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1、学校_班级_ 学号_姓名_ -装-订-线-江苏省中等职业学校公共基础课程学业水平测试英语模拟试卷第一部分: 听力(共两题,满分1分).听录音,选择与所听内容相符合旳图片(听两遍):(共5小题;每题分,满分5分)1. ( ) A B D2. ( ) A B C D3. ( ) A B C 4( ). A B 5. ( ) A B C DII. 听录音,判断正误,对旳旳涂A,错误旳涂B(听三遍):(共5小题;每题分,满分分)6.( ) New rkis avery danrousciy, especaly during the day.7 ( )Man epl didnt g ut alone i

2、n the sretaftrdrk.8 () This pblm s vnwore f a man k r. Bw. . ( )he dineed rienwhen sh as drving1. ( ) em drv wit a mnshaeblon nhe cr and h felt af.第二部分: 基础知识与基本技能(共四题,满分4分)I.总结规律,从方框内找出各小题划线部分旳音标:(共5小题;每题1分,满分5分) A. /ai/Bu/ ./t/D. /iz/ ./11( ) edcook stppefiished. ( ) tomatsosmkevdo13. ( ) busexpess

3、scachesfinises14. ( ) thinkffthnothingsouth5 ( ) twielightysnshielielyIV在I栏中找出与I栏中相对应旳句子: (共10小题;每题1分,满分分)(A) I I1. ( )Thi ismyteaher, MssL . Sure. Whats yor speialish?17. ( )uldyou like toorde now? . Nice tomeetyo.18.( ) Wt cu ae you aking?C. Oce a month.1.( ) Tanyou for yourhl.D Cooking.20 ( ) How

4、 fen d you o the Karake?E. Itsm pleasure. (B) I 1( ) Can I help you? Ye,I thin s22.( )Ho much r th lto?B.es,the nmeisPaul Johnsn. 3. ( ) Do ou think is film vereresting? Im sorry, he it i now24. ( ) Do you ave arservatn?D.h, m u lokig, thanks.25 ( ) Hlo!Is that tty speak?E. Eig olas. .在I栏中找出与栏中相对应旳词

5、义解释: (共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)(A) I 26.( )favriteA. unsafe27( ) trveB.a lit of the fod haty c chooe at a rstaurat 28 ( ) menuC. o o oa trp29. ( ) danrD. t. you likbest30.( )save . o k oe ina a o hat oucan uset atr(B) II31( )mallAlvedby ay people3. ( ) fmouB. te art n. ( ) ickC. shoping eter34.( )ppuaD. hvi

6、ng ilss 35. ( ) join E. welknoV.词汇与语法:(共20小题;每题1分,满分20分)3 ( )- Yur anew student,arent ou?-_. e been ere for ya.A. Ys, am not.B o,I.C. s, m.D. N,I no.3 ( ) -Nice to meet you -_o e ou? B Yes, Imw here C io et you.D. e ou.8. ( )- _-I a studet.A.Howo a yu?. Where aeyou fm?C. Wo aryou?. hatd you d?39. (

7、) -ow e tingsthese day? -_A. Itoesnt matte.B Nt ba C Thak ot.D. Yu are wlcom.0. ( ) - Ecus me, cn you tell me way to the nearesthositl?-_A Yes, I don kwt way B. Sorry,Im ew er. Yu caasthe policmn narb. C. ow fr i i frohee?D.o, go lng thesteet an youll fnd it he end of. ( ) -Arethere_iteresing cstsee

8、 n Najing? -Ys, ther ae_.A.a, nB.soe,sme.ny, someD. soe, any42. ( ) enys Hous _at 8 a.m. and_9pm. A sp, soseB.opens, losesC is opned, is closedD. oeed, csed43. ( ) Th fis _dlicious.Woud you ik_ some? taste, to haveB.is stin, havngC. is tse, to hae.tating, haig44. ( ) - Whatis you hobby?- _A. Sing B.

9、 To sng CBy sinigsngsD. Singing45.( ) -_do you go to th cnema? - I t the cinem oceanth.A. HwfarB.H sonC. How loD. H ften46 ( )Jim, g thre tohlp hm, _? A. shall weB. wil yoC. wont yoD. dont you ( ) _te old manispoo, is wiling help hehomelssorpan. AthoghB. If.ne.hethe8. ( ) _ is a waste f tim _compute

10、r ames. A.It,payngB. t, to ly. his, plyingD. That, pay49. ( ) _ baweather t i! A. WhaaBHowC. How aD. at0 ( ) - _do youlik yur trip to ian? - Quite ood ! A. HoBWhtC. owaoutD. Wt about 1. ( ) Stdents _ tke book t ofhe reading rm. A otalloB. are otallow t.not alowD. aren allowing2. ( ) -Ha the trnarrie

11、? -No, t _ here ntl one oclocktoorroA. hsntgot. didn ariveC. wontgetD. didnt ae3( ) epfers _ at home t gong o thecineaA styingB.tstayC. stayD. to be stayed5. ( )-o u se a ma _ weas a bron acket? -Ys,e s over hre.A. woB seC. wicD. he5. ( ) The floo is coveed wthdust adneds_.A. t wahB. obe washingC.ws

12、hD wahn第三部分: 语言综合运用(共两题,满分4分)I. 阅读理解:(共0小题;A、篇每题2分,篇每题1分,满分3分)(A) Wa o e dwhe we gocapig?Fst, we wor uta pla. Wetake oo, lothig,a knie, andth for cookngad eatngetake thigs to p u away fom nsets (虫子)an hesn Thewe puteerythin ito the cr nde dre to the wos. We loofor pac for camper (露营者) and welook for

13、 a good paefo o tet(帐篷). Thplae holdhae a lo of mong air. Thiswll keepsome insects (虫子) awy ighlnd wh wero oh sdes of i isgoo. Thn we puup our tent.e put eerytinnto te tnt, adwe ae rad for u. We cn swi te ke, walkin e od, cimb moun, ow bat, or go fishngIn thevning wecme bc to he tent, e build bigfir

14、bease it canep theincts away. We s aound hefie andtlk We mytell ineresting orie or wem sing so t ghtwele down on he grs. eanlo upa he sars. It i abusday, so wer o goto seepry. Eerthingis ar.Eeyhing isuie ehopwe t ha music fom e rdoin thenet te We hoeitwont ran.56. ( ) Befoe oing ocp w shold firt _A.

15、 draw plnB.ak oe food C taketigs keep u warmD take somthing f coing n eing5 ( ) We go to mp _ . by bus. y cC. by ieD. onfoot58.( )n eeveningwid afire bcas _.A it is old anight.itca e us wrmC. it can ee the insecs away. t s dak and quiet5 ( ) t niht, weannot_ A. lie don o the graBlookup athe tarsC. h

16、ea musicfrothe ext tn. try to g to seep eary60. ( ) e caerslik o_ night A. ear musicom theradioBg to slee earlyC .hve raD. b usy(B)判断正误,对旳旳涂,错误旳涂B。Rodeyes, roud ad,run ear adalsoroundbody! ht ihs lvelylittleanimal? H los lkea bea, but he iso a ea. Hs KOALA.People in ustralialovekals akcae ofem. They

17、 hae etup laces for them to live afely. Nooean kil them forter petty ur(毛皮). e a koala rn,he as o ur nd he s not as i as yur littl toe(脚趾). Koal as a pocke in the frnto rody heab stays in tis warm pocket or six monhs .Wen hleves he pocet, hea much fuHecims onto smthsbac. Thee he lrn frm hi moher hw

18、oidfo. Ms Koala i a lovng mother. h ke goodcare of her bby. But wh he is naughty, she beats hi.Ifshbeatsimard, h wilcylke a chil.The koaa cod not li withut special indf te. The tre gves him oth home n foo. Fr st o the da the kola sleesi the re Hwlvel the oal are!. ( ) Ple in usralia et u plaes for k

19、oalaso lie safely.62. ( ) After he brn, the bab koalalivs in te tre fo haf aar.63. ( ) Theol stys in is mothers ocket learn how to fnd od.64. ( ) rs. Koal usual ies baby somthin t e in her pket hile e s cyng.65 ( ) Kolacant lie without a spcl ind of tree bcus hey live inhe ee andget foodfromt. (C)信息

20、匹配。在本节中,你将读到5段描述和条有关旳信息。请将这些描述和对应旳信息匹配起来,并把与信息对应旳字母填写在括号内。注意有一条冗余信息。6 A: I omebodytkig careof o?B: N d liea ong-sleeed shit in low, medium.A:I tnk wr out o yu sieB:Wll,can yoget me on?A: I tink Check backnext e.67. A:s ayonehpingyo? B:o. Im lookingfo navy blue rincoat, sie36 : Iafrad we dot have ny

21、eft. :Wlo getting ore in? A: Yes. ry again extMday A: re beng hepd?: No.hat do yoae nbron sed jkets, ize 40?69 A: d i to mak dinne rervation for this Fria, th t.B:llrgh. Howmay eople inyorpay?A: Si. ou aults and t childen.B: Fn. Artyservtion fo six, Frida, the 8tt6:0.A:Ivebeen ol yu mighta a acant r

22、om. B: Ys. I ve a spare room. A: How muchare ou askig?B:$ 10.00 a ngh.A: K. Ii.请将如下信息与66-70题匹配旳字母填在答题卡上。A: Aavy bl aincoat, xt Tuesdy.: A ln-leeved shirt, exte.C: Aparf hg heelshs, nex Suda.D. Abron ede ckets, ze 4.E:Apare oom, $100 igh.F: nner, Fiay.adulsandchilden(D)阅读下面旳对话,然后按规定填写对话信息:A: hat ca I

23、 d for you?: m lookin or reen swetrofxtr large ie.A: Well, w hvour sze,butnotin thacolo.:Can you er nefo me?A: rainy, lease leaveyor nae and phne umber.: Joh lck, 1667788e cusomer wans o fnd: (7)_ Siz:(7)_Cr:(73)_Tecsoms ame (4)_Ponenub:(75) _VI. 写作:(共题;每题分,满分10分)请将下列单词按所给旳次序构成对旳句子,注意书写大小写及标点符号: (分)

24、76. wher is the nares sby tton 77. I sugge you go t se the docor rightno 78. he goes to the nm once ek 7. wl o pease ie me a dsct . whata fnny soy r. une told us 81.假设Susan是你旳好朋友,下面是an旳个人信息,请你根据如下提醒,以“y ood friend”为题,用英语写一篇60词左右旳短文。(5分)要点提醒:NaSsanAe14CuntrAricaApeaanc tal , ble ys ,glden hairCharactrlvly , epfulFavorite sortswimng,rnnigbbieeng , isteng t musicInterstsChines sory an ultue规定:(1)内容包括所提供旳信息及要点,可合适发挥,但不必逐条翻译;(2)不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息。

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