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1、装饰设计合同范本六篇文章一:装饰设计合同范本一中文版:装饰设计合同甲方:(甲方名称)乙方:(乙方名称)鉴于甲方拟对其(房屋/办公室/商铺等)进行装饰设计,特聘请乙方进行设计服务,双方经友好协商,达成以下合同:一、服务内容:1. 乙方将根据甲方的需求提供装饰设计方案,包括但不限于平面布置、材料选择、色彩搭配等,确保设计方案符合甲方的审美标准和功能要求。2. 乙方将提供完整的设计方案图纸和效果图,其中应包括详细的施工图纸以及其他相关设计资料,以便甲方进行施工和装饰。3. 乙方将就设计方案进行合理修改和调整,直至甲方满意为止。二、价格及支付方式:1. 甲方应支付乙方设计服务的费用为(具体金额),支付

2、方式为(一次性付清/分期付款)。2. 设计费用包括乙方提供的所有设计方案、图纸和咨询服务,在甲方满意接受设计方案后,设计费用不予退还。三、工期及服务保障:1. 乙方应按照双方约定的时间节点提交设计方案,并保证设计方案的质量符合约定标准。2. 如设计过程中发生甲方原因以外的设计错误或失误,乙方应承担相应责任,并在合理的时间内进行修改。四、保密条款:双方应对合作中涉及到的设计方案及其他商业信息予以保密,并不得向第三方透露或泄露。五、其他事项:(其他双方约定事项可在此列明)六、合同解释权:本合同自双方签署起生效,合同期为(具体期限),在未来合作中如有必要对本合同进行修订,须经双方协商,且修订后的内容

3、应签署补充协议或新合同方为有效。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: 英文版:Decoration Design ContractParty A: (Name of Party A)Party B: (Name of Party B)In consideration that Party A intends to decorate its (house/office/shop, etc.) and engages Party B to provide design services, the two parties have reached the following contract t

4、hrough friendly negotiation:I. Service Content:1. Party B will provide decoration design schemes based on the needs of Party A, including but not limited to layout, material selection, color matching, ensuring that the design scheme meets the aesthetic standards and functional requirements of Party

5、A.2. Party B will provide complete design drawings and renderings, including detailed construction drawings and other related design materials, for the purpose of construction and decoration by Party A.3. Party B will make reasonable modifications and adjustments to the design scheme until Party A i

6、s satisfied.II. Price and Payment Method:1. Party A shall pay Party B a fee for design services of (specific amount), with payment method as (one-time payment/installment payment).2. The design fee includes all design schemes, drawings, and consultation services provided by Party B. After Party A ac

7、cepts the design scheme, the design fee shall not be refunded.III. Timeframe and Service Guarantee:1. Party B shall submit the design scheme according to the agreed timeline and ensure that the quality of the design scheme meets the agreed standards.2. In case of design errors or mistakes not caused

8、 by Party A during the design process, Party B shall be responsible and make necessary corrections within a reasonable time frame.IV. Confidentiality Clause:Both parties shall keep confidential the design schemes and other business information involved in the cooperation, and shall not disclose or l

9、eak them to third parties.V. Other Matters:(Other agreed matters between both parties can be listed here)VI. Interpretation of Contract:This contract shall come into effect upon signature by both parties and shall be valid for (specific duration). In case of revision of this contract in future coope

10、ration, it shall be subject to negotiation by both parties, and the revised content shall be effective only after signing a supplemental agreement or a new contract.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signature: 文章二:装饰设计合同范本二中文版:装饰设计合同甲方:(甲方名称)乙方:(乙方名称)鉴于甲方拟进行房屋装饰设计,特聘请乙方作为设计师,提供设计服务,双方经友好协商,同意签订

11、以下合同:一、服务内容:1. 乙方将根据甲方提供的需求和要求,提供符合甲方审美和功能要求的设计方案,包括设计图纸、平面布置、材料选择及相关设计咨询。2. 乙方将根据甲方的反馈和意见,进行合理的修改和调整,并最终确定最终设计方案,确保甲方满意。3. 乙方将按照设计方案的要求提供相应的设计预算和材料清单,以便甲方进行后续施工和购买材料。二、价格及付款方式:1. 甲方应支付乙方设计服务费用为(具体金额),支付方式为(一次性付清/分期付款),设计费用包含所有设计服务及相关文件资料。2. 设计费用应在甲方接受最终设计方案后进行支付,设计费用不可退还。三、工期及服务保障:1. 乙方应按照双方约定的时间节点

12、提交设计方案,确保按时交付,并对设计方案的质量和准确性负责。2. 如果因乙方原因导致设计方案出现误差或不符合甲方要求,乙方需承担相应责任,并立即修正。四、保密条款:双方在合作中涉及到的商业机密和设计方案应予以保密,不得向任何第三方泄露。五、其他事项:(其他事宜可在此列明)六、合同解释权:本合同自双方签署生效,合同期为(具体期限),未来如有必要修订本合同,需经双方协商一致,修改后的内容须另行签署补充协议或新合同。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: 英文版:Decoration Design ContractParty A: (Name of Party A)Party B: (Name o

13、f Party B)Whereas Party A intends to carry out house decoration design and has engaged Party B as the designer to provide design services, the two parties have agreed to sign the following contract through friendly negotiation:I. Service Content:1. Party B will provide design schemes that meet Party

14、 As aesthetic and functional requirements based on the needs and requests provided by Party A, including design drawings, layout, material selection, and related design consultations.2. Party B will make reasonable modifications and adjustments according to Party As feedback and opinions, and finall

15、y confirm the final design scheme to ensure Party As satisfaction.3. Party B will provide the corresponding design budget and material list according to the requirements of the design scheme, for Party A to proceed with construction and material purchase.II. Price and Payment Method:1. Party A shall

16、 pay Party B a design service fee of (specific amount), with payment method as (one-time payment/installment payment). The design fee includes all design services and related document materials.2. The design fee shall be paid by Party A after accepting the final design scheme, and it is non-refundab

17、le.III. Timeframe and Service Guarantee:1. Party B shall submit the design scheme according to the agreed timeline, ensure timely delivery, and take responsibility for the quality and accuracy of the design scheme.2. If design errors or deviations from Party As requirements occur due to Party Bs rea

18、sons, Party B shall bear the corresponding responsibility and make immediate corrections.IV. Confidentiality Clause:Both parties shall keep the commercial secrets and design schemes involved in the cooperation confidential and shall not disclose them to any third party.V. Other Matters:(Other matter

19、s can be listed here)VI. Interpretation of Contract:This contract shall come into effect upon signature by both parties and shall be valid for (specific duration). In case of revision of this contract in future cooperation, it shall be subject to unanimous agreement by both parties, and the revised

20、content shall be signed in a separate supplemental agreement or a new contract.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signature: 文章三:装饰设计合同范本三中文版:装饰设计合同甲方:(甲方名称)乙方:(乙方名称)鉴于甲方拟进行室内装饰设计,委托乙方为其提供设计服务,经过双方友好协商,达成如下合同:一、服务内容:1. 乙方应在接到甲方委托后,提供符合甲方需求和要求的室内装饰设计方案,包括效果图、施工图和材料清单等,保证设计方案满足甲方的审美观和功能需求。2. 乙方应在设

21、计过程中与甲方保持密切沟通,及时反馈设计进展情况,并根据甲方的意见和建议进行修改和完善设计方案。3. 乙方应协助甲方选择合适的装饰材料和家具,提供相关的采购建议和指导,以确保装饰工程顺利进行。二、价格及支付方式:1. 甲方应支付乙方设计服务费用为(具体金额),支付方式为(一次性付清/分期付款),设计费用包含所有设计服务及设计文件。2. 设计费用应在甲方满意接受设计方案后支付,不得退还。三、工期及服务保障:1. 乙方应按照约定时间提交设计方案,保证按时完成,并对设计方案的质量和准确性负责。2. 如因乙方原因导致设计方案错误或需要修改,乙方应无条件配合并及时修正。四、保密条款:双方应对设计中涉及的

22、商业秘密和设计方案严格保密,并不得向第三方透露。五、其他事项:(其他约定事项可在此列明)六、合同解释权:本合同自双方签字日期生效,合同期限为(具体期限),如有必要修改本合同内容,须由双方协商一致,并签署补充协议或新合同方为有效。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: 英文版:Decoration Design ContractParty A: (Name of Party A)Party B: (Name of Party B)Whereas Party A intends to carry out interior decoration design and has commissione

23、d Party B to provide design services, the two parties have reached the following contract through friendly negotiation:I. Service Content:1. After receiving the commission from Party A, Party B shall provide interior decoration design schemes that meet Party As needs and requirements, including rend

24、erings, construction drawings, material lists, etc., ensuring that the design scheme meets Party As aesthetic and functional needs.2. Party B shall maintain close communication with Party A during the design process, promptly report on the progress of the design, and make modifications and improveme

25、nts to the design scheme based on Party As feedback and suggestions.3. Party B shall assist Party A in selecting suitable decoration materials and furniture, provide relevant procurement advice and guidance to ensure the smooth progress of the decoration project.II. Price and Payment Method:1. Party

26、 A shall pay Party B a design service fee of (specific amount), with payment method as (one-time payment/installment payment). The design fee includes all design services and design documents.2. The design fee shall be paid by Party A after accepting the design scheme, and it shall not be refunded.I

27、II. Timeframe and Service Guarantee:1. Party B shall submit the design scheme according to the agreed timeframe, ensure timely completion, and take responsibility for the quality and accuracy of the design scheme.2. If design errors or modifications are required due to Party Bs reasons, Party B shal

28、l cooperate unconditionally and make timely corrections.IV. Confidentiality Clause:Both parties shall strictly keep confidential the commercial secrets and design schemes involved in the design and shall not disclose them to any third party.V. Other Matters:(Other agreed matters can be listed here)V

29、I. Interpretation of Contract:This contract shall come into effect upon the date of signing by both parties and shall be valid for (specific duration). In case of revision of this contract, it shall be subject to unanimous agreement by both parties, and the revised content shall be effective only af

30、ter signing a supplemental agreement or a new contract.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signature: 文章四:装饰设计合同范本四中文版:装饰设计合同甲方:(甲方名称)乙方:(乙方名称)鉴于甲方拟对房屋进行室内装饰设计,特聘请乙方提供设计服务,经双方友好协商,达成以下合同:一、服务内容:1. 乙方将根据甲方提供的要求和设计风格,提供一套完整的室内装饰设计方案,包括设计效果图、施工图和材料清单等,确保设计方案符合甲方的喜好和需求。2. 乙方应与甲方保持密切沟通,及时反馈设计进展,听取甲方意见并作出合理修改,直至甲方满意为止。3. 乙方应根据设计方案提供相应的装饰建材和家具选购建议,以保证施工进程的顺利进行。二、价格及付款方式:1. 甲方应支付

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