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1、217级高一入学摸底考试英语试卷选择题部分(共5分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分0分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意。然后从1635各题所给得四个选项(A、B、C与)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项涂黑。rs、 Joes ws oe ighty, but e sill drov herod ca li a o hlf her ge、 She love vng vea, nd aru of the fact 6she ad never, in her hiy- easo rivg,been pnsed 7 a rivngffence (犯

2、规,犯法)、hen oea sh eary 8 her reo、 A olce 19 er, an te pliemin i sar 2 ard ight wiutsopping、 f course, she was stoppd、 It seeme 21 thatse woud beunishd、_22_r、 Joes amu te jug,he looed t he sersly andsaidhat she ws 2old drivear, and thathe 24h he a nt stoppd at the red 25 was mo proably thaher yes hd b

3、ee wek26 d ge, so thatshe had smplynt ent、en h judge ha finished ht h as 27_,Ms、 Jns ned te bg hba shewa 28 atok ot wi、 Wthout sng awor, a eedle with a verysmall e,a thade itther frsatempt、When shehad 30 on tis,she tokthe hrea ut o the needl an adhande 31 the eede and te hread to ejudge, sayg, “Now

4、it isyou 3、I suposeudriveaca, adthat youare quitesure aout our own eyesigt、”The jdge oothe 3 n riedto thread it、Aferhlfadon tries,eadstll no uede、 Th cas (案例) aganst Mr、 Jones a _, nd her record 3unbrokn、16、 、whihB、 whenC、 thtD、 thi17、 、 abutB、oC、toD、 fr18、 A、 keptB、 wonC、 mssedD、 lost9、 A、wahdB、 cg

5、C、 followed D、 discoveed20、 A、 assB、 gC、run、rush2、 A、 sureB、 indeeC、 etanD、 pep22、 BeforeB、 WilC、 UniD、 Whn23、 A、 soB、 vrC、 to、 quite24、A、cause、reonC、matter、troubl25、 A、 lightB、lapC、 sgn D、 one6、 A、 wit B、 bcauseC、 frD、of27、 speaig 、 sayingC、akin 、 tllin28、 、holdin、 gettn、 caringD、 brinng、 ooB、 brht

6、C、 icd、 chos30、A、 almostB、 hadly、 ucesy、 succesl31、 A、 bothB、 allC、 eitherD、 eiter32、 A、 timeB、 tuC、 chneD、 ob3、 A、thrd、 lsse、 as 、 edle3、 、 bken B、pasedC、 soved D、 studied5、 A、wsB、 keptC、 seeme、 remaned第二部分: 阅读理解(共一节; 20小题,每小题2分,满分0分) 阅读下列材料,从每题所给得四个选项(A、B、C与D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。A The TajMahal

7、 (泰姬陵) is oier to e o of the most beatl bulings in te orl ad te fnest xample of thela style of ianchiteture、 Iisat Agr i norhern India、 Itlis beside th ive mnin the mideof gardeswihqit poo、 h Tj awas built ytheMogul epror (皇帝) Shah an, o ruldIi in te seenteent centuy、 It i in memry fhi vrite fe,Arju

8、mand Bau Bagam, know as mtaz ahl, wo ied in131、Th bldig,whichwasplete ben163 ad16, as signed b a loa uslm aitect (建筑师) Usta Ahmad Lahori、 The holeuilding,with rdensandgatewystrcrs,ws plted in 1643、 Th Taj Mahalsands at one d f the gadenob with mrble (大理石) path、Th roo is oty lghted by helighthat pass

9、etuh dubl screes farvd marble st igh n the wals、 Tebuidngo s ketin good conitin、 The Taj Mahal ok 2yearobuld、 Sah Jeha panned a simil buding, ut inblac istead of white, tole nthe other sid of te rir、Bu boreit ole bult, Sh Jhn was imisne(监禁)by hi sn n buri next tois fe in he a Mal、6、 T Taj Mahal a il

10、 fo_、 、umtaz B、 Shah C、Ustad Ahd ahri 、 Bh uand Sah7、 Whydo yu hinkha en waured net t hs wfe? A、 Hisowomb hant been buit、H oed o e bred thr、 C、 ngand Qeen sl burie tgether、D、 He loved Mumtaz al hisife、3、 The pssae anytellus_ 、 A、 why haj Mahalwasbuilt、he ove story betweenShhand Mum C、 so inormaio ab

11、ou the aMahaD、how the ai aal was buit39、 From the passagwe canlen tht_ 、 A、 he Taj Maha ooksre eautiful than bore、B、h Taj Mhldoestit now、 C、heTaMahalwnt letbuilt、D、 h Mhhas bee a pl ofinteest、40、 The asage ispobably kn fmthe _ at of a maaine、A、 Advertisent 、 Tae 、 Socie 、 BsiessWht cn we learn fm th

12、e pecil, y sccsful peoplein he rd wh makethe iosile pssible?Lsso1: Wasof ceative hnin ae nedeBl Gaes andMarkZuckerberg bothdropped ut of colle、They pefeoteachthemelvesaus thyik to evelp therowwsf thiin、Thy think stdarways f tching might stop pople from ben creae an havng newideas、essn 2: Theanswer m

13、ih no b what yu expectFind or aner fom fctsntr wih a expecatn ofwha you will find、 StephenJacobsen fromNthwsternUnerst elieve wathe wsauh:hat water o art cam fro ic ets(彗星)orplants wihit intoEarh、Howeve, y studig a spcial ock, h iscoved ha i acts lik a sponge(海绵)、 his sgess ha Earhsae may hae frm in

14、ide, riven to the suract form te cans,by eological atiit、“I had prety rd time makin othersbeieveit,” he sid、 “But hinig aout the facttat ou mayfirt eron to esothing the irst time oesnt hapen veroftn、 h t oes, its amazi、”Lesso 3: lttle luck goesa on waYs ofnning wn inoa rcet avment isace rvl、 Th urop

15、an Spacegncys “hilae”, a robt landig rt,met up ih et 67P, which is 480 millon klomes awa、 he trip fromEarh by “Phae”had tken ten ears!e sinitsadoidea ht h sacof the e woud e ik、If te landing fald,it wold be imposibletoget infomation from he spacecraft、 Twenty ears fwkwouldhave ben ste、hen “Pile” rie

16、 o nd, it boce(弹起) awy frm the es y surface wic、 Lcily, owever, “Phla” land sucssfull beansdng information bck to Earth、1、Bl Gte nd ark ckebr didnt inishcollege becaus_、A、 theypeferredt lean bythemselvesB、ey needed standard waysotangC、their eahdidnt like threw asD、 herachrs werent bl toec the42、ILes

17、sn ,tewiter anlywansto elu tht _、A、 we shoul ge answr from fctsB、 we ca beleve wt w ae taght C、 it har t mkothers elevomethiD、 a epecation an hlp gean aswrin reach43、 Theexample “Phiae” in Lesson 3 shows tha _、A、 t 67P is noaraway from EarthB、 it oo “hile” 0 years to reach eC、 “Phlae”laed on et 7P w

18、ith a litle lukD、cientiskno nthing aou te surce f et67P44、Te nrlined he “oes a lon ay” ms _、A、 covr lo istaneB、 hls alotC、 is too far way D、 as along tie4、 Thebst tie fr is passaeis_、A、 Ways of discoerin、 Lessns fo suceC、 Wyof bi seciD、 Lesson forxperiment CHoneybeeHoneyescan d three inds ofjbs、 he

19、honeybee is one f th most unual iects i twrd、 Bes re specal becase thy ddu hirwrk、 Eah bee has a cetai jo too、he siest e h wrkr、Worersuildthenest, alled a ive、Inside te ive,wrkers ak a hney fromax(蜂蜡)、 Teyste hoethee frfoo、 Worke ae awys leag ad fing e hive、 he evensnd at h opeing an ftherwngs to co

20、ol te hie、 oe bes wllatta anytineve epleokeep i vse、 Anote inof be is the on(雄蜂)、 rones a ale ees,andthrjo i to fly wih thequeen bend mae with hr、 Ate theuee maes, he orerbee drivehe roesaway、 Th don the sarv to dah、 h thir kid of b iseueen、 Eachhiv nedsnlone qun, and her job slying eggs、e can lay s

21、 mnas 2,000 eggs a day、 4、 The bees netis alle _、 A、 done B、 honeyb 、 ive D、 wa47、 x issd me the _、 A、 net B、 honeb C、 f D、 hive 48、Wihobs do orks do?、 heylay 2, 00 eggscdy andbuild nes、 Thy aewith th queen ee and en tarve、C、 Teyketheir ie fotale and afe、D、 hey atack people actvey、 9、 Acingto the st

22、r,bes _、 A、 are r dagerous isec、 wil attac nything,if necsry C、 ae the mstsal inect in th wrldD、 atech othera food50、 Te droeis driven away wh its job fnihed,becae _、 A、i atacd the wrkes、 is no lne eeded te hie C、iat too muh、 itate th que e How tBee Clever One a boy came to aska fiheran owto beeclev

23、ere, bcse hismther ays calle hm “foois boy”、 “That eas,” nseed the fierman、 “I nooe o maeyou beleveer、” “Really?” “Ofcus、 t s sid a i ead od for bran、f you eone, youlle cleverer ideed、 Panly three ounsor oefis head、” The boy id him three poun and the fsherma cf fihhead an hadedt him、 A raw fishadis

24、not oodot en or ungy o to ea uheboae pi two guls、 “Do y fel athig?” askd the fiheran、 “Not in m head,” sad the oy、 h oyly on the rundand thought、 “ne he fihosts ly tpuns、I hd pid him treepoundsor the fih head、 Why cldnt Iha th whol fishforou, a eadfor brain andne pound etor?” H jumedupandshouted at

25、thefshrm、 “Yu t!Yoare fooge!” he fsherma aughed,sayin, “Te ih head wk now, you see、”51、 The boy ate p tha fish had onl in to gulps, becse h _、A、 enjoy the taseof itB、 ned toas iC、tok it s god medicineD、 ws a oolishboy2、 Theboy cettefsermani ordero _、A、 buy a fishhedB、ask the fseman uesin、 e cleverer

26、、 y a whoe fish 53、The undlind ors “Notn my hed” meas “_”、 The ish had wsnotn theboys hea、 Th boy felohing cm ino his heC、 It difict togi an nwe riht awyD、 he boy dnfee tha ascleverer54、 He shol have had_forthethr und hepaid、A、 a whole ish、afish head an ne ound backC、 aol fish and one pound backD、 h

27、ol fi, fiea andne poud bck55、 _ helpe teoy ee clevrer、A、 good meaB、 e ra fish headC、 he fiserman advceD、ha hd happened 主观题部分(答案写在答题卷上)第一节:用单词得适当形式填空 (共小题;每空分,满分10分)56、 uncr_ a letter rom hi old frind, ad thas why hwaso excited、57、 y ae yo s _ (不安得)?Athingwrog?58、 The boyls plyg_(在户外), especally layg

28、 otbal、59、 y ther oene_m to ry agai whe lost ht、0、 Her _(知识) of Englsh hepeh find a ellpidjob、61、m s 1 yrs ld o、 H_, h hasntatted sho et、6、 oking ist _iulic plae、6、 wadaysa lt pepleareworied about the _(安全) o ods、64、r aut lkyoun, butshes _(实际上) fity、65、 Parent ae lwa _(关心,挂念)alot about thi hidren、第二

29、节:用所给动词得适当形式填空 (共10小题;每空1分,满分10分)6、 e hig shol studentspe a lt oftie _ (read) thcity ibray、67、 Oce you _ (ha) y smeon, yo wot usti any moe、8、 The licmanruse tothe crow,_(shout) lul、69、 Look! The irls_ (fl) ite ntquare、70、 Thek is ooking orward to_(py) it to his unce o the a、 he ptien _ (gnor) the oc

30、tors aice andsmo as usual、2、 Las igh _ (gie) a newike s my bithda ret、3、 said he _ (wtch) T in th so a that tie、 74、 Th bes way _ (practise)spoken nli is to tlkwih tenaive、75、 _ (Travl)alne is big chalege or kd f h e、答案新生入学考试英语卷答案完形CDCA CDCBA ACDC BD三.阅读A篇AB B篇、 ACB C篇、 CBB D篇、CCDD四.单词拼写(写对单词形式或单复数错误给半分, 无大写也就是半分)56、reee 57、 upset 58、 utdoors 59、 encourgd 、 knowlede61、 Howver 2、 allowe 63、 sfty 64、 actualy 65、concerne五动词填空6、 (in) reding 67、echeated 6、 shoun 9、 afling 7、 ayig 7、ignored 7、 was given 7、 was wtchng 4、 t prtic 7、 Taveling

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