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1、煤炭运销合同范本六篇篇一:煤炭运销买卖合同范本合同双方: 甲方(供货方): 乙方(购货方):一、煤炭交货标的:甲方同意向乙方出售以下煤炭产品:种类:规格:数量:单价:交货地点:付款方式:二、质量标准:1. 煤炭产品必须符合国家有关标准的要求,符合国家煤炭质量检测中心标准。2. 交货前乙方有权委托第三方机构对货物进行质量检验,检验费用由乙方承担。三、价格与付款:1. 煤炭产品的价格为每吨人民币(¥),乙方应按照实际交付数量支付货款。2. 乙方应于收到货物后的工作日内支付货款,逾期支付的,每天应支付总金额一千分之五的滞纳金。四、交货与验收:1. 交货时间:甲方应在双方商定的交货时间内将货物送达乙方

2、指定地点。2. 乙方应在收到货物后的工作日内对货物进行验收,如有质量异议应及时通知甲方。五、违约责任:1. 若任何一方严重违反合同规定,应承担违约责任。违约方应承担对方因此遭受的一切损失。六、争议解决方式:1. 本合同的解释以及争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。2. 双方若就本合同的解释和执行发生争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方可向合同签订地的人民法院起诉。七、其他事项:1. 本合同自双方签署之日起生效,有效期至合同规定的交货日期截止。2. 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):日期: 日期:Article 1 Subject of Coal

3、 Supply Contract:Party A agrees to sell the following coal products to Party B:Type:Specification:Quantity:Unit price:Delivery place:Payment method:Article 2 Quality Standards:1. The coal products must meet the requirements of the relevant national standards and the standards of the National Coal Qu

4、ality Testing Center.2. Before delivery, Party B has the right to entrust a third-party organization to inspect the goods, and the inspection fee shall be borne by Party B.Article 3 Price and Payment:1. The price of coal products is RMB () per ton, and Party B shall pay the purchase price according

5、to the actual delivery quantity.2. Party B shall pay the purchase price within working days after receiving the goods. In case of overdue payment, Party B shall pay a daily penalty of five per mil of the total amount.Article 4 Delivery and Acceptance:1. Delivery time: Party A shall deliver the goods

6、 to the designated place of Party B within the agreed delivery time.2. Party B shall inspect the goods within working days after receiving them. Any quality objections should be promptly notified to Party A.Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability:1. If either party seriously violates the contract, it

7、 shall bear the liability for breach of contract. The defaulting party shall bear all losses suffered by the other party as a result.Article 6 Dispute Resolution:1. The interpretation of this contract and the resolution of disputes shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.2. In

8、 case of any dispute over the interpretation and execution of this contract, the parties shall resolve it through friendly negotiation. If no agreement is reached, either party may file a lawsuit with the peoples court at the place of contract signing.Article 7 Other Matters:1. This contract shall b

9、ecome effective from the date of signing by both parties and shall remain valid until the delivery date specified in the contract.2. This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, and shall have equal legal effect.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date: Date:篇二:煤炭运销合同样本甲方:(圆章) 乙方

10、:(圆章)一、合同背景:甲方为煤炭供应商,拟向乙方供应煤炭产品,双方在平等互利的基础上达成以下煤炭运销合同。二、煤炭产品详情:1. 种类:2. 规格:3. 数量:4. 单价:5. 交货地点:6. 交货时间:三、质量标准与验收:1. 煤炭产品须符合国家相关标准,如有质量问题,乙方有权拒收。2. 乙方收到货物后应在工作日内进行质量验收,如有质量问题应当及时通知甲方,如超过验收期限未发现问题则视为验收合格。四、报价及结算方式:1. 煤炭产品的单价为每吨人民币(¥),结算方式为货到付款。2. 结算方式包括现金、银行转账等,乙方应在收到货物后当日将款项支付给甲方。五、违约责任:1. 若一方未能履行合同规

11、定,应承担相应的违约责任。2. 若因不可抗力因素致使交货延误,延误期内双方应友好协商解决。六、争议解决:1. 双方如发生争议,应及时通过友好协商解决;如无法协商一致,应向中国国内相关仲裁机构申请仲裁。七、其他约定:1. 本合同一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。2. 本合同自双方签署之日起生效,直至交货完成后终止。甲方(签字): 乙方(签字):日期: 日期:Party A: (Stamp) Party B: (Stamp)Article 1 Background of the Contract:Party A is a coal supplier and intends to sup

12、ply coal products to Party B. The two parties have reached the following coal sales contract on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.Article 2 Details of Coal Products:1. Type:2. Specification:3. Quantity:4. Unit price:5. Delivery place:6. Delivery time:Article 3 Quality Standards and Acceptance

13、:1. The coal products must meet the relevant national standards. If there are quality issues, Party B has the right to reject the goods.2. Party B shall conduct quality acceptance within working days after receiving the goods. If there are quality issues, Party B should promptly notify Party A. If n

14、o issues are found after the acceptance period, it shall be deemed as accepted.Article 4 Quotation and Settlement Method:1. The unit price of coal products is RMB () per ton, and the settlement method is payment upon delivery.2. The settlement methods include cash, bank transfer, etc. Party B shall

15、pay the amount to Party A on the day of receiving the goods.Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability:1. If either party fails to perform the contract, it shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract.2. If the delivery is delayed due to force majeure, both parties shall negotiate a sol

16、ution in a friendly manner during the delay period.Article 6 Dispute Resolution:1. In case of a dispute, the two parties should promptly resolve it through friendly negotiation; if no agreement can be reached, they should apply for arbitration at relevant arbitration institutions in China.Article 7

17、Other Agreements:1. This contract is made in duplicate, with both parties holding one copy, and shall have equal legal effect.2. This contract shall become effective from the date of signing by both parties and shall terminate upon completion of delivery.Party A (Signature): Party B (Signature):Date

18、: Date:篇三:煤炭运销合同格式合同编号: 日期:甲方:(盖章) 乙方:(盖章)一、合同背景:甲方为煤炭生产厂家,向乙方供应优质煤炭产品,双方在友好协商的基础上达成以下煤炭运销合同。二、煤炭产品详情:1. 种类:2. 规格:3. 数量:4. 单价:5. 交货地点:6. 交货时间:三、质量标准与验收:1. 煤炭产品应符合国家标准和双方约定的质量标准,乙方有权对货物进行质量检验,如有问题应及时通知甲方。2. 乙方应在收到货物后个工作日内进行验收,验收合格后应签收接货单。四、价格及结算方式:1. 煤炭产品价格为每吨人民币(¥),结算方式为月结。2. 乙方应于每月(日)前将上月购买煤炭的款项支付给

19、甲方。五、违约责任:1. 若一方未能履行合同义务,应承担相应的违约责任。2. 如发生违约,守约方有权提前解除合同,违约方应承担因此造成的一切损失。六、争议解决:1. 如两方出现纠纷,应友好协商解决;协商不成的,由合同签署地的人民法院管辖。2. 各项争议均以中华人民共和国法律为准绳解决。七、其他事宜:1. 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,自签字盖章之日起生效。2. 本合同未尽事宜,双方协商解决,协商不成的,依法律规定处理。甲方(签字): 乙方(签字):日期: 日期:Contract No.: Date:Party A: (Seal) Party B: (Seal)Article 1 Back

20、ground of the Contract:Party A is a coal producer, supplying premium coal products to Party B. The two parties have reached the following coal sales contract through friendly negotiation.Article 2 Details of Coal Products:1. Type:2. Specification:3. Quantity:4. Unit price:5. Delivery place:6. Delive

21、ry time:Article 3 Quality Standards and Acceptance:1. The coal products shall meet national standards and the quality standards agreed upon by both parties. Party B has the right to inspect the goods for quality, and should promptly notify Party A of any issues.2. Party B shall conduct acceptance wi

22、thin working days after receiving the goods, and should sign the goods receipt upon satisfactory acceptance.Article 4 Price and Settlement Method:1. The price of coal products is RMB () per ton, with a monthly settlement method.2. Party B shall pay the amount for the coal purchased in the previous m

23、onth to Party A by the (date) of each month.Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability:1. If either party fails to fulfill its obligations under the contract, it shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract.2. In case of breach, the performing party has the right to terminate the contra

24、ct early, and the defaulting party shall bear all losses caused thereby.Article 6 Dispute Resolution:1. In case of a dispute, the parties should resolve it through friendly negotiation; if no agreement can be reached, the peoples court at the place of contract signing shall have jurisdiction.2. All

25、disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.Article 7 Other Matters:1. This contract is made in duplicate, with both parties holding one copy, and shall become effective from the date of signing and sealing.2. Matters not covered in this contract shall be

26、resolved through negotiation between both parties; if no agreement can be reached, they shall be handled in accordance with the law.Party A (Signature): Party B (Signature):Date: Date:篇四:煤炭运销合同模板合同编号: 日期:甲方:(盖章) 乙方:(盖章)一、合同背景:甲方为煤炭供应商,向乙方供应优质的煤炭产品,双方在平等自愿的基础上达成以下煤炭运销合同。二、煤炭产品详情:1. 种类:2. 规格:3. 数量:4.

27、单价:5. 交货地点:6. 交货时间:三、质量标准与验收:1. 煤炭产品应符合国家标准和双方约定的质量标准,乙方有权对货物进行质量检验。2. 乙方应在收到货物后个工作日内进行验收,如有质量问题应及时通知甲方。四、价格及结算方式:1. 煤炭产品价格为每吨人民币(¥),结算方式为款到发货。2. 乙方应在订购货物后当日将款项支付给甲方。五、违约责任:1. 若一方未能履行合同义务,应承担相应的违约责任。2. 若因不可抗力因素引起的交货延误,延误期内双方应友好协商解决。六、争议解决:1. 若双方发生争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方可向合同签订地的人民法院起诉。2. 本合同的解释以及争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。七、其他事宜:1. 本合同一式两份,

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