE Delivery terms:EX WORKS It is imperative to put p/o number with H.YOUNG. It is imperative to put style number. It is Sellers responsibility to order zippers in time before production. Delivery time:Within 30 days after payment with order Transportation:We ca

31、n provide shipment as per destination. All zippers can be produced at a special request. This is to be settled in each individual case. Prices are not on the order formula, please ask for quotation.1跟单员王平必须购买什么品牌的拉链?拉链的价格术语是什么?从拉链生产商至江苏宏大进出口有限公司所在地的运杂费应该由谁承担?请从江苏宏大进出口有限公司角度分析可能存在的风险。(5分) 2在购买拉链时,必须注


33、州宏源制衣有限公司负责人王音茵要求出货时间 7月6日进仓地址 待通知(上海)落单时间 5月20日款号(女衬衫)925面料 全棉各尺码配比小计备注11111丹麦A超市颜色/尺码36#38#40#42#44#棕色2252252252252251125黑色2252252252252251125总计2250工艺准备 样衣、纸样工艺单等均见技术科资料。面料准备 6月10日以前进仓。辅料准备 配色钮扣、主唛、洗水唛、尺码唛、挂牌、拉链6月10日以前进仓(数量另告)。包装 按客户“Approval sample comments”中“Attention”第三点。 商检 在出货前5天完成,将“电子转单”传真至

34、我司单证部87023566王小姐收。 填单人:张三红 价 格 牌6如果925款的每件净重为400克,纸箱自重2千克,根据客户的要求,跟单员王平需要订购多少只纸箱?为了更好保护纸箱内衣服,需要在纸箱内的底部和上部各加一张单瓦楞衬板(俗称“天地盖”),则需要订购多少张单瓦楞衬板才能达到目的(不考虑损耗)?(8分)7根据以上所给的资料,请设计运输唛头。(5分) 正唛 侧唛得 分评卷人二、进口跟单操作题(共20分)根据以下业务背景资料,回答第(一)(二)题的相关问题。 12月10日,大连康维有限公司与德国KJU公司签订进口6000台电子测距仪的合同,每台单价为300欧元,FOB汉堡,支付方式为即期付款

35、信用证, 每月各装运500台。跟单员陈明经过查询,进口该产品需办理进口许可证和进口商检。(一)工作流程跟单(7分)请把下列右边圆框内各进口环节的英文代码,按步骤填入左边横线上。第一步第二步第三步第四步第五步第六步 A 银行开立L/C B 进口商办理报检手续 C 办理保险 D 进口商办理许可事项 E 进口商申请开立L/C F 进口商办理进口外汇核销 G 进口商办理报关手续第七步 (二)质量跟单(13分) 1月至4月的4批货都顺利收到并付汇。5月10日德国KJU公司第5批电子测距仪生产完毕,通知大连康维有限公司驻汉堡办事处的跟单员陈明进行装运前检验(第4批货在装运前检验时不合格)。订单的产品质量抽

36、检若使用GB2828,且MAJIOR(重大缺陷)和MINOR(次要缺陷)的AQL分别为0.65和2.5,检验水平(IL)为II(属于正常检验)。请回答以下问题:1假如对第5批生产完成的500台测距仪采用一次正常检查抽样方案,需要抽检多少台测距仪?请分别找出MAJIOR和MINOR的Ac、Re。(要求写出详细步骤)2如果实际抽检中MAJOR和MINOR的不合格产品数量为1台和4台,检验能否经过?为什么?3从第6批开始,跟单员陈明对德国KJU公司测距仪检验的严格度应作何调整?为什么?4在满足什么条件时,对德国KJU公司测距仪检验才能恢复正常检验?(请将答案写在第15页上。) 批量范围、检验水平与样

37、本量字码之间关系表GB2828一次正常检查抽样方案表 全国外贸跟单员培训认证考试草稿纸 外贸跟单操作实务试卷(A)答案一、出口跟单操作题(共80分)(一)审核采购单(共16分)1(1)衣服中不能含偶氮(1分),五氯苯酚和镍(1分)成分。 (2)用结实(0.5分)且适于远洋运输(0.5分)的出口纸箱(0.5分)包装(0.5分)。2要附加:“the garments are neither of requirements for concentration limits for certain hazardous substances nor do they contain hazardous m

38、aterials on the health of human population and environment is requested separately.”。(4分)3(1)不符合要求。(2分) (2)根据采购单,应由中国国际商会签发一般原产地证。(2分)4(1)由SGS出具书面报告。(2分) (2)检验内容包括商品的数量(1分)和质量(1分)。(二)样品跟单(共19分)1(1)确认样(2分) (2)需关注的五个方面的内容是:所选的材料是否与客户要求完全一致;(1分)样品各个部位的尺寸是否与客户的图纸完全一致;(1分)样品的颜色和包装是否与客户的要求完全一致;(1分)样品的数量是否

39、与客户的要求完全一致;(1分)本企业是否有留样。留样至少需保留一件,以便做日后生产大货订单的实物依据。(1分)2(1)“+”汉文含义:尺寸太大 (2分)(2)“”汉文含义:尺寸太小(2分)(3)“*”汉文含义:标注的尺寸已修改(2分)3关于款式号925的裙裤(0.5分),每件装一个塑料袋(0.5分),每箱毛重不能超过10千克(1分),齐色齐码(1分);关于款式号926的裙裤(0.5分),每件装一个塑料袋(0.5分),每箱装8件(1分),色码分装(1分)。(三)生产进度和质量跟单(共15分)1四个阶段:生产前检验(0.5分);生产初期检验(0.5分);生产中期检验(0.5分);生产尾期检验(0.

40、5分)。2(1)外购原材料的检验;(1分)(2)技术准备的检验。(1分)3面料的规格:经纱40支(0.5分),纬纱40支(0.5分),经纬密度分别为120和100;(1分) 技术指标要求:布料的缩水率小于2%(1.5分);色牢度在3和4之间(1.5分)。480%(2分)5(1)是(1分) (2)5%(1分)6(1)不同意(1分) (2)采购单规定不允许分批装运(1分)。(四)辅料跟单(共30分)1(1)YKY品牌(1分) (2)EX WORKS(1分) (3)江苏宏大进出口有限公司承担(1分) (4)若“YKY”拉练无法正常供应,将会影响如期交货(2分)。2(1)必须要注明采购单号码和H.YO

41、UNG(2分) (2)必须要注明款式号。(2分)37月2日(2分)46000(1-1%)(1分)=6061根(1分)52250(1-1%)(2分)=2273个(2分)6(1)每个纸箱的件数=(10-2)0.4(2分)=20件/箱(1分) 订购的纸箱数=225020=112.5(2分),即113箱(1分)(2)需订购1132=226张单瓦楞衬板(2分)7 正唛 (3分) 侧唛(2分)H.YOUNGstyle no.quantitycolourcarton no.gross weightnet weightsize of carton.二、进口跟单操作题(共20分)(一)工作流程跟单(7分)D(1

42、分)E(1分)A(1分)C(1分)B(1分)G(1分)F(1分)(二)质量跟单(13分)1按照下面步骤求出正常检验一次抽样方案。第一步:在批量范围、检验水平与样本量字码之间关系表中N500属于(281500)范围(1分),其所在的行与检验水平所在的列交叉格中的样本量代码为H(1分)。第二步,因为要求正常检验一次抽样方案,因此选用GB2828一次正常检查抽样方案表进行检索。(1分)第三步,在GB2828一次正常检查抽样方案表中,由代码H所在行向右,在样本量栏内读出n50。(1分)另外,由代码M所在行与规定的AQL值0.65%所在列的交叉格中,读出 Ac,Re 为 1/2 (1分);AQL值2.5%所在列的交叉格中,读出 Ac,Re 为 3, 4 (1分)。因此所求的正常检验一次抽样方案为:n50,MAJOR重大缺陷的Ac=0,Re=1(1分);MINOR次要缺陷的Ac=3,Re=4(1分)。其含义为从批量500台的交验产品中,随机抽取50台样本检验。如果发现这50台中有0台有重大缺陷和3台或3台以下有次要缺陷的不合格品,判为合格批(1分)。如

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