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1、中考英语阅读专项练习一、ImMari、 work in nursin om(养老院) an my o okafe heod peo、 Alice one f e、Shes veryice old woa、is year, Alice had a difficlt tme、 heett opita tice、 I Noember, I inlly could get rbackohe “me”、Alce opehat her aghtr coulde to visi her onhristms Eve ecse sheanted tob with hr faiy, i h d ay、 But h

2、er ugter was n af Cristmas, s she was vry s、 I als flsad ecse shwould be lone onte hod! ChristmasEve, took r to candligt serv (烛光礼拜)t church thanh、I ddt ake her toyhurch、 ther to he chuchin her od neihborhd、e go erly and Ilet sit near h door, o pople could seehrwhentey ca in、Soon some ofhe frdsame t

3、 te curch and they al alkedt han sa wih 、Alice gt a lot f love rom he old andefie ere、 e sad she lovedhe gft lke his、 That igt, I thought I go the bestgt:he ileon Aics face、根据材料内容选择正确答案。 What id Mari ikfAles life tis yar?A、 Difficul、 B、ap、C、 Exciting、 D、 Boring、2Alice wantd o n Cristm E、A、 leav hsit

4、al B、 have a partC、 ty it hr daugher D、 se her old fn3.re spenthChrstmas Ev 、A、i the nursing hom B、 ia churhC、 n hehue D、 in hspita4htn we arnabut Aice?A、 Shlivedwihher daughter、B、 he was i erygood halt、C、 he ikd tayin n the nrsghome、 Sh was nappy efore the ChrmasEve、5What she best title of te asage

5、?A、 The bst Candleligt Seric、B、 Th bstChristas g、 liesfamily、D、 aries o、二、Happe is imporant fr ere、 Mt peplwant to be hapybutfenoo to nd ppins、Mone andsuccss dot bing inhpinss、 Happnes epend o osees、I the wds,wemakeour on hpiness、Some pole ieve that if te ae eath,theywille letodo antigthe want, whic

6、h meanshappiness、 Onteothe had, some peope beeveh dn a high pitonin the govrment is happines、 tiay,o haveotonly money, butals mny ohrthngs whih cn e bougt y money、 Hweve, otherpelebelve thhavinglots f mone is not apiness,no is hldig a hih potion inth gvernment、Thesepeopue(重视) therbelies, orthirintel

7、lince, or their eal、 The hinkese an makth hapy、ee are fewwys to elp you b hppie、T firs seret o ppiness i tono th imple thingsin life、 Tooften,wespend s muchtiehiking aotth fuur, for eamle,gettgino college otng a good job, that wdontno thepresnt、 You should enjoy les simle pleaures, uc as readinga go

8、d book,lstening t your favoritemuic, o speigmewith cose fies、Peope who av cse inds uallynoy hpr ad ther ives、Te seonderetf hpnss i to bative、 ay eope go aing la srt、 Pep an foet ao teirprobleadl hink boutthe aciitie、Finlly,man peple fin happies i elpingthers、 codigo tudies,peolefel od wen they vouer

9、 theitime to o mn meangful insfr othe peoe、 If u want to feelpp, o somethig ni for meon、 Yo ca help a frind wit s rsdis, shpin o get ood foraodneighbor,or impl he arundthe ou、Now ayb y know h to finhappiness!6.he uerinedword “eath means “_” i the artice、A、 eased B、 healthC、 eied D、 rich7.ome peple o

10、hold ih posionn the gverme thinkthey cn _、 get mney adsomething heycnt buy wt mneB、 dowhat hey ant t do at a tmeC、 enhelth hihmaksthem work hrdD、 tknactiv pt in all kind o ctivties ever day8.Th riter tikshecret fapess is that opl _、A、 hink abot gt agood oB、 tik ofpsents thy dt ikeC、 oten spentime wi

11、th lose fieds、 often sendtme o etering he collegMa people in it hapy to _、A、 emeber te oldays ndtrubesB、 dosome meainful thins foothersC、go hoppig to bu som odD、 much money adltt ccess10。e pasagemainly tes u _、 hw to ind hppinesB、 howo se hapnessC、 to somthig gd footheD、 to alue our beliefs o heh三、o

12、nor egis is a mal beautiful townin th K、 rom Mar 12to17 of eachyea, lot f clns (小丑) et togter inhetown cebrte the InternatialClwFetiva、e frstonewas n1987、uing th fetial, peope a ee all knds of clowns、 Te regter frthecown hos、Theyhave bi fet, red ns and loo realyfuny、 Thyn and dc i a tangeyo ma peopl

13、e hapy、 Chilren likethis iterestin fv bst、Now women cn ake rt n the lown showsand the verpular、 But inteast, nly men could clown、1 InternatinalClonstivl iies o _veryyer、A、 March 12 B、 March 14C、 arc 15 D、 Mach 712The first Itenationl Cow Fetv was in _、 978B、 1987C、 1879 D、 17981_like tefsivl est、Old

14、 eopl B、 WomC、 en D、 Children1.Whatcan we lean about hefetival?A、 Its fetial only okidB、 Cows wear blue oss、 I hs hisory f2 yers、D、 lwn avet daeto mak popl happ5.Wat is the bestile of tepsse?A、 Wnderl cowshws、 Bonoregslown fetval、 A beautifl town,Bgnr Ris、D、 Th first ernaional Clown esival、。A2.C3.B.

15、5。B【解析】试题分析:这篇短文给我们讲述得就是Mrie,一个养老院得工作者,陪着Aie,一个孤独得老人过圣诞节。在圣诞节得前夜,她们去了Alice家附近得教堂,让Alice见到了她得很多老朋友,这个孤独得老人过得很开心,她脸上得笑就就是Maie收到得最好得圣诞礼物。1细节理解题。根据短文第二段中se, Aice had a diffu tie、可知,短文中ari告诉我们Alie这一年过得很艰难。由此可知选。.细节理解题。根据短文第三段中lie hoped tha hedaughter coulde t vist hr on Christma Evbecause she ateto e wit

16、h he faily,可知,圣诞节前夜,Aice想让她得女儿来陪她。故选C.3。细节理解题。根据短文第四段中On Chrstmas Ee, tok her toacanlelight sevice(烛光礼拜) at chuh tat nigt、可知,在圣诞节得前夜,arie陪着Alic来到教堂做礼拜。故选B。4推理判断题。根据短文中Alce hoped haterdugtercould to it he on hrismas Ee u he dater wa ngafer hits,sse waver sd可以瞧出,Ale想让女儿来陪她过圣诞节,但就是她得女儿要到圣诞节之后才能来,所以ic非常

17、伤心。故选D。5主旨大意题。这篇短文给我们讲述得就是Mari,一个养老院得工作者,陪着Alic,一个孤独得老人过圣诞节。在圣诞节得前夜,她们去了ice家附近得教堂,让Alc见到了她得很多老朋友,这个孤独得老人过得很开心,她脸上得笑就就是ari收到得最好得圣诞礼物。故B选项最符合文意,体现文章主题,故选。考点:日常生活类短文阅读。6。7.A8.CB0.A【解析】6细节理解题.题干意为:划线单词“wel”就是什么意思?联系后半句,她们能做任何她们想做得事情,所以上半句“Ifhyare wethy”得意思就是如果她们有钱了,故选。7.细节理解题.题干意为,有些在政府为高官得人她们认为她们能怎样?根据

18、文章得描述“On theoherhad, oe pele believ tha holding hgh psition in hegovrnn i hiess、 Intis wy, yo hae not ony oey, bt lso many ohrthngs which antbought b mone、可知选择A。8.细节理解题。题干意为:作者认为幸福得秘密就是什么?根据文章第四段得描述可知选项A,B与D就是错误得,根据文章得描述“r pendin time with cose fend、 ope whhave clseiends slly ejo apied hthier lves、”

19、可知选项C就是正确得。.细节理解题。题干意为:人们能从做哪件事中找到快乐?、 embe the ldday and troules记住以前得日子与烦恼,文中没有提到,就是错误得; B、 dosoe meaningfu higfr ohers为其她人做一些有意义得事情,根据文章得描述“Acordin t studis, people fe god he they lunter ther im to doman meaninfl thigs for other eple、”可知,就是正确得;C、 go hopping to buy somefood去购物买一些食物,根据文章得描述“go pio e

20、t fod fornold neigbor,”可知就是错误得;D、 mak uch mey ndtsucces挣很多得钱与很少得成功,结合文章,就是错误得。故选B。10推理判断题。题干意为:这篇文章主要告诉我们什么?A、 how tindappines怎么找到幸福?B、 how toe hppiness怎么节约幸福;C、 o do smething god for others为其她人做一些好事;D、o alue our belieforhealth使我们得信仰与健康有价值.通读文章,可知讲得就是如何找到幸福,并且给我了三个建议,故选A.点评:本文就是一篇说明文,讲述了幸福很重要,幸福取决于我

21、们自己,有人认为有钱就就是幸福地,有人认为当高官就就是幸福,然而更多得人认为她们得信仰,机智健康更重要,然后作者提出了一些建议使我们幸福:享受简单得生活,要积极活跃,帮助她人。本题得难点就是第74小题,需要我们逐个排除。考点:说明类短文.11。.13.D14.15B【解析】1.细节理解题.题干意为:国际小丑节每年在什么时候结束?根据文章得描述“Fm March 12 to 17of eachyear, lot f owns (小丑) geoetheri th tow telrae theInternationalClown Festival、”,可知选择D。细节理解题。题干意为:第一届国际小丑

22、节就是在哪年开始得?根据文章得描述“Theirtoe was 1987、”可知选择B.3.细节理解题。题干意为:谁最喜欢这个节目?根据文章得描述“Cldren like this iterting estival st、,可知选择D。4。细节理解题.题干意为:从这篇文章我们学到了什么?A、 ts a festval ony for kids、 这仅就是为孩子们得节日,根据文章得描述“Dring te estival, people see all kind of clws可知这个节目不仅仅就是为孩子们得.B、 Cown war bluenoses、 小丑们带着蓝色得鼻子.根据文章得描述“Thy

23、 hve bigeet, rd noes an loo ally funy、”可知就是错误得。、 t has a histryf 27years、 这个节日有27年得历史了。根据文章得描述,197年开始,现在就是2014年,算一下就是有2年得历史了.故就是正确得.C、 Clows have to nce to ma peoplhapy、小丑们不得不跳舞使人们开始,根据文章得描述“Theysing an dac in astage wy tomae eope hppy、”可知就是错误得.5.推理判断题。题干意为:文章得最好得题目就是什么?通过读全文,可知主要描述得就是小丑节这个节日。故选B.点评

24、:本文就是一篇说明文,讲述了博格诺里吉斯就是英国得一个美丽得小城镇,在每年得3月2日1日,许多得小丑聚集到一起来庆祝小丑节.在节日期间,我们可以瞧到各式各样得小丑,现在妇女也可以扮成小丑,以前只有男人才可以扮小丑。本题得难点就是第64小题,需要我们逐个排除错误得选项。四、ThomaEdisn itupthewrl th invntion ofth ectic light、 Witut im, te wormht still be in th drk、 Hoer, t elerc liht as no hs only ntin、 ealso invetedthe motio picuecamer

25、a and er1,00 other thgs、 botevrtwo e e created oething nw、ThasEdiso as orin 184、 Hatnded schoolfr only heemts、 His mhe tght mt hoe, but Thomaswa motly self-euce、 He started xprentin a yun age、Whn h was 12 yersold, he gthi first jo、Hebcame newsbo onrain、 Heiexerimntsn thetran i hs spae ti、 nckily, hi

26、sfrsork exprice id not en well、 They firdhim wh he ccidntll set ire o the fo ofthe rain、 Tn Edsonworked for fvyears as a elgraphoperator, but e coed tspend uhof his timei exprimtnghifist paten(专利权)in 68fora vte roderrun by lectricty、Thomas Edison was totalldeaf o ear andha ofherin in the her, u he h

27、ught ofhis deness a blesngi many ways、 Itket conversatios shrt, so ha he ul ae oretim forrk、 always woked1 t of ee 24 hours、 memes hwife hadto ind im to sleep ane、Thms Ediso did at thage of84、 He lef gret many inionsha geaty imred thequalityflifeall over te wrld、16.Hw oten did dion ake a ewinvntin?A

28、、 bouteery fourtdys、 、Abou verysvnays、C、Aot nce week、 、 About twe a ek、7.Te udrined world“fired”n heasage men “_”A、 ave omebody ob、 、Set fir to somed、C、 eoeb down、 、 Foced smebody toleaveshsb、1. disonconidered his deafessa_、A、somethng bad B、 agft rGodC、 a kindof ility 、 a dsdntag1Whic ofte folowig s

29、enenesisN reacrdingt the passage?、Edio h nly 8urset eacday fte hisdeaes、B、 Eison got hiseduao osty b slftein、Eson ha his firsobin 196、D、disnivntions reaty imroedthe qaty of peollife、20。Wht dos te ssgmainly talk at?A、 Th untiono he electric t、B、 Edion nd h exerimns、C、 Te imporacof invions、D、The hol i

30、feo dison、五、unmng is the caial Ynn、 s ctywithalonghistor、 Kuming asa ouat of more th,0,00、 Touh twether in Yunnan canges romplce o plae, unming is amo for er beutiul eahe、 ts eithr too hoi summe or too old in wne、 Thats whymor a oeeopl ie to tavel ad even to ive ere、 Yo cansee tha rea ches hvete pa

31、hre、 A lt of tallbidns, ciemasand hsps aveben pt p、 You can cros the streets ovroobridgs n the city、Youca uy ateve you want i shops ad supermarketi raond the city、 eople ives ar being betrand better、At eeno on holdy,popleli telaxemselve in ierent lacs nd in iferen wys、 witer, people esecially ldpeop

32、l wou ke to clib heestern Hills、 Fromh tp ofHills, youcanhave god lok atthe eutiful scnery ofKming、Far aay romthHl, y ca enjo thSeg But amog the Hills、 Afrsper,families tae awalk alg thea o iaci Lake、 he Gode Tle nd EXP arden r o fas paces of interet nte norhf te city、 EXPO aden is kwn ple t t mean

33、broa、You can spen a le da visiting th worlfamo garden、A litle farher wayfom the outheas f the y, a spci foresweles yo、 It is o ree fores,ut a toneot、 So it icalled the to orest、People inKunmig really friendly、Tey often iniether friendhme tor elico food, rcornoode、 youwant to kow more aboutKmig and t

34、e her fod, pleas ist her rslf、2。Whats he ouatinof Kunmin?A、 verfive ilin、 B、 Over fivehusand、C、 ver five illio、 D、Ove fve hunde、22。、h eaher in Yunn s _、A、the me in dfferent places、ethertoo ho nor toocodC、 difernt n diffeetplacesD、 differen i he am pace23。The Sleepng Beauty is the me ofa_、 erson 、 hi

35、ll C、 sop 、lmtar4。_ sknown to epl alloerthe wod、 The Wesern Hlls B、 Thene orstC、 The Goden Teple D、 EXPO Garden25.h writer oipassag nts to _、iv tursts tKuni B、 visit KningC、taste he odD、 know oebut Kunng六、Wheneve the sun droppd and tue sky cme u, my faher an I use to cimb th moutinnea y hos、 liogeth

36、er, my fthernd I uetohavea lot of convesatio hrughwhich leare lessnsfo his xerice、Halwas td , “You shoul have glke cmbig the mounain、” Without te mountanclimbng that w th enjoed, we couldnthve eugh tme to endtghe because y fahe s ry busy、 raly ot a ot om nain-imbin、gve m tie o ta with my fathe an to

37、 be n dp thoughts ll as deelopmyptene(耐力)、Once e clibe a ery highmontain、 It wasso llengig fo me ecause ws only ten yarsld、 Drig their whours o climbig, I ejoyd t lowers nd s, anthe brs g, buta im pse, I got a pain bohf my egs、 Iwntedto quit climbing、 n t,I ated i a tht mment, t my fahesadte, “Yo an alwayseea bautifu ska the tp of h mounain, butyou c s it bfore you eachthe t、 ly h t e tp, cnyou seeall of theniceting, just lke inlife、”

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