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1、第 6 页江都区实验小学英语课外阅读(四年级上学期)【绘本故事】Dragon Danger1. Floppy was dreaming about dragons.2. Floppy saw a baby dragon with its mother. The mother dragon saw Floppy. “Go away !”she roared.3. The dragon roared again and flapped her wings.4. She flew towards Floppy.“Oh help!” he said.5. WHOOSH!Flames came out

2、of the dragons mouth.6. Floppy hid,but the dragon saw him.7. Floppy ran onto a bridge.WHOOSH!More flames came out of the dragons mouth.8. “Help!”said Floppy. “The bridge is on fire.”9. Floppy ran back across the bridge.10. He ran past a rock and saw the baby dragon again.11. The mother dragon roared

3、 at Floppy.She flew up onto a high rock.12. Oh no! The rock started to fall.13. CRASH!The rock fell down.14. But Floppy pulled the baby dragon out of danger. “Phew!Just in time.” he said.15. What a brave dog!The spaceship1. Floppy went to sleep and he began to dream.2. A spaceship landed. “Wow!” sai

4、d Kipper. “A real spaceship!”3. An alien came out. “I am Zig,”he said. “And this is my dog,Zog.”4. “Lets go into space,”said Zig. “Oh yes!”said Kipper. “Oh no!”said Floppy.5. WHOOSH!The spaceship took off.It flew up into space.6. “Whats that?”said Kipper. “Oh no!”said Zig. “Fireballs!”7. WHOOSH!Sudd

5、enly,there were fireballs all around them. “Help!”said Zog.8. CRASH! A fireball hit them.The spaceship began to spin round.9. Zig and Kipper bumped heads. “Oh my head!” said Kipper. “Oh my head!” said Zig.10. Floppy saw a very big fireball.It was going to hit them!11. “Help!” said Floppy. “We are in

6、 danger!” said Zog. “I dont know what to do.”12. “I know what to do,”said Floppy.13. “I can fly the spaceship.”14. ZOOM!Floppy flew the spaceship out of danger. “Phew! Just in time,” he said.15. “Well done, space dog,Floppy,”said Zig. “You saved us!”Arctic Adventure1. Wilf was staying with Chip.It w

7、as very hot.2. “Its too hot to sleep,”said Chip. “I wish we were in the Arctic,”said Wilf. “Its cold there.”3. Suddenly,the magic key began to glow.It took them into an adventure.4. The key took Chip and Wilf to the Arctic.There was snow everywhere.5. The snow felt cold.Brrrr!said Chip. “Now,Im free

8、zing.”6. Wilf saw a girl. “Help!”he called. “We are freezing in this snow.”7. The girl came over. “You need some warm clothes,”she said.8. “My name is Oona,”said the girl. “Put these clothes on.”9. “Now you can help me catch some fish,” said Oona. 10. “You cant catch fish in the snow,” said Chip. “I

9、 can,” said Oona.11. There was ice under the snow.Under the ice was the sea. Oona made a hole and they started to fish.12. Soon they had give fish. Suddenly,Chip saw a polar bear. “Run!” he gasped. “Its going to eat us!”13. Chip and Wilf ran. “Its hard to run in the snow,”panted Wilf.14. “Stop!” cal

10、led Oona. “The bear just wants some fish.”15. “Shes only a cub ,and shes lost,”said Oona. “Ive been helping my dad to find her.”16. The cub ate fish and soon fell asleep. “I will call dad now,”said Oona.17. Oonas dad came. “Well done,Oona,”he said. “Now we can get the cub back to her mother.”18. The

11、y put the cub on a sled and set off across the snow.19. “The cub needs her mother,”said Oona. “She hasnt learned to hunt yet.”20. They saw a big bear on the ice. “Is that her mother?”asks Wilf.21. The mother bear get a roar.Then she dived into the sea and swam to her cub.22. “Im glad we helped the c

12、ub find her mother,”said Oona.23. “Im glad Im not a polar bear,”said Chip. Just then, the key began to glow.24. “That was a cold adventure,”said Wilf. “But its still hot,”said Chip.Looking after Gran1. The family was going away. “Look after Floppy,” said Dad.2. Gran liked looking after Floppy.She to

13、ok him for lots of walks.3. She threw sticks for him to chase and balls for him to catch.4. Gran had a motorbike.It was bright red. “Jump in, Floppy,”said Gran.5. Gran put on her crash helmet. “Where are we going?” thought Floppy.6. Soon they were zooming into town. “Isnt this fun!”said Gran.7. “Not

14、 for me!”thought Floppy.8. At last,Gran stopped.She parked the motorbike on the sand.9. “Stay here,Floppy,”said Gran. “Look after the motorbike. Im going shopping.”10. Gran was away for a long time. The tide started to come in.A wave splashed the front wheel.11. Then a wave splashed the back wheel.

15、Gran has parked too close to the sea!thought Floppy.12. “I must find Gran,” thought Floppy.He ran into the town as fast as he could.13. Sniff!Sniff!went Floppy.He could tell where Gran had been.She had been in the butchers shop.14. “Yum!Bones.”thought Floppy. “Get out!”yelled the butcher. “No dogs i

16、n here!”15. Floppy ran back to the beach.Gran puffed after him.16. Sniff!Sniff!went Floppy.Gran had been in the bread shop. “Get out!” yelled the barker. “No dogs in here!”17. Then Floppy saw Gran.She was in the hat shop.Floppy ran in and barked.18. “Get out!said the lady. “No dogs in here!” “Come o

17、n,Gran!” thought Floppy.19. Floppy ran out of the shop.Gran ran after him. “Come back!” called the lady. “You havent paid for that hat!”20. Floppy ran back to the beach.Gran puffed after him.21. “Oh no! my motorbike,”shouted Gran.She ran into the sea and pushed her motorbike out.22. “Well done,Flopp

18、y,”said Gran. “You saved my motorbike!”23. Gran spoke to Mum. “Im not looking after Floppy,” she said. “Hes looking after me!”【快乐英语阅读】UNTT1【MY COMICS】1. Sam: What are these? Bobby: Prawns.2. Sam: I like prawns. They are cute.3. Sam: What are those? Bobby: Monkeys.4. Bobby: They have a long tail. Sam

19、: What are _?5. Bobby: _!6. Hippos have a very big mouth. Do you like hippos?【STORY TOWN】THREE GOATS1. brother, daddy, mummy, baby, sister,2. Baby: I am Baby Goat. I like to eat and play.3. Sister: I am Sister Goat. I like to sing and dance.4. Brother: I am Brother Goat. I like to run and jump.5. Ba

20、by: Today is Mothers day. I want to give Mummy some apples.6. Sister: Great! I want to give her some flowers.7. Brother: I want to give her something cool!8. Baby, Brother and Sister: We want to play by the river. Goodbye, daddy.9. Baby: look, I see an apple tree.10. Sister: I see some flowers. How

21、beautiful!11. Brother: I see some cool stones.12. Brother: I have some cool stones.13. Sister: I have some flowers.14. Baby: I have some apples.15. Happy Mothers Day! Here are some presents for you.16. Mummy: You are all very sweet. Here are some kisses for you.UNTT2【MY COMICS】1. Sam: I like fruit.

22、Do you like fruit? Bobby: Yes, I do.2. Sam: Lets buy some fruit. Bobby: Good idea.3. Orangutan: I have some apples. Would you like an apple? Sam: Yes, please. Thank you.4. Bobby: Do you have any pears? Orangutan: Yes, I do. Theyre sweet.5. Bobby: They look great! I want two, please.6. Orangutan: Her

23、e you are. Bobby: Thank you. Yummy!【STORY TOWN】THE JUICY FRUIT TREE1. There is a tall tree. It has a juicy fruit. A zebra sees it.2. He tells his friends about the fruit. They are all very happy. They want to eat it.3. I have a long neck. I want a big piece.4. I have a big body and a long nose. I wa

24、nt a big piece.5. But I say it first.6. Hey, Im here too.7. Only I can climb the tree to pick the fruit.8. Stop! Lets pick it first, OK?9. They stop and have a rest. Then they walk to the fruit tree.10. Oh, the tree is too smooth.11. Oh, no! the tree is too tall.12. Oh, its too hard.13. Let me try.1

25、4. At last, they walk together. They can reach the fruit.15. They are hungry but they are very happy. They share the fruit. Its really juicy and sweet.UNTT3【MY COMICS】1. Sam: Whats this?Bobby: Its my playhouse.2. Sam: All these are toys! I cant believe it. Bobby: They are new!3. Bobby: Look! I have

26、thirteen cars. Sam: They look like real cars.4. Sam: _ _ basketball do you have? Bobby: Let me count. One, two, three._! 【STORY TOWN】THE STORY OF TADPOLESLOOKING FOR MUMMY1. Spring comes. The tadpoles are looking for their mummy.2. Mummy, Mummy! 3. Good morning, Little Tadpoles.4. Sorry, Im not your

27、 mummy. Your mummy has to big eyes.5. Thank you! Good bye.6. Mummy, Mummy!7. Hello, Little Tadpoles!8. Sorry, Im not your mummy. Your mummy has a white belly.9. Thanks! Goodbye.10. Mummy, Mummy! 11. Good afternoon, Little Tadpoles!12. Sorry, Im not your mummy. Your mummy has four legs.13. Thank you!

28、 Good bye.14. Mummy, mummy! 15. Good evening, Little Tadpoles!16. Sorry, Im not your mummy. Your mummy has a big mouth.17. Thank you! See you!18. Mummy, Mummy!19. How are you, my babies? I miss you so much.UNTT4【MY COMICS】1. Sam: Great! I love playing basketball!2. Bobby: Sam, lets play basketball!3

29、. Sam: I can dunk. Bobby: I can dribble.4. Penguin: Hello. Can I play with you? Bobby: Sorry. You have no arms. You cant play.5. Penguin: Let me have a try. Bobby: OK. Here comes a ball. Can you catch it? 【STORY TOWN】I GAN RUN FAST1. Ellen, can you run fast?2. Yes I can.3. Show me,4. Im the winter.

30、I can run fast.5. Jane can you pick up the log,6. I guess I can,7. No, I cant,8. Im the winter! You cant pick up the log.9. Dan, can you jump? 10. Sure.11. Look at me. I can jump very high.12. Oh, my dear. Im stuck!13. I can run fast. I can pick up logs.I can jump high. But I cant get down. Please h

31、elp me!14. we can help you!15. Thanks!16. Thank you, my friends. 17. Youre welcome!UNTT5【MY COMICS】Bobby: Im hungry. Here are some cakes and cheese. Great!Bobby: Id like to drink some juice. Wheres the juice?Bobby: Is it the cupboard?Bobby: Is it in the fridge?Bobby: Im dizzy. I can see many cats.Sa

32、m: Youre drunk,Bobby. 【STORY TOWN】WHERE IS MY TOOTH?1. Im Jerry. I like playing.2. Wheres my tooth?3. Wheres your tooth, two Jerry? Is it under the pillow?4. No, it isnt.5. Wheres your tooth, Jerry? Is it under the bed? 6. No, it isnt.7. Wheres your tooth, Jerry? Is it on the chair? 8. No, it isnt,

33、Grandma.9. Wheres your tooth Jerry? Is it on the toy bear?10. No, it isnt, Grandpa.11. Hello, Ben. I cant find my tooth.12. Hello, bill. I cant find my tooth.13. Look at the football near the bed.14. Im the tooth fairy. Heres your truth.UNTT6【MY COMICS】Sam: Good idea! But how to make it?Bobby: Lets

34、make a vegetable salad.Bobby: Look here. Cut the vegetables, put them in a bowl, add salad dressing and mix them together.Sam: What do we have?Bobby: We have some carrots.Sam: Id like some cheese. What about you?Bobby: Id like a ham.Sam: Anything else?Bobby: We can add some salad dressing.Sam: OK! L

35、ets eat the salad now.Bobby: Yummy!【STORY TOWN】THE FISHERMAN AND THE FISH1. A fisherman and his wife live in an old house.2. Please let me go. I can help you with everything.3. I dont want anything. You can go now,4. Youre a fool. I dont like this cold washtub. Id like a new one.5. Miss Fish, my wif

36、e would like a new washtub, please.6. OK. She can have it.7. I dont like this washtub now. Id like a new house.8. All right.9. My wife would like a new house, please.10. OK,okay she can have it,11. I dont like this house ,Id like to be a rich lady go,12. all right,13. Im sorry to trouble you again m

37、y wife would like to be a rich lady okay she were be a rich lady,14. You four stay away from me 15. yes,16. what can I do,17. Id like to be a queen,go,18. what she would she like this time,19. she would like to be a queen,20. all right,her wish will come true,21. Id like to be the ruler of the sea,g

38、o and tell the fish22. alright,23. my wife would like to be the ruler, of the sea.24. She is too greedy she can get nothing good bye fisherman.25. The fisherman and his wife live in their old house again.UNTT7【MY COMICS】Bobby: Yes, it is. I like it.Sam: Is that a toy dog in the window?Sam: Me too. H

39、ow much is it?Bobby: Look! Its fifty yuan.Sam: Its dear. I hope its on sale.Bobby: What about forty yuan?Hippo: No. At least forty-five yuan.Sam: I have twenty yuan.Bobby: I have ten yuan.Sam: We still dont have enough money to buy it.【STORY TOWN】HOW MUCH DOES IT WEIGH?1. Lets make a C so 2. good id

40、ea let me help you,3. we can wait in the car with the brakes,4. sounds fun,5. how much does it weigh,6. thats then as to brakes,7. now lets weigh the truck,8. Great.9. How much does it weigh10. the same as fire breaks,11. now lets with a bigger,12. oh its too heavy,13. how much does it weigh,14. wow

41、 the same as ten bricks,15. look at the cart,how,no t,16. oh he would like to try to.17. Oh no 18. be careful.UNTT8【MY COMICS】Sam: Look! Here comes a giraffe, Bobby.Bobby: His neck is so long.Sam: The elephant can take a shower with his nose.Bobby: His nose is very long.Sam: He can eat breakfast wit

42、h his nose!Bobby: Thats amazing!Sam: Look at the monkey. He can fly with a vine.Bobby: Cool!Sam: Sure. Come!Monkey: Can we fly with you?Bear: Can I join you? I want to fly too.【STORY TOWN】MR WOLFS DINNER1. I am Mr wolf,I am tall and I have a big mouth,I like cooking and eating,2. theres nothing for

43、dinner,I am still hungry,3. whats that over there wow a hand,4. let me eat her she looks very young me,5. but she is too thin and too small,6. let me cook for the Han she can be fucked very soon,7. its dark outside,I cant stand these pies,to the hen.8. Its dark again I can send these big cake,to the Han,9. I sent the Han,many pies,and cakes,she must be very fast now,let me have a look,10. oh the hand is still thing,but her children are all very fat thank you Mr wolf.

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