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1、-定语从句、名词性从句和状语从句专项练习100 题1.? - I can t find Mr.Brown. Where did you meet him this morning?-It was in the hotelhe stayed.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. when2.Well go out for a walk as soon as it _.A. stops rainingB. rainingC. stop to rainD. rain3.The film was _ interesting _ everyone wanted to see it agai

2、n.A. too, toB. so, thatC. not ,untilD. very, that4._studies hard will pass the examination.A. WhoeverB. Any studentC. WhoD. Those who5. Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _I will always treasure.A. thatB. oneC. itD. what6.She took it for granted _I ll agree with her.

3、A. thatB. whetherC. ifD. when7.-_help if you can, and our country will improve more quickly and better.A. GivingB. GiveC. GivenD. To give8.-I will not take an umbrella with me today.- _it rains later on in the day?A. HowB. WhatC. How aboutD. What if9.- _to be a PLA soldier when I was young.- And now

4、 you are.A. How I wantedB. How did I wantC. What I wantedD. What did I want10. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,_was very reasonable.A. which priceB. the price of whichC. its priceD. the price of that11. After ten years, she changed a lot and looked different from_she used to be.A. thatB. w

5、homC. whatD. who12_is known to everyone, the moon travels round the earth once every month.A. ItB. AsC. ThatD. What13. He s got himself into a dangerous situation_ he is likely to lose control over the plane.A. whereB. whichC. whileD. why14. Information has been put forward _more middle school gradu

6、ates will be admitted into universities.A. whileB. thatC. whenD. as15.What the doctors really doubt is_my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.A. whenB. howC. whetherD. what16.The students of the music school study _.A. music but also some other subjectsB. some other subjects as well as

7、 musicC. music as well as some other subjectsD. some other subjects and music17.- Have you seen such an interesting film asThe Return of“the King Lord of the Rings ? ”-Oh,yes,but it wasI was at college.A 、 thatB、 sinceC、 whenD、 /18.There is plenty of rain in the south _ there is little in the north.

8、A. whileB. asC. whenD. so-19._several times about it, but he could not give the correct answer.A. Being askedB. Having been askedC. He would askD.Hehad beenasked20. - I don t like chicken _ fish.- I don t like chicken,_I like fish very much.A. and ; andB. and; butC. or; butD. or; and21._ the days we

9、nt on, the situation there got worse.A. WithB. SinceC. WhileD. As22._ everybody is here, let s set out right away.A. Now thatB. BecauseC. ForD. After23.The science of medicine,_progress has been very rapid lately, isperhaps the mostimportant of all the sciences.A. to whichB. in whichC. whichD. with

10、which24.We must do the experiment carefully _Miss Liu told us.A. whatB. sinceC. asD. while25.Tony will never forget these days _ she lived in China with her mother,_has a greateffect on her life.A. that ; whichB. when ; whichC. which ; thatD. when ; that26._I know, they will go to Beijing to watch t

11、he Olympic Games in 2008.A. SinceB. So far asC. In caseD. As if27.Who do you think the doctor will have_first, John or Kate?A. examineB. to examineC. examiningD. examined28.- What are you anxious about?-_.A. Whether we can succeedB. If we succeedC. Do we succeedD. That we can succeed29.You should pu

12、t the dictionary _ you can find it easily.A. whereB. the placeC. the place on whichD. what30.She said to me,“ I ll tell you the result of the test_ I know it.”A. becauseB. the momentC. afterD. though31.Grandpa used to tell us something about the“ Cultural Revolution” _he had time to sparA. as soon a

13、sB. asC. so thatD. whenever32.Li Fang is very busy,_ she s always helping others with their lessons.A. butB. althoughC. soD. for33.Getting a right jobcan be difficult_ the students_ prepared to deal withthejobinterview.A. if ; wontB. unless; willC. unless; areD. if ;are34.Everything depends on_ they

14、 will support you about it.A. ifB. whichC. whetherD. that35.She won the first prize in the speech contest and_ surprised us.A. whichB. itC. asD. who36.The Oscar is one of the film prizes _ offered to any Chinese actor or actress so far.A. which is notB. that have not beenC. that has notD. thathasnot

15、been37.He made another wonderful discovery,_of great importance to science.A. which I think isB. which I think it isC. which I think itD. I think is38.It s really very dangerous. Oneorem step,_the baby will fall into the well.A. orB. soC. butD. and39.She is American,_ she knows little about American

16、 history.A. soB. yetC. andD. therefore40.Information technologyis taught inmost schools,_we have entered the informationsociety.A. soB. whileC. stillD .for41. _ told you that was lying.A. WhoB. WhoeverC. AnyoneD. The person42. This is Mr. smith, _I think has something new to tell us.A. /B. thatC. wh

17、omD. who43.It was quite a long time_ I made it out what had happened.A. afterB. beforeC. whenD. since44._the text a second time, the meaning will become clearer to you.A. ReadB. ReadingC. If readingD. When you read45._does he do his work well,_ he helps others with their work.A. Not only ; but alsoB

18、. Neither ; norC. Either ; orD. Both ;and46._, so he didn t come to school last week.A. Though he was illB. Being illC. Having been illD. He was ill47.She tried every way _ she could find to solve the problem.A. howB. in whichC. thatD. which48.Lily has some idea _ she s going to be when she grows up

19、.A. whatB. thatC. asD. which49.To play fair is as important as _,I think.A. to play wellB. play wellC .we play wellD. playing well50._you go, you should bear the motherland in mind.A. WhereB. WheneverC. HoweverD. Wherever51. She had three sons, all _became doctors.A. whichB. of themC. of whichD. of

20、whom52. Computers can only give out _has been stored in them.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. anything53._surprised me most _to see some of the village people seated on the benchesat the end of the room.A. What , wasB. What , wereC. That , wasD. That ,were54. We do the same work _you do.A thatB. asC. thanD.

21、 like55.Did you tell your mother all _you had seen on the way home?A. whatB. whomC. thatD. which56.We could hardly understand_.A. what the man was talkingB. what the man was talking aboutC. what was the man talking aboutD. the man was talking about what57._they will have a good harvest this year is

22、still unknown.A. WhetherB. IfC. WhichD. That58. He wanted to know the reason _I was late.A. asB. forC. whyD. because59.This is one of the best books_.A. that have ever been writtenB. that has ever been writtenC. that has writtenD. that have written60.The Sun heats the earth, _is very important to li

23、ving things.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. where61. .is known to us all is that honesty is the best policy.A 、 WhatB、 WhichC、AsD、 It62.Roses need special care _ they can live through winter.A. becauseB. so thatC. even ifD. as63.The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% _are sold a

24、broad.A. of whichB. which ofC. of themD. of that64.A computer can only do _ you have instructed it to do.A. howB. afterC. whatD. when65._this company has done seems to be in agreement with what the government has calledfor.A. ThatB. HowC. WhetherD. What66.Fortunitely we had a map, without _we would

25、have got lost.A. whichB. itC. thatD. what67.The Great Wall is the last place _Mr smith is going to visit before he leaves Beijing.A. whereB. whichC. /D. what68.I shall never forget those years _I lived in the country with the farmers, _ has agreat effect on my life.A. that; whichB. when; whichC. whi

26、ch; thatD. when; who69.I don t like the way _ you speak to her.A. /B. in thatC. whichD. of which70.She spent the whole evening talking about the things and the persons _ none of us hasever heard of .A. whichB. whoC. whomD. that71.I have bought such a watch _ was advertised on TV .A. thatB. WhichC. a

27、sD. it72.Free film tickets will be sent to _ are interested in the film.A. whomeverB. whoeverC. whateverD. whichever73.The demand _ the workers ask for higher wages seemed reasonable.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. when74.We won t give up _ we should fail ten times.A. even ifB. sinceC. whetherD. until75.I

28、remember _ this used to be a quiet village.A. whenB. howC. whereD. what76.I ll let you know _ heomescback.A. beforeB. becauseC. as soon asD. although77 She will sing a song _ she is asked.A. ifB. unlessC. forD. since78 We will work _ we are needed.A. wheneverB. becauseC. sinceD. wherever79.Read it a

29、loud _ the class can hear you.A. so thatB. ifC. whenD. although80._ you go, dont forget your people.A. WheneverB. HoweverC. WhereverD. Whichever81.It is about ten years _ I met you last.A. sinceB. forC. whenD. as82.They will never succeed, _ hard they try.A. becauseB. howeverC. whenD. since83._ stil

30、l half drunk, he made his way home.A. WhenB. BecauseC. ThoughD. As84._ she was very tired, she went on working.A. AsB. AlthoughC. EvenD. In spite of85.Busy _ he was, he tried his best to help you.A. asB. whenC. sinceD. for86. ,Mother will wait for him to have dinner togetherA 、 However late is heB、H

31、owever late he isC、However is he lateD、However he is late87.John may phone tonight.I don t want to goheoutphones.A 、 as long asB、 in order thatC、 in caseD、 so that88.After the war,a new school building was put upthere had once been a theatre.A 、 thatB、 whereC、 whichD、 when89.If we work with a strong

32、 will,we can overcome any difficulties,great it is.A 、 whatB、 howC、 howeverD、 whatever90.-Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?-Yes,I gave it to herIsaw her.A 、 whileB、 the momentC、 suddenlyD、 once91.I thought her nice and honestI met her.A 、 first timeB、 for the first timeC、 the fir

33、st timeD 、 by thefirsttime92.you call me to say you re not coming,I ll see you at the theatre.A 、 ThoughB、 WhetherC、UntilD、 Unless93.Jasmine was holidaying withher family in a wildlifeparkshe was bitten on the leg by alion.A 、 whenB、 whileC、 sinceD、 once94.The gentlemanyou told me yesterday proved t

34、o be a thief.A 、 whoB、 about whomC、 whomD、 with whom95.After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth,our astronauts desire to do is walk inspace.A 、 whereB、 whatC、 thatD、 how96.Itwas an excitingmoment for these footballfans this year,for the first time in yearstheir team won the world cup.A 、 tha

35、tB、 whileC、 whichD、 when97.-helps others will be helped.- So,I m thankful to and try to helphas helpedus.A 、 Whoever;whomeverB、Who;whoeverC、Whoever;whoeverD、Who;whomever98.It was twelve o clockthey finished the work.A 、 sinceB、 whichC、 thatD、 when99. _I told you just now was _ had been ? written in

36、the letter.A. What; whatB. That; thatC. WhetherD. If; who100.The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobsthey arebeing trained.A 、 in thatB、 for thatC、 in whichD、 for which1-5CABAB6-10ABDAB11-15CBABC16-20BCADC21-25DABCB26-30BDAAB31-35DACCB36-40BADBD41-45BDBDA46-50DCAAD51-55DCABC56-60BACAB61-65ABACD66-70ACBAD71-75CBBAA76-80CADAC81-85ABCBA86-90BCBCB91-95CDABB96-100DCDAD

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