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1、精诚凝聚 =_= 成就梦想 【考点透视】1.trial n.尝试;努力;试验;试用;询问;审讯Her child is a trial to his teacher.on trial在试验中,在测试中 be on trial for sth. 因而受审 Hes on trial for murder.trial and error反复试验,从失败中找出解决办法try v.努力,尝试try to do努力干某事 try doing试着、尝试干某2. name n.姓名vt.说出名字;给取名;提名;决定The couple named the child Dick.worth(worthy of)

2、 the name名副其实的in the name of凭的权威,以的名义call sb. names辱骂某人by name以名字,指名道姓地He was criticized by name.nameafter以的名字命名name sb. as任命某人担任(某职务) Mr. Michael has been named as the new manager.3. massn.质量,团,块,大量Density is the relationship between mass and volume.in the mass总体上;总的说来She says she doesnt like child

3、ren in the mass.mass media大众传媒the masses群众mass production大量生产a mass of/ masses of大量的 Ive masses of work to do, so I cant see you off at the airport tomorrow.4. wondern 奇观;惊叹;令人感到惊奇的人或事v.惊讶,想知道They were filled with wonder when they saw the palaces.Its a wonder that he remained alive after dropping fr

4、om the roof of a ten-storied building.do wonders创造奇迹in wonder惊奇地no wonder怪不得No wonder he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day.(It is) no wonder that怪不得wonder at/ about对感到惊讶wonder that想知道wonder和wander为两个相似词但wonder意为惊讶,想知道;wander漫游,游荡5. point n.尖;观点,论点v.瞄准;指向point at/point to He pointed hi

5、s gun at his enemy.to the point 中肯;恰当 I wish she would get to the point and tell us what we should do.to the point of (doing) sth.达到某种程度He was rude to the point of being aggressiveup to a point 在某种程度上 I agree with you up to a pointon the point of (doing) sth. 正要做某事时There is no / little / any / great

6、 point in doing sth. 做没有/几乎没有/有意义point out 指出6. relieve v.安慰,宽慰;减轻(痛苦或者忧虑) This drug will relieve your discomfort.relieve ones feelings 发泄感情relieve sb. of sth. 替某人拿;解除某人负担、责任等relief n. 减轻,免除;安慰,宽慰;救济to ones relief 使某人感到宽慰的是relief fund 救济金 give relief to sb.s sorrow 减轻某人的悲伤relieved adj.(感到或显出)宽慰的,放心的

7、We felt relieved to hear you were safe7. millions of 数百万的,大量的1)当million, thousand, hundred, dozen, score等表示约数时,其后要带of短语,这几个词都要用复数形式,且此类短语之前不可加具体的数量词。2)当这些词前面有数词或表示数量的词,如several, a few等时,这几个词不用复数且后面不加of。1. Millions of people were homeless during World War .2. Three million students took part in the m

8、arch.8. turn up露面;调大(热量、音量等) You turned up late as usual.turn down 关小;拒绝 I have turned down his offer to help.turn on 打开 turn off 关掉 turn round 旋转,完全改变turn in上交 turn to向求助;转向 turn against转而反对;背叛;对有不利影响turn out 结果是;证明是 turn over 转交,移交9. give up 放弃,不再做 give in 投降,屈服,让步;上交give in to 向投降,让步give away 泄露(

9、秘密);分发 give out 用完,用尽;分发,公布;发出(声光热等)give off 发出(热、光、气味)give oneself over to 专心于,迷恋于10. be made from由制成 制成成品后看不出原材料 be made of“由制成”,表示制成后仍可看出原材料) be made in指“产于某地”。 be made by指“由制作,强调制造者、制造方”。 be made into 被制成产品 11. let sth. out 泄露(秘密等);发出(叫喊等);放宽,放大(衣服等) let sb. out 放过某人,免受某事之累(尤指不愉快的事) 1. Dont let

10、it out about my losing job. 2. She let out a scream of terror at the snake.随堂检测一、词汇拓展1. probability -_(adj)可能的2. chemist-_(n.)化学-_(adj)化学的3. historian - _(n.)历史-_ (adj.)有历史意义的-_(adj.)历史上的,与历史有关的4. trial - _(v.)努力;尝试5. standardize-_(n.)标准6. application- _(v.)应用-_(adj)应用的- applicant(n.)申请人7. wonder -

11、_(adj)奇妙的8. fundamental - _(n.)基础9. pleasure - _(v.使愉快-_(adj)愉快的-_(adj)令人愉快的10. addiction - _(v.)使上瘾-_(adj)上瘾的11. relieve - _减轻;宽慰;救济二、重点短语翻译1.心脏病发作_9. 打开_2.数百万的,大量的_10.大量地_3.接通(电话)_11.批量生产,大量生产_4.对做出决定_12.由做成_5.推迟,推延_13.参观,四处看看_6.出现,到场,到达_14.填写(表格等)_7.划分开来,分割(成部分)_15.少数的,少量的_8.放弃_16.记下,记录_ 三、用方框内所给

12、词语的适当形式填空carry out due to die from in large quantitiesbring relief to come true try out focus on1. The programme _the environmental protection and harmonious development in western China, so if you are interested in that topic, you may watch it tonight.2. Once a plan is made, it should _ no matter h

13、ow difficult it is.3. He got the lowest score in the class mainly _ his carelessness.4. You should believe any dream can _ so long as you try.5. The company is _ a new way to improve the quality of the product, but they are not sure if it will succeed.6. People will never forget those medical worker

14、s who _ infections in the fight against SARS in 2003.7. News of the safe landing of the flight _ Marys parents who were extremely worried when they heard the flight was delayed by a storm.8. Once an invention is patented, it can be produced _ by the producer holding the patent.四、改写下列句子,使各组句子意思相同或相近1

15、. Nowadays, at some young peoples home, TV sets have been replaced by computers, which can be used to watch TV programmes online. Nowadays, at some young peoples home, computers have _ _ _of TV sets. With the former, you can watch TV programmes online.2. School buses will leave the library between a

16、 certain time period. School buses will leave the library _ _ _.3. Because of the heavy rain, only a small number of people came to last nights concert. Because of the heavy rain, only _ _ _ people came to last nights concert.4. I am making this phone call to check if there are any tickets left for

17、tomorrows basketball match. _ _ _ _ _ if there are any tickets left for tomorrows basketball match.5. Dont worry I will make a plan to make sure there will be someone to meet you at the railway station. Dont worry I will _ _ for you to be met at the railway station.6. The girl gave a cry when she sa

18、w a dark shade of a man in front of her window when she turned out the light. The girl _ _ a cry when she saw a dark shade of a man in front of her window when she turned out the light.模块七Unit 2 Fit for life【No. 64】单元检测一、单词拼写1. He made an a_ for a loan.2. His lecture is on c_ American novelists.3. W

19、e have already made a_ for our vacation.4. Mr. Wastons a_ income is $20,000.5. Can you tell me the f_ rules of arithmetic?6. The drug gives some r_ from pain.7. The _(功能) of the heart is to pump blood through the body.8. I tried to contact him but was _(不能) to.二、英汉短语互译1. 着重、聚集_3. 预防中风_5. 堵塞血管_7. the

20、 best-selling painkiller_9. produce in large quantities_2. 减少的危险_4. 降低血糖_6. contemporary society_8. bacterial-killing medicine_10increase the length of ones lives_三、用方框内所给词的适当形式填空depend on insist on turn up look into come up withmake up for put through deal with put off make out1. I could hear someo

21、ne speaking in the neighbouring room but I couldnt _ what they were saying.2. The kids _ having a mountain hiking no matter how difficult it might be.3. The boys great interest on piano and his diligent _ his lack of talent, and finally he became a great pianist.4. We arranged to meet at 7:30, but h

22、e never _. We were all worried if he had met any accident.5. We will not be afraid of any difficulty if we are ready to _ and learn from failure.6. A working party has been set up to _ the problem and hopefully a conclusion will be made soon.7. Because of the bad weather, the sports meeting has to _

23、 till next week.8. We might need more food _ how many people turn up.9. hello! Could you please _ me _ to the R&D department of your company.10. Hey! How soon can you _ the money? Im badly in need of it.四、根据中文提示完成下列句子。1. 凶手很有可能就藏在那座小山里。There _ _ _ _ that the murderer just _ in the hill.2. 虽然老师推荐买英语词

24、典,但他买不起。Though the teacher _ _ an English dictionary, he _ _ it.3. 该药品在批量生产之前已经过了一系列医学试验。The medicine has _ _ a series of _ _ before it was put into _ _.4. 在他大学毕业前,他想尽力把债务还清。_ graduated from the college, he tried to _ _ his _.五、单项选择1. The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes t

25、hat we took _ pictures of them.A. many ofB. masses ofC. the number ofD. a large amount of2. All of a sudden he _ and saw me.A. turned aboutB. turned aroundC. turned againstD. A and B3. If you cannot _ foreign customs and culture, youll find it hard to live abroad.A. devote toB. lead toC. belong toD.

26、 adapt to4. More than 1.2 _ trees were planted _ 1975 and 1980 in that village.A. millions; betweenB. million; betweenC. millions of; amongD. million of; among5. It was five _ we arrived at the small town and it was half an hour _ we managed to find his house.A. when; beforeB. that; thatC. before; s

27、inceD. since; after6. It was about 600 years ago _ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.A. thatB. untilC. beforeD. when7. The hero would rather die than _ the enemy.A. to give up toB. give in toC. give upD. to give in8. -Why didnt you ask the teacher for advice? -She had left the of

28、fice _ I had time to do it.A. beforeB. asC. afterD. till9. This knife is not _ enough to cut the meat.A. sharpB. fastC. quickD. light10. When he realized the police had spotted him, the man _ the exit as quickly as possible.A. made offB. made forC. made outD. made up11. Prices of food in that area _

29、 sharply since word came that the war would break out soon.A. were cut down B. were rising C. have been brought downD. have been going up12. Many endangered animals, such as the Malayan sun bear, _ in danger of dying out.A. remainB. remainsC. are remainedD. is remained13. I couldnt _. The line was b

30、usy.A. go byB. go aroundC. get inD. get through14. The dictionary is being printed and it will soon _.A. turn outB. come outC. start outD. go out15. This can _ the worry between the couple that they dont understand each other.A. releaseB. relateC. reliefD. relieve本单元重点语法4、动词+名词+介词常见短语:take care of照料

31、,照顾;make room for给腾出地方;make friends with与交朋友;play a joke on戏弄某人;have a look at看一看;have a drink of喝一点;say goodbye to告别;告辞。5、be动词+形容词+介词常见短语:be late for迟到;be angry with生气;be busy with忙于;be short for是的简称;be interested in对感兴趣;be famous for因而著名;be good at擅长;be different from与不同;be good/bad for对有益/害;be fr

32、iendly to对友好。6、动词+反身代词+介词常见短语:help oneself to随便吃;give oneself over to热心于;occupy oneself with忙于;dress oneself in穿着;break oneself top (=get rid of)去掉的习惯;devote oneself to 专心,致力于,献身;throw oneself to投身于。一、语法专练1. If you _any problems when you arrive at the airport, give me a ring. A. come up with B. set

33、about C. run into D. put aside2. Before the war broke out, many people _ in safe places possessions they couldnt take with them. A. threw away B. put away C. gave away D. carried away3. The final examination is coming up soon. Its time for us to _ our studies. A. get down to B. get out C. get back f

34、or D. get over4. Unfortunately, not everyone has realized the important part the balance of nature _ their daily life. A. plays in B. playing C. plays of D. to play in5. The students studied hard. They were _ for knowledge. A. worry B. worried C. eager D. curious6. She devoted herself _ the problems

35、 of the teenagers. A. in studying B. at studying C. to study D. to studying7. The peace talks between the two countries are said _ with no agreement reached. A. to have broken down B. to have broken out C. to have broken in D. to have broken up8. At the library, I _ a very useful English grammar boo

36、k. A. came across B. came about C. came after D. came at二、单项填空1. He suggests we _ to the cinema at once, otherwise well e late.A. must goB. goC. will goD. would go 2. It is reported that the new suspension bridge _ by the end of last month.A. has been designedB. had been designedC. was designedD. wo

37、uld be designed3. _ could be judged from her eyes that she was terribly sorry for what she _.A. As; had doneB. That; didC. As; didD. It; had done4. Some studies even suggest that playing more _ bigger brains that are _ at reasoning and learning.A. refers to; goodB. turns to; betterC. sticks to; good

38、D. leads to; better5. The little man looked very honest, but in the end he _ to be a thief.A. was provedB. turned outC. changedD. recognized6. _ to his research work, the professor cared little about any other things.A. DevotingB. DevotedC. Having devotedD. To devote7. It was _ he called out my name

39、 that _ that he was one of my old friends.A. not until; I recognizedB. until; I recognizedC. not until; did I recognizeD. till; did I recognize8. -What about _ bike? -Do you think it all right to buy him that bike as _ birthday gift?A. the; aB. a; aC. a; /D. the; /9. She _ her way through the crowds

40、.A. windedB. was windedC. woundD. was wounded10. Playing tricks _ others is something most people hate and will never do.A. toB. withC. atD. on11. Madame Sterns _ her job when her son Robert was born in 1999.A. preventedB. desertedC. gave awayD. quitted12. The doctor had almost lost hope at one poin

41、t, but the patient finally _.A. pulled throughB. pulled overC. pulled upD. pulled out13. The teacher asked us to write a _ article.A. two-thousand-wordB. two-thousands-wordC. two-thousands-wordsD. two-thousand-words14. So far, several ships have been reported missing _ the coast of Bermuda Island.A. alongB. onC. offD. around15. His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed difficult at first, has _ many good chan

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