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1、职业经理人合同范本五篇1. 合同标题:经理人聘任合同中文:本合同由以下各方于_年_月_日签署:甲方:(公司名称)法定代表人:(法人代表姓名)地址:(公司地址)乙方:(经理人姓名)身份证号码:(身份证号码)联系地址:(联系地址)根据中华人民共和国劳动法及其他相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方经友好协商,就乙方担任甲方公司经理人一职的事宜,达成如下协议:一、聘任内容:乙方职务为公司经理人,负责公司的管理工作,直接向公司法定代表人报告工作。二、聘任期限:本合同自_年_月_日起生效,至终止日期。双方协商一致,可视工作需要延长。三、薪酬待遇:乙方的薪酬由公司与乙方协商确定,并以书面形式确认。四、工作时间与休假

2、:乙方工作时间为每周_天,每天工作_小时。享受法定节假日,并根据公司规定休年假。五、守则和保密:乙方必须遵守公司的规章制度和工作纪律,保守公司的商业秘密。六、解雇条款:如有本合同规定事由,乙方应承担相应责任。甲方有权单方解除本合同,并赔偿相关损失。七、附则:本合同如有争议,双方协商解决;未尽事宜,按国家相关法律法规执行。甲方(盖章): 乙方签字:英文:This contract is signed by the following parties on _, _, _:Party A: (Company Name)Legal Representative: (Name of Legal Rep

3、resentative)Address: (Company Address)Party B: (Managers Name)ID Number: (ID Number)Contact Address: (Contact Address)According to the Labor Law of the Peoples Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on the matters of Party

4、Bs appointment as the manager of Party A:1. Appointment Content: Party Bs position is the manager of the company, responsible for the management work of the company, and report directly to the companys legal representative.2. Appointment Term: This contract shall come into effect on _, _, _, until t

5、he termination date. Upon mutual agreement, the contract may be extended based on work needs.3. Remuneration: Party Bs remuneration shall be determined by the company and Party B through negotiation and shall be confirmed in writing.4. Work Hours and Leave: Party Bs working hours are _ days per week

6、, _ hours per day. Party B shall enjoy legal holidays and annual leave as per the company regulations.5. Rules and Confidentiality: Party B must abide by the companys rules and work discipline, and keep the companys trade secrets confidential.6. Termination Clause: If there are circumstances specifi

7、ed in this contract, Party B shall bear corresponding responsibilities. Party A has the right to unilaterally terminate this contract and compensate for related losses.7. Miscellaneous: Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through consultation between both parties. Matters not c

8、overed in this contract shall be governed by relevant national laws and regulations.Party A (Company Stamp): Signature of Party B:2. 合同标题:高管离职协议中文:本协议由以下各方于_年_月_日签署:离职高管:(高管姓名)原任公司:(公司名称)现任职务:(原任职务)地址:(公司地址)公司代表:(公司代表姓名)职务:(公司代表职务)地址:(公司地址)鉴于离职高管选择主动离职,公司接受其申请,双方经友好协商达成如下离职协议:一、离职日期:离职高管将于_年_月_日正式离职

9、,届时交接工作。二、薪酬与福利:公司将支付离职高管应得工资、奖金及未休年假等相关费用。三、保密协议:离职高管需保守公司商业机密,不得泄露公司机密信息。四、竞业限制:离职高管离职后,在_年内不得从事与公司竞争的行业及相关业务。五、解决争议:如本协议发生争议,双方应通过友好协商解决,未能解决的,可向有关部门投诉。六、附则:本协议可视情况变动,但需双方同意并签署书面变更协议。离职高管签字: 公司代表签字:英文:This agreement is signed by the following parties on _, _, _:Resigning Executive: (Executives Na

10、me)Former Company: (Company Name)Former Position: (Former Position)Address: (Company Address)Company Representative: (Name of Company Representative)Position: (Position of Company Representative)Address: (Company Address)In view of the Resigning Executives voluntary resignation, which the company ac

11、cepts, both parties have reached the following resignation agreement through friendly negotiation:1. Date of Resignation: The Resigning Executive shall formally resign on _, _, _, with handover of work at that time.2. Remuneration and Benefits: The company will pay the Resigning Executive the salary

12、, bonuses, and related expenses such as untaken annual leave.3. Confidentiality Agreement: The Resigning Executive shall keep the companys trade secrets confidential and shall not disclose any company confidential information.4. Non-compete Agreement: After resigning, the Resigning Executive shall n

13、ot engage in industries or related businesses competing with the company for _ years.5. Dispute Resolution: In the event of any dispute arising from this agreement, both parties shall resolve it through friendly negotiation. If not resolved, complaints may be filed with the relevant authorities.6. M

14、iscellaneous: This agreement may be subject to changes based on circumstances, but any changes require the agreement and written consent of both parties.Resigning Executives Signature: Company Representatives Signature:3. 合同标题:聘任总经理合同中文:甲方:(公司名称)法定代表人:(法定代表姓名)地址:(公司地址)乙方:(总经理姓名)身份证号码:(身份证号码)联系地址:(联系

15、地址)鉴于甲方公司需要聘请一位经验丰富、能力突出的总经理,乙方应聘并经笔试、面试等程序,双方遂达成以下聘任总经理合同:一、职务:乙方为甲方公司总经理,负责公司日常管理工作,服从公司董事会及法定代表人领导。二、聘任期限:本合同自_年_月_日生效,至终止日期。双方协商一致,可续签。三、薪酬:公司将根据乙方的工作表现及市场情况决定其薪酬,并保证按时支付。四、工作时间:乙方工作时间为每周_天,每天工作_小时,执行公司相关加班规定。五、保密协议:乙方对公司商业机密和敏感信息保密,不得擅自泄露。六、其它约定:其他工作相关规定,由双方根据实际情况补充约定。甲方(盖章): 乙方签字:英文:Party A: (

16、Company Name)Legal Representative: (Name of Legal Representative)Address: (Company Address)Party B: (General Managers Name)ID Number: (ID Number)Contact Address: (Contact Address)In view of the need of Party A to hire an experienced and outstanding General Manager, Party B applied, went through writ

17、ten tests, interviews, and other procedures, and the two parties have reached the following agreement to appoint the General Manager:1. Position: Party B is appointed as the General Manager of Party A, responsible for the companys daily management work, and shall be under the leadership of the compa

18、nys Board of Directors and legal representative.2. Term of Appointment: This contract shall come into effect on _, _, _, until the termination date. Upon mutual agreement, the contract may be renewed.3. Remuneration: The company will determine Party Bs remuneration based on their work performance an

19、d market conditions, and ensure timely payment.4. Working Hours: Party Bs working hours are _ days per week, _ hours per day, in line with the companys relevant overtime policies.5. Confidentiality Agreement: Party B shall keep the companys trade secrets and sensitive information confidential and sh

20、all not disclose them without authorization.6. Other Agreements: Other work-related rules shall be supplemented by both parties based on the actual situation.Party A (Company Stamp): Signature of Party B:4. 合同标题:董事会秘书合同中文:甲方:(公司名称)法定代表人:(法定代表姓名)地址:(公司地址)乙方:(秘书姓名)身份证号码:(身份证号码)联系地址:(联系地址)鉴于甲方公司需要一位专业秘

21、书负责协助董事会工作,乙方面试合格,双方遂达成以下董事会秘书合同:一、职务:乙方为甲方公司董事会秘书,协助董事会召开会议、制定会议记录等相关工作。二、聘任期限:本合同自_年_月_日生效,至终止日期。双方协商一致,可续签。三、薪酬:公司将按照乙方工作表现及岗位要求确定其薪酬,并保证按时支付。四、工作时间:乙方工作时间为每周_天,每天工作_小时,执行公司相关加班规定。五、保密协议:乙方需保守公司商业机密和董事会内部信息的保密,不得泄露。六、终止条款:根据实际情况,本合同可以提前解除。一旦解除,需提前通知对方。甲方(盖章): 乙方签字:英文:Party A: (Company Name)Legal

22、Representative: (Name of Legal Representative)Address: (Company Address)Party B: (Secretarys Name)ID Number: (ID Number)Contact Address: (Contact Address)In view of the need of Party A to have a professional secretary to assist the Board of Directors, who passed the interview, the two parties have r

23、eached the following agreement to appoint the Board Secretary:1. Position: Party B shall serve as the Board Secretary of Party A, assisting the Board of Directors in convening meetings, and preparing meeting records and related work.2. Term of Appointment: This contract shall come into effect on _,

24、_, _, until the termination date. Upon mutual agreement, the contract may be renewed.3. Remuneration: The company will determine Party Bs remuneration based on their work performance and job requirements, and ensure timely payment.4. Working Hours: Party Bs working hours are _ days per week, _ hours

25、 per day, in accordance with the companys relevant overtime policies.5. Confidentiality Agreement: Party B shall keep the companys trade secrets and internal information of the Board of Directors confidential and shall not disclose them without authorization.6. Termination Clause: This contract may

26、be terminated in advance based on actual circumstances. In the event of termination, advance notice shall be given to the other party.Party A (Company Stamp): Signature of Party B:5. 合同标题:财务总监雇佣合同中文:甲方:(公司名称)法定代表人:(法定代表姓名)地址:(公司地址)乙方:(财务总监姓名)身份证号码:(身份证号码)联系地址:(联系地址)鉴于甲方公司需要一位财务总监负责公司财务管理及相关业务,乙方应聘并经

27、面试合格,双方遂达成以下财务总监雇佣合同:一、职务:乙方为甲方公司财务总监,负责公司的财务管理工作,报告给公司董事会及法定代表人。二、聘任期限:本合同自_年_月_日生效,至终止日期。双方协商一致,可延长。三、薪酬:公司将根据乙方的实际工作表现和市场水平确定其薪酬,并按月支付。四、工作时间:乙方工作时间为每周_天,每天工作_小时,执行公司相关工作规定。五、保密协议:乙方需要妥善保管公司财务信息和商业机密,不得泄露。六、解雇条款:根据公司规定,本合同可根据实际情况提前终止,提前通知对方。甲方(盖章): 乙方签字:英文:Party A: (Company Name)Legal Representat

28、ive: (Name of Legal Representative)Address: (Company Address)Party B: (Finance Directors Name)ID Number: (ID Number)Contact Address: (Contact Address)In view of the need of Party A to have a Finance Director to be responsible for financial management and related business, who applied and passed the

29、interview, the two parties have reached the following Finance Director Employment Contract:1. Position: Party B shall serve as the Finance Director of Party A, responsible for the companys financial management work, reporting to the Board of Directors and legal representative.2. Term of Appointment:

30、 This contract shall come into effect on _, _, _, until the termination date. Upon mutual agreement, the contract may be extended.3. Remuneration: The company will determine Party Bs remuneration based on their actual work performance and market level, and pay monthly.4. Working Hours: Party Bs working hours are _ days per week, _ hours per day, in accordance with the companys relevant work regulations.5

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