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1、高中英语派生词归纳参照一般高中英语课程原则词汇表 一、根据提醒写出下列单词旳派生词序号词根nonad.a.on(指人)opote(反)1ableabiiyaleablvay vvaiusvaosl3admire vdmiraoadirable4agreeareemtdiagelikeaeunlke6amzaazntamzn / aazd7amseusetausig/ ausedagrngeragrly9anxusanxityanxiuly10aeraredisapear1apyaplcationaplicnt12aistssistaceassitant13ttatractonatactve14


3、eppthdeply30devotedevotiondevoe31dieriffeencediferntouraencourgedicouag3ducaeduatinducator3electrielectriciyletrial3moemploymen unempymenteployer empoye36certaicertailncertain37exactetly38faiairnesnfair39frtueorunatertatelyunornte0feefreeomfreely1ridriesipfeny42govergovernmengovern43grauategradation


5、nizer59painpaintingpainepaietpatiencpatietly61perfrmperforancforer62pesonpeolpersoly3photograhphoograpotograper64physicsphsiclphysicis5pleasreplease /easant6policslicalpolticia67pratieprcicepractical8pdceprdctonprodut (产品)9poperprpel7qufqualfictionqualfied71relrealiyealie / realie (v.)ealy72eceivece

6、ptiorceiver73relatereationrelati74truetuhtuly7sadsadnessadly76safesatysaey7atisf ssfactinsaiscory sisfe tsfying78scienescntfisciest79sarateseariosparated80evsrvcesrvant8typtypewritetyit82ltleneilenly83simplesimplifsimply4smsmke85ocalctysocialist6speakspeechspeakr8speialseciallyspeciait88ilingwilingn

7、essunwling8succeedsuccesssuccessulsuccesully90sudnsdny1sunsunhisun92tsteastytatele93acatoctiveactor actressstnstrengthsrengthenstrongl二、写出下列单词旳名词1.absnt- absece2. ccuae - accuy3 achiee - aciemnt. adjust - djumet. it - dmis6. affct - e7 avertis- dvertisement8 advis- avertisement. agen - ey0. nalye -a

8、is11.oloz - aploy1. aounc- annouemn1. appeciate - appcition14.agu - argmen15 rrange - rangemet6 rive - arrival17.se -asssmnt18 ssoiate - asocato1.asue- assutio20. bled- lod2bli -blidness22. build - builng2. celbrate -celebraio24.behave - ehvio25. child - hilhood26.ooe- hoce27.colct - cocion2. ommuca

9、e - communictin2. nlude - conlson30. ongratlae - coaultion31. onnct - conectio32.contrt- cnstrution33. contin cntaier4 ontibute - coibtion5conveniet -covenienc36 ecide - eision37. ecorate - ecoation38 defd- eendence39. ecrib- descriptio40. develop - descrtion41.difficult - ifcul4 daed - dability dis

10、ant - dita4. enter - entrance.equl- quality4 euip- eupment47 vent - eidne48. exame -xamintin49. exit - xisence50. expect - xpectaton1.exlin - explanan52 eres - expession53 gret- greeing4. grow- rowh5. fl - fiure6. eel -ig57. hngry - hnger58. age- iagnaton59. ill-ilnss60. imprn- importance61. impress

11、 - impessio62. independnt- depednce63 nform - informaion64 instut - truction65 itlgen -teligence66. ntroduc- inrouctio.nvite - invtation68. jude - udgeme9. laugh -uhr0. lo - loss71. mrry - marrie72.en -meaning3. i - mixture7.move - moeent75. occupy -occupton76. on -openin7. erate -operato8. pemit-er

12、misson9. lute - olluto8 pres- pssue81. pro - pri8. preare - preparationpronounce - prnuiation84 proc - protetion8 punish - punishmet8rrd - rcorder(机器)7 equre- requremen88.responib- eponiility8. rvie- rev90reere -reseration ecre - securit92. shave - shaver93.hop - shpin9. sick- sickness. sell - ellng

13、96.sarve- arvation9. sggest - sgstin8. survve -urial9. ense -tesion10. in -thogh101. tn - trinig102. teat-retment1volen -vlncelo4. warm - warmth105. weigh - weight106. wise - isdom10. yung -yoth18. know - knowg10. acrs - rss10. conin - confidece111. apoint - appointment11. lave- sary13. birh- birtla

14、ce /rtdy14oial - socials 115. wak -wakness116 sharp - shrpeer117. dark - darkness1. long -length三、写出下列单词旳形容词1. ene -etral. chleng - chllngin 3 chge - hanbl cngeful. cher - cerul5. loud - cloud6. da -daily7. angr - dagerous8. light - elighted9diturb - disturig10. dus -dusy11. east-eastern 12 wst - we

15、stern3. soh - sothern4ort - nrthern. enry - ene16 ejoy - enjoyale17end -enless18bar -nearale9. aiultre -riculul20 ce- facial2. fantsy - fasi2. fol - folis23. forget -forgtul4 old - oln2. halth - thy6. humor -humorous2lov - oely 8. stake - staken9. natre - aral30. noise - nosy31. pai - anfu32. pee -p

16、eacefu33 pson - posnous34 pwr -poe35. rce- rcia6. rin - iny37. rasn- reasbl38. rlgion - rlgious39.at- salty40. self - lfs41.kil-sild / skillfu42. sno - sowy3. sit- suiable44 technique- technicl45.rditio - rol46. roble - tblsome47thank-thkful4. unierse - uniersl.value - valuable50 ealh- ealh51.ek - w

17、ekly5. wid - ind53wol -wolenwor -woldwde55. beneft - beeicial6. leep -sleepy/ aslee四、写出下列单词旳动词1 ath - ah2. large-enlrge3. we -eakn4. shrp - spe5. dar- daken6. lon - lenghn五、写出下列单词旳动作执行者(或和本动作有关旳人)。1 ahitecur-arhiect2rt - artis3. atoy -asronoer4. bins - businessman5 cea - cleaner6. cime - criminl7. e

18、-dace8. esign- dsiger.ngi - ineer10.fm -fam11 freign - foregr2. hst - hstess1.hunt- une1.led-leder1. ne - noveist6. w- onr. pian - pianist 18. poem- pe19 poice - policman2.st-psman21. isn- prsoner22rule - ul23 ing - singe24strang - stangr25 ach- tacher 26.teena - tenger2. tavl- travlr2 vilge - villa

19、ge. vist - isio. wi - ner1.ok - oker32.ibrry - libraia33. wai - waitss34. rite - wrr3. repor - eporter六、根据派生词进行语法填空。(动词要亲密注意时态、语态、人称和非谓语动词)1 Mdamerie wil lwa bermemeredas the discoer (discover) of rium. Sheand er husbad ha one los f scientii (cience) research befre discvery (dovr)rim.2Toadison i ond

20、eed on fhe greatestinventors (nvent) intheisoryHe a ve 100 inventons (inven) all hs fe3 Einsein always lievdtoe ne of the reates siists (scinc)i te 20th(20) century. He make greatcontibutions(contbute) to oder scince andtecoog.4. I harLimingn run100 eters 11 econds hts l ubeievale (elv)5 Donthitate,

21、 Jon. o must make your on ecisin (decide) rig now. Cn yugive e desrpio (dscre) f lst bag,?Il call youifI findit7. My Egitechelways encorges (cuae) us o do spekin H ass sot o fel discouaged(coag) en i we sometes me mistae. He as astt should pay peial attenton to or pronciaio (pronounce)h sking (speak

22、) Englih.8.TheGret al is one the mo fmos tour ttractins (atract)inChina. attacts (atact) agre numbe forignrs (freign). I hae reee a invitaton (nite) ofLpigsedn yet. afrd I wtgo thweddngulessinvid (in).1. h once wasa ge ucss (suceed) The sngers wr singing batll (bauty),and all he msicn (muc) we doing

23、sccessful (cce)1.Te ijued psgerswresentt th hopitmmditly.But unftatey (fotune), soe of hmlt herliveso te way t the hspial. All he ople hk hat thecrs (car) drirha hea responsbiliy (resnible) h acient.12. Mayfishhve die frmpoltio (olute) a mn bird havee from plluted (pollut)ai. a govrnmenofficil(ffc)s

24、a ht w should ae ses to preven the envionmet (from)bengpllutd (ollt).3.Weall tae pride (prod)in thefct tat Chinh entedth rddeOniation (organize). T means we ca buy heaerorig poducts (odue)in the neauture.14. The crminl (crme) is n prson Yu ant se him itoutth permision (prit) f hpolice1Pesonal (perso

25、n) peking, wt the phsici(physics) ad at te coneence as nouragi16. What youdid st owmade o ference (differ). Mani hor of natura(natue) resorce ow. hey elyrireprotecting o be prected (rotect).18. Notnl shoud tak poitely (polit) but ls shold pay attentionto our faca(face) expression we cmucatng(cmunica

26、t) wthhr.19The famous writer(ie)is goda wting(wite) eectestoe.He hswitn (wrt) vr 100dtctive stories sin hebg towrie in 995 Thedetcive ores wrtten (write)bhm are por all oveth world.20. Oh, the oas chiken really stes (taste)elcos! haeneveraen suh taty (tast) dis21.I think e sou stengn (srog)he ommuni

27、caon betweenteacrsand stuent.2. rti Lutr is considered n fthe reaest ekers (peak) in the 20thetuy The spec (sp) he de on cil rightswil alas be remmberebypple loverte ord.3. ike got arrie (mary) la week e eci to ive with hs prents after arrage (rr).2Wean find lt of ifoation (inform)by surfg the ntrne

28、t.5.tisillegl (lega) todrvewitut drivingpermit hoverdveswithoa driing ermtmstbeunished (pnish)sverel.2. Lok! Te managersare havig a htdisusio (discuss). T roblem being disssed (cs) must be ryimportant.27. It was when he was seulyill tht e relize the importace(imortant) o health Infat, vrybody mst be

29、 aar tha health ithe mot importnt (impotan) f person28. Th prisoer (prson) has been in prisof yers Hw helongs r freedm(fre).29. At fist, thAmeics wre aily fromEuropan(Euroe) cuntri Later, mre nd moe sian (Asia) oplemigrated to heland.30Presr Sith,one ofthe fmous educats (ecat), nce d, “e mu hav a go

30、od eduati(ducate). An educated (educate) erson cn usual have beter job an fstyle.”3.hiventon o lectricity (electrc)iealybenficia (beefit)to huan32.et e isa ecllen actor (at).Hsife, Lichi, i alo fus acres (c). Ty have bot a rea achevments (achiee) nd ontribuion (otribute) filnduy.33. Liu Ju is god ad

31、gEglih eams, b e is unable (able) osea Enis l. In fct,we hies tudts shuld dmoe sekng to imrovour speking ability (be).4. T wm is watin forr usan wih axiety(axis).35Te sprising(prse) newsmade allofs ud (spise).36. gcites ually av any usemts (mse). I fac, thee e many auing (aue)actitieand epcan feeamed (amuse)wen joning inhsactivities.3.The compnhu several job adveriseen (advrtie) in esppelokingfr mostrcti deigers (dsig)38 e manaerof the company is a nn-smoker (smoke), ohe doesn

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