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1、大学英语四六级听力应试技巧回 坤 提 要做好听力试题的基本要求题型介绍出题思路解题技巧总 结四六级考试的总体安排 做好听力试题的基本要求1.词汇量要充分 4级基本词汇 4200单词 6级基本词汇 5300个单词2.语言发音要过关 确保读音准确 跟读模仿 词汇的视觉/听觉形象记忆 chemistry purpose3.泛听和精听相结合4.利用背景知识 做好听力考试是需要耳朵、眼、手和脑一做好听力试题的基本要求一做好听力试题的基本要求1.1 听力考试中需要做的准备充分预读题目 边听边填卡 听力听完后直接收卷,没有时间填卡1.2 听力的考试能力1.预读技巧:分析选项的能力 2.听音技巧:听的过程中侧

2、重点把握?Section A?Section B?Section C?考试说明大概是120秒/35秒/60秒 题与题的间隔:13-15秒 每道题的平均预读时间:30秒1.3 预读的关联原则 如果时间紧迫,要看长的选项1.同项排除(相同项目的选项肯定不是)2.异项选一 (如果两个选项意思一相反的,注意哦!)3.同义词、反义词原则 4.交叉原则(如果有一个选项和其它选项都相关,可能性就比较大)二、出题者的思路1.听即2.替换3.混淆4.推断1.听即 六级比率比较低2.替换 听力和阅读里面常见的题型 The plane was behind the schedule.The plane was de

3、layed/postponed.Laundry/do a lot of washing3.混淆 六级比较多 四个选项里面都有部分听到的信息,从中选取有用的信息。要学会做标记小明对小强说小芳可能来,真是说曹操曹操到。到底谁到了?王力宏12月30号在西安开演唱会。通常找关系最密切的。4 推断 言外之意What can be inferred?What is the implied meaning?候诊室的杂志不错三、常见句型1:定义:定义we call it.so called.term be defined,that is.2:建议意见you should,suggest,recommend,t

4、ips,advice,had better do,how about,what about,why not,why dont you,if I were you3:强调especially,new theory,indeed,certainly,just remember,and again,most importantly4:举例for example,for instance,such as,takefor example5:解释which means,that is to say,meant that,known as,for short6:实意重读重读转移(一句话,在不做任何特殊重读时

5、,其重音应该落在这句话最后一个实词的重读音节处)7:数字信息处:数字信息处记录数字,听清单位,比较关系是关键记录数字,听清单位,比较关系是关键8:段首段尾句开门见山;首段转折短文听力中的前三句和后三句容易出题9:总结性信息to sum up,in brief,in particular,in short all in all,generally speaking,conclude,conclusion,in a word,so,you see in fact,we can say,ok,anyway,in the end10:对比转折处:对比转折处(明显转折)although,though,e

6、ven though,despite,in spite of,however,but,yet,while,whatever 11.隐含转折notbut,instead,in contrast,on the contrary,far from,on the other hand,rather than,morethan,otherwise,unlike,not so muchas.12.特殊含义词转折unexpected,unexpectedly,surprise,surprisingly,unfortunate,unfortunately13.明显因果明显因果because,for,as,si

7、nce,in that,be due to,given,considering,as long as,if,when,while,so,so that,therefore,thereby,as a result,consequently,accordingly,thus,hence,sothat,soas to,then14.隐含因果lead to,cause,reflect,result in,give rise to,derive from,result from,portray,present,bespeak,require,suggest,on the basis of,represe

8、nt,be based on,for the reason that,rely on,spring from,make,underlying1.短对话题型的预测方法短对话听力题型是考试中固定的而且相对简单的题型,共8道题。采用一男一女对话的形式,对话内容是日常生活信息。在平时多听的基础上,加上必要的技巧,相对来说还是比较容易得分的。1.地点题:2.人物关系或身份职业题 3.观点态度题:4.数字计算题:5.推理判断题:6 计划与行动题型 1.1 地点题:提问对话发生的地点做此类题考生首先需要熟悉常考的地点和不同场景下人们的谈话用语,这是做题的基础。做题时要抓住与特定地点相关的常用词语。高频场景:

9、职场,医院,校园,交通,电话,机场,公司,租房,书店 a.At the airport b.In a travel agency c.In a hotel d.At the reception deskM:Ive just got back from the holiday you arranged for me.But I must tell you the hotel was really awful.It was miles from the sea.The food was awful,too.The bedroom was dirty.W:Sorry about that.But i

10、t s not really our fault.The contract does say that the hotel accommodation is not our responsibility.Q:Where is the conversation probably taking place?1.2 人物关系或身份职业题做题时要注意双方的称呼语,同时要善于捕捉关键词及人物语气。夫妻之间、师生之间、朋友之间、父母与孩子之间说话都有各自的特点,而且语气各不相同。A.Manager and employeeB.Salesman and customerC.Guide and Tourist

11、D.Professor and student【听音验证】W:Sorry I didnt come yesterday,because I had a temperature.Could you tell me your requirments for my term paper?M:The theme of your paper can be about business management or touring resources in China,and the length of your paper should be no less than 15 pages.Q:What is

12、 the most probable relationship between the two speakers?W:Hi,Jack.I just came back yesterday.Anything new while Im away?M:Congratulations,Susan.Its said youll be promoted to manager and become my immediate boss.Q:What is most probably the relationship between the two speakers at the moment?A)Custom

13、er and salesman.B)Colleagues.C)Employee and boss.D)Classmates解题攻略:1.常见提问方式:Whats the probable relationships between the speakers?Who is the M/W speaking to?2.结题要领:熟记主要职业的代表词汇及地点场景词汇 熟记职业的代表套话 注意称呼、语气与身份的对应关系1.3 观点态度题:任务对某件事物的观点或态度注意含有能引出观点态度的动词或短语,如:think,believe,guess,consider,as far as I know等。其次要

14、注意一些逻辑关系词,如:but,instead,if,since,before等。再次还要注意说话人的语气。还需注意问题中问的是男士还是女士的观点,以免张冠李戴。What did the woman/man say about.?Whats the womans/mans attitude towards/opinion about.?What does the woman/man mean/imply(by saying.)?What did the woman/man think of.?What does the man think the woman should do?等等。【200

15、1.1】W:Professor Whites presentation seemed to go on forever.I was barely able to stay awake.M:How could you sleep through it?Its one of the best I have ever heard on this topic.Q:What does the man think of Professor Whites presentation?A)He finds the presentation hard to follow.B)He considers the pr

16、esentation very dull.C)He thinks Professor White has chosen an interesting topic.D)He speaks highly of the presentation1.4 数字计算题涉及时间和价钱的运算。听对话的过程中需要把相关的数字记下来,重点注意问题,然后再此基础上计算。数字、日期、年龄、价格。这类题型的数字之间的关系往往用more/less,late/early,fast/slow,before/after之类的形容词、副词或者介词短语来表示。M:Ill have these shoes.Please tell m

17、e how much I own you.W:They are$40 a pair and three pairs make a total of$120.But today we offer 10%discount.Q:How much does the man have to pay?A)$120B)$108C)$90D)$401)M:Now,it is 10 oclock.W:The bus will leave in 30 minutes.Q:When will the bus leave?2)M:As far as I know,the film will start at 10:3

18、0.W:Dont worry,we can go to the bar and have a drink,because we have still got 20 minutes.Q:When is it now?1.5 推理判断题:说话者采用比较含蓄的方法表达内容及意图,不能为答题者提供直接的信息。此类题的解答难度较大,考生需要注意捕捉对话中的关键词,文字中的隐含信息,及转折连词but,however,instead等。M:If you are in a hurry,you can take subway.If you want to go sightseeing,take a bus.W:

19、Actually I dont have to be at the conference before noon.Q:What will the woman probably do?AShe will take subway.BShe will hurry to the conference.CShe will skip the conference and go sightseeing.DShe will take a bus.解题攻略:1 听清语调表达的含义:声调=怀疑,否定,不解降调=表示对事物的肯定2.委婉否定和虚拟语气在含义推断题中占有一定比例,正确掌握语法。3.第二个讲话人的说话内

20、容往往是解题的中心。4.注意一下常用的习语在对话中产生的作用:如,thats odd,it depends,its up to you,be not in the mood.1.6 计划与行动题型 计划与行动题的卷面线索比较明了,不管选项是以非谓语动词(不定式和动名词)还是以完整的句子的形式出现,四个选项中的主动词都表示不同的动作。其提问的方式通常以what开头,如:What is sb.going to do?What does sb.plan to do?What will sb.probably do?What happened to sb?M:Are you going to the

21、concert tonight?W:No,I promised to baby-sit for my neighbors while they go to a military dinner.Q:What will the woman do tonight?A)Go to the concert.B)Watch her neighbors children.C)Go to a military dinner.D)Visit her neighbor.2.长对话题型的预测方法2.1 长对话的主要特点2.2 长对话题型的预测方法2.3 主要题型2.1 长对话的主要特点1.一个中心话题 熟悉长对话经

22、常涉及的场景内容和常用的词汇,那么就可以对对话的中心意思有很好的把握,从而加强对这个对话的理解。2.篇幅较长 篇幅较长(约为短对话的5-6倍),涉及的内容相对更加深入,人物的语气、态度、情感的变化更加复杂。3.主要话题 社会生活类、人物故事及历史类、科普知识类和文化教育类2.2 长对话题型的预测方法1.推测出对话的主题通过选项重点关键词(名词、动词)推测出对话大概内容以及主题。2.判断问题提问的角度 1)根据选项的语法结构推测出问题的提问角度。2)审题是注意初步判断问题是针对男士、女生、对话主题还是对对话细节提问,从而能有重点地听取答案,减轻短时记忆的压力。3)注意听力过程中如果听到与选项中所

23、划关键词相同或同义单词或词组要适当做笔记。2.3 主要题型一、揭示对话主题二、选项均为名词性短语三、选项中包含不同类型的动词四、选项中含有比较结构五、选项中包含should,had better等选项一、揭示对话主题将各题所考查的主题内容结合在一起,往往可得出整篇对话的主题。如果某一题目是考查对话主题,其中的一个选项明显能够概括其他各题选项的内容,那么该选项很可能为答案。19.ATo interview a few job applicants.BTo fill a vacancy in the company.C To advertise for a junior sales manager

24、.D To apply for a job in a major newspaper.20.AA hard working ambitious young man.BA young man good at managing his time.CA college graduate with practical working experience.DA young man with his own idea of what is important.21.ANot clearly specified.BNot likely to be met.CReasonable enough.DAppar

25、ently exist19.ATo interview a few job applicants.BTo fill a vacancy in the company.C To advertise for a junior sales manager.D To apply for a job in a major newspaper.20.AA hard working ambitious young man.BA young man good at managing his time.CA college graduate with practical working experience.D

26、A young man with his own idea of what is important.21.ANot clearly specified.BNot likely to be met.CReasonable enough.DApparently exist.听力原文2013.12M:Morning,Brenda.W:Good morning,Mr.Browning.M:Er,did you,did you put that ad in yesterday?W:Yes,yesterday afternoon.M:The ad for a junior sales manager,I

27、 mean.W:Yes,it went into the Standard and the Evening News.M:Thats good.Erin,well.W:What kind of person have you got in mind for this job?M:Oh,well,somebody fairly young,you know,twenty something,like 21,or 25.A man,I think.W:A man?M:We really need a man for the position.Yes,I mean,its really too de

28、manding.The sort of situations they get into are much too difficult for a young woman to deal with,erm.W:Erm,what sort of a young man have you got in mind?M:Oh,you know,a good education,polite,responsible,and easy to get along with.What I dont,want is one of those young men just out of university,wi

29、th exaggerated ideas of his own importance.W:Yes,erm,what sort of education are you actually looking for?M:Well,you know,a couple of A levels.Must have English,of course.W:Yes,I think youre asking quite a lot.I mean youre not really prepared to pay all.M:No,Im not prepared to give him a big salary t

30、o start with.Nevertheless,I want someone with plenty of ambition,plenty of drive.You know,not looking at the clock all the time.W:Well sir,I wish you the best of luck and hope you have some very successful interviews.M:Well,yes?W:Because personally I think youre asking an awful lot.二、选项均为名词性短语如选项均为概

31、括性较强的名词或是名词性的短语,且各项内容差异较大,问题则很可能是关于对话所谈论的主题或对话中出现的某一事件或问题的主题。【预览选项】AThe latest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnak.BThe fall of Karnaks capital city into the hands of the rebel forces.CThe epidemic that has just broken out in the country of Karnak.DThe peace talks between the rebels and the

32、 government in Karnak.【听音验证】W:We now interrupt our regular scheduled news program to bring you live up-to-date coverage on the civil unrest in the newly formed country of Karnak,where our man Stan Fielding is stationed.Stan.M:This is Stan Fielding reporting live from the suburbs of the capital city.

33、Just 20 minutes ago,rebel forces launched the biggest offensive against the ruling government in the 18-month conflict here in this country.22.What is the news coverage mainly about?三、选项中包含不同类型的动词含有这类选项的问题为考查“行为活动”类型。根据动词的不同形式,问题考查的重点也可能不同。选项均以动词原形开头,问题大多是关于建议某人做某事,有时也表示为了而某种目的而要做某事。选项均为动名词,问题大多是关于正

34、在进行的动作或者计划打算。选项为不定式,问题很可能是关于做某事的目的,或是计划、承诺或要求做某事。找出关键词 2013.12 19.A)He picked up some apples in his yard.B)He cut some branches off the apple tree.C)He quarreled with his neighbor over the fence.D)He cleaned up all the garbage in the womans yard.20.A)Trim the apple trees in her yard.B)Pick up the ap

35、ples that fell in her yard.C)Take the garbage to the curb for her.D)Remove the branches from her yard.21.A.File a lawsuit against the man.B.Ask the man for compensation.C.Have the mans apple tree cut down.D.Throw garbage into the mans yard.22.A.He was ready to make a concession.B.He was not prepared

36、 to go to court.C.He was not intimidated.D.He was a bit concerned.【听音验证】W:Hello,Patrick,is that you?M:Yeah,Jane,what can I do for you?W:I was calling about the apple tree that you were trimming yesterday.M:That was hard work!19.What did the man do yesterday?A)He picked up some apples in his yard.B)H

37、e cut some branches off the apple tree.C)He quarreled with his neighbor over the fence.D)He cleaned up all the garbage in the womans yard.【听音验证】W:Get the branches off my property or Ill have to sue you.M:Yeah?For what?!Youre taking those law classes too seriously!Ive gotta go,I have to pick up my so

38、n.21.What did the woman threaten to do?21.A File a lawsuit against the man.B Ask the man for compensation.C Have the mans apple tree cut down.D Throw garbage into the mans yard.四、选项中含有比较结构如果选项中含有形容词或副词的比较级或最高级,或是其他表示比较的词语,则听力材料或问题很可能涉及人或事物之间的异同点或优劣的比较。【预览选项】A Their competitors have long been adverti

39、sing on TV.BTV commercials are less expensive.C Advertising in newspapers alone is not sufficient.D TV commercials attract more investments.【听音验证】W:Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials.M:TV?Isnt that a bit too expensive for us?Whats wrong with advertising in the papers,as

40、usual?22.Why does the woman suggest advertising on TV?五、选项中包含should,had better等如果选项中含有should,had better,would like等一类的词语,问题很可能是考查“观点或建议”。【预览选项】A Accurate communication is of utmost importance.B Pilots should be able to speak several foreign languages.C Air controllers should keep a close watch on th

41、e weather.D Cooperation between pilots and air controllers is essential.【听音验证】M:Sadly enough,yes they did.It was a really bad mistake.Many people died as a result of the simple misunderstanding.W:Wow,thats a powerful lesson on how important it can be to accurately communicate to each other.25.What l

42、esson could be drawn from the accident?3.短 文 听 力26-35题(10%)听三篇文章,每篇后面3-4题,能看到选项,题目看不见,播放一遍1.命题特点2.应试技巧一、命题特点1.形似阅读理解,难度相差悬殊。2.短文播放时间固定,但有弹性时间可利用。3.短文体裁较为固定,为做出正确判断提供了语境依据。(故事,说明文)4.选项已知,可作为推断短文内容的依据。5.各小题类型相对固定,有助于总结答题规律。(细节题、推断题、态度题、数字题、主旨题)细节题:first,most,because,in any case,as a matter of fact态度题:

43、fortunately,luckily,unfortunately数字题:时间、数量、年代等。主旨题:看选项中的实词,首、尾部分。首末句:(文章前三句和后三句)topic sentence 最高级:熊猫,最珍贵,狗最真诚 est 形式/most-形式 e.g.The dogs as the most useful and faithful animals in the world.They are useful and loyal.同义词替换逻辑关系:Because,so,as although(句首),though(句中和句尾)once,if,as long as,either or,Nei

44、ther nor thats why (结果)天气很热。这就是为什么我流汗啦 It is so hot,thats why I sweat.but(bu),however,otherwise,unfortunately,unexpectedly,surprisingly,yet,while,still On the contrary,nevertheless,while二、应试技巧1.浏览已知选项,推断问题的内容和短文大意。2.手眼脑并用,记录关键信息。4.短文听写10个单词或词组,10分听三遍得分的偶然性和失分的必然性学会速记,检查拼写临考前的建议:熟读单词真题演练总结经验与对话主题或其余选

45、项内容不同的选项往往不是答案如果某一选项明显与对话主题不相关,那么该选项往往不是答案。【预览选项】(06-12-19)19.A He picked up some apples in his yard.B He cut some branches off the apple tree.C He quarreled with his neighbor over the fence.D He cleaned up all the garbage in the womans yard.20.A Trim the apple trees in her yard.B Pick up the apples that fell in her yard.C Take the garbage to the curb for her.D Remove the branches from her yard.

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