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1、03届高考英语单项选择题题库(66题)一1 Unrunately, he I droed in, ctr Li_ o Beijng t join n theig agaiARS, so oly hd time for afe orsA. us lef . hajustlef C. i just avng D. as just levng.He hant ome etWht d ouconsdr _ o im? happens Bh hapened C.hapenng Dt hapen 3. _ is knon to s al i ha Chinaha lunchd hehuV saceshp

2、succesfuly.That Wt C. t D.s4 Youe made grat rogss in you studesof Engish, havent u?Yes, ut uh . remns to do B. isreainetodo reain t bedone . is rmad to bedoe_ tha teShAfrianwritr John oetzeenthe Noel Pri ntraturfor22. . Thyr rpored B. Hs ret C.Weer eported D.ts repore6. _ the AlntcOean csses t euor,

3、 th trde wids cue a flow ftrtothe wet. Aht B. When C Wher DThough 7. Yu cant finieboo n less tan an hour,sppos? .A Yes, m ure I an B. No, hardyC. Sory, I cat D dont thn can8. I mossle or all he peop t et jos bcase of he re not fit for thm.A one B. al C not . ery one9 hen wu leve for Parisor a viit?

4、nx mnthA.Unti B. A C. t D In10. Th two oldsisters,_ olng,held ac other an burst to teas. A.beg separaed Bhainbeen spate Chavinseparated Dhad ben eparted 11. Neve_ forget the day en _tgehr whyu shl I;Iived Bl I;did I livC.I shall;lie D.Isall;did live 12.Why didt yotel me tere a nmetngtoda? I_ all e w

5、ay he _theheav snow. .neednt ve riven;hrog B. t ave riv;cosC. mustnthae drin;trogh D. shulnthve riven;crss 13It th training_e had at chol _mae hmgodjume A.what;hat Bthat;tatChat;hat Dtha;had 14.It s _ getshok tothewor hat two airplanes rashedino_WolTrade Cere inN orkn ept11 A; Bhe;th C.a;he /;th 5.

6、Fr qite _tuents,th eachs dvie s mre important ta _ f theirarents. A.few;o Ba few;at .a littl;oe D.a o;any答案及解析1D。动词时态旳考察。当我去看他时,他正要去北京参与抗击非典,因此只跟他说了几句话。情景是他正要去。又由于come,leve,arre等动词旳进行时表未来时,故答案为D2.B。本题是“特殊疑问词+ o yo consde/supposhnk/elieve. 陈说语序旳句子其他成分”构造。根据第一句,可知强调了对目前旳影响,故用目前完毕时。学生易错选、C。误选C是由于consde

7、r后应接动词ng形式,而忽视了句子旳构造,即没有考虑到conid背面接旳是宾语从句,从句旳主语是wht,缺乏旳是从句旳谓语;选是由于没有考虑到从句旳时态应当用目前完毕时。 . B。 此题考察主语从句,其主语从句缺乏主语,What在此等于tthngwih,故选B项。4.。 rmin作系动词用,自身不用于被动语态,有时与不定式旳被动构造构成合成谓语,意为“尚待”。如: umber ofproes remain to be solved.5. 。Is reported 意为“据报道”,it为形式主语,背面旳ta从句才是真正旳主语。假如要用选项A、B、C表达“据报道”旳话,那它们背面只能跟不定式。6.

8、 C。 考核点是状语从句。从句子构造上判断,有划线旳那一分句属于状语分句,从句子意义上判断,该分句应为地点状语,故而答案应为C。 7. A。 问句为否认疑疑问句,回答该用Ys或No开头,B项构造不完整,其完整形式应当是:No, cn ardly fniht8 B。ot与all连用为部分否认,表达“并非所有旳都”;项中every oe与nt连用也可表达部分否认,但谓语动词要用单数。. B。 nex moth是时间点,不是时间段,“after +时间点”可用于未来时,表达某一特定期间之后。此处假如不用介词,则表达“下个月”;用了e,则表达“下个月后来”。ut在肯定句中要与延续性动词连用。10.B。

9、 目前分词旳完毕被动式作原因状语,阐明发生在谓语动词所示旳动作之前旳被动动作。 11.A。否认副词ve放于句首,构成倒装句,时间状语应用陈说语序。 12. A。 needhavedne表达“做了不必要做旳事情”。cant have done表达对过去状况旳推测,意为“不也许发生了某事”。musn ave do 无此使用方法。shouldnt have don表达“本不应当做旳事而做了”。 13. B。 第一空白处旳that为关系代词,引导定语从句;第二空白处旳tat为强调构造连词。14. C。世贸大厦是由一般名词构成旳专有名词,其前应使用定冠词。hock在这里意指“令人震惊旳事”,为可数名词。

10、15.B。 quite后应接aew。advice为不可数名词,使用ht替代。 二例: Iis geerly cosiere wiseto give a hil_e r she nts A. hoever B. whtvr C.ihver D. henever1. I ill neverw what wa on his ind at the tim, o wi_. an B. anyoel C. nneD. no neels2- I o md ellin you watI nw. - You . Im ntsn ou ort. A. mt B. my not C.t D.neent3. I ac

11、cepttha he i not pefet, I do actally like the persn. . he B. Since Bfore DUnles. He got to the statin ealy,_ issi his train. A. in cas o B. eof C or fear of D insearc o5 Te a inited_ ataxi for me eve houg I told him I ied near.A. fin . to fnd . onnig . in inding. Mor ptiets_inhospital tisyear tan la

12、st ya. A. trete B.haveeted C.hd bentreated D. havebee treated. om own _larg colletion f_ bok tanay hr studen inur class. A e; 不填 B. ;不填 C. a; e . 不填; the8You hventos ttket, have you?- _. knits no eay t ge noher one atthe momntA. hope not Yes, I av C. Ihpe o D. Yes, Imafraiso9. Its t yers sce te scie

13、tist _o his life wrk of discrng the vlble chem. made f B. set t C.tookoff D. urned up10.Amanis bing estion inreltioto the_mrelas nght A. advised B. atede C.ateped . amittd11.h l man, _arod or twentyyears,is on the wy bck h mothelad A.o wor B.wkin C. to have oke D. havig wed12 The_ ouse sells asif it

14、 hast e lied n fr years.A. litl wite wod B litl woden witeC.it wooden lttl . woode white litte13. _ is oftenth cae, e he woru the ouctiopa. .ich B. When What D. A14 Saes ofs hve gy increased sincethe arly90s, whn pop_ oenjoh avantges f ti new tcholy. A. begin B. egan C. havebegu D.adbegun15. -Hwloar

15、e u saying? - dont kno._.A. Tats OK B Ne mind C I depends D.It doesn matter参照答案15BDACC 610DBAC 115 DADBC 三1.Tmsfmehas ead el_ e wals his ollee. acrosB. troghC beyndove2._h ot, te prject wil tke o of tme well.A. Ote haB Except forC InddtionD Apart rm.I hae done mot ofthe housr Woldyo pleasefiish _? A

16、. he th. te es Cth res .anter4. Fo yars centsts avebeenworriedabot te_f ar ollio e ths natral contis.A.efet. ultC. acuntD.caus5.As people wnt t _thei ideas _ quicly wnalkin on ne, lot ofsht forms reued.A ge; througB. et; oveC. get; aossD.et; u6Te nex ste nexplorin _ ut sac might senng pel there i _

17、spceshi.不填; a.不填;不填 h; 不填D.the; he7_ roomin hehtl, M.Woodwent out fo awalk aroud h small ton. . TakingB. TakeC. To tke. ang aken8.By rad the toy, yu ma undand _tb scessful. A. ttaewhat yu takewhat C. whatkes you. whait tke_ thepble lnd eroongetng rerious, hegovernment s sarcing for a wato deal wit i

18、t A. A.WitC henD. If0.Sme peple agaisttllbooth(收费站) ue thtras, ne _, hould be fee. . builing. uitC.vingbiD ein built1 Hllo, Rosa! I heard you wentt wJerse. I _ wyfora w.B m back no. A a have beenC. as. hadbeen12. Mum, isnnef mbuies. Why _I car? Justecause heis yorssr. . canB. sholdC. wi. m13.I n say

19、nothg we vnt_ toany decii othe atr n AcoB.gotC urned. gone14.Itwas n vng _ te hurricane trck te re.AhithaC. asD util 15.Iist met John a my sister eing. He _ wth he rdegroom at e e.alke . was tlking C. ha take had eealkig参照答案5 CCAC 10 DB 11 CBAB四Atoghheke litlabou lrge amount of wok doe in the field,

20、 ucededwhre mewell-inrmed experimentersaile.a ;the B.he; a a ; 不填 D不填 ;the.didnt knoouwe ood friendYou .I have kon her nce she move here You were studying arad the. Amay have Bednt a C.couldnt have Dust have3wde watwill beome of mydaghte.edles homeok ,shelso bear theradinglods such a rvionanrecittn

21、A.Aswel a B.Wi Excep Dther tha4Narlyal teesha seds tat fall to the ground , ,ndvntalypodce new eed. Aakin oot take root C.tookro t ae oto di you ike the of the intrreer(口译员)at thehinesFM prss confrec f 6-party alsn V? A.perrmanc B.achievee C.material .wrsHae you persuded hm?Yes Afr sohoursf dscusion

22、, I t eaon him n accetigthe new ln. .hmanage B.woud manag .have mnad D.mand7 you kep ntng ,dont relly mindheter youancme to i ouclss. ASoog as B.As ooas C.Once D.ThemomentIfyoube inime fo theearly us ,b sure get befoe fiv olckin he morning. .re t Bae aou to .ar gig o Dare ue Cothinde anmade fbes has

23、 cerain avantages ov madofnatur fibe lik ottn ,wol o slk. .heones B.on C.ha Dwha 0.Ciden brains anot devel they lack poti(蛋白质)Asnce B.hn C.bese nlss11Pern ith whme ca our inermost feelings are our cloet frie.A.tell valueshare Despect1Wihout fcs ,ecatfora orrct piin ,for w need to have atul kowlee ou

24、rhinkn. Ahih to be aed o wch t base n C.on whi ae Dwhihtobase3.Thy al the ailsof the pan tmean again omake sur thath roect wnt moothl. A.got toughB.ent hroghC.got ove D.ippeinto4Nohingwrongith it, ? N.Youis speilly-l moel. Dive careful ,though .It e ime to ruin a nw car A.ist t C.ae Di there15Got yo

25、ur drivin lcense? .I oo bs to hv enough prace,so I dint tak h diving ts ast eek .Im going tnetwek.A.wa B.hve ben Ca h ben参照答案1D 2C3A4.BA6 8A 9. 1 11.C 12.C13.14.D 5.D五1 - I hv just h my wtch rpaird- How muchdid they for that? A.cost .chargeC send D. te2. -Its been a wnderf alloenPary. Thank er much.

26、-A. M pleu B Im ga t hear that.C. o,hanks D.Its K3.- How but he ook u areei? - od ineed.tany problems we have omeaosin ursty. A. says .als C. coves D. refers4. The rom is in a terible mes; it _ ane. A cn hav eenBcoldnt be C. a have ee D. woulbe5. He th test, buthewst careful enough.A. wa le to ps B

27、ms hae passe C. coul havepasseD. ight b able topas. hae ep that pctue _ I can ee it eer da aaly reminds me o my uniers aysin Lo A. in which B. where C. wheer .when7. Hexectedthee _ more roomfr him to ut in a esk. A. ill be B is C.to be D. beg8he pt met, rigil due to be held lat Friay,ws ial _ buse o

28、f te bad weter . set u .roke dn C wonD.cald off Ans re th ost comon lifeformnarh,_tny, thi omind weihti geater thath of the cominedweiht of alhuman. A. hough although C eve though D. s if10.imen st beaul coatityand Ielieve wi come fo_secondtime. A. the,anB. , C.the, th D. a, t11. Orea ws head durig

29、thefrst hlf, bu e _ ithelast tnminus. A. had los B. woudloe. ere lsing D. lost1.With lo o dfcultpobems ,he age fetie a ct on hot brick. o ettl B. etlg C settle. bei sttld13. eople thin that the eautofthe monaisi reat than _ f thedesert. one B. he ne thos D.ta14.Din a arisnot asificl s yo imagine, i you trus. A. dependo . believe in C tun to D stik to5.ld u please mak copyfr eerybody nth offi an_ exta es for th viio? A otherB myC fewDsome参照答案.B 2.A 3 .A 5.C 6. C 8.D 9.A 10B 11. 12.A 13.D 14.D 15.D六1 Some doctrswee nt ote ront where meic workers wer_. . in great need Bindesprtenee

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