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1、7、现在完成时1)很幸运,下雨前我们已经到家了。Luckily, we had got home before it began to rain.2)张华说他的笔记本丢了。Zhang Hua said he had lost his notebook.3)他曾告诉过我,会议两点钟开。可是当我到了以后,我还得等到两点半。He had told me that the meeting was at 2, but when I arrived I had to wait till 2:30.4)他在这里住了两三天,才觉得没有什么拘束(feel at home)。When he had stayed

2、here for two or three days, he began to feel at home.8、过去完成进行时(1)形式:had been + 动词的现在分词。(2)用法:表示一直持续到过去某个时间的行为动作,此行为动作或刚结束、或还没结束(可以从上下文看出)。这一时态经常与一般过去时一起使用。例如:When he came in, I had been trying to repair the TV for a couple of hours. 他进来的时候,我一直在努力修理电视机好几个小时了The roads were dangerous. It had been raini

3、ng for two whole days. 道路很危险。雨一直下了两整天。They were tired because they had been digging since dawn. 他们累了,因为从天亮开始他们就一直在挖。The boy was delighted with the new mountain bike. He had been hoping for one for a long time. 那男孩得到一辆新山地自行车很高兴。很长时间来他一直希望有一辆。9、一般将来时一般将来时动词表示将来发生的动作或情况。主要有以下几种表现形式:(1)shall/will + 动词原形

4、表示单纯的将来,不涉及主语的主观意愿。第一人称I, we用shall 或will,其余用will. 其否定式、疑问式和简单回答形式如下:否定式 疑问式 I shall/will not study. Shall I study? You will not study. Will you study? He will not study. Will he study? 否定疑问式 简单回答(肯定/否定) Shall I not (shant i) study? Yes, you will. No, you wont. Will you not (Wont you) study? Yes, I s

5、hall/will. No, I shant/wont. Will he not (Wont he) study.? Yes, he will. No, he wont. 例如:I shall be twenty years old next year. 我明年二十岁。The sky is black. I think it will rain. 天黑下来了。我想可能会下雨。You will meet him at the station this afternoon. 你下午会在车站碰到他。The train will arrive soon. 火车快要到了。When shall we se

6、e you next time? 我们下次什么时候能看见你呢?He probably wont go with us. ?他大概不能和我们一起去。注意:1)shall, will的缩写形式为ll, 如Ill, youll, hell 和shell等。2)will 用于第一人称时,可以表示将来的意愿、决心、允诺、命令等;shall用于第二、三人称时,可以表示说话人的将来的意愿。例如:I will give you a new pen for your birthday. 我将送你一支新钢笔作为生日礼物。(允诺)I will take the college entrance examinatio

7、n. 我将参加大学入学考试。(决心)Shall I open the window? 我打开窗户好吗?(征求允诺)You shall have the book as soon as I get it. 我一拿到书就给你。(说话人的允诺)The enemy shall not pass. 决不让敌人通过。(说话人的保证)I will do my best to help you. 我愿意尽力帮助你。(意愿)Nobody shall be late for the meeting. 任何人开会都不能迟到。(说话人的命令)(2)be going + 动词不定式1)这种结构表示主体现在打算在最近或将

8、来要做某事。这种打算往往是事先考虑好的。例如:My brother is going to learn English next year. 我哥哥准备明年学英语。I am going to meet Tom at the station at six. 我六点钟要到火车站去接汤姆。She is not going to be there. 她不会到那儿去的。When are you going to finish your work? 你的工作什么时候做完?He is going to stay a week. 他准备呆一星期。We are going to call a meeting t

9、o discuss it. 我们准备开个会来讨论一下。2)这种结构还可以表示说话人根据已有的迹象认为非常可能即将发生某事。例如:Look at these black clouds?it is going to rain. 看这些乌云?要下雨了。I think it is going to snow. 我看要下雪。I am afraid I am going to have a bad cold. ?恐怕我要得重感冒。注意:1)will 和be going to 都可以表示某种意愿。例如:I wont (am not going to) tell you my age. 我不(愿意)告诉你我的

10、年龄。be going to 和will在含义和用法上略有不同。Be going to往往表示事先经过考虑的打算;will多表示意愿,决心。有时不能互换。例如:I have bought some bricks and I am going to build a kitchen with them.我买了些砖,我要用它们盖个厨房。(不能用will替换)Can somebody help me? ?I will. 谁能帮我一些吗?我来。(不能用be going to替换)2)be going to 可用于条件从句,表示单纯的将来;will则不能。例如:If you are going to go

11、 to the cinema this evening, youd better take your umbrella with you. 你若今晚去看电影,最好带着雨伞。(3)be to + 动词原形,表示安排、命令或肯定将会发生的事情;在问句中表示征求意见。如:You are not to smoke in this room. 你不许在这个房间里抽烟。In future you are not to go out alone. 将来你不许一个人出去。The worst is still to come. 最糟糕的还在后面呢。Tomorrow is still to come. 明天过了还

12、有明天。(4)be about + 动词不定式。这种结构表示正要、即将发生的事情。例如:Lets go in. The class is about to begin. 咱们进去吧。马上开始上课了。They are about to get married. 他们即将结婚。My book is about to be published. 我的书即将出版。一般将来时的关键是记住表示将来的几种句型及其用法。练习:用be going to 或will.填空:1)What are you doing with that spade? ?I _ (plant) some trees. (am goin

13、g to plant)2)This is a terribly heavy box. ?I _ (help) you carry it. (will help)3) Ive left my watch upstairs. ?I _ (go) and get it for you. (will go)4) Who will post this letter for me? ?I _. ? (will)5) She has bought a length of cloth; she _ (make) herself a dress. (is going to make)10、将来进行时(1)构成:

14、shall/will be + 现在分词(2)用法:将来进行时动词表示在将来某一段时间内将会发生的动作。This time next week we shall be working in that factory. 下星期这时候,我们将在那个工厂劳动。When I get up tomorrow morning, my mother will be getting breakfast for me. 当我明天早晨起床时,我妈妈将在为我准备早饭。I will be seeing him next month. 我下个月将要见他。Tomorrow we will be going to the

15、village fair.?我们明天去赶集。We will be taking our holiday at the seaside in July. 七月份我们要去海边度假。一般将来时与将来进行时都表示将来,那么如何区别一般将来时和将来进行时呢?将来进行时不表示个人意愿,强调主观上感觉某事即将发生,并对这一事情有着期待,感情色彩较浓,强调动作。一般将来时主要是对某一事情即将发生做一个事实性的说明或陈述,强调事实或意愿。翻译下列句子:1)下月这个时候,我们将呆在南京了。This time next month we shall be staying in Nanjing.2)在今天下午的会议上

16、,你们讨论这个计划吗?Will you be discussing the plan at the meeting this afternoon?3)你会见到我的兄弟吗?Will you be seeing my brother?4)下学期你教我们吗?Will you be teaching us next term?5)你来的时候,我们将在开会。When you come we shall be having a meeting.6)下周这个时候,我们将在考试。This time next week we shall be taking our exams.11、过去将来时(1) 由shou

17、ld/would + 动词原形构成。第一人称用should; 第二、三人称用would。美国英语所有人称一律用would. should/would 的简略形式为d, 如Id, youd; would not 和should not的简略形式分别为wouldnt 和shouldnt.(2)过去将来时表示从过去某时间看将要发生的事情,多用在宾语从句中。还可以表示过去的倾向或过去经常发生的事情。如:They asked me if I would go to Guangzhou soon. 他们问我是否很快要去广州。She told me she would come again next wee

18、k. 她和我说她下周还来。I told him to leave immediately, but he wouldnt. 我告诉他马上离开,但他不。Hed play the violin when he was in low spirits. 他情绪低落的时候,就拉小提琴。When I was in college, I would find a part-time job during the summer holidays every year to earn my tuition. 我上大学的时候,每年暑假都找份临时工挣学费。(3)其他表示过去将来时的结构:1)were/was goi

19、ng to + 动词原形,表示过去的安排、打算或确信某事会发生,多用于口语。如:I told her I was going to see her that afternoon. 我告诉她我那天下午要去看她。I was sure (that) they were going to do that. 我确信他们要做那件事。2)were/was to + 动词原形,表示安排,命令或后来将要发生的事。如:He didnt know he was to become famous later on. 他不知道以后他会出名。They were to receive salaries from the g

20、overnment. 他们将接受政府的工资。She and I were to meet at an agreed place. 她和我将在一个约定的地方见面。3)were/was about to + 动词原形,表示正要、即将发生的事。如:Mrs. Brown was about to begin, but Jennie spoke first. 布朗夫人刚要开始,但是珍妮先说话了。He was about to say something more, but then checked himself. 他正要再说点什么,却又打住了。He waited until she was about

21、 to leave. 他一直等到她即将离开。12、将来完成时(1)构成:shall/will + have + 过去分词(2)用法:将来完成时动词主要表示在将来的某一时刻或将来的某一时刻之前完成的动作,这一动作也可能继续进行。例如:By seven oclock this afternoon we shall have got to Shanghai if the train keeps good line. 如果火车运行正常,我们今天下午七点就到上海了。Before bedtime Xiao Ming will have completed his work. 到上床睡觉的时候,小明会做完他

22、的工作(或作业)。By February next year this foreign expert will have been here on this job for five years. 到明年二月,这个外国专家在这儿做这项工作就满五年了。By Sept. 2008 Beijing will have held/hosted the Olympic Games. ?到2008年9月,北京将举行完了奥运会。翻译练习:1)七月份你们再来时,他们就搬进新房子里去了。When you come again in July, they will have moved into a new ho

23、use.2)到下一个五一节,我们在一起的时间就很长了。By next May Day we shall have been together for a long time.3)我相信,在你到那儿之前,这些困难他已经解决了。Im sure he will have settled/solved the difficulties before you arrive there.4)到明年七月,我就大学毕业了。By July next year, I will have graduated from college.二、关于动词时态的几点说明1、一般不用进行时的动词,它们用一般现在时表示现在进行时

24、(1)表示心理状态的词:accept, agree, allow, believe, care, dislike, fear, forget, hate, know, like, love, mean, mind, need, prefer, realize, remember, respect, understand, want, wish等。还有 admit, decide, permit, promise, receive, refuse等。I accept what you say. 我接受你说的话。I dont agree to this proposal. 我不同意这个建议。(2)

25、感官动词和表示状态的动词一般不用进行时。系动词:如hear, look, notice, see, smell, sound, taste等词。表示状态的词:be, belong to, exist, have, remain, seem, stay等词。例如:I see him now; hes talking to a girl. 我看见他了,他正在和一个女孩说话。The warships belong to the navy and the tanks belong to the army. 军舰属于海军,坦克属于陆军。The tea tastes fresh. 这茶味道很新鲜。It s

26、ounds strange, but it is true. 听起来很奇怪,但这是真的。2、下列句型常用一般现在时表示现在进行时Here/There+动词+名词主语:Here comes the bus! 公共汽车来了。There goes the bell. 铃声响了。Here/There+代词主语+动词:Here he comes! 他来了!There he goes! 他走了!在make sure (certain) 后面的从句常用现在时表示将来时:There arent many seats left for the concert; youd better make sure tha

27、t you get one today. 这场音乐会剩下的座位不多了,你最好今天订妥一个位子。Im leaving now。 -Make sure you lock the window. 我现在走了。 你务必把窗户关上。3、将来时常用的表达方式(1)单纯将来时用shall/will+动词原形表示。如: I shall be twenty years old next year. 明年我就二十岁了。 Tomorrow will be September 10th. 明天是九月十号。(2)“be going to +动词原型 ”这种形式用于人时表示打算,意图,也表示说话者确信无疑;用于物时表示可

28、能或必然性。They are going to get married in July. 他们打算七月份结婚。Mr. Brown says he is going to buy a new car next year. Brown 先生说他们打算明年买辆新车。His wife is going to have a baby. 他妻子要生小孩子了。There is going to be a storm. 将有一场暴风雨。Look!Its going to snow. 看,要下雪了。(3)“be to +动词原形 ”表示命令,安排,疑问句中表示征求意见。例如:You are to clean t

29、he window. 你要擦窗。The President is to arrive in Rome at three oclock this afternoon. 总统今天下午三点到达罗马。Am I to set to work? 要着手工作吗?Is he to leave/come, too。 要他也走/来吗?(4)“be about to +动词原形 ”表示即刻就要发生的动作。例如:They are about to go out when it begins to snow. 他们正出去的时候开始下雪了.The ship is about to sail。 船要扬帆起航了。(5)现在进

30、行时可表示将来。主要是表示“来,去,留,住,开始,结束 ”等意义的动词,如:come, end, leave, return, go, start, set out, meet, open, die, arrive。We are going to Paris on Friday. We are leaving from London Airport. 我们星期五离开巴黎,我们从伦敦机场出发。The poor dog is dying. 那条可怜的狗快要死了。The tragedy is ending/beginning. 悲剧就要结束了/开始了。4、现在完成时的用法现在完成时强调的是现在的结果

31、或影响,是个现在时态,不与明确表示过去某个时间的状语连用;常与 already, ever, lately, just, now, recently, today, tonight, yet, this week, this year, for+时间名词,in the last three years, in the past three years, so far (到目前为止),up till now (直到现在), up to the present (直到现在) 等包括现在在内的时间状态语连用。例如:Where have you been this year? 今年你去过哪里。Up t

32、o the present, great changes have taken place. 到现在已经发生了巨大变化。Did Mary come here for a visit? She has visited China twice since 1989.5、过去完成时的用法过去完成时表示动作发生在过去某个时间或动作之前。如果发生有两个动作都是在过去发生的,先发生的用过去完成时,后发生的用一般过去时:It is five years since I left middle school.(以现在为依据) 我离开中学到现在已经有五年了。It was five years since I h

33、ad left middle school.(以过去为依据) 我离开中学到那时已经有五年了。By the end of last month they had already made 25 million dollars. 到上月底他们已经挣了两千五百万美元了。The film had been on for minutes when he arrived at the cinema. 电影已经开始几分钟了他才到电影院。注意:动词 expect, hope, mean, plan, suppose, think的过去完成时表示过去未曾实现的想法、希望、打算或意图。例如:They had ho

34、ped to be able to come and see me. 他们本希望能来看我的。I had thought to meet her there. 我想过(或我本想)在那里见她。6、时态的呼应时态的呼应也叫时态的一致,是指在复合句中,某些从句(主要是宾语从句等名词性从句)的时态常受主句时态的影响,因而要注意主从句两部分的时态呼应。(1)主句是现在时态或将来时时,从句可以用任何所需要的时态。 He says his father is/was/will be a teacher. 他说他父亲是(过去是,将来要做)一个教师。 They will tell you that they ar

35、e living/lived/will live/have lived in shanghai. 他们会告诉你他们正住在上海/在上海住过/将住在上海/一直住在上海。(2)主句是过去时态时,从句的时态要注意下列几点:A. 从句与主句动作同时发生,从句须用一般过去时或过去进行时。I thought he studied hard. 我认为他学习努力。He told me his son was watching TV. 他告诉我他儿子在看电视。B. 从句动作发生在主句动作之后,从句须用过去将来时。例如:He said he would post the letter. 他说他将要寄这封信。They

36、 did not know when they would go to the Great Wall. 他们不知道什么时候去参观长城。C. 从句动作发生在主句动作之前,从句须用过去完成时。例如:He said he had posted the letter。 他说已经把信发了。They asked me whether I had been there before. 他们问我以前去没去过那里。但是,如果从句有具体的过去时间状语,尽管从句动作发生在主句动作之前,有时仍用一般过去时。例如:She told me her brother died in 1960. 她告诉我她哥哥1960年去世的

37、。They said they checked everything yesterday. 他们说昨天他们全部检查过了。另外,从句说的是一般真理或客观事实,即使主句用过去时态,从句仍用一般现在时。例如:The teacher told the pupils that the earth is round. 老师告诉学生们地球是圆的。Somebody told me you are a writer. 有人告诉我你是个作家。除了宾语从句外,其他名词性从句(主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句)一般也要遵守这种时态呼应的规律。而状语从句和定语从句则是根据本身意思的需要选用适当的时态。例如:He saw the boy whose mother is our teacher. 他见过那个他妈妈是我们老师的男孩。It was not so hot yesterday as it is today. 昨天没有今天这样热。

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