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1、ArgumentationFocus:Organization pattern Language featureWarm-up activityWarm-up activityYou and your friend are discussing what you are going to do together during this coming summer vacation.Your friend prefers towork in a big company to earn some money.YouPrefer to do some voluntary work for socie

2、ty.You try to persuade each other by giving various reasons.Alternative:A senior high is considering which university to apply to.He/she comes to you for suggestions.Try to give as many reasons as possible to persuade him/her that BISU is an ideal place for learning.(选择二外的几大理由)选择二外的几大理由)vAlternative

3、:A senior high is considering which university to apply to.He/she comes to you for suggestions.Try to give as many reasons as possible to persuade him/her that BISU is an ideal place for learning.(选择二外的几大理由)选择二外的几大理由)vPlease note down what methods/strategies are used to persuade others to believe yo

4、u.ArgumentationArgumentationDefinitionTo argue is to persuade your audience to agree with your opinion or position by presenting logical reasoning and solid evidence.A good argument appeals to reason so it relies on logic more than other kinds of writings do.Purposes of argumentation -to convince -t

5、o defend -to attack&Essential elements of argumentation v The issuea controversy,a problem,or an idea about which people disagree and hold different points of viewv The claimthe point of view the writer tries to prove about the issue,usually the writers view on the issuev The supportideas and inform

6、ation intended to convince readers that the claim is sound or believable.The three common types of support are reasons,evidence,and emotional appeal.vThe refutation,which recognizes/acknowledges and argues against opposing viewpointsOrganization:major stagesI.Introduction(提出问题/引论)Identification of i

7、ssueBackground to issueThesis statement Introductionv2012 Doomsday?vSince the turn of the new century,a theory has emerged concerning the end of the world,or at least the end of life as we know it.This new theory centers around the year 2012,a date that many claim has mysterious origins in ancient m

8、anuscripts from many different cultures.The most noted characteristic of this date is that it appears to mark the end of the Mayan calendar.But there is no evidence to suggest that the Maya saw any great relevance to this date.In fact,none of the claims surrounding a 2012 doomsday event hold up to s

9、cientific inquiry.The year 2012 will pass without a major,life-altering catastrophe.Are cash incentives a good way to motivate employees?vSome companies give their employees bonuses or cash awards for excellent work,in addition to salary.Do you think this is a good idea?)vIntro 1vMoney makes the wor

10、ld go round,and nowhere is this more true than in the workplace.Employers know that money is one of the best motivators.However,are bonuses or cash awards always the best way to reward employees?In this essay,I will look at some of the arguments for cash as a reward.vIntro 2vMany people argue that c

11、ash incentives are an unfair means of motivating employees.Others love the simple,practical,down-to-earth gift of money for a job well done.I feel that while there are some circumstances where money is the best recognition for extra work,there are other times it is inappropriate.Protecting the Envir

12、onment:Who is Responsible?vIntro 1vToday we live in a global consumer society.People across the world purchase,use,and dispose of a huge variety of products which make our lives easier and more comfortable.However,the result of this is massive damage to our environment.This essay will examine how au

13、thorities and individuals need to work together to protect our resources and our planet.vIntro 2vWhat can one individual do to protect the environment?Very little,it may seem,especially compared to the power of governments and huge industrial companies.However,working together with dozens,hundreds,o

14、r millions of other people,we can influence and change policies which are destroying our environment.This essay will discuss ways in which individuals can take responsibility for their world.Thesis sentence:comes at the end of introduction.vIn this essay,I will outline the arguments for and against

15、sex education in schools.vThis essay looks at ideas in favour of and against early marriage.vThis essay will discuss the benefits of having universal free health care.vI am going to analyse the effects of drugs on the individual,the family,and society.vBeating children brutalizes parents,damages the

16、 parent-child relationship,and is completely unnecessary.(be strong!)vWords to use in the thesis sentence vanalyze,look at,examine,discuss,outline,consider,describe II.Body(分析问题/本论)Layout of an essay:3773:a four paragraph essay35553:a five paragraph essayv3773 meansva 3-sentence Intro va 7-sentence

17、para va 7-sentence para va 3-sentence conclusion vv35553 meansva 3-sentence Intro va 5-sentence para va 5-sentence para va 5-sentence para va 3-sentence conclusion vIs Education Being Devalued?thesis Sentence vPeople have several arguments against the need for degrees.Argument or Reason 1vThey say t

18、hat having so many graduates devalues a degree.Example,Explanation,or supporting detail vPeople lose respect for the degree holder.Argument or Reason 2 vIt is also claimed that education has become a rat race,.Example,Explanation,or supporting detail.vsince graduates have to compete for jobs even af

19、ter years of studying.Argument or Reason 3vAnother point is that studying for such a long time leads to learners becoming inflexible.Example,Explanation,or supporting detailvBy that I mean that they know a lot about one narrow subject,but are unable to apply their skills.Example,Explanation,or suppo

20、rting detail(You can have one,two,or even more of these for every idea)vEmployers,on the other hand,prefer more flexible and adaptable workers.III.Conclusion(解决问题/结论)vThe reader expects the conclusion to do some or all of the following:vrephrase the question vsummarize the main ideas vgive your opin

21、ion,if you havent given it already vlook to the future(say what will happen if the situation continues or changes)vbut willvNEVER add new information v ConclusionsvShould we test products on animals?vI agree that we need to make sure that animals who are used for testing new products have the minimu

22、m of suffering.However,I am convinced that animal testing is necessary,and that it will continue to benefit humans in new and wonderful ways.(opinion)vShould we beat children?vIn conclusion,physical punishment can be a useful method of discipline.However it should be the last choice for parents.If w

23、e want to build a world with less violence we must begin at home,and we must teach our children to be responsible.(summarize and look to the future)vWho are the better parents-men or women?vI think this is not an either/or question.Both men and women have strengths and skills that are important for

24、childrens psychological growth.We need to ensure that both parents play an important role in the family in order to give children a good start in life.(opinion)vWho learns quicker-adults or children?vFinally,I feel that we cannot generalize about children or adults being better learners.It depends o

25、n the situation and the motivation of the person,and the level of enthusiasm he or she has for learning.(opinion and summarize)vShould dangerous sports be banned?vIn summary,our society would be healthier if more people took part in sports of all kinds.We should continue to try to prevent accidents

26、and injuries.However,we should also ensure that sports are challenging,exciting,and,above all,fun.(look to the future)Practice:Topics:vDo colleges put too much stock in standardized test scores?vShould College students go after fashionvTo what extent should university courses be geared to the econom

27、ic needs of society?vShould children be taught sex education in schools?v.vForeign language instruction should begin in kindergarten.Discuss vAre women better parents than men?vsome people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behavior.Others disagree and think tha

28、t the host country should welcome cultural differencesvDiscuss with your partners and write an outline for a topic(in class)vHomework:Read the essay“Shadows”and write an outline for it.Language features of argumentationPersuasive language(to appeal to emotion)-appeals for action(It is imperative tha

29、t we”)-intensifiers(extremely,undeniably)vOne way of giving emphasis is by using“negative inversion”vWhen those words are at the beginning of a sentence,inversion is used:vRarely had such a noise been heard.vNevervHardly.whenvNot onlybut alsovUnder no circumstancevUnder no accountvSeldomvLittle vFew

30、Expressions of opinion(to avoid the bluntness brought out by“I think”My belief is thatIn my view“It”constructions(it could be argued that;most people would agree)There are two main reasons why I oppose/favorIt would be more accurate to say thatAll things considered,I am in favor ofThere is sufficien

31、t evidence to show thatvThe first thing we have to consider isvFirst of all I should like to considervThe first thing to be considered isvIt is a fact thatvI believe thatvThere is no doubt thatvOne of the main arguments in favor of/against X is thatvI completely agree with when he writes/saysAbstrac

32、t vocabulary(to introduce or summarize)-to introduce(this is a big problem,a controversial issue)-to summarize(these factors,such problems)The degree of sureness(to make the statement more or less forceful)It could be argued that Most people would agreeWe have an obligation to (instead of“we must”)T

33、here is a tendency to The likelihood that He is probably right when he says/writes thatTransitional words(to guide the reader through the line of reasoning)Firstly,on the one hand,to summarizeThe precisenessWe could stand a better chance to persuade the readers if we make our writing more precise by

34、 using limiting words.CompareMoreover,interview is not an effective way of recruitment because of the subjectivity it involves in decision making.Interviewers build their judgment on the first impression of candidates.Besides,interview is open to favoritism and nepotism.Moreover,interview is not alw

35、ays an effective way of recruitment because of the subjectivity it involves in decision making.Many interviewers are likely to build their judgment on the first impression of candidates.Besides,in extreme cases,interview is open to favoritism and nepotism.Quantity:many,a number of,few,Frequency:some

36、times,usually,always,seldom,rarelyExtent:almost none/all,nearly,to some extent,in general,generally speakingCondition:if,when,as long as,with/withoutPossibility:be likely to do,tend to do,there is a danger/hope thatLimiting words Exercise 11.Analyze in depth the following model arguments in terms of

37、 structure and language features.For referenceWhy should we plant trees?Structure:Para1:background/the issue;thesis statement Para2:first argumentPara3:second argument(point and elaboration)Para4:third argumentPara5:conclusion Language featuresTransitions:firstly,secondly,lastlyAbstract vocabulary:t

38、hese creatures(para2),a big problem(para3)Present tense:provide(para2)Generalized participants:food,products(para4)Evaluative vocabulary:unbearable(para5)Degree of sureness:should(para5)Forest futures Structure:Para1:issuePara2:position A(point and elaboration)Para3:position BPara4:recommendationAbs

39、tract vocabulary:issues(para1)Degree of sureness:should(para1)Transitions:on the one hand/on the other hand(para2&3)Language features:Evaluative vocabulary:alarming(para2),urgent(para3)Timeless present tense:Tips on developing argumentative essay 1)Explore your opinions Jot down a list of the reason

40、s or points that support your position and study it:are your points logical and persuasive?Which arent,and why not?Are there sufficient factual evidence?.2)anticipate opposing viewsWrite down all the opposing views you can think of and a answer to each of them so that you will know your subject thor

41、oughly and counter those opposing views.3)select which points to includeCompile a pro-and-con sheet to help you sort out the points.Decide which of your strongest points you want to argue and also which of your oppositions claims you want to refute.4)formulate a working thesis 5)organize your essay6

42、)argue logically(draw on the knowledge on expositive writing)give examples;present comparison and contrast;show cause-and-effect relationship;argue by definition7)offer strong evidenceExercise 2:BrainstormingWork in groups,make a for-and-against sheet addressing the questionTypes of EvidenceExemplif

43、ication(Fact),Statistics,Research results,Personal experience,Others experience,Quotation/Citation,1.It cost the State of Utah nearly a million dollars to execute Gary Gilmore.(Exemplification)2.Nowadays many countries have advocated blood donation and most people there regard it as one of their res

44、ponsibilities.It should also be encouraged in our country.(exemplification)3.Blood donation is not as dangerous to donators health as some people imagine.Only healthy people are allowed to donate just a small amount of blood each time.As long as the donator has a short period of rest,he/she will rec

45、over.(Fact)5.My cousin and her friend just felt a little weak and easily got tired in the first two or three days after donating blood,but they could go to school and chorus as they do everyday.(Others experience)4.50 millions tons of coal will be saved every year to generate the same amount of elec

46、tricity.Consequently the quality of our environment will be considerably improved.(Statistics)6.A study by Dr Gordon Grisby of the University of Florida shows that 75 percent of males and more than 90 percent of females who committed violent crimes were under the influence of alcoholor drugs and not

47、 rational at the time.(Research result)7.In the 1930s,1,667 people were executed,compared to 717 in the 1950s and only 47 since 1970s.(Statistics)Problems to avoid:errors in reasoningExample:The fact that the United States and Russia had nuclear weapons pointed at each other has prevented a dozen wa

48、rs in Europe since the end of World War II.1)Appeal to Unknowable Statistics Example:All this environmentalism stuff is just silly.We cant make the Earth a Garden of Eden again.Besides,the Garden of Eden was such a boring place.Just look at how quickly Adam and Eve got tired of the place.2)Irrelevan

49、t ReasonsExample:Dr.Bloom cant be a competent marriage counselor because shes been divorced.3)Personal attack AssignmentAssignmentWrite an argumentative essay with your own title and based on your own position.DebatevThe advantages of watching TV outweigh the disadvantagesvThe disadvantages outweigh the advantagesThe ShadowsvOrganization vMethods of development(example?Comparison and contrast?Cause and effect?)vEvidences?vLanguage features:persuasive?expression of opinions limiting words

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