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1、口语作文+ R1 m& P$ j9 c地点学校My SchoolIn the early part of our lives, were gonna have to go through a number of schools to complete our education. Of all the schools that Ive been at, my college, Shenyang University played a most important part in making me who I am today. First things first, its a huge c

2、omprehensive university with more than 26,000 enrolled students. And you can find all majors here, environmental engineering, information technology, English, you name it. The campus is quite big, with more than 500 square kilometers. And it almost feels like a small city with all the infrastructure

3、 a person may need for daily life. Accommodation, food court, supermarket, sports ground The teachers that I had were all responsible for their students and conscientious about their job. There are many foreign teachers here who are willing to help us in and out of class. No doubt, my English improv

4、ed because of them. My university is my second home. And the four years I studied in it were also the time during which I grew up to be a mature, and independent-thinking person. I found out who I was, who I am and who I want to be in my university. In this sense, the teachers I met, the information

5、 I was given to, and the environment I was living in at my university really influenced mylife greatly.e F1 _9 T) a, h文化春节An Important HolidayThe biggest festival of all in my country is Chinese New Year, the Spring Festival. We Chinese have celebrated it for thousands of years already. It comes bet

6、ween January and February every year, but the exact date is different year to year since we use lunar calendar. Anyway, when it finally arrives, people all over the country take 7 days off. On the eve of the Spring festival, a big family reunion is held at the dinner table. We talk, we propose toast

7、 to each other, and we bond with members of our family. I dont know when it started, but it seems to many Chinese that watching Spring Festival Variety Show on China Central Television has become an ceremonial thing to do every year at Spring Festival.8 R4 t$ p. E6 sThe show starts at 8 sharp and la

8、st past midnight. And as the midnight count-down is completed, we exchange new year greetings and young kids receive new year allowance. Many people will go outside and fire up firecrackers and fireworks. The whole sky is lighted up with magnificent colors. For the midnight dinner, we eat dumplings

9、and fish. And this is important, fish is a dish we must have, because in Chinese “fish” has the same sound as something left, something more, something extra. So by eating fish, were hoping that every year, well make our life better. The reason I like it so much is because,in a way, Spring Festival

10、provides an opportunity for us Chinese to remember our cultural origin, a chance to relax and restore our inner balance between work and leisure, and a great time of fun at the end and beginning of a year.9 |; C) r R; K+ m) C0 g; K+ A想象理想工作 An Ideal Job% s( ?% U4 T1 i/ j: g y% SIf I could get any jo

11、b in the world, I would probably want to become a really good C.E.O. like Steve Jobs of Apple Computer, you know, heading a fortune 500 company. But Im not going to burn myself out like many big business leaders and Im not going to become a workaholic. Enjoying what you do is as important as going t

12、o work. Dont you think? I think in order for a job to fit this ideal, its really important to be with the right group of people. You know, if you have someone on your team that gives you trouble all the time, youll have to deal with lots of unnecessary pressure. And when I find the right team, Ill p

13、rovide my employees comfortable working conditions, proper Medicare policy and paid vacation. This may seem quite far away given that Im still a young man struggling to find my meaning in life. But Im a patient, creative and intense person./ I% F) s; G1 n3 0 AF3 X4 Z+ O$ T0 MI have faith in myself.

14、And its only a matter of time for me to make it come true. When that finally happens, I will be making profound changes to the business world, to the world of common people, and to my own world. Isnt that exhilarating?地点都市. : CityTalking about my favorite city, undoubtedly, its Paris. Though I dont

15、speak French that much, but I cant help loving the city. The city of Paris has a very artistic, historical and romantic feel to it. And people in Paris are blessed with lots of privileges that no where else in the world can you find. When I go to Paris one day, Ill definitely take a picture with the

16、 famous Eiffel Tower, especially when its dark, and all the lights on the tower are lit. Im surely going to take a walk on Champs Elysee. I want to feel the gentle wind on my face and the crisp autumn leaves under my feet. My girlfriend/wife/sister/I am crazy about shopping, and Paris is one big sho

17、pping paradise, so I will visit the Louis Vuitton Store, the Diesel Jeans Boutique, and many more. Hopefully, Ill have enough money for the returning flight. Besides these things, if I can catch a fashion show when Im there,/ H: q- c6 m% G, L9 Titll be really cool. Ive heard that French people have

18、the best wine, coffee, and cheese in the world. So Id like to wine and dine with my friends in Paris too.; Itll take me forever to talk about the reasons for loving the city. One thing is for sure-when I finally get on that plane to Paris, itll be a dream-come-true., m( c& B5 b7 s0 Y0 0 jg- X6 h 人物偶

19、像 IdolOf all the people alive today, Bill Gates is my role model. I admire him the most not because hes the richest person on the planet, but because who he is and what he has done. Bill Gates is one of those geniuses that bring possibilities and conveniences into peoples lives. President and former

20、 C.E.O of the worlds largest software company, Microsoft, Bill Gates literally changed everyones lives in almost every aspect. He and his team are still dedicated to making the computer operating system more powerful, and easier to use. We can not measure his contribution to modern human society. Bu

21、t, without him, our life today would be something quite different, I can tell you that much. Hes a technology whiz, a successful businessman, and Forbes richest person of the world. Its amazing that hes still greatly responsible for the society. The foundations and many other charitable associations

22、 that he and his wife started are helping thousands and thousands of people to shake off poverty, receive education, and become healthier. Hes a dynamo of ideas and is always thinking ahead of other people. His vision for what future computer systems should be like dazzles us. I really like the late

23、st version of Windows system, windows vista. It looks better, more user-friendly and, colorful, (smile). I like my computer better because of this new system. So business success, a good heart and great creativity, those are reasons why I admire him the most. One day, if I can open a company, Ill na

24、me it Macrosoft! (giggle) Just Kidding!5 $ a* r3 U+ V! 7 ?- F& N指导-做咖啡% ?5 Z- x2 w; T8 r+ v# t7 J1 + - y! f: y, K5 z8 C6 D) V Making a Nice Cup of Coffee* 9 6 O, e5 YL! B2 d% M Its fairly simple. The first thing you do is to get everything ready, you know,4 t0 N- h: f; P c% Acoffee ground, cream and

25、 sugar, hot pure water and so on. The next thing you do is to pour the hot water into the coffee ground. Youve got to make sure that its really hot, around 97 degrees. And wait for 4 minutes. Then, filter the coffee. If you want to take sweet and low in our coffee, you can add some cream and cube su

26、gar into your coffee. Stir the coffee to help it mix. Now look at this mysterious black drink! Smell it, think about the smell and enjoy! Its good to enjoy it by yourself, its even better if youre enjoying it with your friends or family. That way you can share your understanding of the coffee with o

27、thers. And this makes the coffee drinking experience special. I know drinking too much coffee can be harmful to ones health. But some study show coffee drinkers have a smaller probability of liver diseases. See, its not all bad! My teacher once said: “Life is like a cup of coffee. It takes the beans

28、 of diligence, the foams of passion and the cinnamon of dreams to smell fragrant.”So, make a cup of coffee and have a great life!事件梦想/ _) F, 7 T6 H g2 w Dream This is a very intriguing question. Dream is an excellent thing. It motivates you and keeps you going; it gives you courage and strength. And

29、 I believe whatever dream you have, one day it will come true. I saw a movie recently; the name is The American Dreamz. In that movie, everyone wants to become a hit singer through a talent show. Not everyone will win the ultimate title, but the struggle, the hard-work make the dream exciting. I was

30、 inspired by that movie, because I got power from it. Right now, in China, there are also many talent shows like that. And many young people have already made their dreams come true. Its exciting to see their lives now. And I cant help wanting that for myself too. My dreams are many. I want to own a

31、 worldwide company, and be a really good CEO, just like Steve Jobs of Apple Computer. And I love cars, I love driving. I hope one day, I can own my sports car, a Lamborghini, maybe. Yeah! Thats cool, isnt it? I realize that in order to fulfill my dreams, I will have to go through a difficult process

32、. But hey, Im young. I have strong determination and perseverance.* S2 D- w6 NJ2 T1 k) KI will beat whatever difficulties that may come my way. Impossible is nothing. I will turn the impossible into possible. Dreams will come true as long as you believe in it and in yourself.) R. Z d5 W- e 事件生命中旳大事/

33、人物-影响自己旳亲人* 0 S. K1 k/ S+ O An Important Thing in Life / An Important Person around me: 2 P+ h y% Z1 C: |Of all the things that happened to me,one thing last year was of the most significance. My grandma passed away last year. She was 85. In my life, she played an irreplaceable role. When I was youn

34、g, my parents were extremely busy. It was my grandma that took care of me all the time. She attended to all the details in my life. It wasnt easy looking after me, Ill tell you that. When I was 8 months old, an unfortunate accident happened to me. I was burnt by hot milk. Can you imagine? My grandma

35、 took good care of me. I got better so fast because of her care. I owe so much to her. From the time I was born until I became a grown-up, she had always been by my side, loving and caring. Her passing away made me felt great emptiness and loss. Im still adjusting to life without her. Im learning to

36、 be strong and learning to take care of myself. In a way, her passing away changed me, helped me to become more mature and responsible. Up until now, that has been the most important thing that happened in my life. I absolutely cant forget it, NOT for ever.9 X! Z2 r1 E) H6 G想象理想旳家2 F4 # k& kPh0 d6 t

37、 o9 - _8 - a5 K. G; * b3 Ideal Home; P 3 H- u8 cMy idea of an ideal houseis a place with an excellent natural surrounding. I mean I dont want to live in the city, with all the hustle and bustle of the city life. I want to be able to enjoy some peace and quiet when I go home. So my ideal home should

38、be in the country. You know, lots of trees, maybe a river, fresh air, clean water, fewer people Make no mistake about it, Im not going to live a farmers life. I want my interior dcor to be posh, trend-setting, and full of technology. I want to have a fully-equipped study, desktop computer, laptop co

39、mputer, hi-fi system, and many more appliances. I want a big living room with windows all the way from the ceiling to the floor, all around. So there will be a lot of sunshine and beautiful things to look at. I need a big kitchen and a large bathroom. My master bedroom should be spacious, so it will

40、 reduce the pressure of mine. I move a lot in my sleep so I want a king-sized bed. I want my interior to be colorful.& z* 6 V) Y7 dJust like my life. Full of passion, full of energy, and full of possibilities.I dont know when I can own it. But as long as I strive for it, one day it will be mine.物品计算

41、机+ 2 O3 E8 ! I5 o& ) p* N2 B q. j* D2 2 l. n, G4 n$ y; Q+ g2 X Computer5 T7 u, f8 d! % pOf all the things I have and had, computer is probably the most important thing in my life.As the world is changing fast, technology is getting more and more cutting edge. Computers are indispensable in everyones

42、 life. And theres no need to stress on the significance of computer skills. Computers make things easy and brings about increasing new possibilities into our lives. Just look at what computers are capable of doing these days. I mean, Wow! Talking about state-of-the-art!) c2 t; 2 , fInternet brings p

43、eople closer,and makes the world smaller than ever before.People can easily talk to each other through on-line chatting programs, no matter where they are. With a webcam you can see each others faces. And the good news is, its almost free. Plus, internet-shopping is revolutionizing all peoples lives

44、. On-line shopping websites like E-bay and Amazon are getting popular among more and more people. I got my first laptop back in high school as a prize for my good grades. It was a gray DELL. I used it to collect information about sports and entertainment, beautiful pictures and movie clips. I read E

45、nglish news on line, listen to English music and watch English movies both on and off line. So, if theres one thing I love the most, and one thing that benefits my study and life the most, its absolutely my computer.物品奢侈品+ u: M$ 3 g& Luxury) Q - i1 xG, O1 jIn many countries and cultures, owing somet

46、hing of luxury is considered a symbol of wealth and status. Such luxuries may include a private boat, posh villas, diamond watch and the list goes on. I like expensive things because I believe you get what you pay for, and higher price is usually accompanied by superior quality. , B( W& x7 C( # M- I

47、d like to think that one day I can have enough money to afford luxurious things in life. The first extravagant thing Id like to own is probably a car. A Lamborghini may be cool. Since I saw it first on the magazine and later in the movie “Mission Impossible III”, I couldnt stop loving it. The exterior and the interior are both of the worlds highest class. Its one fast running machine. Its born for speed. In addition to the excellent performance it provides much convenience to the driver too,GPS, automatic air-conditioning,

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