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1、专题(三)话题诵读话题诵读(一)健康生活篇A2019海南据悉,我国青少年的近视率居全球第一,70%的学生有视力方面的问题。为引起广大青少年的重视,某英语报刊正在开展以“Saving Our Eyesight”为题的征文活动。请根据以下提示写一篇短文投稿,分析造成青少年近视的原因并提出保护视力的合理建议。Saving Our EyesightAs the saying goes, “Eyes are the window to the soul(心灵).” However, 70% of us have poor eyesight. What has caused this problem? I

2、n a word, lets take care of our eyes so that we can see our bright future.【范文诵读】Saving Our EyesightAs the saying goes, “Eyes are the window to the soul(心灵).” However, 70% of us have poor eyesight. What has caused this problem? The main reason is the bad habits of using eyes. For example, many of us

3、read in wrong positions such as reading in bed or keeping our eyes too close to the book. Besides, spending too much time on screen and taking less exercise also cause poor eyesight.Now something must be done to protect our eyes. First, sit straight while reading. Second, dont forget to rest during

4、the working time. Its also helpful to relax our eyes by seeing some green trees or doing eye exercises. Last but not least, eat some food that is good for our eyes like carrots or fish.In a word, lets take care of our eyes so that we can see our bright future.B现在,中学生在校内能保证一定的运动量,但在校外普遍缺少运动甚至不运动。请就此现

5、象写一篇短文,谈谈你的看法。内容包括:1.缺少运动甚至不运动的原因; 2.缺少运动甚至不运动对学生的影响;3.针对这种现象提出合理的改善建议。 参考词汇 be short of 缺少Many students are short of exercise in their spare time now. 【范文诵读】Many students are short of exercise in their spare time now. On the one hand, they have to do too much homework after school, and on the other

6、 hand, they probably have so many after-school classes such as playing the piano. So there is no time for them to do exercise.Less exercise is harmful to students. They are growing quickly, so they need to do more exercise to keep healthy. Even though they are too busy with their schoolwork, they st

7、ill need to play sports to make their bodies strong. I think they had better exercise in their daily life. First, they can take a walk after dinner on weekdays. After all, its bad for them to do homework at once after dinner. Second, they can go swimming on weekends. Swimming is a very good sport an

8、d it doesnt need too long. All in all, students need to do exercise in their spare time. The more exercise they do, the better it is for them.话题诵读(二)计划愿望篇A2019重庆A你正在组织一项暑假期间到山区为期一周的游学和帮扶活动。作为发起人,请你写一篇发言稿,在你校“英语时光”广播中号召更多的同学参加。要求 1.80120词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2.文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。参考信息 1.活动缘由(孤独、帮扶、游学);2.

9、活动构想(时间、地点、内容);3.Hello, everybody. I am planning a summer trip called “Be a Kid in the Mountains”. Thank you!【范文诵读】Hello, everybody. I am planning a summer trip called “Be a Kid in the Mountains.” It will provide us with a meaningful week staying with the students in the mountains.As many of their p

10、arents leave for the city development, those students might feel lonely and some may even find it hard to go on studying. So we can bring them some school things like books and pens for their study, and prepare some interesting stories to share. In the daytime, we can go hiking and do some teamwork.

11、 In the evening, we can do such activities as popular games and group dance around the fire.Isnt that exciting? Come and join us. Lets “be a kid in the mountains”. I believe it will bring sunshine to the mountains as well as more confidence to us.Thank you!B2019抚顺每个人对于生活都心怀美好的憧憬和期盼。你的期盼是什么呢?请将下面的题目补

12、充完整,谈一谈你的期盼并简单说明理由。要求 1.语意连贯,层次清楚,书写规范;2.文中不得出现真实姓名及校名;3.词数:80100词。Im looking forward to 【范文诵读】Im looking forward to the summer vacationSummer vacation is coming. Im going on a new journey. You cant imagine how excited I am. I am looking forward to having a wonderful vacation.In order to get ready f

13、or the exam, I have studied hard for nearly several years.It is hard work, but I never give up. Now its time for me to have a good rest.I am going to climb the mountains with my good friends. And Ill also go to the beach. It must be very relaxing. My family and I plan to visit some historical places

14、 like Beijing or Xian. We will stay there for at least two weeks. I will stay at home and help my parents with more housework, too. It is a good chance for me to do something for them. I cant wait.话题诵读(三)安全问题篇A2019衡阳根据一项新的调查,学生安全已经成为一个大的问题。假设你是一名老师,对学生进行以“自我保护”为主题的消防安全教育。请以“How to Protect Yourself i

15、n a Fire”为题,提出你的建议。参考词汇 cover v. 遮盖; take the lift 乘坐电梯; exit n.出口; towel n.毛巾; shut off 切断 【范文诵读】How to Protect Yourself in a FireAccording to a new survey, students safety has become a big problem. So, our school thinks it is necessary to teach students how to protect themselves in a fire.And here

16、 come the methods. First, we should keep calm and find the exit quickly. Youd better walk the stairs instead of taking the lift. Second, we should cut off the electricity in the house in case we could get hurt by it. Next, we should cover our noses with a piece of wet cloth or a wet towel, because t

17、he fire will burn something and release a kind of poisonous gas. Finally, we should try our best to get out of the fire as quickly as possible.These are our schools methods. I think they are very useful to you.B2019凉山州每个人的生命只有一次,一定要珍爱自己的生命。该怎样安全自救? 请根据以下提示, 以“How to Protect Ourselves”为题写一篇发言稿。安全对每个人

18、都很重要交通:外岀时遵守交通规则食品:吃健康食物,少吃垃圾食品活动:进行体育锻炼时,不要弄伤自己不私自下河游泳自救是重要技能之一交友需谨慎远离危险之人遇到危险要保持冷静然后要及时报警或向老师、家长求助尽可能避免受伤害保证自己的安全参考词汇 safety, traffic rules, hurt oneself, without permission, self-protection, stay away from, be careful, be in danger, keep calm, callfor help, be hurtDear friends,Everyone has only o

19、ne life, so we should treasure our lives. But how can we protect ourselves? Here are some suggestions. In a word, we should try our best to protect ourselves and value our lives. Thats all. Thank you!【范文诵读】How to Protect OurselvesDear friends,Everyone has only one life, so we should treasure our liv

20、es. But how can we protect ourselves? Here are some suggestions.Safety is very important for everyone. We should obey the traffic rules when we go out. As for food, we should eat healthier food and less junk food. We should make sure not to hurt ourselves when we do exercise. By the way, even though

21、 its getting hotter and hotter these days, we mustnt swim in the river without permission.Self-protection is one of the key skills. We should be careful when we make friends and try our best to stay away from dangerous people. But if we are in danger in case, we should keep calm first. Then call the

22、 police at 110 or ask the teachers or parents for help.In a word, we should try our best to protect ourselves and value our lives. Thats all. Thank you!话题诵读(四)人物故事篇A2019曲靖提示:榜样,就是那些闪耀着奋进之光的人。榜样是明灯,为我们指引方向。他们的言行举止激励着我们,他们的思想品格感召着我们,榜样的力量是无穷的。在你的成长过程中,一定有很多值得学习的榜样,比如雷锋、亲人、同学、朋友请以“The Power of an Examp

23、le”为题,写一篇英语短文谈一谈你心中的榜样以及他(她)的优秀品质对你产生的影响。 【范文诵读】The Power of an ExampleEveryone may appreciate the heroes in the world. So do I. The heroes can be regarded as the examples in our daily life. I want to learn from Yang Liwei who is a Chinese astronaut.Yang Liwei is so great that he is the first man to

24、 go into space in China. It was very dangerous for Yang to do it, but he was never afraid of it. His great bravery and perseverance always bring out the best in me. I admire him because he could overcome all kinds of difficulties in training and face all the dangers in space.I want to be a great man

25、 like Yang Liwei. To achieve my dream, Ill work hard and face all kinds of challenges like him. I think I can succeed.B2019呼和浩特临近毕业,学校在学习小组内开展了初中阶段自评和组评活动。假设你是Rainbow小组的组长Zhang Hong,请你为你的组员Li Ming进行综合素质的评价,写一份素质报告。内容包括 1.他的爱好;2.他的优点(两条);3.他的缺点或存在的问题;4.你对他的建议(两条)。要求 1.表达清楚、语法正确、上下文连贯;2.要点必须包括所有相关信息,并

26、作适当发挥,但不得出现真实班级、姓名等;3.词数:不少于80词(所给内容不计入总词数)。Li Ming is a member of my team called Rainbow. Zhang Hong【范文诵读】Li Ming is a member of my team called Rainbow. Generally speaking, he is a warm-hearted and outgoing boy. He is always ready to help others without asking for anything in return. He can also ge

27、t on well with teachers and classmates. In his spare time, he likes reading books on history, so he knows a lot of knowledge about history. But as a famous saying goes, “Every coin has two sides”, sometimes he doesnt work hard enough on his lessons. I advise him to spend more time on the subjects fr

28、om now on. Whats more, hed better answer questions in class actively so that he can make great progress.Im sure if he can try harder to improve himself, hell be an excellent student soon.话题诵读(五) 假日、旅行篇A2019本溪每年十月份,越来越多的游客来本溪赏枫叶。请你根据以下提示,说说如何给游客留下“景美人更美”的好印象,从自身做起,做文明本溪人!提示词 beautiful views美丽的景色How t

29、o be a polite citizenBenxi is a good place to watch maple leaves (枫叶) in October. 【范文诵读】How to be a polite citizenBenxi is a good place to watch maple leaves in October. Thats why so many people come to this beautiful city every autumn. As the number of visitors is growing faster and faster, we need

30、 to do something better to let each visitor know therere not only beautiful views here, but also more beautiful peoplepolite citizens of Benxi!To make it come true, we need to be friendlier and more helpful whenever we meet people in need. To give a helping hand is always the best choice. And wherev

31、er we go, we are supposed to follow the rules, no matter there are visitors or not. And one of the most important parts is that we should behave well in public! A polite citizen is always polite everywhere, isnt he?B2019兰州假如你是李华,你校校报的英语专栏正在开展以“美丽的黄河风情线(The Beautiful Yellow River Custom Tourist Line)

32、”为主题的英语征文活动,你打算参加。请根据以下内容要点,用英语写一篇短文。1.风情线总览(the Yellow River, run through the city of Lanzhou, a famous road called Binhe Road, along the Yellow River);2.聚焦景观(Zhongshan Bridge, waterwheel (水车), many parks); 3.休闲娱乐(fly kites, play chess);4.特色游览(go sightseeing, sheepskin raft (羊皮筏子), water bus)。 【范文诵

33、读】The Beautiful Yellow River Custom Tourist LineLanzhou is a beautiful city. Its famous for the scenery of the Beautiful Yellow River Custom Tourist Line.As you can see, the Yellow River runs through the city of Lanzhou. Along the Yellow River, there is a famous road called Binhe Road. When you take

34、 a walk along the road, you will see Zhongshan Bridge which is like a rainbow across the Yellow River. When you walk in the park and listen to rotating creaks of the waterwheel, you cant feel more relaxed. Kids like flying kites in the parks, and the old like playing chess under the trees. If you li

35、ke water activities, you can also try sheepskin rafts and water buses.Why not take time to have a trip to Lanzhou? And the warm people in Lanzhou look forward to meeting you.话题诵读(六)学习提高篇A某英语报社开辟了专栏“Reading Is Very Important”,向中学生征稿。假设你叫李华,请写一篇英语征文,向该报社投稿,内容如下:1.阅读的益处:(1)获取大量的知识;(2)给生活带来乐趣;(3)是一种放松的好

36、方式。2.你的阅读习惯;3.号召大家多阅读。Reading Is Very ImportantIts very important for us students to do some reading. 【范文诵读】Reading Is Very ImportantIts very important for us students to do some reading. And there are so many good points when we do that. First of all, we can get lots of knowledge we didnt know, esp

37、ecially when we are reading some scientific books or historical ones. And reading can bring so much fun to our life. If we read some jokes or interesting stories, its easy for us to keep happy all day. Also, its a good way to relax. After a long-day work, just take a book to read, imagining whats ha

38、ppening in the book, so our brains could get enough relaxation.Since reading can help us so much, I enjoy reading a lot. I like to read after school when I finish my homework. My favorite time is the summer vacation, because I can get lots of nice books to read without worrying about time! And I wri

39、te down what I think after reading each book!So, you know how much reading can bring us! What are you waiting for? Lets begin now!B假设你是李华,你们学校正在对本校学生英语学习的情况进行调查,并征集同学们对英语教学的建议。请按下表提示,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你的英语学习情况以及你对英语教学的建议。项目内容你对英语的认识1.英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言;2.学习英语有助于了解世界上不同的文化;你目前的英语水平1.能用英语与同学进行简单的交流;2.喜欢演讲,去年在校演讲

40、比赛中获奖;你在英语学习中存在的问题1.不能正确地运用语法规则;2.在写作中有时不能清楚地表达自己;你对英语教学的建议(考生自己发挥,至少一点)I am Li Hua. I wish our school will consider my advice. 【范文诵读】I am Li Hua. Here are some of my thoughts about English. I think English is the most widely used language in the world. Learning English helps us understand different

41、 cultures in the world. Learning English can also help us improve our communication skills. And speaking more English can improve our confidence. At present, I can communicate with my classmates in English simply. I also like making speeches. I won the prize in the school speech contest last year. And I believe that I can talk with others fluently when I go to a Western country. However, I have some problems in learning English. I cant use the grammar rules correctly. Sometimes I cant express myself clearl

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