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1、专利合作开发合同范本五篇专利合作开发合同范本Patent Collaboration and Development Contract Template第一篇:合作开发中文:甲方:(单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系电话:乙方:(单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系电话:鉴于甲方具有(专利名称)专利的所有权,希望通过合作开发,使专利得到更好的应用和推广;乙方具有相关技术和资源,愿意与甲方合作,共同开发专利产品,特拟定本合同。一、合作内容甲乙双方将在(具体合作范围)的基础上,共同开发专利产品,包括但不限于开发计划制定、技术研究、生产实施等方面的合作。二、权利义务1. 甲方享有(专利名称)专利的所有权,

2、有权要求乙方按照本合同约定的合作方式进行开发。2. 乙方应当配合甲方的合理要求,提供必要的技术和资源支持,确保合作进展顺利。三、保密条款甲乙双方在合作过程中涉及到的技术资料、商业机密等内容,应当予以严格保密,未经对方书面同意,不得向第三方透露。四、知识产权合作过程中产生的新技术、新产品等知识产权归属双方共有,甲方优先享有知识产权的使用权。五、风险责任1. 因不可抗力原因导致合作无法继续的,双方不承担责任,但应及时通知对方并协商解决办法。2. 在合作过程中,如因一方违反本合同导致损失的,应当承担相应的赔偿责任。六、其他条款本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至合作完成之日止。对于未尽事宜,可另行协商

3、确定。甲方(盖章):日期:乙方(盖章):日期:英文:Party A: (Name of the Company)Address:Legal Representative:Contact Number:Party B: (Name of the Company)Address:Legal Representative:Contact Number:Whereas Party A owns the patent of (Name of the Patent) and wishes to enhance the utilization and promotion of the patent thro

4、ugh collaboration and development, Party B possesses relevant technologies and resources and is willing to cooperate with Party A in developing the patent product. Therefore, this contract is formulated.1. Scope of CooperationParty A and Party B will collaborate on the development of the patent prod

5、uct based on (Specific Scope of Cooperation), including but not limited to the development plan formulation, technical research, production implementation, and other cooperation aspects.2. Rights and Obligations1. Party A owns the patent of (Name of the Patent) and has the right to require Party B t

6、o develop in accordance with the cooperation method specified in this contract.2. Party B shall cooperate with the reasonable requests of Party A, provide necessary technical and resource support, and ensure the smooth progress of the cooperation.3. Confidentiality ClauseBoth Party A and Party B sha

7、ll strictly keep confidential the technical information, commercial secrets, and other contents involved in the cooperation process, and shall not disclose it to third parties without the written consent of the other party.4. Intellectual Property RightsThe intellectual property rights, including ne

8、w technologies, new products, generated during the cooperation shall be jointly owned by both parties, with Party A having the priority right to use the intellectual property rights.5. Risk and Liability1. In case the cooperation cannot continue due to force majeure, both parties shall not be held r

9、esponsible but shall promptly notify the other party and negotiate solutions.2. In the event that either party causes losses due to a breach of this contract during the cooperation, they shall bear the corresponding compensation liability.6. Other TermsThis contract shall come into effect upon the s

10、ignature and seal of both parties and shall remain valid until the completion of the cooperation. For matters not covered in this contract, they may be separately negotiated and determined.Party A (Seal):Date:Party B (Seal):Date:第二篇:技术转让中文:甲方:(单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系电话:乙方:(单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系电话:鉴于甲方拥有(专利名称)专利

11、并具备相关技术研发能力,乙方希望获得该专利及相关技术的转让,特制定本合同。一、转让内容甲方同意将(专利名称)专利的全部权利和相关技服技术转让给乙方,乙方应支付相应的转让费用。二、权利义务1. 甲方应保证所转让的专利和技术符合约定的转让内容,并对后续技术使用给予必要的指导和支持。2. 乙方应支付约定的转让费用,并严格遵守专利权的保护、使用以及未经授权的转让行为。三、保密协议双方在技术转让过程中产生的技术资料以及相关保密信息,应当予以保密,并未经授权不得向第三方透露。四、风险责任1. 在专利转让过程中,如因甲方有关事项造成技术的不完整或存在缺陷的,应当承担相应的风险责任。2. 乙方在使用专利和技术

12、过程中,如因未按约定使用导致侵权行为发生,应当承担相应的责任。五、其他条款本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至专利和技术全部转让完成之日止。如对本合同有争议,应提交仲裁解决。甲方(盖章):日期:乙方(盖章):日期:英文:Party A: (Name of the Company)Address:Legal Representative:Contact Number:Party B: (Name of the Company)Address:Legal Representative:Contact Number:Whereas Party A owns the patent of (Name of

13、 the Patent) and has the relevant technological research and development capabilities, and Party B wishes to acquire the transfer of the patent and related technologies, this contract is formulated.1. Transfer of RightsParty A agrees to transfer all rights of the patent of (Name of the Patent) and t

14、he related technologies to Party B, and Party B shall pay the corresponding transfer fees.2. Rights and Obligations1. Party A shall ensure that the transferred patent and technologies comply with the agreed transfer content and provide necessary guidance and support for the subsequent technical use.

15、2. Party B shall pay the agreed transfer fees and strictly comply with the protection and use of patent rights and unauthorized transfer.3. Confidentiality AgreementThe technical data and related confidential information generated during the technology transfer process shall be kept confidential by

16、both parties and shall not be disclosed to third parties without authorization.4. Risk and Liability1. In the process of patent transfer, if the incomplete or defective technology is caused by matters related to Party A, they shall bear the corresponding risk liability.2. In the use of the patent an

17、d technology, if any infringement occurs due to non-compliance with the agreement, Party B shall bear the corresponding liability.5. Other TermsThis contract shall come into effect upon the signature and seal of both parties and shall remain valid until the complete transfer of the patent and techno

18、logy. In case of disputes regarding this contract, they shall be submitted for arbitration.Party A (Seal):Date:Party B (Seal):Date:第三篇:联合研发中文:甲方:(单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系电话:乙方:(单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系电话:鉴于甲乙双方具有相关技术优势和研发资源,希望通过联合研发合作,共同研发创新产品或技术,特制定本合同。一、研发内容双方将在(具体研发领域)的基础上共同开展联合研发,包括技术交流、研究开发、实验验证等环节的合作。二、费用分担研发

19、过程中产生的费用由双方共同承担,各自承担相应的研发费用,并按约定的进度和方式付清。三、知识产权双方联合研发产生的新技术、新产品等知识产权归双方共有,且双方优先享有知识产权的使用权。四、保密协议研发过程中的技术资料、研究成果以及商业机密均应保密,未经双方书面同意不得向第三方传播。五、风险责任1. 在研发过程中,如因一方原因导致合作无法继续,应当承担相应的责任并协商解决方案。2. 在产品实践阶段,若因技术问题导致产品质量不符合要求,应当由责任方承担相应的责任。六、其他条款本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至研发项目完成之日止。如出现争议,应先协商解决,协商不成则提交仲裁解决。甲方(盖章):日期:乙方

20、(盖章):日期:英文:Party A: (Name of the Company)Address:Legal Representative:Contact Number:Party B: (Name of the Company)Address:Legal Representative:Contact Number:Whereas Party A and Party B have relevant technological advantages and research resources and wish to jointly develop innovative products or

21、technologies through collaborative research and development, this contract is formulated.1. Development ContentBoth parties shall jointly carry out collaborative research and development based on (Specific Research Area), including technology exchange, research and development, experimental verifica

22、tion, and other cooperation aspects.2. Cost SharingThe costs incurred during the development shall be shared by both parties, with each party bearing the corresponding research and development expenses and making payments according to the agreed schedule and method.3. Intellectual Property RightsThe

23、 intellectual property rights, including new technologies, new products, generated through joint research and development shall be jointly owned by both parties, with both parties having the priority right to use the intellectual property rights.4. Confidentiality AgreementThe technical data, resear

24、ch results, and business secrets generated during the development process shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed to third parties without the written consent of both parties.5. Risk and Liability1. In the development process, if one party causes the cooperation to be unable to continu

25、e, they shall bear the corresponding responsibility and negotiate solutions.2. In the product implementation stage, if the product quality does not meet the requirements due to technical issues, the responsible party shall bear the corresponding liability.6. Other TermsThis contract shall come into

26、effect upon the signature and seal of both parties and shall remain valid until the completion of the research and development project. In case of disputes, they shall be first resolved through negotiation, and if negotiation fails, they shall be submitted for arbitration.Party A (Seal):Date:Party B

27、 (Seal):Date:第四篇:技术授权中文:甲方:(单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系电话:乙方:(单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系电话:鉴于甲方拥有(专利名称)专利并具备相关技术的授权条件,乙方希望获得该专利的技术授权,特拟定本合同。一、授权内容甲方同意向乙方授予(专利名称)专利在(授权范围)内的使用权,并授权乙方开展相关产品的生产和销售活动。二、权利义务1. 甲方保证具备授权条件并有权授权乙方使用专利,乙方应遵守相关法律法规并支付相应的授权费用。2. 乙方应按照授权范围使用专利,并不得侵犯甲方的专利权,否则应承担相应的法律责任。三、保密协议双方在技术授权过程中涉及的技术资料、商业机密等内

28、容,应当予以保密,未经授权不得向第三方透露。四、风险责任1. 在授权过程中,如因甲方原因导致授权无法继续,应当承担相应的责任。2. 在使用授权的过程中,如因乙方原因造成侵权行为,应当承担相应的法律责任。五、其他条款本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至授权期限届满之日止。如出现争议,应先协商解决,协商不成则提交仲裁解决。甲方(盖章):日期:乙方(盖章):日期:英文:Party A: (Name of the Company)Address:Legal Representative:Contact Number:Party B: (Name of the Company)Address:Legal

29、Representative:Contact Number:Whereas Party A owns the patent of (Name of the Patent) and has the authorization conditions for the related technologies, and Party B wishes to obtain the technology license of the patent, this contract is formulated.1. Authorization ContentParty A agrees to grant Part

30、y B the right to use the patent of (Name of the Patent) within the (Authorization Scope) and authorize Party B to carry out the production and sales activities related to the products.2. Rights and Obligations1. Party A guarantees the authorization conditions and the right to authorize Party B to us

31、e the patent. Party B shall comply with relevant laws and regulations and pay the corresponding authorization fees.2. Party B shall use the patent within the authorization scope and shall not infringe Party As patent rights. Otherwise, they shall bear the corresponding legal responsibilities.3. Confidentiality AgreementThe technical data

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