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1、(英语)初三英语完形填空试题(英语)初三英语完形填空试题(有答案和解析有答案和解析)一、完形填空一、完形填空1阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。Suppose you find a bright yellow bike on a street corner in the city.You hop on(跨上)it and1 .But wait-isnt this stealing?No,it isnt.2 shouts,Stop!Thief!That is 3 thisfree ride is just fine with the city.You 4 fi

2、nd hundreds of free yellow bikes in some US cities.The idea began in Portland,Oregon,in 1994.People saw a need for 5 transportation,and they wanted to help 6pollution.So,to get citizens(市民)7 their cars and onto pollution-free bikes,they 8the Yellow Bike Project.The 9 bikes are painted bright yellow

3、and placed throughout the city.People can hop onthe yellow bike and ride to run errands(短程差事),to work 10 to school.Then,theyleave the bike for the 11 rider.There have been times when bikes have been stolen,butmost people 12 the rules,because they think it is not wise to 13 the bike thatsalready free

4、.Portlands 14 was quickly loved by a lot of people.Within two years of its start,similarprograms were 15 in cities in six other states.1.A.drive away B.ride away2.A.No one4.A.have to6.A.protect7.A.out of8.A.ended9.A.public10.A.but11.A.next12.A.break13.A.buy14.A.citizenB.Someone3.A.whetherB.so5.A.exp

5、ensive B.crowdedB.controlB.intoB.startedB.privateB.asB.lastB.makeB.repairB.streetC.ride backD.run awayC.Anyone D.EveryoneC.because D.thoughD.canD.commonD.bringD.nearD.dirtyD.orD.firstC.freeC.makeC.upC.cleanC.untilC.bestB.dont have toC.cantC.changed D.refusedC.discussD.followC.produce D.stealC.ideaD.

6、school15.A.looked upB.made upC.put upD.set up【答案】(1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)D;(5)C;(6)B;(7)A;(8)B;(9)A;(10)D;(11)A;(12)D;(13)D;(14)C;(15)D;【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章介绍了美国的免费自行车,这种想法起源于1994 年,为了帮着减少少污染。自行车被漆成黄色,放在城市的各个地方,供人们方便骑行,人们骑自行车去上班上学,有时候自行车也会被偷,但是但多数人左手规则,认为已经免费骑车了,偷车是不明智的。该项目在波特兰启动之后,现在已经有六个州有了这种免费的自行车了。(1)句意:你可

7、以跨上去骑走。A.开走;B.骑走;C.骑回来;D.跑走,短文在介绍的是免费自行车,所以说是跨上去骑走,故答案是B。(2)句意:没有人会喊“停下来,小偷。A.没有人;B.某人;C.任何人;D.每个人。根据No,it isnt.可知自行车不会被偷,也不会有人喊着抓小偷,故答案是A。(3)句意:那是因为这趟免费的骑行对这个城市很好。A.是否;B.因此;C.因为;D.尽管,本句在解释为什么自行车不会被偷,因此使用because,故答案是 C。(4)句意:你可以看到成千上百的免费的黄色的自行车在一些美国城市里。A.必须;B.不必;C.不能;D.能,文章在讲述美国的免费自行车的事,所以说能够看到,故答案是

8、D。(5)句意:人们看到了对于免费交通工具的需求。A.昂贵的;B.拥挤的;C.免费的;D.普通的,因为有了对免费交通工具的需求才会有免费自行车的出现,故答案是C。(6)句意:他们想帮着控制污染。A.保护;B.控制;C.制造;D.带来,免费自行车的推出,可以减少污染空气的排放,这样就帮着控制了污染,故答案是B。(7)句意:因此为了让市民从车里出来,骑上免费的无污染的自行车,他们开始了黄色自行车项目。A.外;B.里面;C.上面;D.附近,get out of,从里面出来,固定搭配,故答案是 A。(8)句意:因此为了让市民从车里出来,骑上免费的无污染的自行车,他们开始了黄色自行车项目。A.结束;B.

9、开始;C.改变;D.拒绝,因为原来没有这个项目,这个是新开始的项目,应使用 start,故答案是 B。(9)句意:公共自行车被油漆成鲜亮的黄色。A.公共的;B.私人的;C.干净的;D.脏的,因为自行车是免费的的,所以它是公共的,故答案是A。(10)句意:人们可以跨上自行车去做短程差事,去上班或者去上学。A.但是;B.因为;C.直到;D.或者,上班,和上学是具有选择关系的选择,应使用or。故答案是 D。(11)句意:然后他们把自行车留给下一个骑行者。A.下一个;B.上一个;C.最好的;D.第一,他把车放在那里之后为了让想一个人骑,故答案是A。(12)句意:有时自行车被偷了,但是大多数人是遵守规矩

10、的,A.弄坏;B.制造;C.讨论;D.遵守,根据句意可知,有时候会被偷,没大多数人是守规矩的,因此使用follow,故答案是 D。(13)句意:因为他们认为偷免费的自行车不明智。A.买;B.修理;C.生产;D.偷盗,本句是在解释大多数人为什么会守规矩,因为偷免费自行车不明智。故答案是C。(14)句意:波特兰的想法很快被很多人所喜欢。A.市民;B.街道;C.想法;D.学校,因为免费自行车是首先在波特兰试实施的。所以说是他们的主意或者想法,故答案是D。(15)句意:它开始两年之内,类似的项目已经在其他六个城市建立起来了。A.向上看;B.组成;C.搭起,建造;D 创建,建立,这里指的是建立了一个项目

11、,而不是有形的建筑物,应使用 set up。故答案是 D。【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。2完形填空 Many years ago in a village,Harlem,Holland,there lived a young boy.His name was Hans andhe was eight years old.One 1 day,Hans went across the reservoir(水库)to visit an oldblind man.He

12、 gave the man some biscuits and stayed there for a while,Then,Hans decided to2 his home.The water in the reservoir usually gets 3 in autumn,said the old man.Be 4 ,Hans.On his way home,Hans sang a song,watched the rabbits run around and picked someflowers for his mother,5 ,the sky got dark and heavy

13、rain began to fall.Hans felt afraidand started to 6 .Just then,he heard the sound of water running away.He looked aroundcarefully,and then 7 a very small hole in the dam(水坝).Hans felt scared 8 he knew what could happen.The 9 could get bigger andbigger.Then the dam could break and the whole Harlem wo

14、uld be covered by the water.Hansknew what to do.He put his finger into the hole,10 no more water could come throughit.Please,someone,help me!Hans 11 ,But there was no one to help him.After sometime,he began to feel very cold and tired,but he could not 12 the dam.All night long,Hans waited and waited

15、.The next morning,a farmer walked by and heard Hans cries.I am trying to stop the13 ,the boy said.Can you help me?The farmer called some other people and they quickly14 the hole.Then,they took Hans home.Everyone was very proud of that 15 boy.1.A.spring2.A.clean3.A.dirtier4.A.careful5.A.Surely6.A.jum

16、p7.A.made8.A.because9.A.dam10.A.unless12.A.leave13.A.rabbitsB.summer C.autumnD.winterB.find out C.return to D.drawB.colderB.kindB.waitC.quieterC.cleverC.runD.higherD.helpfulD.NormallyD.workD.feltD.so thatD.butD.buildD.riverB.SuddenlyC.FinallyB.noticedC.dugB.even ifC.beforeB.fingerB.whenC.holeC.so11.

17、A.regretted B.expectedC.imagined D.shoutedB.believeC.seeB.peopleC.water14.A.discoveredB.repaired C.developedD.protected15.A.braveB.patientC.activeD.cute【答案】(1)C;(2)C;(3)D;(4)A;(5)B;(6)C;(7)B;(8)A;(9)C;(10)C;(11)D;(12)A;(13)C;(14)B;(15)A;【解析】【分析】文章大意:小男孩汉斯去看一位盲人大爷,老人说秋天水库里的水会长水。让汉斯小心,在她回家的路上下起来大雨,汉斯看

18、到大坝上有一个洞,决定把洞堵上,但是周围没有人帮他。他在哪里等了一晚上,第二天早晨,一个农名经过听到了他的呼喊,并帮助他堵住了洞。(1)句意:在秋天的一天,汉斯穿过水库去看望一位盲人老人。A.春天;B.夏天;C.秋天;D.冬天。根据 The water in the reservoir usually gets3in autumn,可知,汉斯在秋天的一天去看望这位老人。故答案是C。(2)句意:于是,汉斯决定回家。A.打扫;B.发现;C.回到;D.画。根据短文叙述可知,他去看老人,并给了老人一些饼干,他的任务完成了,所以他决定回家,故答案是C。(3)句意:秋天水库里的位将会更高。A.更干净;B.


20、到家,所以他开始跑了。故答案是C。(7)句意:他仔细向四周看看,然后注意到到大坝上一个小洞。A.制作;B.注意到;C.挖;D.感觉。因为是仔细向四周看,所以再会注意到大坝上的小洞。故答案是B。(8)句意:他感到很害怕,因为他知道会发生什么。A.因为;B.即使;C.在之前;D.为了。设空处后面的句子是解释害怕的原因,解释原因一般使用because,故答案是 A。(9)句意:洞变得越来越大了。A.大坝;B.手指;C.洞;D。根据前文的叙述可知,他知道会发生什么,洞会变大,大坝会决口,所以这里指的是洞变得越来越大,故答案是C。(10)句意:他把手指伸进洞中,因此水不在从洞中流出。A.除非;B.当时候

21、;C.因此;D.但是。让水不在从洞中流出是把手指伸进洞中的结果,应使用so 连接,故答案是C。(11)句意:“请来人帮我。”汉斯喊道。A.遗憾;B.盼望;C.想象;D.喊叫。因为天在下雨,大坝上有了漏水的洞,为了尽快把洞堵上,必须要喊人来帮忙,应使用动词shouted,故答案是 D。(12)句意:他开支感到又冷又累。但是他不能离开大坝。A.离开;B.相信;C.看见;D.建造。根据前文的叙述可知,当他看到大坝上的洞之后,他知道会发生什么,会绝口,会把当地淹没,所以她不能离开,应使用leave。故答案是 A。(13)句意:我在尽力阻止水往外流。A.兔子;B.人们;C.水;D.河流。根据前文的陈述可

22、知,他把手指伸进了洞里,不再有水流出来,所以他尽力阻止水向外流出,故答案是C。(14)句意:这个农民喊来其他人,他们迅速洞修补好了。A.发现;B.修理;C.发展;D.保护。只有把洞修好才能是使水不外流,就不会发生灾害,因此使用动词repaired,故答案是 B。(15)句意:每个人为这个勇敢的男孩感到骄傲。A.勇敢;B.耐心的;C.积极的;D.可爱的。因为汉斯为了不使小洞变大,一个人一直坚持了一晚上,所以他是很勇敢的,故答案是 A。【点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。3完形填空Young people

23、and other people do not always agree.They sometimes have different ideasabout living,working and playing.But in a program in New York,adults and teenagers livetogether in peace.Each summer 200 1 and 50 adults live together for 8 weeks as members of a workgroup.Everyone works several hours each day.T

24、he aim is not just to keep busy.It is to findmeaning in work.Some teenagers work on the 2 near the village.Some learn to build ahouse.The adults3 them.There are several free hours each day.Weekends are4 ,too.Each teenager has his own way to 5 his free time.When people live together,rules are always

25、6 .In this program the teenagers andadults make the rules together.If someone 7 a rule,the problem goes before the wholegroup.They ask,Why did it happen?8 do we have to do about it?One of the teenagers has this to say about the program,Stop thinking 9 aboutyourself,learn 10 to think about the group.

26、1.A.workersB.teenagersC.farmers2.A.lake3.A.give4.A.free6.A.need7.A.uses9.A.evenB.riverB.agreeB.busyC.seaC.thankC.spendC.BreaksC.WhoC.neverC.howD.teachersD.farmD.teachD.findD.helpsD.WhereD.seldomD.whetherC.wonderful D.terrible5.A.makeB.takeB.findsB.onlyB.neededC.being needD.needs8.A.WhatB.Why10.A.whi

27、ch B.whereB;(10)C;【答案】(1)B;(2)D;(3)D;(4)A;(5)C;(6)B;(7)C;(8)A;(9)【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文通过一个活动显示出成年人和青少年可以和平相处。这个活动是将青少年和成年人放在一起工作,并制定一定的规则来约束他们。(1)句意:每年夏天,200 名青少年和 50 名成年人作为一个工作组的成员一起生活8周。A 工人;B 青少年;C 农民;D 老师。由 But in a program in New York,adults andteenagers live together in peace 可知此处指的是每年夏天200 个青少年和 50

28、 个成年人一起生活 8 周,故选 B。(2)句意:一些青少年在村子附近的农场工作。A 湖;B 河;C 海;D 农场。由 near thevillage 可推测此处指的是在些青少年在农场工作,故选D。(3)句意:大人教他们。A 给;B 同意;C 感谢;D 教。由 Some learn to build a house 可推测此处 成年人教他们,故选D。(4)句意:周末也有空。A 自由的,空闲的;B 忙碌的;C 精彩的;D 糟糕的。由 Thereare several free hours each day可知此处指的是周末也是空闲的,故选A。(5)句意:每个青少年都有自己的消遣方式。A 使;B

29、带走,或花费,指花费时主语为事物,且常用 it 作它的形式主语;C 花费,度过,主语为人;D 发现,找到。结合语境可知此处表示每个青少年都有他自己的方式来度过他的空闲时间,故选C。(6)句意:当人们生活在一起时,规则总是需要的。need,需要。由 In this program theteenagers and adults make the rules together可知此处表示规则总是需要的,need 和 rules 间是动宾关系,当 rules 作主语时,要用被动语态,结构为 be+过去分词,be 动词 are 已经给出,填 need 的过去分词即可,故选 B。(7)句意:如果有人违反

30、了规则,问题就摆在整个小组面前。A 使用;B 找到,发现;C打破,破坏;D 帮助。由 the problem goes before the whole group可知此处 如果有人违反了规则,故选 C。(8)句意:我们该做些什么呢?A 疑问代词,什么;B 疑问副词,为什么;C 疑问代词,谁;D 疑问副词,哪里。此问句中缺 do 的宾语,要用疑问代词,且do 的宾语指事情,要用 what 来提问,故选 A。(9)句意:不要只想着自己。A 甚至;B 只;C 从不;D 几乎。由 learn to think about thegroup 可知此处不要只想着你自己,故选B。(10)句意:学习如何为团

31、队着想。A 哪个;B 哪里;C 怎样;D 是否。分析句子可知此处考查的是疑问词+不定式作宾语的用法,且结合语境可知此处表示学习如何为团队着想,要用 how 加上 think 的不定式,故选 C。【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。4完形填空 Can you imagine that we could build a beautiful city with rubbish?Maybe you will think it is1 .However,it can be t

32、rue!Nothing is a waste if we have a creative mind.Let me show yousomething about 2 rubbish.Sometimes we can see tons of rubbish in the streets,on the roads,near the buildings.hereand there.Many large cities became so ugly 3 it.Nobody likes rubbish,but in fact,somerubbish can be used again.All of us

33、want to solve the problem,we must do something to4 rubbish.We should take action from now on.5 ,some good things will not bewasted.Do you often throw away things you dont need any more?Have you ever thought about howthese things can actually be put to good use?For Example,when a car gets too old,it

34、may notrun any more.But we can use the metal of the car to make something else.When a bottle isempty,it 6 as waste.You dont know bottle glass can be made into sand and used tobuild streets.Rubbish 7 food can be changed into fertilizer to make plants grow better.It ischeap and safe.And other rubbish

35、can also be used to make building blocks.Now,8machines are designed for that.9 ,people will watch films in a beautiful cinema which is built out of rubbish.Besidesbuildings and roads,cities may be made from rubbish.But so far,building beautiful cities madefrom rubbish is only 10 .1.A.important2.A.re

36、turning3.A.because4.A.make a living as5.A.On the way7.A.from8.A.fewer and fewer9.A.Some day10.A.a symbolA;(10)D;【解析】【分析】本文介绍了用垃圾建筑城市的梦想。(1)句意:也许你会认为这是难以置信的。A 重要的,B 同情的,C 难以置信的,D 可能的,根据行为 However,it can be true可知能与可能构成转折关系的是难以置信的,故选C。(2)句意:让我给你看一些关于垃圾再利用的东西。A 归还,B 再用,C 反射,D 重复,根据 Nothing is a waste i

37、f we have a creative mind 如果我们有创造性的头脑,没有什么是浪费可知是再利用,故选 B。(3)句意:许多大城市因为它变得如此丑陋。A 因为,引导从句,B 因为,接宾语,C 代替,Das for 至于,根据 Sometimes we can see tons of rubbish in the streets,on theroads,near the buildings.有时,我们可以在街道上、道路上、建筑物附近看到大量垃圾,可知因为这些垃圾使得城市丑陋,it 是宾格作宾语,故用because of,故选 B。(4)句意:我们都想解决这个问题,我们必须做些什么来利用垃圾

38、。A 以.某生,B向.作出承诺,C 下决心,D 利用,根据 rubbish can be used again 可知是来及利用,故选 D。(5)句意:以这种方式一些好东西不会被浪费。A 在路上,B 顺便,C 用这种方式,D 不碍事,根据垃圾再利用是一种方式,故选C。(6)句意:当一个瓶子空了,它就被当做废物扔掉。when 引导的时间状语从句,主语时态是一般将来时,主语 it 和 throw 是被动关系,故是一般将来时被动语态,故选A。(7)句意:来自食品的垃圾可以变成肥料,使植物长得更好。A 来自.,B 在.里,CB.understandingB.reusingB.because ofB.By

39、 the wayB.inB.less and lessB.The other dayB.a letterC.unbelievableC.reflectingC.instead ofC.In this wayC.onC.more and moreC.NowadaysC.a lessonD.possibleD.repeatingD.as forD.Out of the wayD.was thrown awayD.toD.more and lessD.In the dayD.a dreamB.make promises toC.make up our mind toD.make use of6.A.

40、will be thrown awayB.will throw awayC.threw away【答案】(1)C;(2)B;(3)B;(4)D;(5)C;(6)A;(7)A;(8)C;(9)在.上,D 到,根据本文将垃圾利用,故此处指垃圾的出处用from,故选 A。(8)句意:现在,越来越多的机器就是为此而设计的。machines 是名词复数,less 修饰不可数名词故排除 B 和 D,fewer 更少,此处根据 designed for that 可知是越来越多的机器被设计,故选 C。(9)句意:有朝一日人们会在用垃圾建造的美丽电影院看电影。A 有朝一日,B 另一天,C 目前,D 在白天,根

41、据 people will watch可知是对未来的预测故是有朝一日,故选A。(10)句意:但是到目前为止,用垃圾建造美丽的城市只是梦想。A 符号,B 信,C 课,D梦想,根据 Can you imagine that we could build a beautiful city with rubbish,可知此处是设想,梦想,故选 D。【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。5完形填空 When I was in the seventh grade,I volunt

42、eered about thirty to forty hours a week during thesummer at a local hospital in my town.Most of the time I spent there was with Mr.Gillespie.Henever had any 1 ,and nobody seemed to care about his condition.I spent many daysthere holding his hand and talking to him,helping with anything that needed

43、to be done.Hebecame a close friend of mine,even though he replied to me with only a very 2 moving ofhis fingers.Mr.Gillespie was still in a coma(昏迷).I left for a week to vacation with my parents,and when I 3 back,Mr.Gillespie had gone.I didnt have the courage to ask any of the nurses where he was,fo

44、r fear they might tell me hehad died.Several years passed.One day,when I was at the gas station,I noticed a familiar face.When Irealized who it was,my eyes filled with 4 .He was alive!I asked him if his name was Mr.Gillespie,and if he had been in a coma about five years ago.With a(an)5 look on hisfa

45、ce,he replied,Yes.I explained how I knew him,and that I had spent many hours talking withhim in the hospital.With tears in his eyes,he gave me the warmest hug(拥抱)I had ever6 .He began to tell me how,as he lay there in a coma,he could 7 me talking to him andcould feel me holding his hand the whole ti

46、me.He thought it was an angel,not a person,whowas there with him.Mr.Gillespie firmly 8 that it was my voice and touch that had kepthim alive.Then he told me what happened to him to put him in the coma.We both cried for a while andexchanged a hug,said good-bye and went our separate 9 ways.Although I

47、havent seen him since then,he fills my heart with joy every day.I know that I madea difference between his life and his death.More 10 ,I will never forget him and what hedid for me:he made me an angel.1.A.sonsB.friendsC.daughtersD.visitors2.A.gentle3.A.came4.A.sadness5.A.unhappy6.A.seen7.A.love8.A.a

48、cceptedB.hurriedC.turnedB.quickB.fearC.socialD.rangD.politeC.interestD.excitementD.knownD.followD.placesB.uncertain C.unusualD.unchangeableB.received C.offeredB.hearC.inviteC.waysB.respectedC.believed D.considered9.A.directionsB.homes10.A.necessarilyB.possiblyC.carefully D.importantly【答案】(1)D;(2)A;(

49、3)A;(4)D;(5)B;(6)B;(7)B;(8)C;(9)C;(10)D;【解析】【分析】主要讲了作者上七年级时再城镇的当地医院当志愿者照顾昏迷的Gillespie,作者和家人度假期间作者以为 Gillespie 先生去世了,结果许多年过去了,两人在加油站遇见,作者非常激动,Gillespie 先生表达了感谢,认为作者是他的天使。(1)句意:他从没有看望者。A.儿子;B.朋友;C.女儿;D.拜访者,看望者。根据后句and nobody seemed to care about his condition.可知没人关注他的情况,所以没有看望者,故选 D。(2)句意:他成了我的密友,尽管他只

50、轻轻地动了一下手指回答我。A.柔和的、平缓的;B.匆忙的;C.转身;D.打电话。根据后句 Mr.Gillespie was still in a coma(昏迷).可知Mr.Gillespie是昏迷的,所以是轻轻的动了手指,故选A。(3)句意:当我回来时,Gillespie 先生已经离开了。A.来;B.迅速的;C.社会的;D.礼貌的。作者和家人去度假了,所以是回来时,即come back 回来,固定搭配,故选A。(4)句意:当我意识到是谁时,我的眼睛里充满了兴奋。A.悲伤;B.害怕;C.兴趣;D.兴奋。根据后句 He was alive!可知 Gillespie 先生还活着,所以作者感到兴奋,

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