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1、河南省郑州市2019年中考英语一模试卷注意:本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分。考试时间100分钟,满分120分。考生应首先阅读试题卷和答题卡上的文字信息,然后在答题卡上作答,在试卷上作答无效。交卷时只交答题卡。一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。每段对话读两遍。1.What does the woman want lo know?A.The mans job.B.The mans family.C.The mans address.2.Hew does the man usu

2、ally go to school?A.By bus.B.By bike.C.On foot.3.What time will Alans mom arrive at his school?A.At 16:20.B.At16:30C.Atl6:40.4.Who has the old watch now?A.Fred.B.Feds brother.C.Freds friend.5.What can we know from the dialogue?A.The mun likes winter.B.Winter will come.C.inter has come.第二节 听下面儿段对活或独白

3、。每段刘话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。每段对适或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7限个小题。6.Whats the name f the new fruit?A.Fruit star.B.Star fruit.C.Star shape.7.What are they going to do next?A.Eat the fruit.B Cut the fruit,C.wash the fruit.听下面一段对话,回答第8至9两个小题。8.What are they talking about ?A. A Saturday p

4、lanB. Chinese cultureC. The school art club9.How did the girl learn paper-cutting?A.She learned it by herself.B.She learned it in the art show.C.She leaned it in her school art club.听下面一段独白,回答第10至第12三个小题。10.What was Tinas job at the Color Run?A.She ran beside the runners.B.She gave high-fives to run

5、ners.C.She led runners to the finish line.11.How did Tina feel about her job at the beginning?A.Boring B.Tiring.C.Easy.12.What made Tina feel moved?A.Some kids refused to give up running.B.All of the runners gave her a high-five.C.She saw so many people cross the finish line.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15三个小题。13

6、.Why does the boy want the history honks?A.He loves reading them.B.He needs them for a talk.C.He needs them for homework.14.What does the boy like? A.Science B.Space C.History15.Where are the two speakers?A.In a bookstore.B.In a library C.In a classroom.第三节听下面一篇短文。根据短文内容,按照你所听到的先后顺序列图片排序,并在答题卡上将与其相对

7、应的选项涂黑。短文读两遍。16. _ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._听力教学略二、 单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.What do you think of _Britain cartoon Peppa Pig?Its wonderful. Many kids like_ interest in it.A. the; a B. a; the C. a; an D. the; an【分析】-你觉得英国卡通小猪佩奇怎么样?-很精彩很多孩子喜欢里面的画面【解答】根据句意:-你觉得英国卡通小猪佩奇怎么样? -很

8、精彩很多孩子喜欢里面的画面可知第一空是特指小猪佩奇,用the;第二空也是特指,特指电影里的画面,用the故选:D【点评】熟悉冠词的基本用法,结合题意,给出答案22.Although Jin Yong has passed away, his wuxia novels have had a great _ on pop culture. A. advantage B. suggestion C. influence D. achievement【分析】虽然金庸过世了,但他的武侠小说对流行文化还有很大的影响【解答】关键是理解前一句中passed away的含义 pass away意思过世了,不在了

9、,是die的委婉的说法 虽然人不在了,但他的影响还在,对某些事情还有影响,所以比较这几个选项可知,让应该用影响influenceA选项的意思优点,长处,B选项是建议的意思, D选项的意思是成就故选:C【点评】了解句意思,正确区分选项中单词的含义,可准确作答23.Dont tell me how to_ my own things. Thats my business.A. manage B. provide C. increase D. doubt【分析】不要告诉我如何管理我自己的事情,那是我的事【解答】manage管理,provide提供,increase增加,doubt怀疑;再结合句意不要

10、告诉我如何管理我自己的事情,那是我的事可知,要用管理,其它选项语意不通故选:A【点评】考查动词词意辨析,要牢记动词的词意及用法,进行比较分析,选择正确答案24.After his mother was killed, his eyes became _ and hard. We never saw his smile again.A. lively B. cruel C. patient D. harmful【分析】他母亲死后,他的眼睛变得冷酷,我们再也看不到他的笑容了【解答】lively活泼的;cruel残酷的;patient有耐性的;harmful有害的根据Afterhismotherwa

11、skilled,hiseyesbecame_andhardWeneversawhissmileagain,可知他母亲死后,他的眼睛变得冷酷,我们再也看不到他的笑容了故选:B【点评】要掌握常用的形容词,并能够区分它们的意思,做这类题要联系上下句25.In a boat race, those _ row the hardest will win.A. who B. what C. which D. whom【分析】在划船比赛中,划船最努力的人会赢【解答】根据句子可知,本句为定语从句,先行词为those,这里指人,放在主语的位置,需要用指人的关系代词who故选:A【点评】本题考查定语从句中的关系代

12、词的使用,学生需识记关系代词who,whom,whose,that,which, as等的区别,同时区分关系副词26.This is just between you and me . You _ tell anyone about it . OK . You have my word.A. Neednt B. may notC. mustntD. dont have toB. 【分析】-这是你我之间的秘密你不要告诉任何人-好的我向你保证C. 【解答】根据句意:-这是你我之间的秘密你不要告诉任何人-好的我向你保证结合选项,A不必 B可能不 C不可以 D不必 ,选项C 符合题意故选:CD. 【点

13、评】熟悉情态动词的基本用法结合题意,给出答案27.Mum, why are you so unhappy? I drove _ a red light on my way home . A fine ticket is on the way.A. before B. after C. across D. through【分析】-妈妈,你为什么这么不高兴?-我在回家的路上闯红灯一张罚款单就要来了【解答】before先于、在之前;after在之后,across 穿过、横过指横穿;through通过、穿过、凭借指从中央穿过四者都是介词由题干-妈妈,你为什么这么不高兴?-我在回家的路上闯红灯一张罚款单

14、就要来了可知,空格是穿过(指从中央穿过),因此用through,所以答案是through故选:D【点评】本题考查介词的辨析,在熟知所供词的含义基础上,根据句意,从而判断出正确答案28. Did Lucy know the result of the school football match ?I dont think so . She _ on the phone at the end of the match .A. Has talked B.is talking C. was talking D. will talk【分析】-露西知道学校足球赛的结果吗?-我不这么认为比赛结束时她正在打电

15、话【解答】根据句意我不这么认为比赛结束时她正在打电话可知,要用过去进行时,其构成为was/ were doing故选:C【点评】对时态的考查,要求牢记各种时态的构成形式,结合时间状语和上下文的关系,找出正确答案29. Winter vacation is coming . I am so happy, mum ! Not me ! I _ mad by you in the winter vacation.A. drive B. has driven C. was driven D. will be driven【分析】-寒假就要来了我是那么高兴,妈妈-不是我在寒假我会被你逼疯的【解答】主语I

16、和动词drive是被动关系,再结合在寒假我会被你逼疯的句意可知,要用一般将来时的被动语态,其构成为will be done故选:D【点评】对时态的考查,要求牢记各种时态的构成形式,结合时间状语和上下文的关系,找出正确答案30.Study is a lifelong journey. Just _ ahead, and you will see beautiful scenes along the way. A. going B. go C.to go D. goes 【分析】学习是一个终生的旅程只要继续,你就会看到沿途美丽的景色【解答】根据Just_ahead,andyouwillseebea

17、utifulscenesalongtheway,可知这里句子无主语,是一个祈使句,以动词原形开头故选:B【点评】考查祈使句,要牢记祈使句的构成和用法31. Does Sunny keep on running every morning?Yes._ she doesnt feel well.A. AsB. If C. When D. Unless【分析】-Sunny每天早晨都坚持跑步吗?-是的除非她觉得不舒服【解答】根据句意:-Sunny每天早晨都坚持跑步吗? -是的除非她觉得不舒服结合选项,A当时 B是否 C当时 D除非,选项D符合题意故选:D【点评】熟悉从属连词的基本用法结合题意,给出答案

18、32.How can we build an excellent class?We need a good head teacher to _all the students and teachers.A. put off B. pull out C. put down D. pull together【分析】-我们如何建立一个优秀的班呢?-我们需要一个好的班主任让全体师生齐心协力【解答】根据句意:-我们如何建立一个优秀的班呢? -我们需要一个好的班主任让全体师生齐心协力结合选项,A 推迟B离开 C镇压 D齐心协力 ,选项 符合题意故选:D【点评】熟悉动词短语的基本用法,结合题意,给出答案33

19、. Why did you buy so much chocolate?_my sisters. business. Shes just opened a chocolate shop.A. Supported B. To support C. Supporting D. Support【分析】-你为什么买这么多巧克力?-为了支持我姐姐的生意,她刚刚开了一家巧克力店【解答】从Shesjustopenedachocolateshop,可知这里用to引导的不定式表目的是为了支持我姐姐的生意故选:B【点评】不定式在句子中可做主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和宾语补语要结合语境选择合适用法,注意一些固定搭

20、配34. Could you tell us_?In two days.A. how long will he come backB. how long he will come backC. how soon he will come backD. how soon will he come back【分析】-你能告诉我们他多久才能回来吗?-两天以后【解答】宾语从句要用陈述语序,排除AD;根据句意你能告诉我们他多久才能回来吗?两天以后可知,选项B语意不通故选:C【点评】宾语从句要用陈述语序,再根据上下文意思或时间状语,推断出合适的时态,排除错误的答案,然后再比较剩下的选择项,从而做出正确的答

21、案35. Which of the following public signs is correct in English?Do Not LittersWaiting RoomNo StepingBabies Changing A B C D【分析】下面哪项公共标识的英语表达是错误的?【解答】考查动词使用是否与图片符合A:勿乱丢垃圾 B:等候室 C:禁止践踏 D的正确表达方法是:Baby changing婴儿尿布台故选:D【点评】考查认识日常生活中标志和常用的标识语,学生理解词汇,对应图片即可做出答案三、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从A, B C

22、, D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Do you use emojis(表情符号)on WeChat? One of the nicest things about emojis is that people from all over the world can understand them. But I have_36_learned that some emojis have different meanings in China.Take the_37_smiley face emoji as an example. At first,

23、I thought it was just a normal, friendly smile. But later, I_38_that it can mean something different. It can mean that someone is looking down on you or even laughing at you. I read online that_39_the emoji is smiling, its eyes are looking downward, which makes it look like a fake smile(假笑).What abo

24、ut the smiling face_40_a waving hand? It certainly looks friendly enough. But actually, Chinese people use this emoji to_41_that they dont want to talk to someone-the hand is waving “goodbye”, as in “never talk to me again”.In fact, some emojis also have_42_meanings in Western countries. One of my f

25、avorite emojis is the “cry-laugh” emoji. At first, it meant “rolling on the floor laughing” or ROFI. But over the years, the meaning has changed. It is often used to describe _43_. that are so unfortunate that you cant help but laugh to cheer yourself up.It looks like the language of emojis _44_over

26、 time, just like real language. We should be careful _45_we use it when speaking to others.36. A. simplyB. normally C. recently D. suddenly37. A. specialB. basicC. strangeD. unusual38. A. gave outB. pointed outC. brought outD. found out39. A. althoughB. asC. sinceD. unless40. A. byB. withC. againstD

27、. of41. A. explainB. proveC. promiseD. show42. A. creativeB. funnyC. doubleD. important43. A. directionsB. situationC. expressionsD. instructions44. A. describesB. takesC. changesD. disappears45. A. howB. whetherC. whenD. where【分析】本文主要讲述的是有关于表情包的事情现在人们的交际中,少不了表情包表情包的含义并不是一成不变的,随着时间的推移和文化的发展,表情包的含义也会



30、是表情包会具备两个或多个含义,A创造性的,B有趣的,C成双的,D重要的,故选C8B,考查名词辨析,根据 thataresounfortunatethatyoucanthelpbutlaughtocheeryourselfup忍不住微笑使自己振作,这是自己表现的一种情况,A方向,B境遇,情况,C表达,D指示,故选B9C,考查动词辨析,根据 Butovertheyears,themeaninghaschanged很多年后,意思发生了变化,所以是表情包所表达的含义并不是一成不变的,也会发生变化,A描述,B带着,C改变,D消失,故选C10A,考查从句引导词辨析,根据weuseitwhenspeakin

31、gtoothers当和别人说话时,使用表情包,由此可知是和别人说话时,要慎重使用表情包,A如何做,B是否,C何时,D何地,故选A【点评】对于完形填空题目,首先应该阅读全文,了解表情包的相关情况,然后根据题目意思进行分析,确定答案四、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。AEach country and culture has its own set of public holidays and festivals. Some of these holidays and festivals like Christmas and New Year a

32、re common across the world. But there are many other holidays that are unknown.Blessed Rainy DayLife in a country where it rains a lot can be hard. In Bhutan, Blessed Rainy Day is the holiday marking the end of the rainy season. On this day everyone is encouraged to enjoy a bath out of the house to

33、wash away bad luck. Melon DayTurkmenistans Melon Day is a celebration of their national fruit. It takes place in August. Thousands of mouth-watering melons will be sent to the countrys capital Ashgabat on Sunday to celebrate the holiday.Punch Your Neighbor FestivalThe cities of Potosi and Macha in B

34、olivia hold the festival in the Bolivian Andes Mountains in May every year. It is celebrated by thousands of people and its based on the Quechua word “Tinku” that means “meeting”. The meaning of the word has become worse as it is celebrated with beatings that can actually really hurt people now.Haxe

35、y HoodIt is on the 12th Day df Christmas(January 6th)in England. The Haxey Hood game in England has a big group of people trying to push a small leather tube(皮管)towards one of the four pubs(酒馆)in town, where it will stay until the following years game. When a person has the tube, he cant run with it

36、. He has to pass it to people in his team.根据材料内容选择最佳答案, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。46.How do people celebrate Blessed Rainy Day?A. By playing in the rain.B. By taking a hath outdoors.C. By throwing water on people.D. By having a shower in the bathroom.47.When is Melon Day?A. In January.B. In May.C. In August.D. In

37、 December.48.What can we know about Punch Your Neighbor Festival?A. It can be dangerous.B. Most people hate it.C. It is the most interesting festival.D. It encourages people to love each other.49.What should people do in the Haxey Hood game?A. Run with a leather tube. B. Dance with a leather tube.C.

38、 Drink with a leather tube.D. Push a leather tube towards a pub.50.Where can we find the passage?A. In a novel.B. In a newspaper. C. In a poster.D. In an advertisement.【分析】短文讲了每个国家和文化都有自己的公共假日和节日详细的讲述了四个节日【解答】1B 细节理解题根据表格一句子Onthisdayeveryoneisencouragedtoenjoyabathoutofthehousetowashawaybadluck在这一天,

39、鼓励每个人在屋外洗个澡,洗去厄运可知在户外洗澡故选B2C 细节理解题根据表格二句子IttakesplaceinAugust它在八月可知MelonDay在八月故选C3A 细节理解题根据表格三句子Themeaningofthewordhasbecomeworseasitiscelebratedwithbeatingsthatcanactuallyreallyhurtpeoplenow这个词的意思已经变得更糟了,因为人们用殴打来庆祝这个词,实际上现在这种殴打真的会伤害人们可知这可能很危险故选A4D 细节理解题根据表格四句子TheHaxeyHoodgameinEnglandhasabiggroupof

40、peopletryingtopushasmallleathertube(皮管)towardsoneofthefourpubs(酒馆)intown,英国的TheHaxeyHoodgame有一群人试图把一个小皮管推到镇上的四个酒吧之一,可知把皮管推向酒吧故选D5B 推理判断题根据整篇文章内容及其句子EachcountryandculturehasitsownsetofpublicholidaysandfestivalsSomeoftheseholidaysandfestivalslikeChristmasandNewYeararecommonacrosstheworldButthereareman

41、yotherholidaysthatareunknown每个国家和文化都有自己的公共假日和节日其中一些节日,如圣诞节和新年,在世界各地都很常见但还有许多其他的节日是未知的可知结合选项,文章可能在报纸上找到故选B【点评】在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案BThere are about 6,000 languages spoken around the world. But 43 percent of these languages are dying out.This has many reasons. One is that som

42、e communities of native speakers of the languages are gone. These people sometimes leave their communities and move to cities or towns. Whats more, to get better education and jobs, young people have to focus their attention on learning more popular languages like English, French and Chinese rather

43、than their own languages.Once a language dies, it seldom comes back to life. Governments across the world are taking action to prevent this. In New Zealand, the government has said it wants more than 20 percent of the countrys population to be able to speak Maori by 2040.The country plans to provide

44、 Maori lessons in all New Zealand schools by 2025. China is also trying to protect its languages. In 2015, the government started a project to record about 130 languages spoken in China. Universities like Minzu University of China have created minority language majors(少数民族语言专业)for their students.Some languages are in danger. It is just a fact. However, all languages are human heritage. When we lose a language, we lose the culture of the people who speak it. Language itself is often the only way to show a certain communitys history and c

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