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1、Leading-inLeading-inLetLet senjoyavideosenjoyavideo Whatdoyouknowaboutthegirl?SangLansFactsBirth date/Place:June 11,1981Hometown:Ningbo,Zhejiang Province,ChinaBegan Gymnastics:1987MajorAccomplishments:1998 Chinese Nationals-2nd vault;1997 Chinese National Vault Champion;1996 Chinese Nationals-2nd va

2、ultHobbies:Playingvideogames,watchingTomandJerryFood:KentuckyFriedChickenFast reading for general ideaFast reading for general ideaGo through the passage quickly Go through the passage quickly to find answers to the three to find answers to the three questions in Part A.questions in Part A.AnswersAn

3、swers1.Happiness1.Happiness2.Dr Brain.2.Dr Brain.3.InNingbo,Chinain1981.Careful-reading for detailed information1.1.Read the passage again and Read the passage again and complete Part Cplete Part C1.2.ListentothetapeandcompleteC2.AnswersAnswersC1C1 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 T 8 F

4、 6 F 7 T 8 F C22b3f4e5a6dDescribeSangLanspersonalityPersonality of Sang Landbravecourageousoptimistichard-workingconsideratedeterminedRelevantinformationintheinterviewwhichshowsSangLanspersonalityI.Before going to hospital1.being successful in her sport when she was young2.being described as energet

5、ic,happy and hard-working3.working towards something special4.trying to make her parents proudWhile staying in hospitalbeing in good spiritsthinking about what she could do to get betterbeing proud of the things she had accomplishedfeeling happy to be alive,and lucky to have the rest of her life to

6、learn new thingsAfter leaving hospitalstudying journalism at Beijing studying journalism at Beijing UniversityUniversityhosting a sports show about the 2008 hosting a sports show about the 2008 Beijing OlympicsBeijing Olympicslooking forward to playing table tennis in looking forward to playing tabl

7、e tennis in the special Olympics for disabled people the special Olympics for disabled people in 2008in 2008thinking about positive things and staying thinking about positive things and staying optimisticoptimisticbelievingthatkeepingbusyhelpsherstaypositive Complete Part DComplete Part D Find these

8、 words and Find these words and expressions in the interview.expressions in the interview.Guess their meanings from the Guess their meanings from the context.Then match them with context.Then match them with the correct definitions.the correct definitions.Answers:1 g 2 c 3 b 4 f 5 Answers:1 g 2 c 3

9、b 4 f 5 d 6 I 7 a 8 e 9 hd 6 I 7 a 8 e 9 h Complete Part EComplete Part E Read this newspaper article Read this newspaper article about Sang Lan.Complete it with about Sang Lan.Complete it with the words below.the words below.Answers:Answers:1 dedicated 2 mistake 3 wall 1 dedicated 2 mistake 3 wall

10、4.neck 5 visitors 6 positive 4.neck 5 visitors 6 positive 7 journalism 8 programme 1.Toothers,happinessmeansachievingsuccessinsomething,suchasmeetingagoal.(P18)对其他人来说,幸福意味着成功,比如达到对其他人来说,幸福意味着成功,比如达到一个目标。一个目标。meanmean:verb T meant,meantverb T meant,meant 1)toexpressorrepresentsomethingsuchasanidea,th

11、ought,orfact:(指字句等)意谓指字句等)意谓What does this word mean?+that These figures mean that almost 7%of the working population is unemployed.What do you mean by that remark?2)usedtoaddemphasistowhatyouaresaying:意指意指I want you home by midnight.And I mean midnight.Give it back now!I mean it.3)3)to have a parti

12、cular result:to have a particular result:预示预示Lower costs mean lower prices.Lower costs mean lower prices.+that+that Advances in electronics mean that Advances in electronics mean that the technology is already available.the technology is already available.+ing form of verb+ing form of verb If we wan

13、t to catch the If we want to catch the 7.30 train,that will mean leaving the house 7.30 train,that will mean leaving the house at 6.00.at 6.00.4)tohaveanimportantemotionaleffectonsomeone:意味意味It wasnt a valuable picture but it meant a lot to me.Possessions mean nothing to him.5)tointend:打算打算Im sorry

14、if I offended you-I didnt mean any harm.The books with large print are meant for our partially sighted readers.+toinfinitive Ive been meaning to phone you all week.Do you think she meant to say 9 a.m.instead of 9 p.m.?+object+toinfinitive This exercise isnt meant to be difficult.They didnt mean for

15、her to read the letter.相关高考试题相关高考试题1.(2002上海春招)上海春招)InsomepartsofLondon,missingabusmeans_foranotherhour.A.waitingB.towaitC.waitD.tobewaiting2.(2006江苏卷江苏卷)Theownerofthecinemaneededtomakealotofimprovementsandemploymorepeopletokeepitrunning,_meantspendingtensofthousandsofpounds.A.whoB.thatC.asD.which3.

16、(2006湖南)湖南)Ifyouthinkthattreatingawomanwellmeansalways_herpermissionforthings,thinkagain.A.getsB.gotC.togetD.gettingADD2.2.Sang Lan is very good example of someone who Sang Lan is very good example of someone who is happy with her life,even when people expect is happy with her life,even when people

17、expect her to be sad.(P18)her to be sad.(P18)桑兰是享受生活的一个很好的例桑兰是享受生活的一个很好的例子,尽管人们认为她会悲伤。子,尽管人们认为她会悲伤。expect:verbT1)tothinkorbelievesomethingwillhappen,orsomeonewillarrive:We are expecting a lot of applicants for the job.+(that)I expect(that)youll find it somewhere in your bedroom.I expect(that)hed hav

18、e left anyway.+toinfinitive He didnt expect to see me.The financial performance of the business is fully expected(=almostcertain)to improve.2)tothinkthatsomeoneshouldbehaveinaparticularwayordoaparticularthing:I expect punctuality from my students.+toinfinitive Borrowers are expected to(=should)retur

19、n books on time.Dontexpecttoomuchofhim,youngman.Dontyouknowthatheisalazyone?!相关高考试题:相关高考试题:1.1.(0505福建)福建)1.Mum is coming.What present _ for your birthday?Ayou expect she has got Byou expect has she gotCdo you expect she has got Ddo you expect has she got2.(04四川)According to the art dealer,the paint

20、ing _ to go for at least a million dollars.A.is expected B.expects C.expected D.is expecting3.(NMET2000)Ive worked with children before,so I know what_ in my new job.A.expected B.to expect C.to be expecting D.expectsCAB3.3.Well,in case some of our viewers donWell,in case some of our viewers dont t k

21、now her story,can you tell us a little bit know her story,can you tell us a little bit about Sang Lan and who she is?about Sang Lan and who she is?(P18P18)好的,好的,或许我们有些观众还不知道桑兰的故事,您能给我或许我们有些观众还不知道桑兰的故事,您能给我们简单介绍一下桑兰吗?们简单介绍一下桑兰吗?in casein case:because of a possibility of because of a possibility of so

22、mething happening,being needed,etc:something happening,being needed,etc:以防以防I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some just in case.Bring a map in case you get lost.I left for the office earlier than usual this morning in case of traffic jam.相关高考试题:相关高考试题:1.1.(0606江苏江苏)I wish youI wish youd

23、do _ talking and some d do _ talking and some more work.Thus things will become better.more work.Thus things will become better.A.a bit lessA.a bit less B.any less B.any lessC.much moreC.much more D.a little more D.a little more 答案及解析:选答案及解析:选A.A.此句意为,此句意为,“我希望你少说一我希望你少说一点,多做一点,因此,事件会变的更好点,多做一点,因此,事

24、件会变的更好”。相关高考试题相关高考试题1.(051.(05全国全国)I always take something to read when I go to the I always take something to read when I go to the doctordoctors _ I have to wait.s _ I have to wait.A AIn caseIn caseB Bso thatso that C Cin orderin orderD Das if as if 2.2.(0606全国全国)How can you expect to learn anythi

25、ng _ you How can you expect to learn anything _ you never listen?never listen?A.in caseA.in case B.even if B.even if C.unless C.unless D.D.whenwhen3.3.(0606浙江)浙江)We always keep _ spare paper,in case we We always keep _ spare paper,in case we ran out.ran out.A.toomuchB.anumberofC.plentyofD.agoodmanyA

26、DD4Eventhoughhertrainingmeantthatshehadtoliveapartfromherparents,shewashappytodevoteherselftogymnastics.(P18)参加训练意味着她不能和父母住在一参加训练意味着她不能和父母住在一起,但尽管如此,她还是乐意奉献于体操。起,但尽管如此,她还是乐意奉献于体操。1)eventhough/if:although尽管尽管,即使即使Even though he was tired,he helped me with my work.I shall go even though it rains.It is

27、 better to ask him even though he(should)refuse.even/asif:usedtodescribehowasituationseemstobe好好象象She looked as if shed had some bad news.I felt as though Id been lying in the sun for hours.They stared at me as if I was crazy.相关高考试题相关高考试题1.(05湖南湖南)Allowchildrenthespacetovoicetheiropinions,_theyaredi

28、fferentfromyourown.A.untilB.evenifC.unlessD.asthough2.(05江西)江西)Youruncleseemstobeagooddriver;_,Iwouldntdaretotravelinhiscar.Aevenso BeventhoughCthereforeDsoBA2)devoteto:togiveallofsomething,especiallyyourtime,effortorlove,oryourself,tosomethingyoubelieveinortoaperson:奉献于奉献于Heleftgovernmenttodevotemo






34、etobaddriving.Hissuccesswasduetohardwork.Hearrivedlatedue(owing)tothestorm.(04广东广东)Thegreatsuccessofthisprogrammehasbeen_duetothesupportgivenbythelocalbusinessmen.DA.ratherB.veryC.quicklyD.largely D8 8.Yes,aslongasIstillhadmyfamilyandfriends.(P21)是的,只要我还有家人和朋友。是的,只要我还有家人和朋友。aslongas:只要只要相关高考试题相关高考试题(06江西江西)Itissaidthatdogswillkeepyou_foraslongasyouwantwhenyouarefeelinglonely.A.safetyB.companyC.houseD.friendBThank you for your cooperation!

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