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1、专升本专业英语试题Dicion:All te uestions sould don on t Answer Seet、I. Choose a wordtat est pletesac of the folloig senence: (21=20pos)、 he _ drivr thksaccidenonlhape to ther pope、 A、 avee B、 on C、 usual D、 orma 2、 venif there o sale, thse refrigerators re qual in pric t, if orexpenive an, _at th her store、

2、A、te one B、thers C、 that D、 he os 3、 Coveratio be weake in ciey at sed o muhtie iteningad en tked o_ ihs all but lost th will andtheil tope ortel、 A、 as 、whih C、 th D、what 、 _ or the timely inetmnfrote general public, our pany woudot bs thrivigas it i、 、 Haditno ben 、Were it not C、Be itn D、 oulit no

3、t be5、 sia _ by ost exprt to bete ade ohman cviliton、 、 hs been lwayscosiered B、 has alasben cosidered 、 lways habeen coser D、 hasbeen osided aas 、 An ol manwas badl hurt n _ the poce desrbe asa paretlyotivlessttack、 A、 that B、wha C、 whaeve D、 which 、auSaelson evlutonizd_ by peseninghisstuent ihthe

4、ot advaced conomi thinkig a a introtory lvel、 A、 toteac ecoomics B、 teachigtht comicss C、thteaching fonoms D、 cnomis is aght 8、 If youindt itm oo diffic to_, tis adiabe to leaeas itis ad mveo to he e oe、 A、 wrku 、wrko 、wor for D、 wrkt 9、ou and old hadly unerstand, _? A、 couldwe B、 couldntyu C、oldtw

5、D、 cud I 10、 Therewasanaccden _thecrossod t midnigt ast nigh、 A、 in B、o 、 at D、11. he has maagedt oain tmpoary work _ Bai、Apermit permsio C perissiveness Dprmisble 2、 The fotall playe needtotal cocrtin duin_、 mtch game C lay D perfo 3、 Invoved i a brer scndl, the Preidnt hato _hs esinio、 d Bctch off

6、er D fid 1、 When g ut in th eening I use the bike _hecar f In、 rher tan B rgardlss fC in site f D ot thn 1、 om plant ae very _ t lght; hey prefer the shae、 A sensibl B fexi objetie Desitive 16、 Dtlt ehild pay wthscisr _h cutmsl、 A i ase B o that nwht D ony if 、 thout proprlessons, yoould_ a lotof a

7、bits when playingthe pno、 A ke u Bickup Cdrw u D cah up 18、 e sould lyeari mind tat_decsin ofte esut in serious cnsequene、 A urgt Binsat pom D hasty19、 The puter cn be paidr in ten monthly_ of10 dolars、A y B py C ayment D ymts 0、 Ameran inuistoah Wbse a ang teirs to te grwin dience between Aerican a

8、nd Britshsagesof Enlish、 A、 realize B、 recognize C、 rsea 、 renIII、Clze Tes (20 pots) Rad he ollowing ragrphad chose the coret wod foreac blk mtethr altentves、a cantgon _1 his nbersahe pre a, In the3 yeas man willfae a riod o criis、 _3_ xerts blie thatteeil b a wdesprea food_、 Oter exrts think thi 5_

9、pesiitic, and that mancan preent tigs _ wrs tha theyare w、 But _7_ thattwo-hird of te people in the ord areudenouried o trving 、Onthing th mn can do istolimit_ f aies born、Te ed 9_ thissvious, t it is 1_ o achieve、 Pope ve to1_t limi heir fmilies、Inthe coune of the poultion _12_, mn pele like biaile

10、、 The paents tink hat th _1_ a biggr in orthe familand ensurs theellbe seon n thefamly who will look _ the iold ag、 evera gvernment hae _ bi onto policies in rcent yers、 _16_ mre Jan,China, Indi and Egypt、 n ome _17_the reult hae o een 8_、 Japanhas beenn pti、Te Japnee adote a brh cntro pocyi 948、Pep

11、e _ o lmit thramilie、 The birt rate fe frm34、3 pe thosandper aro abut 1、0 pr year_20_、( )1、crasig B to incea Candcea Dwit ning( )2、A second Breent Cext D ate( )3、AAny BSome More D All( )、A need B ant asenc rtge( )5、A s B mu C oo nough( )、A gttig Bom gting Cto get D gt( )7、 reemer B remben C tremembe

12、 D ememes( )8、a ant B a numer C the aunt the nber( )9、Afr i C of D bout( )10、A no easy easy C ot asily D neas( )1、 psde B bepersuaing C bsuaded D pruadg( )12、A urstig B explosion C raisng D xtensin( )3、A tak B brings C mak Darns( )14、 un B for nt Dafter( )1、 duted B created dpted D presnted( )1、 A O

13、f Bmong C Btwen D Out of( )17、A ecepions exapls C ents Dse( )18、A sucess B ucceeded C successu Dsucceeding( )19、A were encouaged B encoraged Care encurge Dencouage( )2、A presenty tpesent Ci ime D on tiIV、 Tralat the olowigprahnt Chinese:(0 points)Rumagingthrough tfrui advg setin f m locl spemaret, r

14、adg t ounry oorin lbes, I am bewilred by tegegraphy of t al、 at the frutof he earth shoulllbe lad out ntidy shelves in thisproncial cornr f Britan would ave be uthinkbe a fewyesago,yet ow it is taken for ned、On strangad xtc frits at only the richcoud affrd,ifnt now art of eveyones die, rcerly partf

15、or ryda shoppingexerien、 Somuch so that itead f focuing o the nv,I am dan tthe mpace、ee, among the “huble vegetals, othigstragea dstubing s gin on、V、 Traslate te folowing setences into ngl:(10*ponts=30point)1. 女孩横穿马路时被汽车撞倒、(t knocov)、2. 这群年轻人听了这则笑话哄堂大笑、(o roa with)、3. 她很不善于见什么人说什么话、( o have no knac

16、fr)、4. 驾驶员违反交通规则,除了罚款之外,还有别得处罚办法吗?(atraive o)5. 为了安全起见,车上每个人都必须系上安全带、(for the ske of)、6. 我们费了九牛二虎之力将门弄开、(to havejo od)、7、 这个沙发一拉开,就可变成床、(to overinto)、 成年人学习外语得困难之一就是母语得干扰、(tinteere wit)、 许多困在山洞里得人在救援队赶到之前就死了、(to tra)、10、 我突然明白她原来就是想帮助我、(todawnon)、VI、Reaing pehenion (8 pot)Pasae 1I amone o te manyity

17、 eoeoare was syin ha give chce wolprefe o iv in e cntr awy from thedi an noise f a larg cty、 have anaed to convinc mself thatit wre for my ob I wouldmmdiatelyh ot for the open spcesangobck o natureinse slepy vilg bured in t countr、ut howrealistictheram?Cties can be frihtengplcs、 e jriyf the poputo l

18、ienmaetoer lock,noi, rty and impsona、 The sesefbelongi to nity tento disapea when u live fiften flrsup、 you cnse romyour window i sk, orother bcksf flts、Cilde eegrsveand nevuscoed up athome al da, it owhereto ply; their othrs e solatd from the restof the old、 Strangely enug wereasn th past the ihabi

19、tants of nesre alkneweach or,nodyspeople o same floor in toer bocks dont evenay hlloto eachoher、Contry life, on e other had, differs fro ti kind f isolatdeitece i th asns of munty eneally binds h ihabitants of all villge togeer、 Peoplhaveth advntage of knwingthat theeis alwys meone t u to hen th ned

20、hlp、 But ountr lifehas isadvantags to、 Whliti true tatyu my b amn frendsin a villag, iisaoue tht youre ut fffro he eistin d imptant evets httake plae in ciies、 res ite possiility o goint anew soworteatst movi、Sopigbees amajorolem, nd for anythin sligtyotofthe ordinu have ogo on d epetion o tenearst

21、lrge town、h ciy-dwellr woleaes for hountryisoftn oppresd bya sense ofunbearale stillnss an quit、What, ten, s theanwer? h coutr asthe adnagofpeace nd qiet,but suffers rmhisadvantag obeing ct of; th cty beds a feeig fsolton,ad contan ie battes tsens、 But one ofits ainadvantges isthat you ae a the cete

22、rf hngs,and thtlife doent e to n n hlf-pat nine atnt、 Sme peole hve fun (ortrbogh) promsebewn the tw;thy ave expresed hr prfenceo the “uiet lfe” by levig he subr a moving to ilaeswithn muing dstnce of large cities、 The eneally ae aout s muchsenitiy as theplastc floers theyleve behnd- they re polltd

23、wit straneieas about ge and imprvmet whi te foce n to the unwllig origialnhaitas ofh lles、Wht thenoydream f leaing o atage gte mururing “onig” toth locals asthy ass b? Imeen o the ide, u yu se there my ca,Tby,Im ot at ll srethath would taketo al hat freh airn xese in the long grass, I mean, can yee

24、hmixin wh al oseheatymles o the arm? o,he wouldrheave th etricitto-coal fre any evng、1. e et thimpessio rothe firt pagraph that the th sed to l in the counry se to ok in the ityC works in hecity Dlve n tecontry、 nthe authos pinion, thfollowiga cause itypele bunppEXCEPTA strongense f far Black of mnc

25、aionC housing codiio D senseof iolato3、 he passage imple hatt isay toy t flowig thing n th uy EXCPA dalynecesties fresh fruitsC designer cthe Dfresh vegeabls4、 Aoig tothe passae, ic oteollowingajective bes dscribs tho peope ho work n large citeand lie in las?A Oiginl B iet C rrogant Dnsensitv、 D ou

26、ti tethor wil moe the county?Aes, hewill s No, hewil ot do sC I isifficlt o tell DHe si two midsPassae 2 Clrly if w a paticile in the ocety n w liv we mst muicai othr people、 Agreat deal o muncatng is perfmd oa perontoperon bass he imple means fpeec、 Ifwe trael i ues, y hngs ishps,or e n restaurats,

27、 we are lkelyto have covrsatos where w genrmaionr opn, recee newsr ent, an er liel ave our veschallged bother mmbes fsiety、Faceof tactisy nomans tenlyorm mnicati anddurnge lt two hundre yrs the ar omassmunication hs bee f e othe main fcts ocontempoarscety、 To thigs,above othes,have sthenrmogrowt o t

28、heunicton ndsry、Firty, ventivenessas led to advncesin printing, teleunction,orpy, radi and tliion、 Sendl, speed has evlutionizdthetrnmission and ecption of uncos sothalocnws ofte tae a bcseat to nainalnews, which itsel s oftn alosteclised internatona news、o longristhpssessf inforato confind to a pii

29、egeminoy、 In helst ntury the wathy mn with his n libraywas indeedoruate, btda ther arepubliclirries、 Forty ears ag peopleusdoflock o the cnema, btnowfar more peoplsiat ome ndr onhe to watc a prorame tht ibeing chaneledinto mionsf oes、municaion inoloer erey concerne witht tanisionof information、 The

30、odern muniation idustyunces theway popele i soietyndrodethirhorizonsby allong cce tforatio, eduaton and ntertainment、 The pintng, raasng an avertisig idustes areall ivolved wit infoming,eduting and ntetaining、Althouh grea deofheatrial unicted y thmass ma i vey valuable to th indviual nd t the soety

31、hich he sa par,te vat moen netwok of municons is open toabuse、Howver, themasseia e wit uso btr, for wore,ad thris no rig bck、6. n t fstaagraph teritr epaie the _ of fct-fccotact n socil settigs、 A nture B litaton seulne Dcreaivit7、 It isimplied the passe that_Alcaneus o bthe onl source inforationocl

32、 esstillkes ainficant placeC natiol nes i beingmr popuD inernional ews ih astst tramt nws8、 hich o the olowing sttentis CORECT?A To pssessinforationsedto apriil Publclibraries e replaced riatebrais munationmeans re hantrsmssionD formtio ifuenceswas fiead ning9、 Fr te as ararah wecaniner tha he write

33、r s_、idferno tharulinfuece oft as eia hapy abut hdrati chnges n themassdiaC pessimstic but the futre of the mass mdiaD concened autth rog use of mss medPassage 3 Hmaclong chnly cou besed torevrse hertttck、 Siestbelieve that they may be abe o trat eartatackvictim bclonin heir healthyert cll and nject

34、ingthe itothe aeaf th hert tht hav bee damg, and otherprobm ma beolvedif hmancloni an i technolog a nt frbin、Withonig, ifertle coues culd ve cilrn、 Crnt treatents fo infrtlt, n ers ofprentages, are no vrysuccsuly、 Coupls go thrugh physia ad emoionallypinful roceurs fr small chac ofhavig chiln、 Mny cueun outof te admne withot suessfullyhavincire、 umn clning could a itpsiblefr mny or infertiecple tohaechildren

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