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1、Revision of Unit 5 8A 课文复习课文复习 Zhalong Nature R_(保护区保护区)-a s_(特别的特别的)place in Heilongjiang in the n_(东北东北)of China.It p_(提供提供)food and s_(庇护所庇护所)for wildlife.T_(游客游客)from China and other countries go to Zhalong to w_(观看观看)the birds there.W_(湿地湿地)are an ideal home for birds,plants and f_(鱼鱼).Many bir

2、ds live in Zhalong all year round and some fly there for a short _(停留停留).They can find food e_(容易容易地地)there.eservepecialorth-eastrovideshelterouritsatchetlandsishstayasily More than 200 kinds of birds stay in Zhalong in winter,including red-crowned _(鹤鹤).There will be less and less s_ (空间空间)to live,

3、so we should p_(保护保护)the environment and w_(湿地湿地).Zhalong needs more people to work there.It is a good chance for us to know more about different kinds of birds and insects.I learn about the i_(重要性重要性)of wetlands.We hope to make more people a_(积极地积极地)take action to protect wildlife.cranespacerotecte

4、tlandsmportancectivelyWhat can we do for Zhalong?do a bird count=count birds invite to count and do something for the importance of help understand maketake some actions to词汇识记词汇识记1.wet(比较级比较级)2.north(形容词形容词)3.active(副词副词)4.important(名词名词)5.polite(反义词反义词)6.honest(反义词反义词)7.correct(反义词反义词)8.Noise(副词副词

5、)9.frighten(形容词形容词)10.simple(副词副词)11.drop(过去式过去式)12.自然界自然界 nature13.提供提供 provide 14.野生生物野生生物 wildlife 15.然而然而 while16.状态状态 state17.观光者观光者 tourist18.垃圾垃圾 litter19.返回返回 return20.水灾水灾 flood21.业余爱好业余爱好 hobby22.其余的人其余的人(物物)rest词组再现词组再现1.去观鸟去观鸟2.在集市上在集市上3.飞到南方国家飞到南方国家4.湿地之一湿地之一5.整年整年6.舒适地生活着舒适地生活着7.为某人提供为

6、某人提供8.越来越少的空间越来越少的空间9.研究不同种类的鸟研究不同种类的鸟10.在数量上的变化在数量上的变化go birdwatchingat the market fly to southern countriesone of the wetlands all year round live comfortably providefor sb./provide sb.with less and less spacethe changes in the numbers study the different kinds of birds11.统计鸟儿数量统计鸟儿数量12.采取措施帮助鸟类采取

7、措施帮助鸟类13.理解某事的重要性理解某事的重要性14.采取行动做某事采取行动做某事15.随意扔垃圾随意扔垃圾16.回到学校回到学校17.毕业毕业18.对做某事感兴趣对做某事感兴趣19.确信确信20.近距离观察鸟类近距离观察鸟类21.阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事22.听报告听报告23.加入俱乐部加入俱乐部24.想更多地了解某人想更多地了解某人do a bird count do something to help birds understand the importance of sth.take action to do sth.leave litter carelessly return

8、 to schoolfinish schoolbe interested in doing sth.make sureWatch birds closelyprevent sb.from doing sth.listen to a talkjoin the club/become a member of the clubWant to learn more about sb.词组巩固词组巩固 选用所给词的正确形式填空all year round,sing nicely ,providefor,watch closely ,listen to1.Some birds never fly away

9、.They stay in the reserve _.2.We didnt know anything about the club until we _ to your talk last time.3.Project Hope _ money _ the poor children to return to school.4.If you do the bird count this year,youd better _ the birds_.5.Listen!The birds _in the tree.all year round listened toprovidesforwatc

10、hcloselyare singing nicely重点句型重点句型1._(我打算去观鸟我打算去观鸟)this weekend.2.The area _ (为野生生物提供食物为野生生物提供食物).3.There are_(许多鱼许多鱼)in the wetlands,and the birds can_ _.(容易地捕猎到它们当食物容易地捕猎到它们当食物)4.Im _.(对打排球感兴趣)对打排球感兴趣).Im going birdwatching provides food and shelter for wildlifemany fisheasily catch themfor foodin

11、terested in playing volleyball 表达与运用表达与运用用用用用fish/fishesfish/fishes 填空填空填空填空:1.There are many _ in the wetlands.2.He ate some _ yesterday.3.There are many kinds of _ in the sea.1.fish直接作为复数使用。直接作为复数使用。2.fish也表示鱼肉的意思。也表示鱼肉的意思。3.fishes表示各种各样的鱼,强调鱼的种类。表示各种各样的鱼,强调鱼的种类。1.丹顶鹤的数量越来越少。丹顶鹤的数量越来越少。The number

12、of red-crowned cranes _getting smaller and smaller.2.许多动物越来越少。许多动物越来越少。A number of animals _getting fewer and fewer.1.The number of,numberThe number of,number。的数量。的数量。的数量。的数量,谓语动词用谓语动词用谓语动词用谓语动词用单数单数单数单数。2.A number of=manyA number of=many,许多,许多,许多,许多,谓语动词用谓语动词用谓语动词用谓语动词用复数。复数。复数。复数。用用BE动词的正确形式填空:动词的

13、正确形式填空:用用little,few 的正确形式填空的正确形式填空:1.There is _ and _ space for wildlife1.There is _ and _ space for wildlife1.There is _ and _ space for wildlife1.There is _ and _ space for wildlife in the wetlands.in the wetlands.in the wetlands.in the wetlands.2.The cranes are becoming _ and _ in 2.The cranes ar

14、e becoming _ and _ in 2.The cranes are becoming _ and _ in 2.The cranes are becoming _ and _ in the nature reserve.the nature reserve.the nature reserve.the nature reserve.3.There is _ milk in the fridge.We3.There is _ milk in the fridge.We3.There is _ milk in the fridge.We3.There is _ milk in the f

15、ridge.We d buy d buy d buy d buy some now.some now.some now.some now.4.There are _ people playing in the park,4.There are _ people playing in the park,4.There are _ people playing in the park,4.There are _ people playing in the park,are there?are there?are there?are there?总结:总结:1.little 1.little 1.l

16、ittle 1.little 几乎没有几乎没有几乎没有几乎没有 与与与与不可数名词不可数名词不可数名词不可数名词连用连用连用连用.2.few 2.few 2.few 2.few“几乎没有几乎没有几乎没有几乎没有”与与与与可数名词可数名词可数名词可数名词连用连用连用连用.It is one of the worlds most important wetlands.one of+可数名词复数形式可数名词复数形式同义句同义句It is one of the most important wetlands _ _ _ _.她是我们班最好的运动员之一。all over the world She is

17、 one of the best players in our class.语法:The linking verbs:1.表示表示感官感官的动词:的动词:2.表示表示变化变化的动词:的动词:3.表示表示状态保持状态保持的动词:的动词:look,(good)smell,taste,feel,sound,seem(wonderful)get,turn,become,grow,go(bad)Keep(silent),stay(healthy),remain 一部分形容词同时也是副词:一部分形容词同时也是副词:e.g.long,early,fast 部分形容词和副词是两个完全部分形容词和副词是两个完全

18、不同的词:不同的词:e.g.good-well形容词变成副词的变化规则形容词变成副词的变化规则:以辅音字母以辅音字母“y”结尾的副词结尾的副词,要先变要先变“y”为为“i”再再“ly”:以以“le”结尾的直接去结尾的直接去“e”“y”即可。即可。terrible-terribly,gentle-gently (im)possible-(im)possibly,comfortable-comfortably,simple-simplyhappily,heavily1.angry _ 2.bad _3.free _ 4.bright _5.slow _ 6.soft _7.close _ 8.cl

19、ear _9.heavy _ 10.neat _11.nice _angrily badly freely brightlyslowly softlyclosely clearly heavily neatly nicely写出下列各词的副词形式写出下列各词的副词形式:12.noisy _ 13.dangerous _14.different _ 15.careful _16.generous _17.pleasant _noisily dangerouslydifferently carefullygenerously pleasantly18.possible _ 19.terrible

20、_20.gentle _ 21.correct _22.happy _possibly terriblygently correctlyhappilyForm the adverbs from the adjectives.1.bad 2.bright 3.clear 4.close 5.correct 6.dangerous 7.generous 8.neat 9.nice 10.pleasant 11.slow 12.soft lylylylylylylylylylylyly1.gentle 2.possible1.easy 2.happy 3.heavy 4.noisy 5.angry+

21、lygentlypossibly-e+yeasilyhappilyheavilynoisilyangrily-y+ily1.good2.true 3.hard4.fastwelltrulyhardfastBack This coat is very expensive.It costs 1000 yuan.But that coat is not expensive.That is inexpensive.expensive correct inexpensiveincorrect“in-”I dont believe what he says,because he is not honest

22、.I dont believe what he says,because he is _.dishonesthonest dishonest“dis-”These desks are not regular.Please put these irregular desks in order.regular irregular“ir-”You will be_ to pass the exam if you donYou will be_ to pass the exam if you dont t study hard.study hard.There are lots of _ kinds

23、of birds in There are lots of _ kinds of birds in Zhalong.Zhalong.It is _ for you to walk little dog It is _ for you to walk little dog once a week to the park.once a week to the park.It is _ to see the birds and insects It is _ to see the birds and insects with waiting quietly.with waiting quietly.

24、He feels _ because he lost his wallet.He feels _ because he lost his wallet.There is a _ rain in sahara desert every There is a _ rain in sahara desert every year.year.Is it _ to get to the city by train?Is it _ to get to the city by train?unableuncommonnecessaryimportantunhappyregularpossible用所给词的适


26、 singer is not popular.This singer is .2.That story is not true.That story is .3.The boys bedroom is not tidy.The boys bedroom is .4.The young man is not polite.The young man is .Subject(S)Verb(V)Predicative(P)改写句子改写句子,保持句意不变保持句意不变:unpopularuntrueuntidyimpolite语法反馈练习:选择题语法反馈练习:选择题1.It is _ to think

27、more or yourself than others.1.It is _ to think more or yourself than others.A.generous B.active C.selfish D.modest A.generous B.active C.selfish D.modest 2.I made some mistakes in the text.I was not _.2.I made some mistakes in the text.I was not _.A.careful enough B.enough careless A.careful enough

28、 B.enough careless C.enough careful D.careless enough C.enough careful D.careless enough 3.There 3.There is is a a river river near near his his home home.He He would would rather rather _than _than _._.A.go hiking ,go fishing B.to go hiking,to go fishing A.go hiking ,go fishing B.to go hiking,to go

29、 fishing C.to go fishing,to go hiking D.go fishing,go hiking C.to go fishing,to go hiking D.go fishing,go hiking 4.“This news made me feel sad.”is a kind of _structure.4.“This news made me feel sad.”is a kind of _structure.A.S+V+O B.S+V+DO+OC A.S+V+O B.S+V+DO+OC C.S+V+DO D.S+V+IO+DO C.S+V+DO D.S+V+I

30、O+DOCADBShe wants to join the Birdwatching Club (the purpose目的目的 of the letter)Paragraph 1:Paragraph 2:Paragraph 4:her school,her grade,her favourite subjects,and her hobbiesWhy does she want to become a member ofthe Birdwatching Club?her telephone number,her e-mail address(school life and hobbies)s

31、chool life and hobbies)Paragraph 3:Paragraph 3:Write about your own application form.Name _ Date of birth _Address _Telephone number _ E-mail address _School _Grade _Favourite subjects _Clubs_Interests and hobbies_ _ Pets _ Activities to protect wildlife _Free time _ Signature_I _ and I would like t

32、o become a member of _ Club.I am a student at _ and I am in Grade _.My favourite subjects are _ and _.Im very interested in _.Every _,I _.I also like _.I would like to become a _ because _.I think its important for me _.I want _.I can come to club activities from_ to _ on _.I will be very happy if I can become a member of your club.You can call me on _or e-mail me at _.Yours sincerely _ _

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