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1、02-202学年第一学期大学英语I(高级职业英语)期末复习题库Pat ILiti Cmehenson (15%) y:1-15:CAA/DCA/ABDDiins:This part st st our lisening abiity Itconistfsectos.Secion A (=5 on)Dirction: is etn is o tes ou abilty udersta short diogu.Thee are rcrde diaogues in .Aftereac diaogue, tere saecordedqustion. oth thdiloge dquestins wil

2、espoke two time. When you her a queion, yoshouldcd n te corect anwe from he 4 choies markd A, B, CandDivn inour es pap. Then yu shouldmarkte orrspondin letter o the nwerSet wh a singllin throhtheentre.1) Th woman dsnt midwrking ovrtime.B) The woan doesnt like workng ertme.C)heejoysbeie.D) Shedoen li

3、ke hob ata.A)Student ) Dit. C) Teahr. D) Lbari.3.A)pn th wdow. ) Givher a coat.)ave th window loe. D) pen h dor4.A) Maygot p later ha usual )The trai w lat.C) Mary missedttrai D) Her loc w u o rer.5.A) hs ternooB) He wont beble to go to Beii.C)Aftehe finihes his work.) Tmrw mong6. A) o rctce his Enl

4、ier day.) To correct h sntences.) o fiis hshoworkon tme.) o usethe ew wors sntnes.7. )He ws seeng docto.) He asviitn hismohrinhospia.C)He ws ooking aftr his oth.D) Hw visina nrse.8. A)5:2. B)5:35. )5:0. )4:0. A) eus hs boken don and will ot rrveB)he bus was n aterl ciden.C) T bs wi poaly arive at9:5

5、) e bus maarrie tnigh, theman snt sure10. ) 5 minu lteB) 30miuts late.C)3mutes lteD) 2 nut a.11.A) heans. ) h wasC)Th anrotes.D)The womans rothes.1.A)t7:35 B)t 7:15.C)At 7:20. D)t8:10.13A)Ty bot iked itB) Netheriked it.C) Th other dinlk, btthe father d.D) T oter dt like t becauseitsnt in ngl.4.A) Ma

6、y is newcmer) Mary islys lat o her class.C) Mary wet tbed late st nigh.D) Mar a ohio do thismornng.1. A) Sheuarreled wt he bss.) Shes sck.C) Sheis fird.D) he receied a warnin frm he bossSecton B (1*5=5 oint) Drecn: Thsction is o testyo abiliy ondrsand on daloge. Tere are2 ecordddalogues iit. After a

7、ch dialogu, there i arecordduesion. oth he dialogue and questi wll be spontties.When yu hear aqtion, you shouddecid one rrecansrromthe 4 choicesarked A, B, C d Dgiven i our et ap. Thnyou holdmark the corspondig eter onthe nswer Setwit singl lin t thecentre.Diaogue ne (P6, dioge 1) 6 A)They havet met

8、 eac ohr for a long tie. B) Thy oftenseeeach other recently. ) Thy et eac the no lng ag. D) Thystayed ogetr for a log tim. 17A) Fore safoo ) Fr businesreasn. C) For shtseeing. D) Fr esnal reasnsDaloe wo (P5,ialoe)18. A) Becaue hhas an appointment B)Becasehe is leavn that da. C) Becaue the contact. D

9、)Because thmeting9. A) Becaue e EOha left. B) Becau teCE snt re. C) caethe CEO den want t. D) Because te CE hasee him.20. ) he sales anag. B) TheCEs ecretary C)The diector of te office. D) Temeetng gaier.iaogue thre(P32dlgue 1)21.A) He has uch periene. ) He as intrest it. C) e wats to memre n D) He

10、wans t help oher.22 ) Bing sesan is hard work B)Therei prt-i job opportunit. C) A cmanyislokig for slesmn D) Applicatons mut bmad tomorrow.Dalogu our ( P32,igu 2 )3 A) Heasecde to contnue histudis. ) H hasno interest i bing programer. C) dosn kno etlywa h ants to do. D)He doesntike t stdy computr sc

11、ience.A) H i aprogrmme. ) H is rprer. C)e is a reercouslor. D) Heis a manaer. 25.A) To ain moewok eperien. B) Toage hs maor at olege. C) To in a softwarecompany. ) o g onithis stdes.Dialoue fiv(10, igu )6. A) The iven he mdr. B) The kw c hr beore. C) Tey eel confusd aoute big cmus. D) They re in Bud

12、ig7. 2.A) It bhind ildn 7. B) Istfr fom teirm. C) tsinfron of the hone oth. D)Itser thetachin bulding. aloge six ( 10.daloe )28. A) Its atallythe ame as high holB) Thee i nobig difrecebetween colege nd highsholC) tdiffs frmhih shoolin manys.D)Ther isony one differencebetweenole ad high c29. A)Therei

13、s e hmewo todo n coleg.)Coleg teacrs mke ther tuets workhd.)Cllgestudntsnee tbe more indepeent.D) Thre aemr soial activiie at collge.30.) Spedin moretime ostudes. B) Fdnga ea place t tud. C) aking god stuy pla. D) eing sed to th colege l quckySection (1*5=5points)irectin: In this secio,you ilear a r

14、ecored short passge. Thepasae prntdonthe tet paer, bu with sme worsophraseisig.heaswileadtr ties.uig t secnd reang,you re eqired to pu the missnwdsor prassn the Answr ht i order of t numered lnk acording to what yo er. hehir reaig ior ou o chc yuwritin.Nw the passae wilbegi(,as4)*Tny is drivin to th

15、 aport to pick up Mrs.Parker rom eijing Universit.She cmest unghuto 31) atndan important ntrationa cnfrce The cfene wil 3)b elda Sn a-e niversityfrom 0 to 13 fcember Accodingto 33) th agend, Mr. Paker i going to give a talk n t subjectof“HumansadEvironmnt”. Atr th confernce, ny ll w e aoud uangzho a

16、ke her o e the 3) dicious ood On t afeooof Dc.13, h il 3) e er of h irport.(P98,tsk4)*aybusines eople haveto travel on iness. Therefre, it36) ecesary ornes eoletomke somarrans fo te travelig inadvance. For exaple,i ou re pli o ravel by lane, yuhaveto 3) esrve an arlin tice. Wn ookingan irlin tcet,yo

17、u shoudmke ure th ti, dae,38) destinatin and thespling oyur nm arcorrect. A hol roomalo ne tbereserved 3) well iavae so tat you m bebl ostai the hoelyoulik.Ifou wat o si sine parters, remebe o40) ma appintmentswith themad lthemknwyur itineay. (6, tsk)*helhone she mostcmon andonveniet wy of communicn

18、in mdernset. Theefre,anig 41) telepone skills is very importanfor anone usig thetelepho atwk,who ees t w w cea42) poeional impresson o theompay ad scessullgan t inoraon thynee Whether 4) making or receing the ll,h irs le io seak cleay i 44) a endl toe oce Als idenif yoursl dirt. youare th aler, ust

19、ay woyo want toe to. Aft rcigthepersn you an t talkwith,be eady to expess 45) hy o callPartIVocabury(3 )Sectin A Inthis secto,teeae 10 ncmlee etence. For ec sentece there are 4oicemarke A),B), C) anD). Yo arerequire to cple the enenc y dciding heostaproriatchce. ( poins)46. hen youre goin for yrsine

20、ss rip, tee re y thngsou have t considr _A) iadvae B) dvae C)y advance D)dvace4._, a good tavel a ca sae yu a lot of time and moneyA) be bed on B) As afact) A mater of act D)As a mtter fct48 Tll the _o th dae and placeA) assisant ) consul C) incerit D) suply49.Ar middschool teacher pid _aln? A) moet

21、han) mor lesC) lesthaD) me ove5. Gifs are us t exres your _to do buses wth or artners andi is notcesary to buy toepniv ti othat. )advble) ea C) ervousD) sincrit51. Nowdys, sending gits rusiness rtners has _a cmon racice dveloped intoB) eoped i) dvelopedonD) elopd by5Wen thesare_, iormyour bsiess par

22、tn of the dates of yur arrival an departure so ast let our ptnermakesoe prparatons r a warm recetion an elp yo ook tickt fo trinor plan betwen itiesA) e donB) st utC) seinD)set on53. _rl, ou shuld le te gustwalk on yor rght,.A)To a gerl)As wl asC) As a eneral.D) On he geeal54. It is _o dre cln a idy

23、 wyou meet a gs fr efirst tme.A) usyB)rewardingC)nuse D) ustmary 55._your visitors background a prepare to mehm s sonstey ae.A) Beaware B) Be awaeinC) B awarC) e awao56. We usuall _parntstsolv difficultprobm.A)depn o B) walk C)goon D) ove on. Thi wilhlyou _your spaet.A)ake ulB) maefll use ofC) make

24、fulof D) mak us8. Is timeto_ a ctio an _ practceso ha y c vntully find job in tatfiel, ) put.onB) puofC) ptintoD) puou5. Th is reat tieto _notonl who ou are, talso ho yuwant to b. ) wotB)et utC)fire outD)r t6. Yo will have riest_ with and suy patnes forfinals.) anotB) fgureoutC) ookoutD)atch ou You

25、now eed to_ more detailedinformaon. A) theB) narrow C)gtD) much6. Bsids, youan _your pion byexplrn th abormarket,at time work r voluneer pornitis,et.A) narrowupB) arrow downC)arrow on) narrw o63. _yo oas, you can go on odvelo areeraction pl. A) based nB) based oC) based ofD)baed6. Tr new thinsand nt

26、 be afaid o _ew esnalie.A)tr nB) tryonC) y ouD) trfor5. Besies,_watyurreally goo aty askinfail and frien.)n onB)fin nC) fdou D)watch out66. This prces is sully_fou steps:aalys, explorton, slection, nd actio. A)compriedfB)bsn C) compsed o) bae n67Thebeuty of clg is that ou can _wt ew peopl.) startovr

27、B)stt onC) o oD) mke fu68 It is uiteimortant ta _you commicateinaneffectiv way. A) th oB)botC)boh inD) a69.Whts te _asoftware eninerad a softwre developer? A) dierenceoB) diffrence i) differencebetwee) diferece f70.Itim_yout selet ossibe career ts. A)toB)onC) fo) in7 _wil uhae consier youieests nd i

28、lls,youllalso have o ik aout our rsait and vals. A) Not at allB) A wellsC) Get ao it)Not on72. Take ourme and_, learnnew ieas ) last oneB)bove all)ater allD)not at ll73 Talktothem b yorw es an_.A) hosB) antC)treeD) anxieie74 He aresome ips to hep you_olegelife squcky asossble A) re onB) go tC) dp tD

29、) adp n7 Clege s abou aig fn nd knge frins_earnng new sA)s long asB) s rasC) smuch asD) as wl asetin B The folowin isaliso 0 hieephases.ouae equird to find thengsheivets inthe abl below, and atc them (0 onts)76 以一种有效旳方式 a iussprces 77 接风洗尘 . a cmon practice 78. 供应能力 . deartue time 79. 出发时间 d.exhange

30、 oreign urreces 80 交通工具 e.i an efective way 81.商谈价钱 f wrmingecetion 8.兑换外汇 g. transortaton ens 8. 通例 h.qualy stndard 4 质量原则 i. suply abilty 5.表达诚意 . exprethesieri 8.感受相似 a solve prolem 87尽快地 b get longwith88.正由于这样 . spare time 89.处理困难 d.extra urricluctiies 90.空闲时间 e. ashortter goal .与相处 .fr ts easo

31、92首先 g mk fl use of 9.短期目旳 h. fee theam wy 94.课外活动 . above all 95.充足运用 . qikl as ossibe 96 沟通能力 a goo wonreatonhp 97. 礼仪 b.prsonl ualti 9. 平常例行事务 ucatn skill 9 良好旳工作关系 d.ouce letters1办公室专职人员 e. good ppearace 01. 撰写信件 f. telephoeetiqet 102. 跑腿,办事 gffic rssina 103良好旳外表 makin dtang telehoncalls 10. 个人品

32、质 i r errands 05. 接听 daily rtinemattersSt C Fil i thlanks wit the rit ords or rsesChathe fom her ncssary.(10ponts) exclsively partciate ausment nerusersoalty figreot depend on adatostt over mak lluse of106.Heon the lection mre on personalityan on mone17. Severa xperts wil articipe in th procta techn

33、cl dss. 108. Thmanaer asked experiecd orer toelp the newcmes adat to the ewwking envirment quickly.109. Thisaos fo thePresdentelusively ue. 110 He is a ma om yu ca end on . 11.It is gneally eievethat weshall ake ull useofthesusenysomeday.11 Itisnot so ey to mae a qck adjtmet o the ew envionment. 11. Selt er nervus ith so manypeple ooking at her. 114.No o can

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