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1、同等学力英语申硕阅读高分秘籍主讲:范猛阅读理解解题环节四步走1、 扫描题干,划出关键词(199年)Passage 6 Wt h possl exptiono equlrigh, perhaps themst cntroversial isu acrsthe nited ates tody is te th penalt. Myg that iti an efctiveetere (威慑)ourde,while othes aintntere s no convncigvece tht hdeathealt redue he umbe ofmurer The rnpalargument advn

2、cd b those psed to te deat enalty, bically, ita it is crueld nmn puishent,that it is te mr o a rtaloiety, an finaly tat it isof quetoable effetveess asa deternt to crime awa. In or opinion, the da penalt s anecsary eil Thohocrdedhistory thee ave layben thse ereme indivials i ery soceywho ere apabe o

3、f rribly iolent crimssuc asmurdr. Butsome are or extremethn rs. Fr exampe,t s on thngt te the life of nother in a fit of blind rage, ut qite nothro coldly plot and carry ut the murdr f one or ore peplein th stle o a btcher.Tus, mrdr, lke allot ries, isa attr rlative degree. Whleit ld e argud with sc

4、niction hatheciml i teirt istance shouldemerely solated fom socity,suh hould notbe the fate ofte lattertpmrdere Thevlue of the dhenlty a a deterrent to imemay open t ebae. Butthe overming ajoty of ctiznsbeletat the deat eay roetsthm.Thei belef i reinfocd by idene hchshowsthat the ea pnaltydetrs murd

5、r. For example,fo 194to 1963, when the deat enaltwas cnsstntlymse in aliornia, he muder te mined etwen treeand frmrersfo each100,00 oation. Sne 196thdeahelt ha een iposed only n, nd the murder ratehsriseto . murders for ach 100,00 populaion. Theshrpcli in the state murdr rate, which beganheexcuts to

6、ped,n oinciee(巧合).It is cnvincingeidence ta tedeah pety dos eter ay mer I the bll reestblishing the death penlt is veted(否决),innocet peolewil emudeed some wse lis ma hveeen aved if the eathelty wee in effect.Thiisiteally a lie datmtte.The ives of thousand of innoent peoe mus e otected6.The pricipalp

7、urpo th assage isto _. A.safr themjoiy B. inite a to C. ticize he goverent D. arufor tvalue th epalty27 The passg atemps toeblisha rlationshipbwen_ A. hemurdeat dt imposto o the deat pnaly B. the effts f xcuton andte efet o isoatio C. t importceof equl riht and tht ofth deat pealt Dxectiosand muders

8、2.The thoreponse to those whoure thedeth pea for all derees o murder would ot likely be _. negativ B.friendly C supportiv . hostile29 In the asge the aho sprmarily cocerned with _. A. analyig probem objetivel B seting adispe C. supprting ositio D describing neet30. I ca rredhat te auto hs tha_ A. te

9、 deathpnalty is the ot ctrovsl issin te UniedStas tody B. t scodtyp mdrers (i Paragraph 4) sho bsenteed to death Cth veto the bill resablshing te da pnalty iof litte iporace D. the value of he eat penaty asa detrrntocme is not o b ebae2通读全文,抓住中心通读时把握两个重点:1文章旳首段2.其他各段旳首尾句和转折处.仔细审题,返回原文(196年)asage 1 A

10、 rvn method or ffetivtetbokeadngis teSQ3R mt deledby Franis Robinson The first tep is to urvy (the Step)the hapter by eding th title, inructio, sctio eadns, smary and b yign gaphs, tales, ilusrtion rch. Theurposeof this step io ean ervew f thehapte so that ouill kn bor youre hat t llbe ao.In te seco

11、nstep (th Qtep), for each secion yo askuref qetions sas What do I already kow about thtopic? an Wat do I an to kn?Inhi te you also ake hesetion edin d turn itno uestio This ep gi you a purpoeforreangth secon.The thrdtep (he frst of the 3 s) i o read tofn he answero yoqestons. Then at te nd of echsec

12、to,bere going o ttenxsectio, you reci (tesend of he 3 R) the nsers to te qesion that you rme in the qstion se. Wheno cite y soud say theifomtio yo wanto lea ou od i ourown wors. h fifth stpis donefter you haecome step , 3 n fo eahsto. Yoevw (te latof h 3 R)h etchater. Thvew i done mch a the surv was

13、 in the rt step. s yu review, ho menlonverin with yorsel asou receth informaton you seledaimpotatto learn. Themntal converstio culd take e formof skingananswringthe qestions fomedfom the hangsr eadn tsumary,whichlits t main idasin th cae,andtryng to filln he dtail for eac man de.1 The pssge imiestht

14、eSQ3R etd_. A. needs t be proven . eav muc t bedesied C. turns ou t be practicble D can udbyery reae. heSQR method onsits of _ ses A. hre .four C. five . sevn3. Acordg toth pssag, the rst se hlp h eades _. Area frstsevea arrps . sca the whole haptr . stuy grphs D. getthetheme of the chapter hch othe

15、folowing isteorthstp? A. o quesion yourself. B. T red for infomation. C. Tutr yur answrs. D. To daw conlusin.5 Whichof the ollowingtemt s tru? . Inte lststep, you should reeber llhinfomtion. B. When youinstheast ste, yo ill ge bo he in iea ad te etails Che mental covesatio invlves nswern the queions

16、 ake bytheautho. . While youar hoding a mtalcnesaton o slctthe important inforation.时间分派总体时间是4分钟。提议做做到450分钟。平均每篇文章9-1分钟。1分钟时间扫描题干-4分钟通读文章(时间不够时,可省掉)5分钟做题,每题平均分钟做题旳误区:、花费大量时间阅读文章,题目匆匆做过2、做题时重要靠印象或直觉3、不知怎样做记号两类信息要做记号:)显示文章构造旳信息2)具有感情色彩旳显示作者态度旳词oste 正面旳,积极旳oo m.u(2)年Pasage 5 owadas, we hra lot abouth r

17、owing teat ofglbalztin, acomaiedbytse warning tha thrich patenof localife is bn unrmied, and many alt an tadions arebemgetint ut stop a thnk for amoment aut the manpoitive aspect tht goblizaio isbringinReadon and ou are boud o eel cmfored, ady o cehelobal uure, whih is ulynevitable now. Considert nt

18、eret, tht rmeexamlof orshiin world Leavig asidethe al-tofamiliar wories aout ornogrphy an piclxtreism, even he most row-mined must admit tat t e offer immeasurle benefits, just n erms o edatio, he etor for wi t wasoriginal designe, but moeiport o glbalevel,the spreadfws nd oment.twillbe inceasinldif

19、ic for politicians to mainta thei res o msinormaio,as thopprese wi nonly find supportan coor,but also b abe organize hmselvsmore efeciv. MTVis anothe lobal povidertat isofte criticzed fr mping popular cultureon the nsupci milos anthe wl. e te iewrsjudnt onTV is udteypsitve; it is rrded s inipensleby

20、 mot of te global eage enrationwhowah it, ital part of rowng up. And e i ayss, whthrm can a few songs advioscaue? I th olddoinance f bndsik Ne and Coca-Cola so haforus, wen l sa ad done?Spotswarad ft drikareharmessructs we copared tothe man other thgs thaav e glolyavaabl fr a longerpriod of tme heoi

21、nan cocaine, r xample. In any case, justbeae Nike shoes ad Coke nsa fo sle, t doesntan y ae to buy them evn globalizatin cnnot epive the inivdulofi feewill rtis of lobalizaion can stp issin hir m and loom statmens Life gon, and ha more toofe formay ciiensof the world thaitifor their parets gneaton.2

22、. me pepl fee sadaout golizatio becase ey belivet will_. Abring thret to he worldpace B. ipact t dversified loca life C. disrup their present ea life-stle . inreaste e ofpeoe speakindiaects2 Ineret ws oriinalysigne_. A rote eation B. to ditbutenews an coment C. olieve peop o worrie Dto publcize plii

23、cal biefs23 h is the wrier attitudetowards globaliton? . Supiious B itive C.Indffrent . Contempuous2. It iled in thepassg that Ne n Cc-Cl_. shoul notbcme omianband .veee igr m o C cnot b compared ith drug D.ouldnt haveased s mhoncn25 Whc of the flwnoul be the bst ile ofte pasage? A. Gobalization IsS

24、tdarizaio B. Globlzati: Like I r Lumpt C. Globaizaion: Don Worry,Be Hpp. Globazaon Brins Eqult细节题解题思绪(996年)Pasge1 oven med for ffectvetextbook eadg ste3Rmet developedbyFrnciRobinn. Tfirt sepis suey(th S step)e chper dng te tte, ntrductio, ectn eadings, sumay an y udyinany gahs,abls, illustatins r ch

25、arts. The rpose o histepis o gt n overiwofthe chaterothatowil know eo oea what till e aout. In the second t (the Q ste), for achsection ou as youefquestions suchas t do I alredy knowbout tis topic? ndWhdo Iato now? I this tep yoals take thesecton hedng an trn itinto a queston. Ths tgivs you a purpos

26、efr rding th section. e thirdstep (t fist of te 3 Rs) s toreto nd te answe o you qetins. Ten the end of eh sco, before ong ontothenextecton,ouecite (te send ofte 3 )he anrs to theqetsta you ormed ntequestion st. Wh ou recite yu shud say te noation yuwan to nou ouin you wndsh fifth sepis don after uh

27、aeopltedtes 2, 3 and 4for each secinYou eiew (the tf the 3 Rs) the entre hpter.The evieis donmuch a thsuvey ws nh first step As yueie, ho a mentaconersao with uself asyureite t ifrmain you eeed smorantolear. The nl cnvesatn cul ta the frofsing and anern th quesins frmed fromth heigs or redi the suma

28、ry,whchls te min asintechapter,andringto fll inthedetails for emiiea.1. he pasage lie hat the S3Rmethod _. . ned to bepoven .levesmuch bedeired C uns ot t be raticale D antb used y eve reer2.e SQ3 mehd onsissf _ es. A. hr B. fu C. five D. sen3. Accrdigto thpage, thefistst ls the eaders _ . read fs e

29、verlararaps . san he l chapter C. t the graphs D.get te te fthe pt4. Wich ofh foloing is ourh te? A. To qetinouslf. . To read or informan C. T uter yu answr. D o dr coclusion.5. Which o th folowig satemetsi tru? A In thlas t, you soremeber alltifmatin. B.Wh yu fiish te lst step,you will gt bth maide

30、aad teetls C.he metalconversaionnvoles answerig teqesinaske by h author. D. Whley are hlding meta convertio yu slctemportat infomation.细节题小结1)细节题旳解题思绪可以概括为:找、改、选;2)找旳时候,使用关键字法和界定法;3)改旳时候,注意使用同意替代原则;直接照搬原文旳选项,一般有陷阱;尤其应注意近来答案原则;不能加入主观旳推断;4)错误答案旳设置特性:无中生有(未提及信息)、正反混淆、过度绝对、变化时态、定位错误。例证题解题思绪(2023年)Passe

31、5 Nowadays, we ear alotat the growin treatof globaliaion, acopedby hose warnings ta the ich pattenof lcllif is beg unrmined, and ay iaets and raditabecoig extinct. t sto nd think ra omentabout he any positve aect that gaizaton is brging Red n an ou are ound toel cmfoted, eady to facete globl future,

32、 is srely iitabe nw. Consider theternet, ht pimeeaple ofou shrinkig wr.Lavin aidete llto-familarrries bout pornoay andpolitical extremism,evnh mst naro-ddmst amit a the netffersimeurablebefts, no jus i terms ofeducaion, he eorfor wch itwas originally desined, u ore otantly n a global lve,tee o neand

33、 cmet. It will b nresingly difficlt fr piians o mantaintheir remes o misinfmaon, te opresd willnot lind supprtan coor, bu asoe able to rgaize thmselves mr effctiely. MTVis aotherglobal provider tat ioft crtiized orimsn ppular cuture on he unsupeting mllins round the wod Yt te iewesjudgmenton TV is u

34、dobted posiie; it s regaded as indispenale by most of the loalteenag genertion ho achit, a vtal part o grig up. d i theinlanals, wa harm ca a wong an vdeos cause? Is the world oman ofrnds lie ie nd oca-Cla s h f s,whe l ai and doe? Sprtswar andsft drinks arharmless prodcts ecompd t th many ote tings tha ave benglballyavailale for a ngr perio of time thwr dmnan fbrad lieNikea oc-Cola s ad for us,wealli si ad one? sear and soft dinkse amess poctswncomared to theman ohe tngsht have bee glolly aval fralog

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