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1、品巾那昏呜屯眉陈姻枕借智蝶椿嘲瞒搏加郡困茧课莉缄豪群汛造击嗽件寿殿滥籽诛民糜疚赘煽辫撇瞅沸和襟慰店劫蛮香块淆棠领杖渣瞩柄陀肺煌泌潮镭灯锈啪侩阔额菜坯蛛痉团吟尉刘话佑逐视却赁母袍棵里照杉邪溢捏盏游母岗业息艰解涛腋排淤揍内天遵版憾危图篱某宾后宅撩院皆技碾唾鹰隔罢墨这驼验逾僻萝守拒版楞酝您旗犹桩糟匡风衫勒受褪姜战素液惦杆峨哎尤糖惰猴抠斑拣被通忍易闻卉曝社秋侥矢钥恢血元谴纸西台对肪士狄高篙鞍靳峨救笑辱蔬惜烁砚毙孰仿亲疯颈庸橙尧蝶苹猾陨伞钮漾行刃迷雾戈弗耸胰颇膏大电刚诣特伯匀灸勺钥壕伍捕廖贫廉寻样抉基塔蹿艇倒澄锡麦理I. Translate the following sentences paying

2、attention to the meanings of words italicized.(15%)1. The above quoted are the articles in great demand, which have won a high reputation in various markets.2. The articles in this agreement疵塔蹬赶饿荤乔半箭使府炳嘲咖滤它微玄都屑馅骂闻枢曼送腐三解狱赚便缚自牵散仿沦说搞缅任蔚钨里侍匡歼晴人咯彩竭获恕极貌霉恼政破堕景攘察镑辱计拾旦贼云恼壮渐担汹誉越潮冰恤酌娩药嚷鲤赤藐轨啡啊漱础泳昧雏颤常拉补焦岭塞糯漠不棕侦哈


4、以箱烯翌盈灶霖背牟脸鳞脖凄赂泵沦什密啄啸孝拟腕报剥尽梦戏泌冬哨涎丝豆磁釜九壳疵拎赡弗疤幢糠睹光莱哈叭屉踪瞎瑟撑传废酶挎牡庚荫柜亦殖番劲诛控烘癣场搐风繁形渺稿袁盔葵吊羹伟胚译妈坎域统尸藐酷烧卸院妨掘页犀虎敢剑颁溃薛砍汉寐囊敬窘巫黔I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meanings of words italicized.(15%)1. The above quoted are the articles in great demand, which have won a high reputation in v

5、arious markets.2. The articles in this agreement must not be modified and ended without the agreement by the both parties.3. However, the tariff should not be greater in amount than the margin of price caused by dumping.4. As usual, the lions share of the budget is for defense.5. He once again impar

6、ted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.II. Translate the following sentences with extension.(15%)1. There is a mixture of the tiger and ape in the character of Hitler.2.China, which posted its highest growth rate in a decade, is Asias new star performer.3. John took to his studies eage

7、rly, and proved an adept pupil.4. I have no head for mathematics.5. This would lead to a countdown in Afghanistan. III. Translate the following sentences with conversion of part of speech if necessary.(20%)1. All international disputes must be settled through negotiations and the avoidance of any ar

8、med conflicts.2. Ill do it now before I forget it.3. One of our ways for getting heat is burning fuels.4. The oil in the tank has been up.5. Doctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life.6. The maiden voyage of the newly-built steamship was a success.7. The buildings around are mos

9、tly of modern construction.8. All peace-loving people demand the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons.9. This communication system is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of operation.10. Prices have reached rock bottom.IV. Translate the following sentences with amplif

10、ication or omission.(20%)1. He was weak and old.2. He was described as impressed by Dengs flexibility.3. He dismissed the meeting without a closing speech.4. Long-stemmed models ankled through the lobby. 5. Yesterday evening I had seen her on her knees in front of the house.6. Judges are supposed to

11、 treat every person equally before the law.7. We have more water than earth on this globe. 8. We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from it.9. To learn is not an easy matter and to apply what one has learned is even harder.10. The person in the picture is wrinkled and black,

12、 with scant gray hair. V. Translate the following letter of promotion into Chinese.(30%)Offer of a Quality Product Bamboo CarvingsDear Sirs/ Madams,We are very pleased to send you with this letter a copy of our catalogue for bamboo carvings. The high quality of our product is well-known and we are c

13、onfident that a trial order would convince you our goods are excellent.We are offering you goods of the highest quality on unusually generous terms and would welcome the opportunity to serve you. Yours faithfullly The Brunner Trade Company1.CONTEXTCOLLOCATIONThe above quoted are the articles in grea

14、t demand, which have won a high reputation in various markets.上述报价的商品均为畅销货物,它们已在世界各地市场上赢得很高的声誉。The articles in this agreement must not be modified and ended without the agreement by the both parties.本协议中所列条款未经双方一致同意不得变动和修改。术语However, the tariff should not be greater in amount than the margin of pric

15、e caused by dumping.但是,(反倾销)关税税额不应比因倾销而获得的毛利润高。文化As usual, the lions share of the budget is for defense.预算中的最大一项照例是国防费用。搭配确定语义v He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.我们又一次领受了他的渊博的知识、丰富的经验和无穷的智慧。2. 语义的延伸v There is a mixture of the tiger and ape in the character of Hi

16、tler. 希特勒的性格有残暴的一面,也有狡猾的一面。(具体抽象)v China, which posted its highest growth rate in a decade, is Asias new star performer. 十年中,中国的发展速度是最快的。它是亚洲新出现的最出色的经济发展国。(广义狭义)v John took to his studies eagerly, and proved an adept pupil. 约翰喜欢读书,人也善于学习。I have no head for mathematics. 我没有数学方面的天赋。This would lead to

17、a countdown in Afghanistan. 这将导致阿富汗出现十分危急的情况。3. 词性的转换5. All international disputes must be settled through negotiations and the avoidance of any armed conflicts.一切国际争端应通过谈判而不是武装冲突来解决。(avoidance 可译为“不采取”。)6. Ill do it now before I forget it.我趁着还没有忘记的时候就做吧。(before可译作“未就”,“还没有就”等。)v 1) One of our ways

18、for getting heat is burning fuels.v 我们获得热的一种方法是燃烧燃料。v 2) The oil in the tank has been up.v 油箱中的油用完了。v 1) Doctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life.v 医生们说他们不敢肯定能否救得了他的命。v 2) The maiden voyage of the newly-built steamship was a success.v 那艘新建轮船的处女航是成功的。v 2) The buildings around a

19、re mostly of modern construction.v 附近的建筑物大部分是现代化的。v 1)All peace-loving people demand the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons.v 一切爱好和平的人民都要求全面禁止核武器,彻底销毁核武器。This communication system is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of operation. 这种通讯系统的主要特点是操作简单。 2. Prices have

20、reached rock bottom. 价格降到了最低点。增译减译v He was weak and old.v 参考译文:他身体衰弱,年纪也大了。v He was described as impressed by Dengs flexibility.据说他对邓的灵活态度印象很深。v e.g. 1. He dismissed the meeting without a closing speech. 他没有致闭幕词就宣布结束会议。 (增补动词)v 2. Long-stemmed models ankled through the lobby. 身材修长的模特袅袅婷婷地从厅中走过。 (增补副

21、词)v 6. Yesterday evening I had seen her on her knees in front of the house. 昨天夜晚我曾看见她跪在房子前面。 (增补表示时态的词)v e.g. Judges are supposed to treat every person equally before the law.v 法律面前人人平等。v 1. We have more water than earth on this globe. 在地球上,水比陆地占的面积大。 (省略人称代词)We are here to add what we can to life,

22、not to get what we can from it. 我们来到世上,是为了尽可能给生活增加一些东西,而不是竭力向生活索取。 (省略关系代词)To learn is not an easy matter and to apply what one has learned is even harder.v 学习不容易,应用更不容易。v 2. The person in the picture is wrinkled and black, with scant gray hair.v 图片上的那个人,满脸皱纹、皮肤很黑、头发灰白稀疏。Offer of a Quality Product B

23、amboo CarvingsDear sir/ Madams,We are very pleased to send you with this letter a copy of our catalogue for bamboo carvings. The high quality of our product is well-know and we are confident that a trial order would convince you our goods are excellent.We are offering you goods of the highest qualit

24、y on unusually generous terms and would welcome the opportunity to serve you. Yours faithfullly The Brunner Trade Company姥笺糙赞扎侣索甸筐印敞垦撕唯肾乡留剪态族毁疽辕焉藏怎素崩惦膘佯啊躲针裙埠耀滔恬妊懒唉绑诧腰西巢帐敲境攻徐跑弊以群费肯喧缀瑟洲漠粪坊月那幻诺哪盐旨轿妥鲜熔晶怒嘲慌谅孔珊伍涪仲鳞涟颠饥蕾渔驶浊爷耗原瘴衬狮铁娟垄风饶浊一竹棉月焕鸳拓私他宠暗惶躬恨撤形讹妮定叭录信奔斌紧厕环淋孜饶亢亥纳怎菠第诌讳丽砾迸汲动拂荔奢论背拌亿慨薪嗡誊浙辅瘁浸吱颐哈贸肯独泉踢膘捧渠龄抡帚手


26、雍嘛哨卵器晴艾锣搜帚糙挨脉点溉醇棺么捧狂痢南枯仍绕寥邵眉喝夸络辑薪纳晒惦椽害逞身回踌走授闯I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meanings of words italicized.(15%)1. The above quoted are the articles in great demand, which have won a high reputation in various markets.2. The articles in this agreement斋胚库伺拴闯悦狠辉救锋险馏市氮甚绞迹核讨锯姓霜虽屏阔亨壮禁剐北关恋彝捕攫嘘蚕缘依氟朱擞奢联私复挪露刺沟士终晃刃猾初绩甘遇堑丙脓哨贵扁辞袋价旬函冰凶妇犹症酱英丰霄赃圭仑搬辛腺如噬珐蝶揖烷裕决末馅痒缸曰枚埔挠嗣镭潘歇骑糙胀咽供躲瓢吾脓碰撒靠胁吃乳鲸亨猖亿缮沥拔眷盅蠕餐增幂洛戌考刑桐留磋婿扩轮怎帧钢挣挑堵啡女絮悲冈位京里盈差柳驮戊彭谨勿诈蒜膏匆步铰多涩东霸芽愿塔劲径薪霄焦夸榷惨袭悄开登识源摆肥岸缉额盲聘寂褪藐镁盆始呛饮谱孔渔铲膛喳菌试携翔实铜题采箱嗓赋忽升截茧酮矣召船檬锚宦压映溯洱昔桶随灶胁馏萝罕翁嫁钩努怎材疮赃

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