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1、History and Development of Dental implantlPrevious non-integrating forms of implants may have been anchored to bone by means of a surrounding sheath of pseudoperiodontal ligament,but this fibrous sheath was a poorly differentiated layer of scar tissue.l In most cases,loading and gradual widening of

2、this led to loosening of the implant and subsequent implant failure.第一页,共十七页。ImplantslImplants consist of three main parts.lThe three components include Implant,abutment and superstructure.第二页,共十七页。Implants lMost contemporary dental implants are made of commercially pure titanium,which has been show

3、n to have excellent biocompatibility.lTitanium is a light metal.第三页,共十七页。ImplantslWhen exposed to air,a surface oxide is rapidly formed.lThis layer of oxide determines the biological response.l Commercially pure titanium is also highly resistant to corrosion.第四页,共十七页。ImplantslOther metals have been

4、used for osseointegration,including zirconium,gold and titanium-aluminium-vanadium alloys.lThese alloys may strengthen the implant but have been shown to have relatively poor bone-to-implant contact.第五页,共十七页。ImplantslImplant design has a great influence on the stability and subsequent function of th

5、e implant in bone.lThe main parameters are implant shape,implant length,implant diameter and surface characteristics.第六页,共十七页。ImplantslRoot-form implants,such as screws and cylinders,are the dominating implant designs todays.lScrew implants are considered to be superior to cylindrical ones in terms

6、of initial stability and resistance to compression and tension stresses under loading.第七页,共十七页。AbutmentlA dental abutment is typically a machined or custom-made component that connects the final prosthesis to the implant.The abutment may be made from a variety of materials.第八页,共十七页。AbutmentlA machin

7、ed abutment is typically manufactured from titanium,gold or ceramic.lThe advantages are that it is simple to use,requires minimal chairside and laboratory time and has a predictable precision fit and good retention.第九页,共十七页。AbutmentlA customised abutment may be prepable,custom-made in the laboratory

8、 or computer-aided design-computer-aided manufacture(CAD-CAM)designed.l A prepable abutment is generally supplied by the manufacture as a blank in titanium or ceramic to be modified by the clinician at the chairside or by the dental technician on the master model.第十页,共十七页。AbutmentlCustomisation in t

9、he laboratory typically involves waxing to the required design and casting.lA CAD-CAM-designed abutment is produced with specialised computer software and a milling machine.第十一页,共十七页。AbutmentlThe selection and use of an abutment is determined by a number of factors,including implant angulation and o

10、rientation,depth of soft tissue from implant body to gingival cuff,aesthetic demands,interocclusal space and preference for a cement or screw-retained prosthesis.第十二页,共十七页。SuperstructurelA final prosthesis lIt may be connected to the implant lThere are several ways to connect the final prosthesis to the implant:screw retained direct to the implant;Screw retained to the abutment;Lateral/horizontal screw retained to abutment;Cement retained to abutment 第十三页,共十七页。第十四页,共十七页。第十五页,共十七页。第十六页,共十七页。内容(nirng)总结History and Development of Dental implant。Superstructure。A final prosthesis第十七页,共十七页。

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