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1、高考英语专题复习高考英语专题复习-完形填空解题技巧指导完形填空解题技巧指导格式塔心理学格式塔心理学:当看见不完整的事物时,人们根据脑子里对事物的完整概念,会在思想上把它补全。当看见不完整的事物时,人们根据脑子里对事物的完整概念,会在思想上把它补全。即:补全心理即:补全心理一一.高中英语课程标准和考试说明对高考完形填空的规定:高中英语课程标准和考试说明对高考完形填空的规定:完形填空是高考试题中的一个重要部分。完形填空共完形填空是高考试题中的一个重要部分。完形填空共2020 题,考试时间为题,考试时间为 2020 分钟左右,分值为分钟左右,分值为3030 分,占总分分,占总分的的 2020。在两篇

2、题材熟悉、难度适中的短文。在两篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文(约约 350350 词词)内留有内留有 2020 个空格,每个空格为一题,每题有四个选择个空格,每个空格为一题,每题有四个选择项,要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上选择一个最佳答案,使短文的意思和结构恢复完整。项,要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上选择一个最佳答案,使短文的意思和结构恢复完整。完形填空部分的目的是测试学生综合运用语言的能力(测试能力要求大体接近大学非英语专业二年级水平。完形填空部分的目的是测试学生综合运用语言的能力(测试能力要求大体接近大学非英语专业二年级水平。)完型填空考查综合运用语言的能力:完型填空考查综合运用语言的能力:1

3、 1)词语辨析能力)词语辨析能力2 2)语法结构分析能力)语法结构分析能力3 3)语篇理解能力)语篇理解能力4 4)逻辑推理能力)逻辑推理能力5 5)文化背景透析能力)文化背景透析能力6 6)生活常识综合运用能力)生活常识综合运用能力 二:二:完型填空试题主要特点:完型填空试题主要特点:1.1.通常从一篇通常从一篇 300-350300-350 词左右,文章中设空词左右,文章中设空 2020 个,首句不挖空;个,首句不挖空;2.2.内容完整内容完整,逻辑性强逻辑性强,语言结构严谨。生词少语言结构严谨。生词少,难度适中。难度适中。3.3.干扰项设计严密干扰项设计严密.一般情况下,四个选项的词性相

4、同或属于同等或对等范畴,干扰项填入后在一般情况下,四个选项的词性相同或属于同等或对等范畴,干扰项填入后在语法上一般不存在错误,对考生有很大的迷惑作用;语法上一般不存在错误,对考生有很大的迷惑作用;4.4.突出语篇突出语篇(语境语境),强调应用,注重交际;,强调应用,注重交际;5.5.考察重点多为实词考察重点多为实词:名词名词/代词代词/动词动词/形形 容词容词/副词等;单词为主、短语为辅。副词等;单词为主、短语为辅。6.6.关注语境背景知识关注语境背景知识,侧重上下关联侧重上下关联,暗示判断能力。暗示判断能力。7.7.大多富有积极的教育意义,给人以人生的启迪或是充满了生活情趣;大多富有积极的教

5、育意义,给人以人生的启迪或是充满了生活情趣;记叙文记叙文对于叙事,对于叙事,描述类文章。描述类文章。短文的首句,短文的首句,往往点明故事发生的人物往往点明故事发生的人物(who),(who),时间时间(whenwhen),地点地点(where)(where),和事件和事件(what)(what)等背景情况。例:等背景情况。例:It It waswas a a busybusy morningmorning,aboutabout 8:30,when8:30,when anan elderlyelderly gentlemangentleman in in hishis 80s80s cameca

6、me toto thethehospital.hospital.议论文议论文1 1、议论文的设题往往多以上下文为基础,利用承前信息或滞后信息,使读者有所依托。、议论文的设题往往多以上下文为基础,利用承前信息或滞后信息,使读者有所依托。2 2、议论文中表达作者态度或看法的词较多,所以,试题中对形容词和副词的考查往往也较多。、议论文中表达作者态度或看法的词较多,所以,试题中对形容词和副词的考查往往也较多。1问题跳跃性较大。我们做题时,既要看事实,又要感悟作者的态度与情感。问题跳跃性较大。我们做题时,既要看事实,又要感悟作者的态度与情感。对于论述文,首句表明了论述的主题。起到揭示主题的作用。例如:对

7、于论述文,首句表明了论述的主题。起到揭示主题的作用。例如:A man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very powerful tool.A letter can beA man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very powerful tool.A letter can beenjoyed,read andenjoyed,read and2121.说明文说明文说明文直白性较强,脉络清晰。说明文直白性较强,脉络清晰。2 2、说明文的层次清晰,整体性强,所以,递进性词汇



10、见树不见林的做法只会影响解题的质量和效率。切记切记:一定要用一定要用 2-32-3 分钟时间先进行缺词阅读分钟时间先进行缺词阅读,弄清文章大意和基本脉络后再着手逐个填空弄清文章大意和基本脉络后再着手逐个填空.2.不注意积累答题技巧不注意积累答题技巧:a.a.忽略文章首句的提示作用;忽略文章首句的提示作用;b.b.忽略文章中上下文之间的照应关系忽略文章中上下文之间的照应关系;c.c.遇到长句不注意分析句子结构遇到长句不注意分析句子结构,在语义模糊时抱碰运气的心理随意作出选择在语义模糊时抱碰运气的心理随意作出选择.3.3.时间安排不当时间安排不当:在几个选项上过分纠缠,追求完美,导致许多本可以做出


12、顾右盼,前后照应。三步曲:三步曲:读读填填读读五五.完形填空具体解题步骤完形填空具体解题步骤通览通览-选填选填-复核复核1 1 通览通览-速读全文,把握大意速读全文,把握大意跳格快速阅读一下全文,通过通览全文、跳格快速阅读一下全文,通过通览全文、领会大意,概略地了解文章的体裁、背景、内容等等。领会大意,概略地了解文章的体裁、背景、内容等等。2 2 选填选填-紧扣文意,瞻前顾后紧扣文意,瞻前顾后先易后难,逐层深入。紧扣全文内容,联系上下文和语境,展开逻辑推理,注意从上下文中寻先易后难,逐层深入。紧扣全文内容,联系上下文和语境,展开逻辑推理,注意从上下文中寻2找线索,注意词汇的意义、搭配,惯用法,

13、语法,常识等多个角度进行综合考,选项入格。找线索,注意词汇的意义、搭配,惯用法,语法,常识等多个角度进行综合考,选项入格。3 3 复核复核-全面检查,确保语意连贯,用词准确全面检查,确保语意连贯,用词准确复读全文验证答案。带着答案把全文再通读一遍复读全文验证答案。带着答案把全文再通读一遍,注意看所选答案填入空白处后能否做到文章,注意看所选答案填入空白处后能否做到文章意思通顺、前后连贯、逻辑严谨、结构完整、首尾呼应。意思通顺、前后连贯、逻辑严谨、结构完整、首尾呼应。完形填空之解题技巧完形填空之解题技巧-Basic skills of cloze-Basic skills of cloze细读文章

14、的第一句话细读文章的第一句话高考完形填空选文的第一句话通常是完整的。该句往往就是主题句(高考完形填空选文的第一句话通常是完整的。该句往往就是主题句(Topic SentenceTopic Sentence),这就为我,这就为我们理解文章的内在联系提供了一个“窗口”们理解文章的内在联系提供了一个“窗口”,它的句意往往为全文提供中心信息,能直接概括全,它的句意往往为全文提供中心信息,能直接概括全文大意、揭示主题。文大意、揭示主题。充分重视首句的标示作用,利用它为解题找到一个突破口,据此展开思维,争取开局胜利。充分重视首句的标示作用,利用它为解题找到一个突破口,据此展开思维,争取开局胜利。一:词汇题

15、一:词汇题1.1.上下文和前后句的提示(复现、同上下文和前后句的提示(复现、同/近义词、反义词)近义词、反义词)1.(20101.(2010 北京卷北京卷)Mrs.Neidl would ask me for my)Mrs.Neidl would ask me for my3737.She wanted to know how I.She wanted to know how Ithought She believed I had opinions,so I began tothought She believed I had opinions,so I began to.37.A.opini

16、on37.A.opinionB.impressionB.impressionC.informationC.informationD.intentionD.intention语境语境-原词重现原词重现2.(20102.(2010 陕西卷)陕西卷)I had someI had some2828in my pocker,but I would not give them to him,thinking toin my pocker,but I would not give them to him,thinking tomyself he wouldmyself he would2929(onlyo

17、nly)use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol.use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol.28.28.A.chocolatesA.chocolatesB.coinsB.coinsC.tinsC.tinsD.drugsD.drugs语境语境-同义词、近义词复现同义词、近义词复现3.Many old people dont have good _.They cant watch TV,but they can listen to music or news3

18、.Many old people dont have good _.They cant watch TV,but they can listen to music or newsover the radio.over the radio.A AhearinghearingB BhealthhealthC CeyesighteyesightD Dtimetime4.Some parts of the water are very4.Some parts of the water are veryshallow.But in some places it is very,very_.shallow

19、.But in some places it is very,very_.A.deepA.deepB.highB.highC.coldC.coldD.dangerousD.dangerous5.Chinese government challenged local shools to conduct experiments in-educationreform.And5.Chinese government challenged local shools to conduct experiments in-educationreform.Andthen Renda Fuzhong Xisan

20、School in Beijing stepped up to the_.then Renda Fuzhong Xisan School in Beijing stepped up to the_.A.A.chargeschargesB.exchangeB.exchangeC.challengeC.challengeD.experienceD.experience语境语境-原词重现原词重现(词性变化词性变化)6.and then both ended up from the same high school.Just three weeks6.and then both ended up fr

21、om the same high school.Just three weeks before_,Bill asked before_,Bill askedMark if they could talk.(2003Mark if they could talk.(2003 北京)北京)A AgraduationgraduationB BmovementmovementC CseparationseparationD Dvacationvacation7 7The amount of usable water has always been of greatThe amount of usabl

22、e water has always been of greatinterest in the world.Holding springs andinterest in the world.Holding springs andstreams sometimes means control,particularly in thestreams sometimes means control,particularly in the2222areas like the desert.areas like the desert.2222A Adrydry B Bdistantdistant C Cd

23、eserteddesertedD Dwildwild8 8 The correct water supply forecast is based more on the water from theThe correct water supply forecast is based more on the water from the3434than from thethan from thebelow.below.33434A AcloudscloudsB Bskysky C CairairD Daboveabove9 9 In 1964 Shirley graduated from Gal

24、laudet and looked for _44_.She wanted to be independent andIn 1964 Shirley graduated from Gallaudet and looked for _44_.She wanted to be independent andwork full time.work full time.44.A.information44.A.informationB.helpB.helpC.a jobC.a jobD.an assistantD.an assistant10.The stone men face 41,rather

25、than out to sea,and their10.The stone men face 41,rather than out to sea,and theireyes are focused upon the sky.eyes are focused upon the sky.41.A.forward41.A.forwardB.outwardB.outwardC.onwardC.onwardD.inwardD.inward11.The art experts who work at the gallery say they11.The art experts who work at th

26、e gallery say theyused modern chemistry technology to 45 the paint on the picture.These checks found traces(used modern chemistry technology to 45 the paint on the picture.These checks found traces(痕迹痕迹)of paint deep in the picture dating from about 1814.of paint deep in the picture dating from abou

27、t 1814.45.45.A.tryA.tryB.removeB.removeC.washC.washD.checkD.check词汇题词汇题2.2.词语的习惯用法和固定搭配词语的习惯用法和固定搭配1.1.(20102010全国全国I)The nurse had him take aI)The nurse had him take a3636in the waiting area,in the waiting area,37(telling)37(telling)him it wouldhim it wouldbe at least 40 minutesbe at least 40 minut

28、es38(before)38(before)someone would be able to see him.someone would be able to see him.3636A.breathA.breathB.testB.testC.seatC.seatD.breakD.break语境语境-固定搭配固定搭配2.The city(Washington)was named_George Washington,the first president of the United2.The city(Washington)was named_George Washington,the firs

29、t president of the UnitedStates.States.A.byA.byB.forB.forC.asC.asD.afterD.after3.It was 4 oclock when the front doorbell rang.Mrs Clarke was _tea at the time.3.It was 4 oclock when the front doorbell rang.Mrs Clarke was _tea at the time.A.cookingcookingB.makingB.makingC.burningC.burningD.servingD.se

30、rving4.Mark_ down and helped the boy pick up these articles.(20034.Mark_ down and helped the boy pick up these articles.(2003 北京北京 春春 5050 小题)小题)A.fellA.fellB.satB.satC.layC.layD.kneltD.knelt5.5.,but they are _ damage to our houses and shops of historical interest,Said Johnbut they are _ damage to o

31、ur houses and shops of historical interest,Said JohnNorris,one of the protesters.Norris,one of the protesters.(NMET1999NMET1999 第第 3030 题题)A.doingA.doingB.B.raisingraisingC.C.puttingputtingD.D.producingproducing6.Hed6.Hed3636his life brewing beer for local breweries only to make a living,his life br

32、ewing beer for local breweries only to make a living,3737had hishad hisfather and grandfather and grandfather before him.father before him.3636A.costA.costB.spentB.spentC.takeC.takeD.paidD.paid3737A.likeA.likeB.as ifB.as ifC.soC.soD.norD.nor7.On April 12,1888,Alfreds brother Ludwig died of heart att

33、ack.7.On April 12,1888,Alfreds brother Ludwig died of heart attack.A major French newspaper _A major French newspaper _his brother for him andhis brother for him andA.A.foundfoundB.misunderstoodB.misunderstoodC.mistookC.mistookD.judgedD.judged能与“能与“A for B”A for B”搭配的在四个选项中只有选项搭配的在四个选项中只有选项 C,mistak

34、e A for BC,mistake A for B意为“误以为意为“误以为 A A 是是 B B,把,把 A A 错当错当成成 B”B”。注意:。注意:mistake-mistook-mistakenmistake-mistook-mistaken4词汇题词汇题3.3.根据词汇的意义及用法辨析词义根据词汇的意义及用法辨析词义1.(20101.(2010 江苏卷江苏卷)My father)My father3636me to her with these words:“I would like you to meet the fellowme to her with these words:“

35、I would like you to meet the fellowwho is who is 36.A.rushed36.A.rushedB.sentB.sentC.carriedC.carriedD.introducedD.introduced语境语境-词义辨析词义辨析2.(20102.(2010 全国全国 I I)The happiest people dontThe happiest people dont53(necessarily)53(necessarily)have the best of everythinghave the best of everything;they

36、justthey just5454the best of everything they have.the best of everything they have.54 A.learn54 A.learnB makeB makeC.favorC.favorD.tryD.try语境语境-词义辨析词义辨析3.The boy was _3.The boy was _ _ the water and his canoe was _ away._ the water and his canoe was _ away.A.A.ononB.B.withinwithinC.C.in inD.D.underu

37、nderA.A.runningrunningB.B.floatingfloatingC.C.flowingflowingD.D.pullingpulling4.With her slow and clumsy reactions,she would surely _ her team.4.With her slow and clumsy reactions,she would surely _ her team.A.hold onA.hold onB.hold outB.hold outC.hold overC.hold overD.hold upD.hold up语境语境+词语辨析词语辨析5

38、.The trainer decided it was useless trying to finish.He called to Trudy to5.The trainer decided it was useless trying to finish.He called to Trudy to4545.4545A.keep upA.keep upB.slow downB.slow downC.give upC.give upD.take upD.take up6.The forest began to disappear,which 53 all the animals dying out

39、.6.The forest began to disappear,which 53 all the animals dying out.53.A.resulted in53.A.resulted inB.resulted fromB.resulted fromC.createdC.createdD.lay inD.lay in7.Nobel arranged in his will to give the largest part of his money to establish the Nobel Prizes,7.Nobel arranged in his will to give th

40、e largest part of his money to establish the Nobel Prizes,which would be awarded to people who made great _ to the causes of peace,literature,andwhich would be awarded to people who made great _ to the causes of peace,literature,andthe sciences.the sciences.A.additionsA.additionsB.sacrificesB.sacrif

41、icesC.changesC.changesD.contributionsD.contributionsmake additions tomake additions to给给增加增加make sacrifices formake sacrifices for为为做出牺牲做出牺牲make changes tomake changes to对对作修改作修改make contributions tomake contributions to对对作贡献作贡献8.So I tried hard with my writing and went to college.My first novel8.So

42、 I tried hard with my writing and went to college.My first novel4545while I was atwhile I was atcollege.college.45.A.came45.A.cameononB.came inB.came inC.came outC.came outD.came backD.came backcome oncome on加油,得了吧;开始加油,得了吧;开始come outcome out出来出来;盛开盛开;出版出版;显出显出come income in进来进来come backcome back回来回

43、来词汇题词汇题4.4.根据生活常识及文化背景知识进行选择根据生活常识及文化背景知识进行选择51.I made my sandwich that afternoon while waiting for Cassie.1.I made my sandwich that afternoon while waiting for Cassie.3939the butter-cream gavethe butter-cream gaveme an idea.me an idea.A.SpreadingA.SpreadingB.BoilingB.BoilingC.BakingC.BakingD.Holdin

44、gD.Holding生活常识生活常识2.(20102.(2010 福建福建)Born)Bornin inAmerica,I spoke English not ChineseAmerica,I spoke English not Chinese,the language of my ancestors.the language of my ancestors.When I was three.my parents flashed cards with ChineseWhen I was three.my parents flashed cards with Chinese3636at my f

45、ace,but I pused themat my face,but I pused them37(aside)37(aside),36.A.custorn36.A.custornB.gamesB.gamesC.characters D.languageC.characters D.language常识、背景知识常识、背景知识3.I turned the key in the lock and _the door open.3.I turned the key in the lock and _the door open.A.A.knockedknockedB.forcedB.forcedC.

46、pushedC.pushedD.triedD.tried语境语境-常识常识4.(20084.(2008 浙江浙江)I I dontdont rememberremember mymy fatherfather everever gettinggetting intointo a a swimmingswimming pool.pool.ButBut hehe diddidlovelove thethewaterwater.Any kind of.Any kind ofride seemed to give him pleasure.And he loved to fishride seemed

47、 to give him pleasure.And he loved to fishA.boatA.boatB.busB.busC.trainC.trainD.bikeD.bike5 5.,you _the international dateline.By agreement,.,you _the international dateline.By agreement,this is the point where a new day_.this is the point where a new day_.A.see A.seeB.crossB.crossC.areC.areD.are st

48、opped byD.are stopped byA.is comingA.is comingB.is discoveredB.is discoveredC.is inventedC.is inventedD.beginsD.beginsthe international datelinethe international dateline 是是 国际日期变更线国际日期变更线 ,是人们所规定的,看不见,摸不着,但是可,是人们所规定的,看不见,摸不着,但是可以越过。它是新的一天开始的地方。答案分别为以越过。它是新的一天开始的地方。答案分别为 B B 和和 D D其实,其实,以上方法并非独立使用,以

49、上方法并非独立使用,交互使用的情况较多。交互使用的情况较多。根据文章运用多方法,根据文章运用多方法,对选项逐项分析,对选项逐项分析,排除干扰项,从而确定最佳答案。对稍难的或拿不准的个别题,我们可采用排除法。排除干扰项,从而确定最佳答案。对稍难的或拿不准的个别题,我们可采用排除法。二:逻辑手段二:逻辑手段1.1.逻辑手段逻辑手段顺序关系顺序关系并列关系并列关系因果关系因果关系让步关系让步关系转折关系转折关系解释关系解释关系1.1.(20102010 江苏卷江苏卷)Then she looked at my father and replied,“You are)Then she looked a

50、t my father and replied,“You are40(wrong).40(wrong).This is not the worst boy at all,This is not the worst boy at all,4141the smartest one who hasnt yet found an outletthe smartest one who hasnt yet found an outlet(释放的途径)(释放的途径)for his enthusiasm.”for his enthusiasm.”41.41.A.butA.butB.soB.soC.andC.a

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