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1、昆明202学业水平考试第二部分英语知识运用 (共两节,满分30分)第一节 单项填空21. _ My irhday is November 1thA. Whe isis irthd? B.en iherbithday?C. Hay birthdo you. D. Whe syouithday?22.Woul oulikeo go ie riding th us tomorro? _.A. Sory. Id ove t. B.Su, d love oC Sure. Ihave ohelp my paret. Yes, I can. I have pano leson.3 My itrhaa pen

2、 a. She i fom _.A. n B. Jpanese C. Enlish D. Ausralan24. hat doyou tn ofoapops? _.Bt my mohe iks the. I like tm B.joy thm . I ant std hm D. dot gree25 a oever heard of Zhng Lil? Certiy, te beauifwomn teachr, nd _.A goo uck I hope hl ebeten C ghealh Im sorryt hearthat 2. Wh o oe Yunna longfor rain? B

3、ecaus _.A. theycan stayat hme . can ly C. i has be dr for years D. they ntt w. llvisit ygrandprents i Beijing next month. Culdyouplee tell me _? Oh,youa tke subway thereA. were isthe n aipo B.howI ca get tthe nwairport C.where wl h neirort e . howcan Iget tothe newirpt28 I likefootbl _. I eup t midn

4、gt forEo 22.A. Me, ith B I don eiter C. Me, toD.Neih d I 29 ThLondn Oymic mak ope al o the wold_there vry uc.A.wtto g .to fly C. f Dt wnt to go3. There_ great aes in unng sice 2023.A.he had B. hae . ave ben D. haseen 3 _? Yes,lease wanta swear.A. Howuc B. Cn help you C. Excuse me D. What willyou e2.

5、 I nee a wjacet. This n dost_theol.A. help out B. akeaway C. kee t D. give aay 3. rf i heyan th ric f oiismuch _so thamany pople g to workb bu stea. A higer B. high C.exeni Dr epsve34.Ffeen-yr-ods_ o have obsA is noowed B. ar allowd Cis allowd D. arent allowed 5 The hme of he Yth lypics n Nanjing is

6、“lk _he wold, and shar udreams.”A. it Bat C.ovr D. from36. Boys nd gils,_i th river o ls Its ot safe W n, thanyou.A. donsim B.t wim C.swi D. wmming37. Imou ere.Its tim fr cls. OK odbye. m nothee B. Id ietcome here C. Im not in D. Iv o ow8. veryone musrmeber tha drunk drvers endaner teies oths. A. en

7、courage B. coe danero C. put an end t D. au dangerto39 Areyo goin t t Tbet ths smmehidy?I haveto slee on itIll ll omorrow.A. 我不得不睡在它上面 B. 我必须睡觉了 C.我睡过头了 D.我得想想再做决定40 “m over he moo This s so imortat t me.” Sai dee,a amouBritish siner,after r wnningthe bet Bih album.A 我超过了月亮 B 我欣喜若狂 C. 我在月亮之上 D 我要去月球

8、【答案】21-2 BCB 2-3 CBCAC 135 BCAA 6-40 ADDB 第二节、完形填空从、B、三个选项中选出能填入空白处旳答案。(共0个小题,每题一分,满分0分)at yar I bouhtsomelowerpot(花盆)。 didt 4 hem t once da, I wnt o hop 42 some flwr sds (种子)。 Ten put the nt a pot ith soi(土壤) and wateedthe.or fewdys, 4 hapened.I wentnathingOn e 44 day, final saw thesdsvelop and elt

9、 so 45 .Or life s someims kea 46 flwe pt ththng isde. Ou dy are flledwittdferent his. We suly dnt do them 47 w tnk thy ae not ver mpotant. Bu 48 weind that som iprtnthings e gone hse things e lostnlife areeds o hploveand dream. Planing u n hars is juslke 9 flor. Teeds of fun arts il devloas theseds

10、ofwer So i plant 50 fhope, cn expectsomehingwonerfu. 41 makeB.us. uy 42 . for C. withot4. A. erhigB. soehgC.nothig44. . tentB nC. twelve45.A woriB. ppyC. tired6 . bigB olofulC emty47. .oB. hatC. beuse48. A. wen.afeC. later4. A. keengB.growigC wterig50.A.sedBsoC pots答案:145 BAAB 4650 CCABA第三部分 阅读理解 (共

11、15小题,满分2分)Audio dgitl bos(有声图书) re eoing more anmoe puar these yes. neof he easonsforthisisthat aui diitl boks ca be “ea” inmny paces omfrtaly.Te firstfvorite pace of aypopl s n bd, befor oing tsleep. Mny poplelikto justlie ed e k fore thy falalep anight. h old b the erfettme t listeto an au dal k.

12、If yo ra an rdinary book,the liht ha o be urd and ou hve to tunthe ges wit yourha. n uio bok anjust be iteed o while a prso stays omfortaby in be he t favoit plae fmany to ltentoa digitlboswold beinthktchen.Forsome eopl tce chrs arebing. Aio igtal bk povie good etertinet,nd pople dnt need tur ags.A

13、uo digitalookis a favorit wle a person isgdnin. Ty c hk a personsnd of job t and. It n bun and ecing o o adeniwith teel of thse boon io digital bok is a favoit whil a persn is exesing. I los the mind to b freewil the le,bod an arms are keptusy. Thiswld e a ga pace o lien to these books.根据短文内容,判断句子正(

14、T)误(F)(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)51.udiigitalboks are becoming moe and more popular thee es.52Peopleare ab to enjoyheir vening readng cmtbl ecause of audiodigitaloks.5Peolin the itchen are o bordto listen o aud digial books4udo dia book re suiale foethearders r ormen to “red” hilrthey are workin. 55.e pasage i

15、s mainl bu ere peop like to “read” ao diital books答案:51 TFFFFBWe all kno that Tiwa i cosidreds easure Island(宝岛)o Cia. The cenryter isve eautiu.Recenlwe haveencnectd lolyeah her vral months ao,agrup f19aiwanehildeflw Cengdun oer tobegin a tour tstudy pads. Theide school children wre fomChiay Cuty n

16、souhws Taiw nd wer choen because o their excellent perfomnce t schol. Di tevit,t cilen sawpanas uplose. Theye veryxedo see so mn pandasat he se tie.Te chldrealso traveled to t MountEmei sceni rea andmetlocscoochilden. At aso, he sad,“Thenas areery ut,nd thy reallhay.” Theyalso sad he chirenn Chngdu

17、re ery ienlt them, and hey letere T hpe toisit Sicn agin. 56.Taan is csiereds a isand. A. valuable B. rch C. eauful D all above 57. did te roup of 9 Taiwaes cildre coe to Cengd?A. Beas they came to studyee. B.Becuse eyader ben here. . Becae they lewhere fr a ou totudypandas. Becuse they werefrmChiy

18、County in souwest Taiw58.The childrn ad a d chane toviit endu ecaue A.theywere interested nit . hey ddwell shol C thewre perfomin differetles. D they eenot fro thesae coun 9. Whe thyiited pandas, theilden ere qet exted .o see so manypnsat a ti. B. o climb th Mount Emei C.tspanas D oi pandas vrcut 0T

19、ipaae miny xpreses that A. the midde scholstudnts in Taiwn must a ern bout panas. there ia godrelatonsipbetwen h two plaes. C. the children in Chengdu aeery iendly. D. th sudnts inaiwa are xcellet 答案:5660 AAB Cawaiiis famus o t beutf baches Every yerwat sor,speialy surfng nd wekingatramanytoristst t

20、hilndHawii as ben agical me o ol h liketo trvel o mny years. eopeon bot es of the Pacfic cen(太平洋)in an ad in Aica,dream o seen heseeautifulislands in themiddl of t ocean. In the tpil(热带旳)lands, the su dops ie baloflen firintotheea,nd dops so qucy that youa almost see ov. Tsun lev behind alw(落日余晖) th

21、at lghts the kyin he uiet wate. Peoe ften ve a uie,enjoyabe timwing alog the water. This sceneryhr is noery diferen fom the xcitingbatythareeed hfit ousstoths slands entries ago. Teyame n cnosnot much bige tan small bats.Thy found tebeautifl ie nd beacean the wavigalm ree(棕榈树),ut here weenoradhols l

22、ike the ones we eoay. he frt pople cmt Hawai neaytwousa yars ago, but ssraper(摩天大楼)otels were onlybuiltin the last 25 years. Nowplaesmakitpossie to fly to Haaii for a wekend roToooran Fanceso.o mtter wherpeple om fo, thy ealy want to se heealiet bautyof Hwii. The want to see thelovel aces ndthe mout

23、ais which ar alst hiden by th tal hote.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(共小题,每题2分,满分1分)61. Wats Hawaii fau fo? . Th bfu beaches B h turiststtheisl.C. Th wavig paltres D. urfgand waer siing.62.Wadoe the undro like in theroica lads? A. The ea. B. A bl f olde fireC. A lw DThe quet ater.63.When dth first people cme oHawii

24、? A.In 19. B.Abo twnyfiveyar a.C. n 112. D. bout two thusand yeas o.4. h beauy of th slads _ for centrie. A. hasange B has geeed th firsttourissC.ha remained neary unchanged D be h same6. hih ruacordg t thpassag? A. Peolereally nto see the erlies eayf HawaiB eoleofthe quiet, uhappytimwalig alon t wa

25、rC. Peoplenly in Jadreaf eeing th beautl islnds. ofond thebeatifuredsand beachesin Hawai【答案】61-5ABCA第卷(写作部分 共三节,满分25分)第一节 单词填空用括号中所给词旳合适形式填空,使语篇意思完整,必要时请用否认词。(共10小题,每题1分,满分1分)Hows t gong? op hat gandpas _66_(well)now, I was sorry t r th he_67_(hve) a codlatwee. Ipe yu are o_68_ (halthy).Thingsarefi

26、h. I iishdmyndof-yea _69_(exm) lat week nd gmy eport car tday. I alwa get ervosen I seetheenveoe frmscoo ithe mail,but_70_(uky) I did OK thi time. ad relly ad time with iece th semete,andIwasnt surrised o find tat y wo repora froysiene teacer She sa I was lazy,but t_71_(be) tue Iust tha Ifindcincere

27、ally difficlt_72_(anoter) diapintin reslt ws istory. yhitry eache id _(cn) o bette. Te god nes ishat m th teaersid I a hard-wokin. ndy Spah _7_(tach) saidmy itni wasgo Well, hts bou alenews haveor nw. o ndDadsend_7_(he) ove【答案】6.well/better 67. ad 68. helt 6.exams70. lukil 7. asnisnt 2. Another 3 ou

28、ld 74.each/ahes 75. ti第二节 补全对话根据对话内容,在空白处写出恰当旳句子,使对话意思连贯完整。所写句子应与所给旳标点符号一致。(共5个句子,每句1分,满分5分)A: y,ellImagine yu cold tavel nhere 6._?B: h, I dot ow I dn lik trael.A: What i you could aywhere?ow abotajue ek inia?:No. 77_.: O, ell, thn haabou a trp to Frane? You coudsee te mueus.B: No. Frane sto ouisty

29、.A: How aboutngapr?ingare not too ringort turisy 78_.: o, Singaporeisto expesiveA: Key, tee besomplce ou want to o!B: Ys,tr iA: Rely? 79. _?B: I wantoo hme._.A: Bye!【答案】7. Wher wold you o/Wre doyou wat to go 7. Indi is too ring/Itstoo iring78. Ymut/y/shoudwat tgo hreYua lie i79. Werr isit0 Seo/Godye/By第三节 书面体现(满分10分)A. A true toryB. As a sten,sold_规定:1. 请从所给旳,B两个题目中任选其一作答,分值相似。如选B题,请把题目补充完整再作答。2 注意紧紧围绕主题,意思连贯,语言通顺,书写规范。3.不得使用真实姓名和校名,如需使用名字,请用Mike, Gin等英文名字,校名统一用Guanming MiddleSchool4. 词数不少于60.

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