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1、书籍出版合同范本三篇1. 书籍出版合同范本中文版本:书籍出版合同合同编号:【编号】甲方(出版社):_地址:_电话:_乙方(作者):_地址:_电话:_经甲、乙双方友好协商,就乙方创作的图书_(下称本书)的出版事宜达成如下协议:第一条 出版书籍及版权1. 乙方保证本书的一切内容合法,并拥有其著作权。2. 本书的版权归乙方所有,甲方有权对本书进行出版、发行和推广。第二条 出版日期和方式1. 本书将于_年_月出版。2. 甲方有权决定出版本书的方式,包括平装、精装等。第三条 作者报酬1. 甲方将按照销售额的_%支付乙方版税。2. 版税结算方式为每季度一次,如有提前结算需求由乙方提出。第四条 宣传推广1.

2、 甲方将负责本书的宣传推广工作,乙方应积极配合宣传活动。2. 乙方应在本书发行后,参加相关的宣传活动和宣传媒体的采访。第五条 不正当竞争双方保证在合作过程中,不进行任何形式的不正当竞争行为。第六条 法律适用和争议解决本合同的订立、生效、履行和解释均按照中华人民共和国法律。本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各持一份,自双方签订之日起生效。甲方(盖章): 乙方(签字):签订日期:_年_月_日英文版本:Book Publication ContractContract No.: 【Number】Party A (Publisher): _Address: _Telephone: _Party B (Auth

3、or): _Address: _Telephone: _Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on the publication of the book _ (hereinafter referred to as the Book) created by Party B through friendly negotiations:Article 1 Publication of Book and Copyright1. Party B guarantees that all content of the Book i

4、s legal and owns the copyright.2. The copyright of the Book belongs to Party B, and Party A has the right to publish, distribute, and promote the Book.Article 2 Publication Date and Method1. The Book will be published in _.2. Party A has the right to decide the method of publishing the Book, includi

5、ng paperback, hardback, etc.Article 3 Authors Royalties1. Party A will pay Party B _% royalties based on the sales.2. Royalties shall be settled quarterly, and Party B may request early settlement.Article 4 Publicity and Promotion1. Party A will be responsible for the publicity and promotion of the

6、Book, and Party B should actively cooperate with the promotional activities.2. Party B should participate in relevant promotional activities and media interviews after the Book is released.Article 5 Unfair CompetitionBoth parties guarantee not to engage in any form of unfair competition during the c

7、ooperation.Article 6 Applicable Law and Dispute ResolutionThe establishment, effectiveness, performance, and interpretation of this contract shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.This contract is made in duplicate, with one copy for Party A and one copy for Party B, and shal

8、l take effect on the date of signature by both parties.Party A (Seal): Party B (Signature): Date: _ year _ month _ day2. 书籍出版合同格式中文版本:书籍出版合同合同编号:【编号】甲方(出版社):_地址:_电话:_乙方(作者):_地址:_电话:_鉴于乙方创作的作品(以下简称“作品”)具有一定的市场价值,为了双方共同利益,现双方达成如下协议:第一条 作品内容及版权1. 乙方自行创作的作品为其原创作品,不存在侵犯他人著作权的行为,属于独一无二的作品。2. 乙方对该作品享有著作权,甲

9、方有权对该作品进行出版、发行、推广和销售等相关活动,但版权所有权仍归乙方所有。第二条 出版义务1. 甲方应按照合同约定的内容和时间,出版乙方所提供的作品。2. 作品的出版方式由甲方决定,乙方应根据甲方的要求提供相应的内容和稿件。第三条 作品报酬1. 乙方将获得作品销售额的_%作为稿酬。2. 作品的版税结算按照销售额进行,每季度结算一次,甲方应及时支付乙方稿酬。第四条 宣传推广1. 甲方将负责作品的宣传推广工作,乙方应积极配合宣传活动,包括参加相关的展览、讲座等活动。2. 乙方同意授权甲方在宣传过程中使用其姓名、肖像、作品等相关信息。第五条 保密义务双方应对协议中涉及的保密信息承担保密义务,不得

10、擅自泄露。第六条 法律适用和争议解决本合同的有效性、解释和执行均依法律法规进行,对于因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的争议,应通过友好协商解决。如协商不成,应向当地法院提起诉讼。本合同一式两份,自双方签字生效。甲方(盖章): 乙方(签字):签订日期:_年_月_日英文版本:Book Publication Contract FormatContract No.: 【Number】Party A (Publisher): _Address: _Telephone: _Party B (Author): _Address: _Telephone: _In consideration of the fac

11、t that the work created by Party B (hereinafter referred to as the Work) has certain market value, and for the mutual benefit of both parties, the parties have reached the following agreement:Article 1 Content of the Work and Copyright1. The Work created by Party B is an original work without infrin

12、gement of others copyrights, and it is a unique creation.2. Party B owns the copyright of the Work, and Party A has the right to publish, distribute, promote, and sell the Work, but the ownership of the copyright still belongs to Party B.Article 2 Publishing Obligations1. Party A shall publish the W

13、ork provided by Party B according to the content and time stipulated in the contract.2. The method of publishing the Work shall be determined by Party A, and Party B shall provide the corresponding content and manuscripts according to Party As requirements.Article 3 Remuneration for the Work1. Party

14、 B shall receive _% of the sales of the Work as remuneration.2. The royalties for the Work shall be settled based on the sales, and shall be paid to Party B by Party A in a timely manner on a quarterly basis.Article 4 Publicity and Promotion1. Party A shall be responsible for the publicity and promo

15、tion of the Work, and Party B shall actively cooperate with promotional activities, including participating in related exhibitions, lectures, and other events.2. Party B agrees to authorize Party A to use their name, portrait, work, and other related information in the promotion process.Article 5 Co

16、nfidentiality ObligationsBoth parties shall bear confidentiality obligations for the confidential information involved in the agreement and shall not disclose it without authorization.Article 6 Applicable Law and Dispute ResolutionThe effectiveness, interpretation, and execution of this contract sha

17、ll be governed by laws and regulations. Any disputes arising from or related to this contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiations. If no agreement can be reached, legal proceedings shall be brought before the local court.This contract is made in duplicate and shall come into force upon t

18、he signature of both parties.Party A (Seal): Party B (Signature):Date: _ year _ month _ day3. 书籍出版合同样本中文版本:书籍出版合同合同编号:【编号】甲方(出版社):_地址:_电话:_乙方(作者):_地址:_电话:_鉴于乙方创作的作品(以下简称“作品”)具有一定的市场价值,经双方友好协商,现就该作品的出版事宜达成如下协议:第一条 作品内容及版权1. 乙方保证其创作的作品为原创作品,不存在侵犯他人著作权的行为。2. 作品的版权归乙方所有,乙方授权甲方对作品进行出版、发行、推广等相关活动,并享有部分版权收

19、益。第二条 出版义务1. 甲方应按照约定时间和要求对作品进行出版,出版方式由甲方自行决定。2. 乙方应协助甲方提供作品的内容及相关素材,并在必要时参与出版过程。第三条 作品报酬1. 作品的销售额_%将作为稿酬支付给乙方,具体支付方式由双方另行协商确定。2. 稿酬结算以销售额为准,每季度结算一次,甲方应准时支付稿酬。第四条 宣传推广1. 甲方负责作品的宣传推广工作,乙方应积极配合宣传活动,包括参加相关的书展、讲座等活动。2. 乙方同意授权甲方在宣传过程中运用其姓名、作品、肖像权等。第五条 保密义务双方应对协议中的保密信息承担保密义务,未经允许不得进行泄露。第六条 法律适用和争议解决本合同的履行、

20、解释和争议解决均以中华人民共和国法律为准则。本合同正本一式两份,自双方签字生效。甲方(盖章): 乙方(签字):签订日期:_年_月_日英文版本:Book Publication Contract SampleContract No.: 【Number】Party A (Publisher): _Address: _Telephone: _Party B (Author): _Address: _Telephone: _In consideration of the fact that the work created by Party B (hereinafter referred to as

21、the Work) has certain market value, and after friendly negotiations between both parties, the parties have reached the following agreement on the publication of the Work:Article 1 Content of the Work and Copyright1. Party B guarantees that the Work created is an original work and does not infringe t

22、he copyrights of others.2. The copyright of the Work belongs to Party B, who authorizes Party A to publish, distribute, promote, and obtain a share of the copyright income of the Work.Article 2 Publishing Obligations1. Party A shall publish the Work according to the agreed time and requirements, and

23、 the method of publication shall be determined by Party A.2. Party B shall assist Party A by providing the content and related materials of the Work, and when necessary, participate in the publication process.Article 3 Remuneration for the Work1. _% of the sales of the Work shall be paid to Party B

24、as remuneration, and the specific payment method shall be determined through negotiation by both parties.2. Remuneration settlement shall be based on the sales, with payments made quarterly, and Party A shall pay remuneration promptly.Article 4 Publicity and Promotion1. Party A is responsible for pr

25、omoting and publicizing the Work, and Party B shall cooperate actively with promotional activities, including participation in book fairs, lectures, etc.2. Party B agrees to authorize Party A to use their name, work, and likeness during the promotional process.Article 5 Confidentiality ObligationsBo

26、th parties shall bear confidentiality obligations for the confidential information in the agreement, and shall not disclose it without permission.Article 6 Applicable Law and Dispute ResolutionThe performance, interpretation, and resolution of disputes related to this contract shall be based on the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.This contract, executed in duplicate, shall come into effect upon the signature of both parties.Party A (Seal): Party B (Signature):Date: _ year _ month _ day以上是书籍出版合同的范本,根据不同情况和需求,可以对合同内容进行调整和修改。希望以上内容符合您的要求,如有其他要求或需要进一步帮助,请随时联系我们。谢谢!

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