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1、Lesson 21 Mad or notSharon第1页Freetalk:nWhatkindofnoisesdoyouhearwhereyoulive?nComparethenoisesheardinthecountryandintowns.nWhatproblemsdopeoplefacewhentheylivenearairports?第2页Lookatthepictureandguesswhatshappeninginthepicture:第3页Newwordsandexpressions:naeroplanen.飞机nmadadj.发疯nreasonn.原因nsumn.量ndeter

2、minedadj.坚定,下决心nofferv.提供nprobablyadv.可能第4页 1.Whenheheardthegoodnews,healmostwentm_withjoy.2.Miss,Albertisnthere.Heisp_ill.3.Ther_whyIstudyEnlgishisthatIwanttostudyabroad.4.Hisfatherspentalarges_ofmoneyonthehouse.5.Thelittlegirlgavemead_look.Shesaidshewouldnotchangehermind.6.Themano_meajobtobehisass

3、istant.adrobablyeasonumeterminedfferedExercise(fillintheblankswithproperwords):第5页n1.疯 ne.g.:The woman lost her son and got mad.n那个女人丢了孩子后疯了。n2.愚蠢,不明智(用于口语)ne.g.:You must be mad to drive so fast!n你开这么快,简直是疯了!n3.非常生气(口语)at/with ne.g.:He is mad with the dog for biting his new shoe.n够咬了他新鞋,他气得火冒三丈。n4.非

4、常喜欢 ne.g.:So many people are mad on football.n很多人痴迷足球。第6页Keywords:mad adj.发疯 sb.is mad.drive/send sb.mad 使(某人)发狂;害某人精神发狂e.g.:那个喧华邻居几乎要把我弄疯掉了。The noisy neighbor almost drives me mad.mad 惯用于“为.而疯狂”(着迷)be mad about(after,for,on)狂热地爱上;对迷得发狂;e.g.:Im mad about English.e.g.:Im mad about fishing.be crazy ab

5、out 为而疯狂 go insane adj.患精神病,精神病患者,极愚蠢right here waiting-I slowly go insane./go crazy/go mad/go go+adj.变得.go crazy=go mad(变疯了)与“go”相连第7页Keywords:nn原因the root reason 根本原因 nThe reason is that=the reason why -is that e.g.:The reason why I study is that I envy those who speak English well.e.g.:Whats the

6、reason for your absence?n理智、心智正常e.g.:Only man has reason./lose reason reasonable 合情合理 e.g.:at a reasonable price 第8页Keywords:n by reason of 因为;因为ne.g.:米勒先生是我所崇敬人,因为他对谁都不失礼。nMr miller is a person I hold in reverence by reason of his wide courtesy to all people.n in(all)reason 明知;合乎情理;在道理上ne.g.:It is

7、an assumption that has no basis in reason or science.n不论从道理还是科学上说,这都是没有依据。n out of reason 无理;不可理喻ne.g.:你真是一个不可理喻人!nYou are really a person out of reason!第9页Sum1金额款项asumofmoney许多钱2大意、要旨sumup=inaword/inshortthesumofaspeechsumup累计表示许多词组anumberof/agreatmanyasumof/anamountof第10页Keywords:nsumn名词 n.Cn1.总数,

8、总和,总计the S(+of)ne.g.:She paid the sum of$200 for dresses.n她买衣服总共花了二百元钱。n2.金额;一笔(+of)ne.g.:He earned a large sum of money.n他赚了一大笔钱。n3.算术题;运算ne.g.:The boy is good at doing a sum in his head.n这男孩善于心算。n summary 概要,摘要 第11页Keywords:n sum up 概括;总结ne.g.:These words sum up all my thinking and I leave you wit

9、h them.n这就是我今天总结,也是留给你们话。n sum into=amount to 总计;累计为ne.g.:请把这笔钱存入我太太帐户。nPlease pay this sum into my wifes account.n summon up 鼓起勇气;唤起ne.g.:所以我要从现在开始奋发努力,前面路还很长,带上翅膀,鼓起勇气,努力往前闯!nSo I want to make a push from now on,front of the road is still very long,take wing,summon up courage,rush before going tow

10、ard hard!第12页ndetermined adj.坚定,下决心ne.g.:I am determined to stay here.n我决定留在这儿。n be determined to do sth.决心做某事n v.determine on 决定n v.determine upon 决定ne.g.:You could determine on the detail date.n 详细日期由你决定。n determine sb.against sth.使 某人决定不做某事n determine sb.to do sth.使某人决定做某事第13页ndecide和determine 之间

11、区分:n都有“决定”意思。n decide 指“经过问询、研讨和考虑之后,在几个可能选择之中作出决定”,decide 最为普通:如:ne.g.:She decided to leave here on Sunday instead of Monday.n 她决定星期日而不是星期一离开这里。第14页ndetermine指“决心作某一件事而不动摇”,常包括范围比较狭小问题:如:ne.g.:We have determined to get the work done ahead of schedule.n 我们已经决定要提前完成这项工作。第15页ndecided常与to,that,on,about

12、用,表示决心;决定;n to decide where to gon 决心去哪儿n而与between,for,angainst,in favor of,that,case连用,表示判断,判决ne.g.:The judge will decide the case tomorrow.n 法官将于明天对案子进行判决。第16页Listentothevolumnandfillintheblanks:Aeroplanesareslowlydrivingmemad.Ilivenearanairportandpassingplanescanbeheardnight and day.Theairportwas

13、builtduringthewar,butfor some reason itcouldnotbeusedthen.Lastyear,however,itcame into use.Overahundredpeoplemusthavebeendriven away from theirhomesbythenoise.Iamoneofthefewpeopleleft.SometimesIthinkthishousewillbeknockeddownbyapassingplane.Ihavebeenoffereda large sum of moneytogoaway,butIamdetermin

14、ed to stayhere.EverybodysaysImustbemadandtheyareprobablyright.第17页Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad.ndrive sb mad:逼某人发疯ne.g.:Sometimes its enough to drive you mad if you are stuck in a traffic jam during the rush hour.n 有时在交通高峰期被困足以使人发疯n e.g.:The noise outside is driving me mad.第18页I live near an

15、 airport and passing planes can be heard night and day.n1、passing planes:现在分词做定语n sleeping baby:正在睡觉小孩n2、day and night:日日夜夜e.g.:I will sit by her bedside day and night.n 我会日夜守在她床边。第19页The airport was built years ago,but for some reason it could not be used then.nfor some reason:因为某种原因nsome+可数名词复数:一些

16、 some booksnsome+不可数名词:一些 some waterne.g.:He was late for school for some reason.n因为某种原因,他上学迟到了!ne.g.:He didnt tell me the answer for some reason.n因为某种原因,他没有告诉我答案!第20页Last year,however,it came into use。ncome into use:投入使用ncome into:进入得到、取得财富1、They put this method into use。2、This method comes into us

17、e。3、This method is put into use。第21页Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise.nhome:家,强调有感情;house仅仅指房子第22页nl am one of the few people left.l am one of the few people left.第23页Sometimes I think this house will be knocked down by a passing plane。n不及物动词 vi.n1.相撞,碰击(

18、+against)ne.g:His legs knocked against the chair.n他两条腿撞到了椅子。n2.敲,击,打(+on/at)ne.g.:He knocked at the door and entered.n他敲了敲门便走进去了。n3.(发动机等因为故障)发爆震声第24页n及物动词 vt.n1.敲,击,打One.g.:The falling bottle knocked him on the head.n跌落瓶子砸在他头上。n2.击(撞)成.OO8ne.g.:The blow knocked her senseless.n那一击把她打昏了。n3.【口】批评,贬损ne

19、.g.:The critic knocked her latest novel.第25页phrases:nknock at the door 敲门 nknock down;knock over 撞倒 第26页习惯用语:n今天我们要讲由knock这个词发展而成习惯用语。我们先要谈习惯法是:knockout。knockout最惯用意思是把一个人打倒在地、不省人事,不过knockout在俚语中却能够解释叫人心醉神迷人或物,可能是一幅美不胜收画,也可能是一部扣人心弦电影,更可能是俊男美女。例:ne.g.:He married a real knockout,one of the most beauti

20、ful women I have ever seen!n他娶了个大美人。我还没见过有比她更漂亮女人!第27页n我们再来学一个习惯用语:knock your socks off。sock是袜子。这个习惯用语出典可能是什么尤其精彩事情让你兴奋得上蹦下跳,以至脚上袜子也跳得掉了下来,引申为“令人兴奋不已好事”。例:ne.g.:I tell you that movie I saw last night is fantastic,the best Ive seen in years.Go see it-I guarantee itll knock your socks off!n告诉你我昨晚看那电影棒

21、极了。我有好几年没看过这么精彩片子。你得去看,确保会让你激动万分。第28页I have been offered a large sum of money to go away,but I am determined to stay here.n及物动词 vt.n1.给予,提供;拿出,出示O1(+to)ne.g.:He offered me a glass of wine.n他端给我一杯酒。n2.愿意;试图(做某事);提议Y+to-vne.g.:They offered to help me.n他们表示愿意帮助我。ne.g.:He offered to lend me some books.n

22、他表示要借给我几本书。n3.出(价);开(价)O1ne.g.:We offered him the calculator for US$50.n这计算器我们向他开价五十美元。第29页Everybody says l must be mad and they are probably right.第30页1.把我逼疯_2.过往飞机_3.日日夜夜_4.因为某种原因_5.启用_6.从赶走_7.撞倒_8.一大笔钱_9.离开/搬走_10.决定做某事_ii.Phrasesandsentences.drivemecrazypassingplanesnightandday/dayandnightforsome

23、reasoncomeintousedriveawayfromknockdownalargesumofmoneygoawaybedeterminedtodosth.第31页11.他正慢慢地走在回家路上。He_alongthewayhome.12.我口袋里只剩下两元了。Thereisonly_inmypocket.13.你一定是缇娜妹妹吧。哇,你们俩看起来一模一样。You_Tinassister.Wow,youlookthesame!isslowlywallkingtwoyuanleftmustbe第32页Importance in the text:1.复杂句型结构:Over a hundred

24、 people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise.2.双宾语被动语态:I have been offered a large sum of money to go away.(表目标)3.drive sb.away from somewhere;drive sb.mad4.passing plane;-ing作定语,表示正在第33页Special Difficulties drive v.开车,驾驶(drove,driven,driving)drive to开车去往某地drive sb.mad 把某人逼疯drive

25、 sb.away from把某人赶走drive sb.out of把某人赶出去drive sb.back撵回去drive第34页1)概念:英语动词有两种语态,即主动语态和被动语态.主动语态表示主语是动作执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作承受者2)结构:主语+助动词be+及物动词过去分词+其它3)时态要求:助动词be必须与主语人称和数一致,惯用时态有八种.4)使用方法:在不知道谁是动作执行者,或者没有必要指出谁是动作执行者.第35页普通现在时被动语态普通现在时被动语态被动语态被动语态:主动语态表示主语是动作执行者主动语态表示主语是动作执行者,宾宾语是动作承受者。当动作承受者作主语时语是动作承受者。当

26、动作承受者作主语时,就组成被动语态。就组成被动语态。组成:组成:be+动词过去分词动词过去分词1.We speak English.English is spoken by us.2.Mother makes some cakes.Some cakes are madeby mother.(主动语态主动语态)(被动语态被动语态)第36页2.They bought ten computers last term Ten computers were bought (by them)last term.普通过去时:普通过去时:S+was/were+过去分词过去分词第37页3Amy can take

27、 good care of Gina Gina can be taken good care of by Amy.情态动词:情态动词:S+can/may/must/should+be+过去分词过去分词第38页4.They will finish the work in ten days.The work will be finished(by them)in ten days.普通未来时:普通未来时:S+will+be+过去分词过去分词第39页5.Some workers are painting the rooms nowThe rooms are being painted by some

28、 workers now.现在进行时:现在进行时:S+am/is/are+being+过去分词过去分词第40页6We have made twenty more keysTwenty more keys have been made by us.现在完成时:现在完成时:S+have/has+been+过去分词过去分词第41页7I was doing my homework at 8:00 last night My homework was being done(by me)at 8:00 last night.过去进行时:过去进行时:S+was/were+being+过去分词过去分词第42页

29、各种时态被动语态组成各种时态被动语态组成各种时态被动语态组成各种时态被动语态组成普通现在时:普通现在时:普通过去时:普通过去时:情态动词:情态动词:普通未来时:普通未来时:现在进行时:现在进行时:现在完成时:现在完成时:过去进行时:过去进行时:S+am/is/are+P.P(过去分词)(过去分词)S+was/were+P.P.S+can/may/must/should+be+P.P.S+will+be+P.P.S+am/is/are+being+P.P.S+have/has+been+P.P.S+was/were+being+P.P.第43页第44页live,passing plane,be heard,drive mad,be built,can not be used,came into use,must have been driven away,neighbour,only,left,will be knocked down,have been offered,is determined to,probably,he must be mad,第45页

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