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1、经贸英语经贸英语经经 贸贸 英英 语语E EN NG GL LI IS SH H F FO OR R C CA AR RE EE ER RS S新职业英语经贸英语经贸英语Warming-upReading AListeningSpeaking4123Reading B5Writing6Project7Vocabulary and Structure8Unit 4 Conclusion of a Contract经贸英语经贸英语Warming-upNext Task 1 The following picture represents two parties negotiation on dra

2、fting their business contract.What terms or conditions will be probably included in the contract?Discuss with your group members.ContractSELLERBUYEREach partys name and addressspecificationpricequantityTerms of paymentlanguageUnit 4 Conclusion of a Contract经贸英语经贸英语Warming-upHomeTask 2 Based on the d

3、iscussion in Task 1,choose three of the terms that you think are the most important and explain why._The clause of price is one of the most important parts of a contract because it decides whether the parties can make profits or not.So,we should pay close attention to it.The clause of payment is als

4、o very important because it dictates how the seller can get money for selling the goods.If it is not dealt with well,the seller will be unable to get his money.The clause of language is quite important too.For most international trade,English is the only effective one.So,do pay close attention to wh

5、ether the version in your native language is effective or not.Unit 4 Conclusion of a Contract经贸英语经贸英语HomeReading ATextTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Background InformationUnit 4 Conclusion of a Contract经贸英语经贸英语Background Information The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of G

6、oods(abbrev.CISG)is a treaty offering a uniform international sales law that,as of July 2008,had been ratified by 71 countries that account for a significant proportion of world trade,making it one of the most successful international uniform laws.It was developed by the United Nations Commission on

7、 International Trade Law(UNCITRAL)and was signed in Vienna in 1980.The Chinese government signed the convention on September 30th,1981 and ratified it December 11th,1986.The convention clearly dictates the rights and obligations of the parties involved in international trade.Back经贸英语经贸英语Reading ATas

8、k 1 Have a quick look at the title and discuss with your partner about what the passage will probably talk about.Then,take 30 seconds to skim the passage and decide which of the following best describes the content of the reading._ The basic contents of a sales contract_ The matters that need specia

9、l attention when concluding a contract_ Both of the aboveUnit 4 Conclusion of a Contract Back经贸英语经贸英语Concluding a Contract 翻译 声音 Normally,a contract is concluded at the moment when an acceptance of an offer becomes effective.It is often made in writing,but any other forms like oral agreement are als

10、o accepted.Contracts in writing usually fall into two kinds:sales contracts drafted by sellers and purchase contracts drafted by buyers.But no matter who drafts the contract,it is equally binding upon both parties and routinely consists of the following information and provisions:Reading AUnit 4 Con

11、clusion of a Contract经贸英语经贸英语 一般来说,合同的订立始于发盘接受生效那一刻。合同通常一般来说,合同的订立始于发盘接受生效那一刻。合同通常是书面形式的,但是任何其他形式如口头协议也可以接受。书面是书面形式的,但是任何其他形式如口头协议也可以接受。书面合同通常分为两类,即由卖方起草的销售合同和买方起草的购买合同通常分为两类,即由卖方起草的销售合同和买方起草的购买合同。合同。但是无论是谁起草合同,它都对双方具有平等的约束力,正但是无论是谁起草合同,它都对双方具有平等的约束力,正常情况都包括下面的信息和条款:常情况都包括下面的信息和条款:经贸英语经贸英语 翻译Reading

12、 AUnit 4 Conclusion of a Contract the number,place,and date of the contract;the names,addresses,and phones of the parties involved;whereas clauses for introducing the facts of the contract like the objective,background;definitions of clauses,specifications,price,quantity,packing,terms of payment,ins

13、urance,quality/quantity discrepancy,inspection,claims,force majeure,arbitration,notice,etc.;the effective date and languages of the contract,the signature of the parties involved,and attestation.经贸英语经贸英语 合同编号、签订地点和日期;合同编号、签订地点和日期;各方名称、地址和联系电话;各方名称、地址和联系电话;诸如订约目的和背景等介绍合同情况的约因条款;诸如订约目的和背景等介绍合同情况的约因条款;

14、条款、规格、价格、数量、包装、支付条款、保险、质量和数条款、规格、价格、数量、包装、支付条款、保险、质量和数量异议、检验、索赔、不可抗力、仲裁、通知等的解释;量异议、检验、索赔、不可抗力、仲裁、通知等的解释;合同的有效期和语言、各方签字和证明。合同的有效期和语言、各方签字和证明。经贸英语经贸英语 翻译Reading AUnit 4 Conclusion of a Contract The importance of such contracts can not be exaggerated for it is the final confirmation of both parties int

15、erests and obligations.Thus,great care needs to be taken when concluding a contract,especially for the following provisions:Quality.It should be noted that the more criteria of quality are adopted,the harder the seller conforms to them.United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sal

16、e of Goods dictates that the goods should not only conform to quality descriptions in the contract,but also possess the qualities of samples.Usually,a quality tolerance should be set by stating maximum or minimum requirements like“2%max moisture”;经贸英语经贸英语 这种合同的重要性再强调也不过分,因为它是合同双方利这种合同的重要性再强调也不过分,因为它


18、英语 翻译Reading AUnit 4 Conclusion of a Contract Quantity.The quantity of goods may vary during shipment.Thus,“more or less”provision is strongly recommended in the contract.For example,“shipment quantity 6%more or less allowed”;Price.The currency and exchange rate should be stated clearly,especially i

19、n a turbulent financial market;Inspection.It should be made clear whether reinspection is allowed.If so,state who is entitled to do it and who will pay for the cost;Arbitration.The following matters are often neglected though they are vital when disputes arise:the rules of procedure that will be app

20、lied to the arbitration;whether legal precedents are followed;how the arbitrator will be chosen and who will bear the costs associated with the arbitration;经贸英语经贸英语 数量。在装运过程中,商品的数量可能会变化。因此,强烈数量。在装运过程中,商品的数量可能会变化。因此,强烈建议在合同加入建议在合同加入“溢短装溢短装”条款。例如,条款。例如,“在装运中允许在装运中允许6%6%的数量增减的数量增减”;价格。应明确规定使用的货币和汇率,特别是

21、在动荡的金融价格。应明确规定使用的货币和汇率,特别是在动荡的金融市场环境中;市场环境中;检验。应明确是否允许复检。如果允许,应明确规定谁有权检验。应明确是否允许复检。如果允许,应明确规定谁有权做和由谁承担费用;做和由谁承担费用;仲裁。下列事项在争议出现时非常关键,但是经常被人们忽仲裁。下列事项在争议出现时非常关键,但是经常被人们忽略:仲裁所采用的议事规则、是否遵从先例、如何选择仲裁员略:仲裁所采用的议事规则、是否遵从先例、如何选择仲裁员和由谁承担与仲裁的相关费用;和由谁承担与仲裁的相关费用;经贸英语经贸英语 翻译Reading AUnit 4 Conclusion of a Contract

22、Force Majeure.Force majeure is not difficult to understand,but it is quite controversial in some cases.For example,could SARS outbreak be viewed as force majeure for the delayed delivery in 2003?In practice,it is helpful if the clause lists some specific examples that will excuse the failure perform

23、ance;Language.The languages of a contract should be set.If more than two languages are used,state whether they are equally effective.经贸英语经贸英语 不可抗力。不可抗力本身不难理解,但是在某些情况下却不可抗力。不可抗力本身不难理解,但是在某些情况下却很具争议。例如,很具争议。例如,2003 2003 年年SARSSARS(非典型性肺炎)的爆发是(非典型性肺炎)的爆发是否可以被认定为延期交货的不可抗力因素?在实践中,如果否可以被认定为延期交货的不可抗力因素?在实践

24、中,如果在条款中罗列出可以免责的具体例子会有很大帮助的;在条款中罗列出可以免责的具体例子会有很大帮助的;语言。合同应该规定本身采用何种语言。如果采用两种以语言。合同应该规定本身采用何种语言。如果采用两种以上语言,应该规定它们是否具有同等法律效力。上语言,应该规定它们是否具有同等法律效力。Back经贸英语经贸英语Reading ATask 2 Choose the best answer to each of the following questions according to the passage.Unit 4 Conclusion of a Contract1.When is a co

25、ntract concluded?A.The date of signing the contract.B.The time of reaching an agreement.C.The arrival of an effective acceptance.D.The period of drafting the contract.2.Which of the following might be included in the whereas clauses?A.The contract number.B.The background of the contract.C.The defini

26、tions of terms.D.The place of signing the contract.3.What does“The importance of such contracts can not be exaggerated”probably mean?A.We should not exaggerate the importance of such contracts.B.It should be noted that such contracts are of great importance.C.Some people often exaggerate the importa

27、nce of such contracts.D.Such contracts attract too much of our attention.CBB经贸英语经贸英语 Back4.When drafting the terms of quality,_.A.we should set as many criteria of quality as possibleB.we should set as few criteria of quality as possibleC.we should specify the quality of a sample productD.we should

28、specify the quality tolerance of the goods5.One purpose of the passage is to _.A.introduce the basic information about a contractB.exemplify the legal consequence of a contractC.explain necessity of concluding a contractD.show the general process of concluding a contractDA经贸英语经贸英语Reading ATask 3 Rea

29、d the passage again and tick off the facts mentioned in the passage.1.the forms of contracts 2.the classification of contracts of sale in writing 3.quantity discrepancy 4.confirmation of the contract 5.an example of quantity tolerance 6.situation of current financial market 7.the often neglected ter

30、ms in arbitration 8.the meaning of Force Majeure 9.the recommended official language in contractsUnit 4 Conclusion of a Contract Back经贸英语经贸英语Reading ATask 4 If you are assigned to check the draft contract on importing 20 tons of soybeans from the US which is prepared by the seller,what provisions wi

31、ll you pay close attention to make sure that the contract will protect all your interests?Unit 4 Conclusion of a Contract Back经贸英语经贸英语HomeTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5ListeningUnit 4 Conclusion of a Contract经贸英语经贸英语ListeningTask 1 Baker is talking with his secretary Emily.Listen to the conversation

32、 and fill in the blanks with what you hear.声音Baker:Morning,Emily.Hows the 1 with Lancaster Commerce going on?Emily:Its going on pretty well.In fact,they sent their order three days ago.Baker:Wonderful!When will you finish 2 the contract?Baker:By the way,when are we going to 3 the contract?Emily:Is n

33、ext Monday OK?You know,the time is flying.They asked us to 4 5 6 two weeks later.Baker:Next Monday?Sorry,I was just told I would have an important meeting that day.Howabout Tuesday morning?Emily:OK.Ill 7 the time with the branch office of Lancaster Commerce.Unit 4 Conclusion of a Contractbusinessdra

34、ftingsignshipthegoodsconfirm经贸英语经贸英语Script BackBaker:Morning,Emily.Hows the business with Lancaster Commerce going on?Emily:Its going on pretty well.In fact,they sent their order three days ago.Baker:Wonderful!When will you finish drafting the contract?Emily:Im just going to phone you that I finishe

35、d it last night.Baker:Great.Bring a copy to me now.Emily:Sure!Heres the draft.Baker:By the way,when are we going to sign the contract?Emily:Is next Monday OK?You know,time is flying.They asked us to ship the goods two weeks later.Baker:Next Monday?Sorry,I was just told I would have an important meet

36、ing that day.How about Tuesday morning?Emily:OK.Ill confirm the time with the branch office of Lancaster Commerce.经贸英语经贸英语ListeningTask 2 Fred is phoning his business partner William.Listen to the conversation and match the people with the correct information.声音A.a managerB.checking whether the orde

37、r has been receivedC.recommending checking the contract termsD.suggesting the time for signing the contractE.finished drafting the contractFred EmmaWilliamUnit 4 Conclusion of a Contract经贸英语经贸英语Script BackFred:Hello,could I speak to William?William:Speaking!Fred:This is Fred,the assistant to our man

38、ager Emma.William:Hi,Fred.Have you received our order?Fred:Yes,weve finished drafting the contract and sent it to you by email.Im phoning just to tell that.William:Great!I really appreciate your efficiency.Ill check it in a minute.Fred:Although weve tried our best to draft the contract according to

39、our agreement in the previous letters,we strongly recommend you go over the terms to make sure that no mistakes are made.William:Thank you.Ill do it to ensure well carry out the contract smoothly.Fred:By the way,when do you think we can sign the contract?William:Next Wednesday will be OK if the cont

40、ract has no vague terms or mistakes.Fred:Good.Im waiting for your reply.Bye!William:Bye!经贸英语经贸英语ListeningTask 3 Miss Zhao is checking the draft contract with her partner Reagan.Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false (F).声音 1.Mr.Reagan drafted the c

41、ontract that is being discussed.2.The draft contract is well-written and covers everything.3.The term about shipment is not very clear.4.The goods shipped in January should be one third of the total amount.5.Miss Zhao prefers having the arbitration in a third neutral country.6.Mr.Reagan thinks the a

42、rbitration in Singapore will be too costly.7.They finally agree on the place of the arbitration.Unit 4 Conclusion of a ContractFFTTFFT经贸英语经贸英语Script BackMiss Zhao:Mr.Reagan,what do you think of the contract I drafted?Mr.Reagan:Well,the contract is well written and covers almost everything.But would

43、you mind if I point out some terms that need to be revised?Miss Zhao:Of course not.What are they?Mr.Reagan:First,its about shipment.The contract says that“Shipment should be made between January and March.”I think in our last round of negotiation,we agreed to ship the goods in January,February and M

44、arch respectively,and each time should have the same quantity.Is that so?Miss Zhao:Yes.Its a little vague.Ill correct it.Mr.Reagan:Next,Id like to talk about arbitration.The contract dictates that arbitration shall take place in China.Is it possible to take place in a third neutral country like Sing

45、apore?Miss Zhao:Im afraid not.It might cause too much trouble and is too costly.Dont worry about that,Mr.Reagan.All disputes shall be settled friendly through negotiation.Whats more,our company has a good reputation both at home and abroad.Mr.Reagan:OK.Since it rarely happens,I wont insist on it.I t

46、rust you.经贸英语经贸英语ListeningTask 4 Miss Han is checking the draft contract with her partner Mr.Green.Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions.声音1.Is it the first time for them to check the draft contract?And why?2.What is missed in the clause about packing?3.Who have the right to

47、reinspect the goods?4.When and where will the reinspection take place?Unit 4 Conclusion of a ContractNo,because Miss Han said,“Lets examine the details again.”It doesnt mention the paper-divider used inpacking.American General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine.It will t

48、ake place at New York Port immediately after the goods arrival.经贸英语经贸英语Script BackMiss Han:Mr.Green,before signing the contract,lets check the details again.Mr.Green:OK.Lets do it now.On the whole it seems perfect.But I think we need to further clarify the clause about packing.The clause doesnt ment

49、ion the paper-divider used in packing.Miss Han:Let me see.“Every 24 jars are put in a cardboard box after each jar is wrapped in tissue paper.The boxes are then put in wooden crates”Mr.Green:I remember we agreed that each jar is wrapped in tissue paper and then should be separated from each other by

50、 corrugated paper-dividers when packed in cartons.Miss Han:Yes,thats right!Ill add that.Anything else?Mr.Green:Yes,its about the inspection clause.It only stipulates that the seller shall have the goods inspected by 15 days before the shipment.Can we add one more sentence that the buyer may have the

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