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1、is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, peoples behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as v

2、alues. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civiliz

3、ation, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that persons value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate eve

4、ry community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlook, attitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the p

5、remise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating serve for one officer, the benefit of achievements, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of peoples performance. Achievement eva

6、luation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential fo

7、r sustainable development. Leave people to talk about values are worthless and leave people to talk about Outlook is not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichu

8、anyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful

9、in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualiz

10、ation needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the agricultural society,

11、people plant; in industrial society, man is an animal; the information society, return职业生涯规划书姓名:矫立兵专业:软件工程班级:121学号:目录1自我分析2职业分析3职业定位4计划实施5评估调整一、自我分析一兴趣对电脑兴趣浓厚,但对英语天赋不高;具有较强的人际沟通能力;思维敏捷,表达流畅。2性格我的性格类型倾向为“ ISTJ 沉静,认真,贯彻始终、得人信赖而取得成功。讲求实际,注重事实和有责任感。能够合情合理地去决定应做的事情,而且坚定不移地把它完成,不会因外界事物而分散精神。以做事有次序、有条理为乐不论

12、在工作上, 家庭上或者生活上。重视传统和忠诚。 ISTJ型的人是严肃的、有责任心的和通情达理的社会坚定分子。他们值得信赖,他们重视承诺,对他们来说,言语就是庄严的宣誓。 ISTJ型的人工作缜密,讲求实际,很有头脑也很现实。他们具有很强的集中力、条理性和 准确性。无论他们做什么,都相当有条理和可靠。他们具有坚定不移、深思熟虑的思想,一旦他们着手自己相信是最好的行动方法时,就很难转变或变得沮丧。ISTJ型的人特别安静和勤奋,对于细节有很强的记忆和判断。 他们能够引证准确的事实支持自己的观点,把过去的经历运用到现在的决策中。他们重视和利用符合逻辑、客观的分析,以坚持不懈的态度准时地完成工作,并且总是

13、安排有序,很有条理。他们重视必要的理论体系和传统 惯例,对于那些不是如此做事的人则很不耐烦。ISTJ型的人总是很传统、谨小甚微。他们聆听和喜欢确实、清晰地陈述事物。ISTJ型的人天生不喜欢显露,即使危机之时,也显得很平静。他们总是显得责无旁贷、坚定不变 、但是在他们冷静的外表之下,也许有强烈却很少表露的反应。3、能力方面:有较强的与人交流能力,善于交流语言表达能力较强。我是理工科学生,有较强的逻辑思维能力以及学习领悟能力,初中时父母去南方工作,所以自理能力较强,能独立生活。4.分析总结我一直都是一个乐观的人,很热情、爽直,典型的四川女孩的特点,这对于我以后和人接触也是很有力的一面。我觉得自己很


15、的活动,提高学生的自身修养与素质;并采用了校企合作的方式,培养软件人才。社会环境 从国家加入WTO开始,所有大型企业都开始建造智能建筑,所有企业都需要网络人才来设计、管理,这就为我们的就业市场提供了广阔的场景。现在信息化浪潮正以其凌锐之势席卷全球,新经济的发展和经济全球化都必须依托信息化。目前,我国正在实施信息化带动工业化的战略,信息化产业将得到大力支持和突飞猛进的发展。近两年,就业市场上最火爆的专业当属与业相关的计算机、通信、电子等信息类专业。不少高校该类专业供需比达比以上,有的甚至更高,毕业生选择余地非常大。据统计,北京、上海、广东、江苏等省市接收人数最多的专业是计算机类专业。全球业的低迷

16、波及了一系列相关产业,但其中也有例外培训市场就表现出旺盛的生命力。作为领域内一个极具潜力的市场,中国对专业人才的需求显得更为迫切。资料显示,我国目前软件人才的缺口是每年万人以上,而这部分人才如果靠传统教育模式培养,不仅数量上难以补缺,更远远满足不了我国软件业发展对人才结构的要求。职业定位 我未来职业的目标方向是:软件工程师 大学教授 软件顾问等INFP工作中的优势 1.考虑周到细致且能集中注意力深入某个问题或观点 2.投身于所信仰的事业 3.必要时一个人也能很好地工作 4.对收集所需信息有一种天生的好奇与技巧 5.能通观全局以及看到意识与行为之间的联系 6.能洞察别人的需要与动机 7.适应能力

17、强,能很快改变你的行事速度及目标 8.在一对一的基础上很极好地与人工作工作中的劣势 1.必须控制方案/计划,否则你可能会失去兴趣 2.有变得无秩序性的倾向,很难把握优先处理的事 3.不愿做与自己价值观相冲突的工作 4.在做事方式上不愿按照传统方式 5.天生的理想主义,这样可能使你得不到现实的期望 6.讨厌以传统的或惯常的方式行事 7.很难在竞争的、气氛紧张的环境中工作下去 8.在处理及完成顽固的组织和人们打交道时没有耐心 9.在预计做某事要求多长时间时有不切实际的倾向 10.不愿惩戒直接肇事者,不愿意批评别人 机会:现在的社会高速发展,虽然竞争更加激烈,但机会同样是无处不在。只要自己是高技术、

18、高素质人才,就处处都是机会。1. 短期目标:(2009-2011)大一:扎实的掌握所学的基础科的知识,课外时间,读一些名人书籍和相关专业的书籍穿插着看。激励自己更好地把握现在,努力学习。下半年,最好是能把英语A级考试证书拿下。加强与人沟通,提高自己的人际交往能力,锻炼自己的演讲能力、语言表达能力。大二:掌握了基础知识,认真学习专业知识,进一步提高自己的演讲能力和语言表达能力,将对未来有帮助的证件考下。 写好自己的毕业论文,准备好专升本的课本,上半学期就投入的专升本的知识里,认真努力学习希望能够考上一所本科院校。2. 中期目标(20112016)如果真的有能力考上的话,我将在这三年的时间里,阅读

19、更多自己所感兴趣的书,外出实践,提高实践能力,获得一些经验。然后,准备考研,当然是在这三年以内就开始准备。但愿能够考研成功。研究生毕业后就已经不小了,找一份好的工作,最起码是适合自己的。希望爱情事业能够双丰收。在二十六岁时能够拥有美满的家庭。具备在经济领域从事具体管理工作的理论基础,通过实习具有一定的实践经验;接触了解涉外商务活动;英语应用能力具备权威资格认证3. 长期目标(20162026)我希望自己能够成为一个高层管理人员,在一家外资企业工作。趁着自己年轻气盛,努力工作,希望能够在自己的工作中表现得很出色。年薪可达到20万。另外,我希望能有自己的一套房、拥有自己的一辆汽车、有自己的存款,事

20、业上有新进展,家庭幸福。我想把自己的父母也接过来住,让他们不再像现在一样为了生活得更好、为了给我上学交学费而拼命的干活,让他们幸福快乐的生活。 熟练处理本职务工作,工作业绩在同级同事中居于突出地位;熟悉外资企业运作机制及企业文化,能与公司上层进行无阻碍地沟通。形成自己的管理理念,有很高的演讲水平,具备组织、领导一个团队的能力;与公司决策层有直接流畅的沟通;具备应付突发事件的心理素质和能力;有广泛的社交范围,在业界有一定的知名度。4. 晚期目标通过不断加强自身修养和持之以恒地学习,且学习的内容必须聚焦,力争在软件方面成为专家,塑造个人竞争力最终形成 知识创新。使自己的职业转型,如担任培训师、管理

21、咨询师、学术专家等职业。人生价值的实现是以不断实现小目标为基石的,既然已经为自己设定好了人生的目标方向,那么接下来就要靠自己一步一个脚印的去实现了。人生会因我们的不断奋斗和努力而更加精彩的。其实,每个人都是一样的,只要有目标,有前进的方向,属于我们的未来一定是美好。五、评估调整 职业生涯规划是一个动态的过程,必须根据实施结果的情况以及环境的变化进行及时的评估与修正。1.评估修正时间如:规划实施过程中,我将定期(半年或一年)评估规划,或者出现特殊情况时,随时评估并进行相应的调整。2.评估修正依据及内容如:我可能遇到内部(自身情况)、外部(社会、家庭环境、机遇等)情况的变化及不可抗拒的因素,如果出

22、现这种情况,将如何及时评估、灵活调整,并如何主动适应各种变化,不断修正、优化自己的职业生涯规划。六 结束语结束语:积跬步以至千里,积小流以成江河,只要你不断积累知识、完善自我,具备真正的能力和实力,你永远都会是职场当中的胜者。大学不仅是知识的海洋,还是磨练性格、完善自我、锻炼能力的小社会。在这知识的海洋中,要找到自己的兴趣所在和职业理想,并为自己的梦想不懈努力,你的梦想终会实现!为梦想的实现进行的努力,不管是多辛苦的都是值得的,我们现在这样,就是在为自己以后储备粮食。搏击,将会是最美好的事。待到历尽磨难时,彩虹便会呈现。走过了,才知道可不可以,经历过,才明白这其中的滋味,只有努力过才不会后悔。

23、计划固然好,但最重要的在于付出实施并取得成效。时时刻刻都不能忘记,任何目标,只说不做到头来只是一场空。路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。不经历风雨怎能见彩虹。我们要时刻保持一颗清醒的头脑。其实,每个人心中都有一座山,雕刻着理想、信念、追求、报负;每个人心中都有一片森林,承载着收获、芬芳、失意、磨砺。一个人,若要获得成功,必须拿出勇气,付出努力、拼搏、奋斗、成功。机遇不相信眼泪,不相信颓废,不相信幻影,只相信爱打拼的人!只希望我的所有规划能在我尽心尽力下,让它不是空。谢谢大家下载,本文档下载后可根据实际情况进行编辑修改.再次谢谢大家下载.翱翔在知识的海洋吧.Now, we are in a new

24、 historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most

25、not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of th

26、e Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construc

27、tion and management of the Office towards the work a higher level. Investee 1. political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the partys scientific Outlook on development, is the

28、new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our partys ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the partys important wor

29、k. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted

30、to raise the level of your presentation. Your presentation is the main Office of products, is the basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listeni

31、ng to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight

32、place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotatio

33、n. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committees policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carried

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