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1、Unit 2Unit 21.打扫城市公园打扫城市公园2.2.外出工作外出工作3.3.使他们振奋使他们振奋4.4.看望医院里生病的孩子看望医院里生病的孩子5.5.分发食物分发食物6.6.在食物救济站在食物救济站7.7.自愿参加课外学习项目自愿参加课外学习项目8.8.为了教孩子为了教孩子 1.clean up the city parksP92.work outside3.cheer them up4.visit the sick kids in the hospital5.give out food6.at the food bank7.volunteer in an after-school

2、studyprogram8.to teach kids1.help:help sb(to)do sth 帮助做某事 help sb out 帮某人摆脱困境 help out with 帮助 cant help doing sth 禁不住2.volunteer to do sth志愿做某事3.give out=hand out 分发P101.清洁日清洁日2.2.提出一个计划提出一个计划3.3.离现在仅两周离现在仅两周4.4.推迟制订计划推迟制订计划5.5.张贴标语张贴标语6.6.把它们分发把它们分发7.7.打电话;召集打电话;召集8.8.在养老院在养老院9.9.给老人读报纸给老人读报纸10.10

3、.讲关于过去的故事讲关于过去的故事11.11.感到孤独感到孤独12.12.关心关心 1.Clean-Up De up with a plan3.only two weeks from now4.put off making a plan5.put up signs6.hand them out7.call up8.in an old peoples home9.read the newspaper to(for)the old people10.tell stories about the past11.feel lonely/be lonely12.care for/look after/t

4、ake care of1.need情态动词时多用于否定句实意动词时need to do 需要做.2.used to do过去常常做某事be used to doing习惯于做某事(标志词nowbe used to do 被用于.3.live alone 独自居住4.ask sb(not)to do 要求某人做某事5.make plans to do=plan to do 计划做某事P111.1.每周几个小时每周几个小时2.2.放弃放弃3.3.想成为动物医生想成为动物医生4.4.在动物医院在动物医院5.5.得到未来理想工作得到未来理想工作6.6.了解了解7.7.怎样关心动物怎样关心动物8.8.强

5、烈的满足感强烈的满足感9.9.喜悦的表情喜悦的表情10.10.在在.岁岁11.11.试用、参加试用、参加.选拔选拔12.12.坐在图书馆坐在图书馆13.13.经历一次不同的旅行经历一次不同的旅行14.14.同时同时1.several hours each week2.give upgive up doing sth 放弃做.3.want to be an animal doctor4.at an animal hospital5.get a future dream job6.learn aboutlearn to do sth 学着做.7.how to care for animals疑问词

6、+不定式 结构8.a strong feeling of satisfaction9.the look of joy10.at the age of=when+主语主语+be+数字数字years old 11.try out fortry(not)to do努力做 try doing尝试做try ones best to do12.sit in the library13.go on a different journey14.at the same time 15.做我喜欢做的做我喜欢做的 do what I love to dosuch a/an+adj+可名单so adj+a/an+可名

7、单1.1.忙于做忙于做.2.2.至少至少3.3.担忧担忧4.4.考虑他们所能做的去考虑他们所能做的去帮助他人帮助他人5.5.做某事的好方法做某事的好方法6.6.为为.筹钱筹钱7.7.停止做、停止去做停止做、停止去做8.8.独自旅行独自旅行9.9.用完用完10.10.像像11.11.捐赠捐赠12.12.修理,安排修理,安排P12,131.be busy with2.at least3.be worried about=worry about4.think about what they can do to help others5.a good way to do6.raise money fo

8、r7.stop doing/stop to do8.travel alone9.run out of(主语是人主语是人)/run out(主语为物主语为物)/use up10.take after/look like/be like/be similar to11.give away12.fix up1.1.因因.而感谢而感谢/多亏多亏2.2.被建立被建立3.3.像我一样的残疾人像我一样的残疾人4.4.使某人做某事成为可能使某人做某事成为可能5.5.对对.产生影响产生影响6.6.做做.有困难有困难7.7.像打电话正常的事情像打电话正常的事情8.8.我的一个朋友我的一个朋友9.9.一条经过特殊训

9、练的狗一条经过特殊训练的狗10.10.能够做能够做.11.11.拥有它感到很幸运拥有它感到很幸运12.12.向你展示它怎样帮我向你展示它怎样帮我13.13.寄给寄给14.14.成为一名导游成为一名导游P14、151.thank you for doing/thanks to2.be set up3.disabled people like me4.make it possible for sb to do sth5.make a difference to sth6.have difficulty/problem/trouble doing sth7.normal things like an

10、swering the telephone8.a friend of mine9.a special trained dog10.be able to do11.feel lucky to have it12.show you how it helps me13.send.to.14.be a guideIts adj for sb to doshow sb sth=show sth to sb/show around 参观Unit 1Unit 11.1.怎么了?怎么了?2.2.病症病症3.3.太多、太太多、太4.4.躺下并休息躺下并休息5.5.喝有蜂蜜的热茶喝有蜂蜜的热茶6.6.往上面敷药往

11、上面敷药7.7.感觉很热感觉很热8.8.我应该做什么我应该做什么9.9.看牙医、看医生看牙医、看医生10.10.以相同的姿势长时间久以相同的姿势长时间久坐不动坐不动11.11.需要远离电脑休息需要远离电脑休息1.Whats the matter?/Whats the trouble?/Whats wrong?2.have/has+a+病症:病症:have a fever/have a sore throat3.too much/too many/much too4.lie down and rest5.drink hot tea with honey6.put some medicine on

12、 it7.feel very hot8.What should I do?9.see a dentist/go to a doctor10.sit in the same way for too longwithout moving11.need to take breaks away from the computershould+动词原形 应该should not=shouldntP1、21.1.沿着中华路走沿着中华路走2.2.看见看见/听见听见.正在正在/做了做了.3.3.呼救呼救4.4.慎重考虑慎重考虑5.5.上、下车上、下车6.6.期待做期待做.7.7.等待某人做等待某人做.8.8.

13、使吃惊的是使吃惊的是9.9.及时、准时及时、准时10.10.陷入麻烦陷入麻烦11.11.立刻,马上立刻,马上12.12.同意做同意做././在在.达成一致达成一致13.13.量体温量体温14.14.伤到自己伤到自己1.go along Zhonghua Road2.see/hear sb doing(标志词标志词pass by)see/hear sb do(标志词标志词often)3.shout for help4.think twice5.get on/get off6.expect to do7.wait for sb to do sth8.to ones surprise /be sur

14、prised9.in time/on time10.get into trouble/be in trouble11.right away/at once12.agree to do/agree on13.take ones temperature14.hurt oneself反身代词myself/yourself/himself/herself/ourselves/themselves/yourselveshurt/teach/enjoy/cut/by+oneselfP3.41.1.生病,不舒服生病,不舒服2.2.把头低下把头低下3.3.按住鼻子的一边按住鼻子的一边4.4.缠上绷带缠上绷带5

15、.5.跌倒跌倒6.6.呼吸困难呼吸困难7.7.晒伤晒伤8.8.失去、拯救生命失去、拯救生命9.9.发现做某事发现做某事.10.10.准备好做准备好做.11.11.做好决定的重要性做好决定的重要性12.12.坚持爬山坚持爬山13.13.受控制受控制14.14.介意做介意做.1.feel sick/be sick(病人病人sick people/patient)2.put the head down3.press the side of the nose4.put the bandage on it5.fall down6.have problems breathing7.get sunburned8.lose/save ones life9.find it+adj+to do sth10.be ready to do11.the importance of making a good decision12.keep on climbing moutains13.be in control of14.mind doing sthP5.6.7

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