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1、功能意念项目表(一) 社会交往 (Social nictios)()问候 (Geetngs)Pe syhl toyu parents、Please v lve/ twihes toLucy、 (2)介绍(Intoduti)Ths is M、 / Mrs、 / Miss Ms Brwn、(3)告别 (Farewl )A、See u later / thn omrrow soon、Ia sorr I have to go ow、 amfrai I mute leaing now、()感谢(Thak )A、 Thnk you fyuhep、Itsery kind /nie o ou、appiateu

2、rhl、B、 talesu、My peasu、atOK/ a right、Yue we、Don t mentit、(5)道歉 (Apologis)、Sor、 Im srry、xuse,please、 beg your pron、I sor fr ing your book、Im so o interruptu、I orry(hat)m lae、B、 Thts K、Tats a right、Never mnd、I desnt matter、Its otig、Fge 、(6)邀请 (Invitatio)A、 Woud u like ooor awalk?Yo ms inerwith us、a I

3、inve yu o innr?Wat / How abou avig aswim?B、 OK、hank you、I ikhat, hanks、Ys, Id ov to、Thatwoud bevery nce、B2、 o,hanyu、Ivery nic f you,bt my mothers ill、Iloe t, uI rad I have no tme、Im soryI ant、Wht aut otheme?(7)请求允许 (ingforerision )A、 May e?Can Coul use yor tepone?s it al riht I si he? wonder if culd

4、smoke hre、Wold / Do und if I open the windo?B、 Yes, pleas、ue、 Cerainly、Pesdo、 That alright、 f course, youan、G ahead, plese、B2、 ry,its t lod、mafr nt、 Yod btter not、Its not aowed、m sorry,but you cn smoein he extr、(8)祝贺与祝愿 (Eprssing wihes and conratlations)A、 Hvead da tie!ave a gojurey /rp!ood luck!Eno

5、yyourself!Bestwses to yo、Hay NeYear!Merr Chistmas!Happy birthday!Wish yual thesuccs!Cngrtuations!Well done! 、 Thak y、Yu, too、Thesameto you、()提供帮助 (Offernghelp)、D o ant me to ean therom?Ca I hel you?Wly like m to helpyu?Watcan I do fr yu?Let me tak your bags、 Yes,se、 Ys, thaks、Tank you、at woud nice /

6、 fine、Thnk yu fo ou (the) help、B、 No, thank ankyou、Thank yuallthe same、hatv kind yu, but I cn maa it mself、(0)约会 (Making poitment )、Will yubefree tomrrow?o you hav time isatenoon?H aout tmorrow morning?When / Wre shal we mee?Cld we met a 4:30?Les mait 4:0、B、 Ys, Ill be fre then、Al riht、 eeyou te、B2、

7、Im araid I hae o tme the、Sorry, wo be fre he、 t Ilbe f tomorrow、(1) 打电话 (Makng elephoneca )A、 Hello! y speako o?llo! Id like to speak to Mr、 Grn、Isthat Liu Yng speaki?an Ileavea message?Il callbac ler / again、Ill ng hm / her upagain、Hello! Thiis ary peking、Hllo, wh i tis?od on, plee、Just aoment, eae

8、、H, osspeakin?Sory、He / he isnthere rightw、Can I takeamesag?orr、 I cnteou、The line i ba / bus、 coulntet through、Sorry, I afrad uhave the wongnumer、(12) 就餐 (Havig al)、 Wulyou likoeingto eat/dn?Wat woudyoike (o ve)?Wol ou like somemore fish?Hlpourelf o seih、Whchdo ou prefe, ice or noodles?Wt wuld you

9、like to di, tea cff?B、Ys, Id like adrink、Idlke ric adchcken、Juta itte, leae、CanI haveoe more sp?t so eiious、 Thank yu、I prer noodles o rie、I li green t、B2、 No,hk yo、 Ive hadnough、Im ful, hak you、Its ery dlicus, but caneaty mor、()就医 (Seg theoctr)、 Wats the mte?Wat seems t e thtrobl?Do you ha afeer?Ho

10、w lon avyou feltlike this?Its notngsrious、Takismedicietree ties a dy、Youlbe allrgh we soon、Gie up smoking nd kepon takigmre eeises、I ave a heaach /cough/ fver、Ifeel terile bad horribl al、I on fel l、Ivgot pain ere、It urt here、I nt lietng、cantsep well、(4)购物(Shoppin)A、 Ca/ My Ihep yo?Wht c fory?wmny /

11、muchwolyoulke?Wacoour / size/ kind wud you ike?tbout ts oe?eres you chane、 I wt ike pi of hoes、Ho mch is tr they?May Itr t on?ts to bi/ mal、Sorr, it to exensie、Douhave anyoter colour/ sies/ kinds?Twond hal kios ponds, please、hatsfine、 l take 、Jut hv aoo、Well,11thinkabutit、() 问路 (kingt way)、 xcuse me

12、、Wheres he sroo?C you el e how t get o e st offic?cse e、 Which s goes World Par?cue e、 Whiistheway to the nk fhina?xcusee、 ould you tl me hewt6 he stn,pe?How can get o o、4 Middlchool?、Its other、Its about 400metre from here、G don his strt unil you s thet redbuilding、Tr right/e a th firt /scond crong

13、er、Yu ct is i、Youcan takebusNo、 10、ou better tae a tai、?B、 Sr、Idontknow、 Ima strnge he、(16)谈论天气 (lig about weathr)A、 Whats theweather likeday?Hows the eatherin ejng?Wha a cold / odaytday!I a nce/ fe / bautful daytoay、B、 Its suny cludy / wind / rai / sowy/f、Its etti o / cd /warm / h、(17)语言交际困难 (Lan d

14、ificltie inmuication)ardo?I beg yor pdon? I dontndta、 Sorry,I cnt followo、Couly ay that ain, please?Culd ou repeat ha,lease?Can u speakoe owly, plese?What do you man by that?Howd you say 、 n Eglish? don kow how t say ht in gh、dont kow thewor in English、Hwdoyosp t, plase?I r I oknow lilEnglish、(18)提醒

15、注意(Rminding nd warig)ont orge yur raincoat、 Rmemb to loc th dor、akesur tall the wnwsae lose、Mindyor ead/tep!No smoking!No spting!Wet loor!Lok t!Be careful!Donttouch!ts dngros!(9)劝告 (Avice)Yod bettr go tee t or、You should lstn o andraEngis eera、You eedtobu ahinesenglih dictinry、IfI were u,Id pne i ow

16、、Dntrh / hurry/ sh、 lese stndn line、(20) 建议 (Suggestin)et o and av a look、Sldwegoow?What / Howabu a pcicthis Say?Why dotyoub a pute?Wh n go t ovie?(二) 态度 (Attitude)(1) 同意与不同意 (Agreementdisagreemen)Sure、 Crainly、Thatsorrct、Of ourse、 Al riht、I agree、N prole、hat goo idea、es, tinkso、Noway、Ofcoseno、I dnt

17、agree、Idont tink so、Imafrid not、(22)喜欢与不喜欢(Les anddilikes)Ts boois very interesting、Il / lovethemovi (vrymc)、I lie/ love to pl ter games、 lke akingphots、I njliteig musc、Imintereted n cnce、e isfond f musi、hi song i bad /awful、 donlike movie veymuch / at all、I dont ejy coecingtamps、hte t do omwork、(23

18、)肯定与不肯定 (etaiy nduntainty)m sur、Imsure f tht、m(quite)ue(that) shll join u、The is o dobt that it made of ilk、s lear that it wll rin soon、m notso re、Imnotsur of that、Imot sure heher/ if he n 、Maybe yure ht、Perhps she it hmnow、Iar o a、(24)可能与不可能 (Possibilit aimposibiliy)A、 e an/ may e ody、I ay snow ton

19、igh、 Is pssible toinshthe hmewrk bfoe 6 olok、B、He cant b in t oice no、t impossile to finish myhoewor within one our、(5)能够与不能够 (Ability a inalty) can ride a bike、 s abe to pasthe math xm、Hei odat fotbll、e ant sim、Hes unbe t wa any more、Shes ot god t simming、(6)偏爱与爱好(Prefre ndhobe)I prefer a、 Which do

20、 youpree, aor ffe?Irer tea f、d pefer o g b ran、I ikeEnlshbeer / t e、My foutsubjects physic、Idater drink ffeenea,ee would you rathr go, Lod or Toy?(27)意愿与打算 (Intenonsd pa)Il o withou、 goi to se y hea teacher thisftrno、Id lie o mke a pone call to e afer ass、 want / hope o fin an Eglshpfrend、I lan togo

21、 to ngzho ti ser、 are ryo me to ew oe、Ia tinknofdrigo Bing、I woteetemvieagain、not goingtouy teoo、I dontat o live in te big city、(8)希望与愿望 (Hop nd wish) sh to ee youagi、I op t bee a doctor、I hopeit says ine、I wsh I ere yger、 hope so、eno、(29)表扬与鼓励 (aise nd encourgemen)A、 y good!Wlldoe!Wondul!Exceent!Y

22、spek nglis very well、Y dress is beautifl! o! ee tyi!Yu cano it!B、 nyu、K、 Ill t it g、(30)责备与抱怨 (Blaeandplaint)ht doyo mea by doing so?How couldu chetyourtecher?Why didnt ou tl e t trt?Imsory to have sidtt,butthi oo is oo dit,Why onoud ometing abu it?(3) 冷淡 (Iniference) don cr,Ido cae wha yo do、It dsn

23、tmater tme、I dn mind iyou smoke、Its none of my busies、(三) 情感 (in)(2)高兴 (Hane)How wondru nce!as lovey gat / oderfu!Im so happy、Its oe、I plsed tokn tat、(33)惊奇 (Srprie)ey?Oh dear!Is that so?Wat urrise!How nce t se yu!Hw risig!Im urrise、It sprises e at yor Eglih is o eautiul、Des that sprise you?Isthi wa

24、 you eeted?(3)忧虑(Worries)Whatswong?Whas he matter?Anyhing wron?Wha sould e do?Is something worryn you?r u worre about yourheth?(35)安慰 (Ressurace)Thee,there、Dont bafrad、ontwrry、Is (quit) ll right、ll e OK /al ri、(36)满意(Satifcion)Good!Wlldne!Perc!Thts fine、Tats btter、Thats good ogh、m asdwit yourpoken E

25、ngsh、()遗憾 (Regret) so sorry!It a grat pity!hat a shame!Thats too bad!(38)同情(yahy)I s sry!Imsosory aboutyour llnss、mso to earyu a goinway、(39)恐惧 (Fear)elp!ow terle!Imafraidof thtdog、Imfrightened、(四) 时间 (im) (4)时刻 (Point of tie)A、 Excuse me、 Watshe time, pease?Exuse me、 atime is ?Haveyou ot the ime?en

26、 dd you e to China?Whattime oyou get everydy?B、Is alf pstfive / tweny tonine、 came to Ci n 1998、I ge at 6oclock、(2)时段 (Dration)、 Hw lngha you een ithis school?How ong does it t ou toe toschoo?When did youlve i Bijing?Howlngavo bee ill?B、 Iha eenn t schol or thee year、It ake mtntymins by ike、I liin B

27、eingfom96 to 1999、 have ben il ice las Moda ht、(43) 频度(Fqency)A、 Hw oe do yo otomovie?B、 I gotothe moveonce a wee、I tneer g t oves、(4) 时序 (Sequence)What didu do next?Filyeound r wayout、It rainedeven harder lar on、(五)空间(Space)(45) 位置 (Psition)A、Where is th pcre?B、Its on a / ve in ude /esie /nea / beh

28、ind the tabl、He sits te back o h rom、hlabisin the centre ofhe school、(6)方向 (Diretio)、 Which is the wa to e staton?Wherei thetrain / busgng?Were reyou going?B、 odown thistret,an tur left right t the first cri、The tran i gon toXian、Thetrain is ging to he east/ et / outh/ noth、m gong tothe ailwatati、 m

29、 lvig fo Shaa、(4) 距离 (Dstnce)A、 ofar is you scool frmhere?B、It abou40 int b be、Its about 6 kiloeres/ miles aay、(六)存在 (Exitence) (48) 存在 (Exitence)A、 Is hera bird in the tre?Arethere anyapplesinth ree?hatsi tetree?、Yes, the s/ ae、Thre a brd inthetre、here remany /a ot ors in the tree、(4)不存在 (on-xstene

30、)A、steean Enlish boo in thescolbg?Ae thee anyEngish bksin thescoolbag?I thr a wate t bttle?、 No, ere isnt / aren(any)、here isnt nEnglih bok nteshoolbg、Thr ret anynglish books in te schobag、No, therno watinthebotl、There nooepe in the prter、(七)特征 (Features) (5)形状 (ap)A、 What dos it ok lik?What th shpe

31、 o the clouds?B、 t os l am、Its roud / log / tl/ hort、Ia circle/ sare、Is a Ushped od、(51) 颜色 (Clou)A、Wha clou s the?、 Itsgre / re/ blue / yellow / blac /white/ orag uple / da blu、I like the pht nblack n wite、(52) 材料 (Materil)A、 hats th tabe made f?Whats t re win madfrom?B、Its mdeo wod、Itmde from gas、

32、I bough a woen sweater yestrdy、(53) 价格 (Price)、 Hw much s the dictioary?How mch ?owmch are the?Is it eap / exensive?、The dicionary costm00 yun、Te diionary isexpensive / ca、(54) 规格(ie)、Wat size is you etr?What iz shes doyou war?B、Thsizof my weater XXL、Itso big / small/ ong so fr m、(5) 年龄 (Age)A、 Ho l

33、are y?Howold s he she?B、 Imeihten、H/ Shei sxyears l、Uncl Wng s anld mn、(八)计量 (eureent)(56)长度 (Length)A、Howlog is h bidg?B、Is 40 mers / fet long、(5) 宽度 (idth)A、 Hwid i the rive?B、 Isbut 200meewde、(5) 高度 (Higt)A、H l / hig ise building?B、 Is130 metres tll / igh、Theilding hs 85 loo /sties、() 数量 (Numbr)A

34、、How manystudentsaere in you cass?Hwmuhwater d you drinkeery d?B、 Tr re fotystudentsin or clas、Idink five lasss of wate ver da、(九)比较 (pr) (60)同级比较(qualprisn)Mueis alon as yous、Ican r s ast sy can、T ook is t asiteetnstt on、Iant run o fast ou can、(61) 差别比较 (artiv and suerlatie)Lly s youngr than t、Ther

35、ed sirtis ore expensive than th ellow one、 rn faster hanJ、rs、 Baer waks re slly than Mr、 Be、Jimi thtalst in his clas、Tomi the best of ll、(2)相似与差别 (Smlity an difeence)This pictisthe same astht e n the wa、Lucy is lieer ote、Tom loo like his te、My ictue i ierent rom yous、Thee re fivediferences eten th tw pictes、(十)逻辑关系 (ogica rlatons) ()原因与结果 (Caue andeffect)A、Why aeyou lte for chool?Hw culd you mis e train plane?B、 ecaseI gotup ate th

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