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1、作文专题作文专题(一一)对比选择型对比选择型方案一:方案一:S2&3.分述两种不同看法。分述两种不同看法。Some people preferOthers tend toSome people considerHowever,others think Some people take it for granted that In their opinions,Besides方案二:方案二:S2-4.也可只陈述一种观点,并给出理由。也可只陈述一种观点,并给出理由。作文专题作文专题(一一)对比选择型对比选择型方案一:方案一:Par.2 分述两种观点的不同理由分述两种观点的不同理由Some peop

2、le may sayThey hold this opinion becauseHowever,others believeThey argue that方案二:方案二:Par.2 陈述观点二的理由陈述观点二的理由 However,others holdThey maintainAnd作文专题作文专题(一一)对比选择型对比选择型Par.3 自己的观点、理由及总结全文自己的观点、理由及总结全文 Personally,I am in favor of Firstly,SecondlyMost important of allTaking above-mentioned factors into c

3、onsideration,we/I may reasonably conclude thatWeighing up these two arguments,I am for For one thing,For another,For instance,Therefore,as stated aboveSpecialist or Generalist1)有人认为专业人士更有发展前途有人认为专业人士更有发展前途2)有人认为通才更有发展前途)有人认为通才更有发展前途3)你的看法)你的看法 Specialist or Generalist There is no complete agreementa

4、mong people as to whether a studentshould be a specialist or a generalist.Some people consider that it is best forcollege students to focus on developingskills in one field.However,others thinkthat a versatile graduate is morewelcomed in the competitive job market.Specialist or Generalist Some peopl

5、e may say that it isimpossible to demand college students tobecome an all-round generalist within 4years.They hold this opinion because theybelieve that a student cannot spend enoughtime on several fields at the same timebecause of the limitation of energy.However,others believe that college student

6、s shouldstretch themselves to as many fields aspossible.They argue that generalists whohave knowledge on several areas are highlydemanded.S pecialist or Generalist Personally,I am in favor of the formeropinion.Firstly,I dont think it is advisablethat college students equally spend theirtime and ener

7、gy on several fields at thesame time.Secondly,enterprises usuallyoffer specialists higher salaries.Mostimportant of all,the development of hightech needs specialists.Taking abovementioned factors into consideration,I mayreasonably conclude that to be a specialistis the right choice for most students

8、.homeworkOn part-time jobs1.兼职工作的好处2.兼职工作的弊端3.处理好兼职工作和学习之间的关系 People have different views on whether collegestudents should take part-time jobs.I think part-timejobs have both their advantage and disadvantage.First,part-time jobs may offer students anopportunity to display their ability and help the

9、mapply their knowledge in practice,and in return,theirexperience will make them know better what they havelearned in class and books.Second,part-time jobs inbusiness can foster a sense of competition,which theyneed in future.Part-time jobs make students moreconfidence in themselves because through t

10、he work theycan realize their own value and prove that they arecapable people.Third,it helps students develop a senseof independence,and helps relieve their parentseconomic burdens.With the money earned,they canbuy whatever they need for their study.However,part-time jobs often distract students att

11、ention from the study,and some students even play truant.It is evident that they can hardly focus their attention on their study if they work several hours on the job,for they may be preoccupied with how to improve their work most of the time.Though students who have part-time jobs may relieve their

12、 parents economic burdens,their early contact with society may expose them to social ills.Owing to the advantage and disadvantage involved in working part-time,students have to strike a balance between the study and the job.The main task of students is to study hard and learn what is needed for thei

13、r future career,social experience can be gained after graduation.专题专题(二二)现象解释型现象解释型Par.1 摆出现象。摆出现象。has become a common part of peoples life.Andhas always aroused the great concern.What impresses us most isThe reasonare varied.We have witnessed According to,And Many reasons contribute tohas been brou

14、ght into focus.Nowadays,In addition,Many reasons contribute to专题专题(二二)现象解释型现象解释型Par.2 分析原因分析原因Among the various reasons,plays an important part.That is to sayWhat is moreFor exampleTo begin with,Moreover,In addition,As a resultGenerally speaking,First of all,.Moreover,Therefore,专题专题(二二)现象解释型现象解释型Par

15、.3 自己的观点、依据及总结全文自己的观点、依据及总结全文 When talking aboutOn the one hand,On the other hand,In brief,As to me,First of all,Besides,To concludeAs far as I am concerned,As we know,Furthermore,In a word,The Harm of PC Games1)现在电脑游戏在校园里很流行现在电脑游戏在校园里很流行2)电脑游戏的危害电脑游戏的危害3)怎样正确对待电脑网络游戏怎样正确对待电脑网络游戏The Harm of PC Games

16、Par.1Students playing PC games has been brought into focus.Nowadays,many students often spend their evenings playing such games.In addition,the harm resulted from PC games bring great concern of the parents and the society.Many reasons contribute to the concern.The Harm of PC GamesPar.2Generally spe

17、aking,the reasons for the increasing concern on students playing games can be listed as follows.First of all,playing PC games is an enormous waste of time and it will make us have little time for our study.Moreover,those who play PC games day and night will be harmed physically for lack of rest and

18、sleep.Therefore,we may say playing PC games really do harm to us.The Harm of PC GamesPar.3As far as I am concerned,we should try to resist the temptation of PC games carefully.As we know,study is our priority,and we shouldnt spend too much time and energy on games.Furthermore,most of us are not fina

19、ncially independent and we shouldnt put another burden on our parents.In a word,we should try to avoid the harms of PC games.On Stress1.随着生活节奏的加快随着生活节奏的加快,越来越多越来越多的现代人体会到了来自生活的现代人体会到了来自生活 和工作和工作的压力的压力2.压力产生的原因压力产生的原因3.我的看法我的看法On StressPart 1 1.Nowadays,stress has gradually become a noticeable part o

20、f our everyday life in modern society.2.For one thing,many people become ill because of the Long-term stress and strain in their work.3.For another,many people find it hard to relax themselves after work time.4.its obvious that we should learn about the reasons of stress.On StressPart 25.Many remark

21、able factors contribute to the upward stress index of city residents.6.First of all,the competition for the jobs causes greatest pressure on employees.7.In addition,uncertainty about the future makes the situation even worse.8.Thirdly,the stress of modern life is also one of the main factor.On stres

22、sPart 39.As to me,I believe that the stress index may go up further.10.As we know,the social competition will be more intense in the future.11.Besides,people will have to spend much more time on work and study.12.In a word,people should learn how to cope with these pressures properly and to make effective self-adjustment.

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