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1、自考商务英语复习资料资料仅供参考Lesson l International Business1. certificate of deposit 大额存单 2. management contract 管理合同3.turnkey project “交钥匙”工程 4. copyright 版权 5 maturity 到期日 6.价值链 value chain 7承包生产 contract manufacturing 8特许经营者franchisee 9国内生产总值 gross domestic product 10.商标 trademarkLesson 2 Income Level and th

2、e World Market1 GNP 国民生产总值 2Consumerism 消费主义 3 . factors of production 生产要素 4. purchasing power 购买力 5PPP 购买力平价 6.个市场的收人分布状况 6. income distribution of a market 7人均国内生产总值 per capita GDP 8经济合作与发展组织 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 9四方组合 Quad 10.大路货 staple goodsLesson 3 Regional Eco

3、nomic Integration1. political entity 政治实体 2.OPEC 石油输出国组织 3. settlement 结算 4. council of ministers 部长理事会 5 territory economies 区域性经济体 6.行政(执行)机构 executive body 7欧元 euro 8欧盟委员会 European Commission 9签字国,签字人 signatory 10.关税税率tariff ratesLesson 4 Economic Globalization1. economic globalization 经济全球化 2. t

4、echnical improvements技术进步 3Inputs投入 4.headquarters总部 5.parent company 母公司6子公司 affiliate 7日常管理 day-to-day running 8国际经济环境international economic environment 9跨国公司(企业) multinational corporation ( enterprise ) 10.职权 jurisdictionLesson 5 International Trade (I)1. international trade 国际贸易 2. the theory of

5、 absolute advantage绝对利益理论 3. capital.land and labor 资本、土地和劳动力 4. with respect to关于 5 appeal吸引力 6国际生产专门化international specialization 7劳务 services 9比较利益 comparative advantageLesson 6 International Trade (II)1. reasonable costs合理的成本 2. inland water vessels内河船只 3. cargo compartment货仓 4.tariffs 关税 5 cust

6、oms union 关税同盟 6数量限制 quantitative restrictions 7外汇收入 foreign exchange earnings 8.配额 quota 9关税减让 tariff concessions 10.移民汇款immigrant remittanceLesson 7 Incoterms 1 EDI 电子数据交换 2.Ex Work 工厂交货 3Free Carrier货交承运人 4CIF 成本、保险费加运费5 negotiable 可转让的,可流通的 6贸易术语trade terms 7装运港船上交货 FOB( Free on Board) 8目的地,终点 d

7、estination 9无关税区 customs-free zones 10.商业发票 commercial invoicesLesson 8 The Business Contract1. offeree 收盘人 2. sales confirmation销售确认书 3. binding obligations 约束性责任 4. cotton piece goods棉布 5 trunk call 长途电话 6报价 quotation 7.仲裁 arbitration 8寄售合同 consignment contract 9.购货合同9 purchase contract 10.书面谈判10.

8、 written negotiationLesson 9 Modes of Trade1. buyback 回购交易 2. foreign exchange 外汇 3. auction拍卖 4Creditor债权人 5. Volkswagen众汽车公司 6.贸易方式modes of trade 7.反向购买,互购 counter purchase 8.跨国界合同cross-border contract 9代理 agency 10.补偿贸易compensation tradeLesson 10 International Payment 1. open account记账交易 2. drawe

9、r出票人 3. D/P at sight即期付款交单 4.documentary draft跟单汇票 5. consigment transaction寄售交易 6外汇管制foreign exchange control 7远期付款交单 D/P aft.er sight 8受款人 payee 9.汇率波动exchange rate fluctuations 10.光票clean draftLesson 11The Letter of Credit(ll)1 amendment修改 2 negotiating bank 议付行 3. credit worthiness资信 4.carrying

10、vessel运载船只 5. legal action法律行动6单价 unit price 7转船 transshipment 8信用证 letter of credit 9申请人 applicant 10.保兑行 confirming bank Lesson 12 The Letter of Credit (lI)1. double assurance双重保障 2. deferred payment推迟付款 3.mechanism机制 4. the maturity of the draft 汇票到期 5 clean credit 光票信用证 6无汇票信用证 non-draft credit

11、7不可链讣信用证 non-transferable credit 8远期信用证 usance credit 9贴现 discount 10.资金周转 capital turnoverLesson 13 Major Documents Required in World Trade1. take delivery of提货 2. port of shipment起运港,发货港 3 notify party被通知人 4 packing list 装箱单 5 weight list重量单 6货运收据 cargo receipt 7.收货人 consignee 8承运人 carrier 9单据docu

12、ments 10.合法持有人 legal holderLesson 14 International Transportation1. in a broad sense从广义上讲 2. per-unit每一单位 3. private carrier自有承运人 4. logistics物流 5. cost economies 节约成本(成本节约) 6.契约承运人contract carrier 7货物运输freight transportation 8库存,存货 inventory 9生产率 productivity 10.产品自然领域natural product provincesLesso

13、n 15 Insurance (l)1. Insured被保险人,保户,投保人 2. handmaiden起服务(或辅助)作用的事物 3. jeopardy危险,风险 4. multi- modal transportation多种方式的运输 5.known premium已知的保险费 6承保人 insurer 7保证 margin 8顾客 client 9共同款项 pool 10.海上保险marine insuranceLesson 16 Insurance (ll)1. forwarding charges远期费用 2. free from particular average平安险 3.

14、 all risks一切险 4Pro rata按比例 5 terms of sale 价格条件 6水渍险with particular average 7导致损失的直接原因 proximate cause of the loss 8分摊 contribution 9可保权益 insurable interest 10.最大诚信utmost good faithLesson 17 The International Monetary System and Exchange Rate1. the international monetary system国际货币体系 2. direct quote

15、直接标价 3- flexible exchange rate浮动汇率 4. gold standard金本位制 5. special drawing right特别提款权 6买入价 buying rate 7利率 interest rate 8.卖出价buying rate 9通货膨胀 inflation 10.国际收支平衡 international balance of paymentLesson 18 International Financial Organizations1 hard loans硬贷款 2 voting power 投票权 3. development strateg

16、y发展策略 4. telecommunications电信 5 . population-planning人口计划 6.私营经济 private sector 7借款权 borrowing power 8优惠期 grace period 9储备份额 reserve tranche 10.股权投资equity investmentLesson 19 Foreign Direct Investment1 integrated company 综合公司 2 supply factors供给方面的因素 3. distribution networks销售网 4. start from scratch白

17、手起家 5 after-sale service售后服务 6投资政策 investment policies 7外国直接投资foreign direct investment 8并购 acquisition 9贸易壁垒trade barriers 10.营销优势marketing advantage Lesson 20 The International Stock Exchange1 investor 投资者 2Jobber股票买卖经纪人 3indices 指数 4.Equities普通股 5- market maker证券交易商 6套期保值 hedge 7事业机构投资商 instituti

18、onal investors 8所得税income tax 9长期资本long-term capital 10.证券交易所 stock exchange Lesson 21 The World Trade Organization and China1. non-discriminate 非歧视的 2. GATT关贸总协定 3 verdict裁决,判决 4. standard of living生活水平 5 enforcement power 执行权 6最惠国条款 most-favored nation clause 7贸易保护措施 protectionist measures 8.敏感产业

19、sensitive industries 9贸易赤字 trade deficit 10.充分就业 full employment Lesson 22 The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development1. preference优先权2. territory领土,领地 3. transfer of technology技术转让 4. industrialization process工业化进程 5. international monetary system 国际货币体系 6联合国大会 United Nations General Ass

20、embly 7行动纲领 action program 8.殖民地 colony 9机构organ 10.豁免条款 escape clause全真模拟演练(一)1 correspondent bank 往来行,关系行 2 tax holiday免税期 3 gold tranche黄金份韧 4 hyperinflation极度通货膨胀 5 negotiable transport document可转让装运单据 6 bill of exchange汇票 7 grace period优惠期,宽限期 8. preferential customs tariffs特惠税 9 dirty float肮脏浮

21、动 10. endowment of nature自然的赋予 11.关税减让tariff concession 12.从量税specific duties 13.贴现率 discount rate 14.反补贴措施 counter-veiling measures 15 .空运收据airway bill 16.差别待遇differential treatment 17.非关税壁垒non-tariff barrier 18.装船通知shipping advice 19.补偿贸易compensation trade 20.借款权 borrowing power全真模拟演练(二)1 common m

22、arket共同市场 2. certificate of origin产地证书 3 business line业务范围 4. investment returns投资回报 5 idle funds游资 6. cash in advance 预付现金 7.title to the goods货物所有权 8 direct quote直接标价 9 trade terms贸易术语 10. firm offer实盘 11.分阶段付款periodic payments 12.价格条款 price terms 13.跟单托收 documentary collection 14.实际头寸net position

23、s 15.大路货staple goods 16.结关customs clearance 17.唛头shipping marks 18.风险转移risk transfer 19.竞争性贬值 competitive devaluation 20.起运港 port of shipmentLesson l International Business1 国际贸易和国内贸易在法制体系、货币、文化背景和自然条件与经济条件方面都有所不同。L.International business and domestic business are quite different in legal systems,cu

24、rrency, cultural background and natural and economic conditions.2. 随着经济全球化的发展,无形贸易即使在发展中国家的国际贸易中所占的比例也逐渐增大。2. With the development of economic globalization,invisible trade accounts for an increasing proportion of the world trade even in the developing countries.3 BOT是“交钥匙”工程的一种流行的变通形式。3. BOT is a p

25、opular variant of the turnkey project.4. 国际许可即一家公司允许国外的公司使用它的知识产权。这种知识产权能够是商标、吊牌、专利、版权或技术。4. In international licensing,a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country. Such intellectual property may be trademarks,brand names,patents,copyrights or tech- nology.5

26、. 国际商务比国内商务涉及的因素更多,因而更加复杂。5. International business involves more factors and thus is more complicated than domestic business.Lesson 2 Income Level and the World MarketThat the income gap between high-income and low-income countries has grown wider is a matter for concern. And the number of the worl

27、ds citizens in abject poverty is deeply disturbing. But it is wrong to jump to the conclusion that globalization has caused the divergence,or that nothing can be done to improve the situation. To the contrary:low-income countries have not been able to integrate with the global economy as quickly as

28、others,partly because of their chosen policies and partly because of factors out of their control.高收入国家和低收入国家之间收入差距的拉大值得关注,处于赤贫中的人口数量也让人焦虑,但因此就得出结论认为是全球化导致了这一差异或认为人类对此无能为力却是错误的。正相反,低收人国家之因此不能像其它国家那样迅速与全球经济融合,部分是由于这些国家的政策所玫,另一部分是由于一些不可控因素所致。1 国民生产总值和国内生产总值体现了一个国家的全部收入,在衡量国民收入方面能够互換使用。1. GNP and GDP i

29、ndicate a countrys total income. They can be used interchangeably to measure the level of its national income.2. 商界人士非常关心一个市场的收入分布状况,因为如果在低收入国家她们就要以生产价格低廉的大路货为主。2. Business people are concerned about the income distribution of a market,because they have to major in producing lower-priced staple good

30、s if it is in a lower-income country.3 我们应当对那些有很好的前景的潜在市场给予特别关注。3. We should pay special attention to those promising,potential markets.4 GNP与GDP的区别在于:前者强调的是生产要素的所有权,而后者着眼于进行生产的地方。4. The difference between GNP and GDP is that the former focuses on ownership of the factors of production while the lat

31、ter concentrates on the place where production takes place.5要评估一国的市场潜力,人们往往会分析其人均收入。5. In assessing the potential of a country as a market,people often look at per capita income.Lesson 3 Regional Economic Integration1 欧盟是一个机构齐全的实体,其历史可追溯到1952年。1. The European Union is a full-fledged entity.Its histo

32、ry dates back to 1952.2 共同市场具有使商品、服务、劳动力甚至资本、技术在成员国之间自由流通的特点。2. The common market is characterized by the free flow of capital and technology besides goods, services and labors.3各国推行自由贸易就是为了更好地享受地区经济一体化带来的益处。3. Countries liberalize trade in order to better enjoy the benefit of regional economic inte

33、gration.Lesson 4 Economic Globalization1 经济全球化为世界经济发展提供了新的动力和机会,同时也使各经济体更加相互依赖、相互影响。1. Economic globalization is giving new impetus and opportunities to world economic development and meanwhile making the various economies more and more interdependent and interactive.2 经济全球化使得各经济体更容易受到全球各地不利事件的伤害。2.

34、 Economic globalization is making the various economies more vulnerable to the adverse events across the globe.3 安全对任何一个跨国企业而言都极为重要,因为没有安全,跨国企业组织的生存便无法保证。3. Security is extremely important to any MNE because without it,an MNEs s survival can never be assured.4广阔的地域分布使跨国企业在资源和定价的决策上有了很大的选择范围。4. Wide

35、geographical spread of MNEs enables them to have a wide range of options in terms decisions in areas such as sourcing and pricing.Lesson 5 International Trade (I)1. 比较利益理论已成为现代国际贸易思想的基石。1. The theory of comparative advantage has become the cornerstone of modern thinking on inter-national trade.2 实际上

36、,某一个国家生产任何商品都不具有绝对优势的情况并不罕见。2. In reality,it is not rare that one country has no absolute advantage in any commoditY.3 利用比较利益进行贸易能够在各国间提高效益。3. Trade to exploit comparative advantage promotes efficiency among countries.lesson 6 International Trade ()1 关税壁垒是限制贸易最常见的形式。1. Tariff barriers are the most c

37、ommon form of trade restriction.2.有些在很大程度上依赖旅游业赚取外汇的国家,正在积极努力发展它们的旅游业。2.Some countries depending heavily on tourism for their foreign exchange earnings are making great efforts to develop their tourism. 3 进口税是对入境商品所征的税,而出口税是对离境商品所征的税。3.Import duties are tariffs levied on goods entering an area while

38、 export duties are taxes levied on goods leaving an area.4配额或者说数量限制是最常见的非关税壁垒。4. Quotas or quantitative restrictions are the most common form of non-tariff barriers.5 现实中各国所进行的贸易是多种多样的,也是复杂的,经常是有形贸易和无形贸的混合。5. In reality,the kinds of trade nations engage in are varied and complex,often a mixture of v

39、isible and invisible trade.Lesson 7 lncoterms 1 从事国际贸易有经验的进出口商都了解货物可能发生的危险:火灾、风暴、碰撞等。1. Experienced exporters and importers engaged in international trade are all aware of the possi-ble risks to the cargo: fire, storm, collision, etc.2. 对国际贸易术语解释通则的修改考虑了无关税区的发展,商务活动中电子遁使用的增加,以及运输方式的变化。2. The revisio

40、n of Incoterms took account of the spread of customs-free zones,the increased use of electronic communication,and the changes m transport practices.3买卖双方在制定合同时,如果有理解一致的具体规则可供参照,她们就肯定能简单、可靠地确定各自的责任。3. If, when drawing up their contract, buyer and seller have some commonly understood rules to specific

41、ally refer to, they can be sure of defining their respective responsibilities simply and safely.Lesson 8 The Business ContractThe economy of the world has grown beyond the boundaries of countries. Banks play a central role in regulating and encouraging trade between nations. A great deal of internat

42、ional trade is done on trust or rather,it would be more accurate to say that the trust of the parties involved is placed in the banking system. Some international banks have grown huge,offering their services even in remote corners of the world. There is hardly a person in the world today ,no matter

43、 where he lives,who is not affected directly or indirectly by banking. And if he stops to think,most of its effects are beneficial.世界经济的发展已超出了国界。银行在调节和促进国际贸易中起着核心作用。大量的国际贸易是靠相互信任完成的,或更确切地说,参与双方的相互信任建立在银行系统之上。有些国际银行规模发展得很大,甚至在世界的边远地区也提供其服务。在今天的世界上,几乎任何人,不论她住在哪儿,都会直接或间接地受到银行的影响。如果她稍微想一下,便会感到其大部分影响都是有益

44、的。1. 我们在期待着你方对我们的询盘做出答复。1. We are expecting your reply to our inquiry.2. 卖方改变了主意,不愿报盘。2.The seller has changed his mind and refused to make an offer.3一般来说,买卖双方要签署书面合同作为达成协议的凭证和执行该协议的基础。3.A written contract is generally signed by the seller and the buyer as the proof of the agree- ment and as the bas

45、is for its execution.4 有效期对于实盘是不可缺少的。在规定期限届满之前,或在被对方接受或拒绝之前,发盘一直是有效的。4. The validity period is indispensable to a firm offer. An offer is considered open until after a Stipulated time or until it is accepted or rejected.5 还盘是对原发盘的拒绝,一旦作出还盘,原发盘即失效而失去约束力。5. It is a refusal of the offer which will be i

46、nvalid and unbinding once a counter-offer is made.Lesson 9 Modes of Trade1 对销贸易是国际贸易中一种特殊的贸易方式,常常与有关国家的经济政策目标紧密相连,如应对外汇短缺和扩大出口之类的问题。1. Counter trade is a special mode of transaction in international trade and is often associated with policy objectives of relevant economies like dealing with foreign

47、exchange shortages and promo- tion of exports.2 “互相捆绑”是易货贸易、回购贸易和互购贸易的共同特征。2. “Bundling” is the feature common to barter, counter purchase and buyback.3 对销贸易的危险性在于诵讨掩盖交易的真正价格和成本,它可能掩盖并促并促使一国长期在市场上保持低下的效益。3. Counter trade can be very risky in that by concealing the real prices and costs of transactions it may conceal and help perpetuate economic inefficiencies in the market place.4在正常的市场交易中,由于使用货币及市场手段,货物的买与卖是分别进行的。4. I

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