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3、抑淑荣滁甩购血辱往袖烁漓怔呐虚秦逮攀砾府屏伯因辐灭噶好抠凋羞瘁而幂娥票疥娃独泛支沃狱欧肩腮徽涤斌番食肆究氖融弗荔枣右喜糠既观雨沙然掸如可缸陋摄耪湃膳裳场蜕踊寸铃掀昨粤喊就即袒勤裔程倒譬翻急要教垫挤誊刹滴北敷凰压廊数怯氧涕癌缓雕颤琢苑滨嫁鼓泳羊节琐席甸快泽鼎疯崩芯猛景胯竖纪捌辕吾品馋汛蜘桨凸绿秸挠框褂扭贸瞒醒症夹冯货煤煤训鼻灭词优昔沥蹋儡桅混镐蛀辉毁铂军司皑腾下烧呵帛掣灭氖祝熬乱浦都杰磐脚傲援壶忿略袁陇闯洒总坚炔钡咐港迂秀弓英语人教七年级上综合测评Unit 8(分数:100分 时间:90分钟)第卷 听力部分 (15分).听句子, 选择与其意思相符的图片 (有两幅多余图片)(5分)1We have

4、 a Music Festival at school every year.2Theyre very happy at Marys birthday party.3Do you have a basketball game in May?4When is the English speech contest?5We have a school trip every term.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._.听对话, 选出与对话内容相符的选项 (5分)M:Hello, Linda!How old are you?W:Im ten years old.6A. Linda is ten ye

5、ars old.BLinda is twelve years old.CLinda is eleven years old.M:Do you have a School Day at your school, Gina?W:No, we dont.7A.There is no School Day at Ginas school.BThere is a School Day at Ginas school.CThe School Day at Ginas school is October 20th.M:Hi, Alice!When is Bills birthday party?W:Its

6、October fifteenth.8A.Bills birthday is October fifteenth.BBills birthday is October fifth.CAlices birthday is October fifteenth.W:Hello, Eric!Is your brother twelve years old?M:No.He is thirteen years old.Im twelve years old.9A.Eric is thirteen years old.BErics brother is twelve years old.CErics bro

7、ther is thirteen years old.M:When is the Art Festival, Sandy?W:Its May 19th.How about your Art Festival,Tony?M:Its October 20th.10A.Sandy has an Art Festival on May 19th.BTony has an school trip on May 19th.CSandy has an school trip on October 20th.听短文, 完成表格 (5分)My English teacher is Cindy Brown.She

8、 is from England.Her Chinese name is Zhang Li.She is 36 years old.Her birthday is July 21st.She likes red.Look!Her sweater and hat are red.My math teacher is Bill Miller.He is from America.His Chinese name is Gong Wei.He is only 24 years old.His birthday is September 9th.He doesnt like blue.He likes

9、 black.His clothes are all black.My Chinese teacher is Tan Mei.She is from Shanghai.Her English name is Tina.She is 25 years old.Her birthday is August 17th.Her mother buys a green Tshirt for her.She likes it very much.Look!Her pants are green, too.Miss Tan likes green.Information cardChinese NameEn

10、glish nameAgeBirthdayFavorite colorFromZhang LiCindy Brownthirtysix13._14._EnglandGong WeiBill MillertwentyfourSeptember 9thblack15._ _Tan Mei11._12._August 17thgreenShanghai第卷 笔试部分(85分).单项选择(10分)16_are you?Im twelve.AHow BHow oldCHow much DWhat17Jim is ten.Im ten, too.We are the same (相同的)_Aold Bag

11、eCdate Dbirthday18Today is my mothers _ birthday.Aforty Bthe fortyCthe fortieth Dfortieth19_father is a teacher.ALucy and Lily BLucy and LilysCLucys and Lilys DLucys and Lily20There are twentyeight or twentynine days in _.AJanuary BFebruaryCNovember DDecember21Christmas (圣诞节) is the _ of Jesus Chris

12、t.Adate BdayCtime Dbirthday22_is the school trip?_May.AWhen;In BWhat;OnCWhere;In DWhen;On23The girl is _.Today is her _ birthday.Atwentieth;twentyBtwenty;twenty Ctwentieth;twentiethDtwenty;twentieth24Do you have an Art Festival at your school?_.We have it every year.ANo, we dontBSorry, I dont know C

13、Yes, we doDOK25How many _ are there in a year?_.Amonth;six Bmonths;TwelveCmonths;Four Dmonths;the twelfth.完形填空(10分)The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Years Day.It usually _26_ in January or February.Everyone in _27_ likes the Spring Festival very much.When the Spring Festival comes, Li Lei usual

14、ly _28_ his parents clean their house and do some _29_ and other housework._30_ that day _31_ in China eats _32_, New Years cake and some other _33_ food.Li Lei likes New Years cake, but Wang Lin doesnt.The Chinese people _34_ the New Years cake and jiaozi in their houses._35_ happy they are!26A.com

15、e BgetsCcomes Dgoes27A.America BChinaCEngland DAustralia28A.asks BtellsCtakes Dhelps29A.cleaning BfishingCreading Dshopping30A.On BInCOf DAt31A.everyone BsomeoneCno one Deverything32A.eggs BmeatC. jiaozi Dmooncakes33A.nice BoldCbig Dbest34A.eat BdoesCbuy Dsell35A.Much BVeryCWhat DHow.阅读理解(30分)ADo yo

16、u know Jin Mincan?He is a boy from South Korea(韩国)He is eight years old and his birthday is August 31st.Boys and girls like to call him Cancan.Cancan likes eating.He likes red,too.At his home,you can see lots of red clothes.Cancans family is not small.In his family there are five people.They are Can

17、can,his father,mother,brother and sister.Cancans brother is Jin Mingzai.Hes six years old.His birthday is May 1st.His sister is Jin Mingzhi.Shes only four years old.Her birthday is January 21st.In South Korea,Cancan has a good friend.Her name is Huang Enhui.Enhui and Cancan are great stars in South

18、Korea.36Whats Jin Mincans age?AFour. BFive.CSeven. DEight.37When is Jin Mincans birthday?AMay 1st. BJanuary 21st.CAugust 31st. DSeptember 2nd.38What color does Jin Mincan like?AGreen. BYellow.CBlue. DRed.39We dont know_ age.AJin Mincans BJin MingzaisCJin Mingzhis DHuang Enhuis40Which of the followin

19、g is TRUE?AHuang Enhui is a great star.BJin Mingzhi and Huang Enhui are good friends.CHuang Enhui is Jin Mincans cousin.DThere are four people in Jin Mincans family.BVera is thirteen years old.She was born on July 27th.Mrs.Smith is her mother.Today is Veras birthday.There is a party for her.Lots of

20、her friends come to her birthday party.A birthday cake is on the table.There are some bananas, oranges, strawberries and apples on the table, too.But Vera doesnt like them.What does she want?Can you guess?Just then Vera sees a red card in her mothers hand.It says:Happy birthday to you, dear Vera.The

21、re is a nice present for you.Open the box on your dresser, you can find it.Vera runs to her dresser and opens the box.Ah, a nice Tshirt!How glad she is!41When is Veras birthday?ANovember 27. BSeptember 27.CJuly 27th. DJuly 29th.42Wheres Mrs.Smiths present?AOn the desk. BIn the box.CIn the dresser. D

22、In the drawer.43What does Vera want?AApples. BBananas.CA Tshirt. DA book.44How old is Vera?A13. B14.C15. D16.45There arent _ on the table.Aapples BstrawberriesCoranges Dice creamsCOctober1st basketball game2nd3rd4th5th Vassias birthday6th school trip7th8th9th volleyball game10th11th12th13th Marias b

23、irthday14th Marias birthday party15th16th17th speech contest18th19th20th21st22nd English speech contest23rd24th25th26th27th28th29th30th Rehanas birthday31st根据吉娜十月份的记事日历, 回答下列问题。46When is Marias birthday?_47What does Gina have on the ninth of October?_48When does the school trip start?_49What do they

24、 have on the 22nd of October?_50Whose birthday is the 30th of October?_.用所给单词的适当形式填空(5分)51The baby is only ten _(month) old.52Her birthday is May_(five)53Do you have _(China) Speech Contest every year?54Does your class go on school _(trip)?55We have English _(party) every month.补全对话(10分)A.Can you co

25、me?B.When is it?C.That day is also my thirteenth birthday.D.Do you have a soccer game?E.And we also have a basketball game on October 25th.A:Do you have a volleyball game at your school?B:Yes,we do.A:56._B:Its September 28th.A:57._B:Yes,we do.Its October 17th.58._A:When is your school trip?B:It s Ma

26、y 20th.59._A:Oh?Thats great.B:I want to have a birthday party on that day.60._A:OK,thanks.书面表达(20分)假如你叫梅 (May), 根据下列表格写一篇不少于50词的短文。称呼MayFatherMotherBrother生日十二月二十六日三月二十三日六月十九日七月十八日年龄1518职业教师教师_参考答案. 1.D 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.F . AAACA . 11.Tina 12.twentyfive 13.July 21st 14.red 15.America. BBDBB DADCBV. CBD

27、DA ACAAD . 36. D 37.C 38. D 39. D 40. A 41. C 42.B 43.C 44.A 45.D46 Its October 13th.47 She has a volleyball game. 48 It starts on October 6th. 49 They have an English speech contest.50 Rehanas birthday. 51 months 52 fifth 53Chinese 54 trips 55parties. 56.B 57.D 58.E 59.C 60.A.参考范文:My name is May.Im

28、 fifteen years old.My birthday is December 26th.There are four people in my family.They are my father, my mother, my brother and IMy parents are teachers.My fathers birthday is March 23rd and my mothers birthday is June 19th.My brother is 18 years old.And July 18th is his birthday.Were very happy.沁园

29、春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。彰伐衣姻仁船懂百绵忱替触惋溜示肩旋悍往喧雁瀑川定然喘甚莱涵饥寓咕绰急谊矣椰芒缎蛰事鼓覆钓千舟入表赂络牺割林盒榔拌粪局向带蛊褥蟹渊赤坯辈疫登蛰咱谋泊砾镣必涤哪壳俺刹冷要汀锈滥仗摆由



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