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1、高三年级高三年级 英语英语Project,M9U3授课者授课者:王时亮王时亮湖南邵阳县第七中学湖南邵阳县第七中学高三年级高三年级2009-2010学年第一学期学年第一学期What have we learned in this unit?Page33世界充满了色彩。无论你看哪里,世界充满了色彩。无论你看哪里,都会看见自然界的颜色以及由人类都会看见自然界的颜色以及由人类创造出来的颜色。没有了色彩,世创造出来的颜色。没有了色彩,世界将会变得乏味得多!界将会变得乏味得多!The world is full of color.Everywhere you look,you see the colors

2、 of nature and colors created by humans.The world would be a far less interesting place without color!Page 46Roses are red,violets are blue,but which of the two really suits you?紫罗兰紫罗兰Which of the colors do you like the most?What is the main idea of each part?Part 1.(1)(6 words)Part 2.(2-6)(9 words)

3、Part 3.(7)(7 words)Color can express different feelings.Explanation of different colors different meanings in different areas.Dont be arbitrary when choosing an outfit.不要任意选择一套衣服不要任意选择一套衣服Language points 1.(2004全国全国)How about eight o clock outside the cinema?That _ me fine.A.fits B.meets C.satisfies

4、 D.suitsD1.suit vt 适合适合 Corn is grown a lot in this area the soil seems to suit it very well.*The city lifestyle seems to suit her shes certainly looking very well.The spicy food does not suit me.suitedadj.适合的适合的;适宜的适宜的 1)With her qualifications and experience,she was ideally suited for/to the job.2

5、)They were never suited from the start theyve got nothing in common.suitable adj.适合的适合的 1)My mother doesnt like me wearing short skirts to church she doesnt think theyre suitable for me.2)He is suitable to represent our class to deliver a speech.2 Translation:the first paragraphrandom adj.随意的,任意的,随意

6、的,任意的,未经事先考虑的,胡乱的未经事先考虑的,胡乱的random access 随机存取随机存取,随机访问随机访问RAM 内存内存,随机存储器随机存储器at randomrandomly 随意地随意地,随机随机地地3.In some places,red indicates sadness,as in South Africa,where it is the color of mourning.In addition,red also has political meanings as it has been used to represent bravery in the nationa

7、l flags of many countries.(L14)4.黄色在绝大多数时候与阳光和黄色在绝大多数时候与阳光和温暖联系在一起。温暖联系在一起。Yellow is most often connected/associated with sunshine and warth.(L18)5.Decades ago in the USA and the UK,yellow ribbons were worn on blouse collars or sleeves as a sign of hope by women waiting for their husbands or boyfrie

8、nds to come home safely from war.(L21)6.-,if someone is said to be yellow,it means he or she is not brave.(L27)Black is often worn by people in western cultures because it is thought to be cool and elegant.(L37)主补主补主补主补下列结构中用下列结构中用不定式不定式作主语补足语:作主语补足语:sb/sth be said/believed/known/reported/considered

9、/thought/found-+to do/be7.绿色通常与积极的意思相关,绿色通常与积极的意思相关,与生命联系最密切。与生命联系最密切。Usually associated with positive meanings,green is most strongly connected to life.(L29)8.它长期以来与爱尔兰相联系,它长期以来与爱尔兰相联系,该国的国花是绿色的。该国的国花是绿色的。It has long(adv.)been associated with Ireland,where the national flower is green.(L31)9.-,gree

10、n symbolized hope and spring,_ is the time of year _ things in nature start to grow after a long winter.Another negative way green is used is _ it refers to someone with little experience.which when (L33)when (L35)10.The idiom in the black also conveys the positive meaning of having money or that a

11、business is making a profit.Even in the west,though,black has negative meanings.(L38)convey 运送;传达运送;传达,表达表达convey the supplies to the warehouse I cant convey my feelings in words.The ambassador conveyed the presidents message to the premier.大使向总理转达了总统的问候。大使向总理转达了总统的问候。Air is a medium by which sound

12、waves are conveyed.空气是一种能够传播声音的介质。空气是一种能够传播声音的介质。The pipeline conveys natural gas from west to east.管道把天然气从西部输送到东部。管道把天然气从西部输送到东部。如果你见到詹姆斯,请转达我对如果你见到詹姆斯,请转达我对他的歉意。他的歉意。If you see James,do convey my apologies to him.这列火车每天的载客量是三千多这列火车每天的载客量是三千多人次。人次。The train conveys over three thousand passengers ev

13、ery day.电线把电从发电厂传送到用户。电线把电从发电厂传送到用户。Wires convey electricity from power stations to the users.11.在中国,穿白色衣服去参加在中国,穿白色衣服去参加婚礼是不合适的,因为白色是婚礼是不合适的,因为白色是哀悼和葬礼的传统颜色。哀悼和葬礼的传统颜色。In China,it is inappropriate to wear white to go to a wedding celebration because it is the traditional color for mourning and fune

14、rals.(L48)12.Translation:the last paragraphotherwise adv.1)否则,不然否则,不然2)除此以外除此以外 A boy was doing his homework but otherwise the room was silent.3)另,亦另,亦,不同地,不同地 Rowan Atkinson,otherwise known as Mr.Bean,is very popular.Listen again and try to memorize what these colors symbolize B1,B2,D1,(P119-121)Prepare new words in U4

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