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1、2017年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)低 年 级组决赛 赛题(答题时间: 60 分钟总分:1 00 分)听力部分(共四大题,计 30 分)I. Words (听辨单词)(5共小题;每小题1 分,计5 分)听音,从 A, B, C 三个选项中选出你所听到的单词。每个单词读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸,上)1. A. earB. eyeC. eat2. A. sonB. shoeC. show3. A. faceB. caseC. pass4. A. long,B. groundC. brown5. A. wantB. waterC. whiteII. Sentences (句子理解)(共10 小题

2、;每小题 l 分,计 10 分)(A) 听音,选出与你所听到的句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)Ri6. A.C.低年级组决赛赛题笫 1 页(共12 页)J 7Sj 1.t回 正 巨 l辜7. A.8. A.9. A., 2 , I ,10. A:B.cB.C.BC.BC.(B) 听音,根据所听问题选择正确的答语。每个句子读两遍。 (答案涂在答题纸上)11. A. Shes my mother.B. Shes very well.C. Shes forty.12. A. Its purple.B. Theyre yellow.C. There are six.13. A.

3、 Yes, he is. 14. A. At 8:30.15. A. I am skipping.B. No, he doesnt.B. Its my bed.B. I like skating.C. Yes, he can.C. Under the bed.C. No, I like summer.低年级组决赛赛题笫 2 页(共12 页)l 7 _;.S1 l.t回 正 巨 lIII. Dialogues (对话理解)(共10 小题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分)c(A) 听音,根据对话内容将相应图片的序号填入题号旁。每组对话读两遍。(答案写在答题纸上)A. B.-,l圈i,,虚,t,ED,

4、 ,.II ,I; 1 6. ,. , : 17. 18.19.20.,.(13) 听音,根据对话内容判断下列句子正Ci )误( F )。每组对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上).l. 21. Eddies father is a farmer.,22. Today is Mothers Day.23. The boy feels cold.24. There are four books in the box.25. The gir,l is going to Franc ;,:,:,+.,,,, ,令. : ,. ., ,IV. Dictation (短文听写)(共5 小题;每小题 1 分,计

5、5 分)_听音,根据你所听到的短文内容填写单词,补全短文(每空一词,句首单词首字母大写)。短文读两遍。(答案写在答题纸上)I always have cereal ( 麦 片 ) for breakfast. I have it with(26) _ 厂. Mum always hassandwiches. She also (27) _coffee. Dad usually has (28)e gs,.Whe.nhes(29) _for work, he has toast and jam. Edward often hsa are his favourite / Echo is a nau

6、ghty parrot. He likes my food!fruit f r breakfast.(30)I 、低年级组决赛赛题笫 3 页(共12 页)7急) 1忆纠回 正 回:Ill笔试部分(共七大题,计 70 分). . . .V. Letters, words, phrases and sentences (字母、单词、短语和句子 )(共 20 小题;每小题 1分,计 20 分)例: 还云Bb 飞玉31.Gg33.Ss35.Yy(A) 写出与所给字母相邻的两个字母的大、小写形。式(答案写在答题纸上)32. 一一一一- U-34.Oo骨(B) 根据图片提示,填入所缺字母(每空一个字母,)

7、补全单词。(将单词的完整形式写在答题纸上)36. 37.38.c_ke39.rns ar40.t_gerraser(C) 把下列句子中的画线部分翻译成汉语或英语。(答案写在答题纸上)1. Can you play football?42. My cousin is cooking in the kitchen.43. This is a pair of glo 呾 低 年级组决赛赛题 笫 4 页(共12 页)回民.回玄44. I have 三块手表45. Kitty 去购物every Sunday.(D) 连词成句。(句子写在答题纸上)46. Mr, is, White, a, doctor

8、(?)47. kind, grandfather, is, Sophias, ve (.)48. that, tall, is, who, boy (?)49. make, I, beautiful, will, a, card (.)50. cinema, get, how, to, I, the, can (?)VI. Multiple-choice (单项选择)(10共小题;每小题 1 分,计10 分)从 A, B, C 三个选项中选出下列各题的最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上)51. I walk with myA. head52. Isold coat Janes?B. teethC.

9、feetA. aB. theseC. the53. Emily is a lovely girl. We ,all like.A. sheB. her54. Alex often takes a walk,the evening.C. hersA. in55. John isA. shortthan Tom.B. onB. shorterC. ofIC. shortest56. May is themonth of a year.A. fourth57. Mr Bear _ this weekend.A. go fishing58. 一What time is it?A. Its nine t

10、hirty.B. fifthIB. go to fishB. Its April 12th.C. sixthC. is going fishingC. Its Monday.一广广 J rJ低年级组决赛赛题第 5 页(共12 页) l/. o二 i 2t, J v 父 夕59. 一-One dollar.A. How much re the grapes? B. How many grapes?60. -Thank you very much.A. Thats right.B. Happy New Year!C. What colour are the grapes?C. Youre welc

11、ome.VIl. Dialogues (情景对话)(1共0 小题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分)(A) 根据所给情景,从 A, B, C 三个选项中选出最佳答案 ,补全对话。(答案涂在答题纸上)61. A. Will you play in the garden?B. Can I go swimming?C. What can we do?(62)Ihave to do my homework.页(共12 页)u I/ - 0一,广r:=.l 1.t62. A. Good idea.B. What a nice kite!C. Im sorry.63. A. No, thanks.B. Her

12、e you are.C. This is a spoon.低年级组决赛赛题笫 6l64. A. Nice. to meet you.B. This is Kate speaking.C. Kate has long hair.65. .A. Of course.B. Sit down, please.C. Yes, I am Ted.(B) 根据对话内容 ,从所 给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话(其 中有两个多余选项)。(答案写在答题纸上)Angelia: Mum, Ive got som thing to tell you.,Mum-: Go ahead!Angelia: Aunt Jane

13、 bought1 a. new bike for Tom. (66),. , 1Mum: I bought you a new, ol!-e ,las t yea . Isnt it cool? Angelia: Yes, Mum. It is great. (67)Mum: Oh, come on, Ang lia.Mum/eels a little anxious (着急的)Mum: Why hasnt he bus come yet? ,(68) 一 Angelia: Its OK, Mum. I will buy us a big car one day. (69)-Mum: Real

14、ly? What about the traffic j血(交通拥堵)?Angelia: Let me see.Angelia thinks for a while.Angelia: (70)fl1er.e 1s no traffic Jam ,up there.Mum: I am lookingforward to (期待) that.I), 17广一,r低 年级组决赛赛题笫 7 页(共 12 页)厂辜 A. Its a small bus.B. It is very cool.C. It is faster than the bus.D. I like them very much.fE.

15、 I will buy a plane for you! F. But Toms bike1s better than mm e.G. Every morning we have to wait for so long.VID. Gap-filling (短文填空)(共5 小题;每小题 1 分,计 5 分)根据短文内容,用所给单词填空,补全短文(每个单词只能用一次,其中有两个多余单词)。(答案写在答题纸上) .;guitar, happy, smgs, grass, but, wn.tm. g,h osp1.ta1 1, .,.We are in the Music Angels Club.

16、We go to a childrens (71)1every Saturday. Are we sick ( 生 病 的 )? No, we arent. We teach music to sick children there. Noel becomes a(72) teacher for the children. Tim teaches the drums. Allison doesnt play anything,(73) she has a good voice (嗓音).She (74) _with the children. We are (今).低 年级组决赛赛题第 8 页

17、(共 12 页rll1/ :.fJ -:-J 1 t,回正巨lIX, Reading comprehension (阅读理解)(共10 小题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分)(A)Jessicas DayStudy at school6 hoursDo sportsI 3 hoursISleepIO hoursPlay with her cat 1 hourPlay the piano 1 hourHave meals 1 hour根据图表信息,判断下列句子正(T) 误( F)。(答案涂在答题纸上)76. Jessica does sports 2 hours every day.77. Jes

18、sica studies at school from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.78. Jessica can play the piano.79. Jessica doesnt read books in a day.80. Sleeping takes th,emost time of Jessicas day.低 年级组决赛赛题 第 9 页(共12 页) l 7 - 5 -1 .t.t回 正 一 回Sb the zookeeper takes霍.her .: some med OCni e寸tak es Minnie home with him.Minnie to Bill

19、s office. Bill 。flAtfiveoclockAfter supper they watch TV. Minnie is better now. I根据短文内容,简要回答下列问题。(答案写在答题纸上)、81. How many monkeys are there at the zoo?82. Do the mon eys eat vegetables at the zoo?83. Whats wrong with Minnie?84. What time does Bill go back home?85. What do Bill and Minnie do after sup

20、per?I .1 ,X. IQ test ( 智力测试)(5共小题;每小题 1 分,计5 分)按要求完成下列各题。(答案涂或写在答题纸上)86. Where will the next Olympic Games b held (举办) in 2020?A. Beijing.B. New York (纽约)87. What man cannot I1ve ma warm house?C. Tokyo, ( 东京)A. Policeman.B. Snowman.C. Spaceman.低年级组 决赛赛题 笫 10 页(共12 页). ,7 丁 s-回a -.回1 1t.嘈88. A: Why i

21、s Victor .walking on air?B: Because he won the game. walk on air的意思是一-_O89. JackA. 兴高采烈B. 无精打采C. 不知所措118 carrying water. 仔细观察图片,找出此刻水桶中水的形状。.,.i,仑,心eo.A.ci,B!,d.I 恤 , , l .铲,j, , ,D.低年级组决赛赛题 第 11 页(共12 页)I 75 1 !.i1 lXI. Composition ( 小作文)(第91 题,计 10 分)题目: A Present from Grandmother提示:今天,Kim 从 邮 递员 ( postman)那 里 收到外婆邮来的礼物,是什 么 呢? 请 你 用英语写一篇小作文,描述图片内容。要求:1. 条理清晰,旬意明确、连贯,语法正确,语句通顺,用词恰当;2. 书写工整、规范,注意旬首单词首字母大写及正确使用标点符号;3. 小作文中要包含图片下所给出的提示短语,可适当发挥想象;4. 不少于 40 个单词;5. 将小作文写在答题纸上。bring a packagea beautiful umbrelladraw a thank-you pictureput it into the postbox低年级组决赛赛题 第 12 页(共12 页)l -:; .5 . 1 Lt

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