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1、第十一册教材教学探讨第1页 教材介绍Book 11单词:332(预备课)258(教材)99(副课文)语法:人称代词主格、全部格,普通现在时there be,普通现在时,名词复数(be,名词复数,to have,to like,can,现在进行时。)第2页时间安排Starter:lesson1lesson14 建议用46周时间目:坚固基础,提高兴趣,培养能力。第3页预备课各部分教学提议 Trace 即使大部分学生对字母及单词书写都已掌握得很好,但仍会有一部分学生不会按正确格式书写,或书写得不够规范,开学伊始是抓书写最好机会,所以我认为此项工作不可忽略。能够开展一些活动,采取不一样形式,让学生充分

2、认识到书写规范主要性。第4页Listen,read and say 这部分主要是培养学生听能力,听力不是一朝一夕就能培养出来,所以从头抓起就显得尤其主要。教师在做此项练习前,就相关内容作简短对话。重复强调较难单词,做好听准备。假如我们把预备课听力做好,有一个良好开始,那么后面单元课就会好讲一些。第5页How to plan a listening lessonPre-listening/Before listeningThe aims of this stage:1)Topic preparation-give background or cultural knowledge;help Ss

3、predict what speakers are going to say so that they have sth in mind which would help focus their attention on the main points while listening.2)Arouse Ss interest in the topic 3)Pre-teach new words 第6页Activities at this stage can be:1.Using visual aids(pictures,flashcards,drawings,maps,etc)related

4、to the topic2.Asking questions related to the topic3.Creating a situation related to the topic4.Reviewing some old words or knowledge to introduce sth new5.Telling a story related to the topic6.Listening to sth related to the topic 第7页 While-listeningThe purpose of this stage:1)help Ss understand th

5、e gist information2)help Ss understand the detailed information3)help Ss understand certain structures and functions4)help Ss do some practice using these structures and enable them to use the language in real situationAt this stage Ss listen to the text several times,first listen to the whole text,

6、then parts of it.Tasks should be from easy to difficult,from the gist to detailed,from information(comprehension)to language.第8页First listeningFirst listening-gist listening for main idea,or listening for key words.Tasks for the 1st listening:Who is talking to whom?What are they talking about?Where

7、does the conversation take place?How many speakers are there?Whats their relationship?etc.第9页Second listeningSecond listening-listening for detailed information.The task for the 2nd listening is provided by the textbook.第10页Suggested tasks:1)true-false statements 2)circle the pictures/words 3)number

8、 the pictures 4)arrange the sentences 5)multiple choice 6)table/sentence completion 7)note taking(for advanced learners)8)detailed questions(for advanced learners)In order to complete the tasks,Ss can listen to the tape several times.第11页Third listeningThird listening-listening for sentence patterns

9、,structures,useful expressions.You may correct Ss answers and explain where they went wrong,ask them to listen to it carefully until they understand it well.To make sure Ss understand it,you may ask Ss more questions,and the text may be played again in sections.第12页Post-/After listeningAt this stage

10、 a follow-up activity can be done:1)a discussion2)a role play3)a reading activity related to the topic4)a writing/speaking activity related to the topic5)a dictation for beginners第13页Ten golden rules for listening lessonsAlways set the scene or ask questions to accompany the 1st listening.Never allo

11、w Ss to see the text or script.Try to avoid having Ss write things while listening first time round,it distracts badly.Make sure tasks fit level of your Ss.Dont give out lists of comprehension questions.This is not an authentic task even if it is common practice in examinations.第14页Avoid multiple ch

12、oice style for same reasons.Try to help the weaker ones and keep the better Ss quiet!This can be done through eye contact or hand signals.Always listen to the tape before using it in a class.Always find place on tape before entering the classroom.Always press the counter button before you start.第15页

13、Practice这部分是培养学生说和写能力主要步骤之一,是学生由听到说到写能力培养过程表达。是由感官到思维过程。在这一部分,我个人认为说和写一样主要。教师可依据学生认知水平增加一些相关内容,让学生到达熟练掌握听和写这两部分知识目标。活动方式可两人一组,也可四人小组。这部分是预备课中贯通一直内容,相信老师们一定会发挥自己聪明才智处理好这部分内容。第16页Over to youInterchange 这两部分内容为能力提升部分,假如课堂上不能完成话,可适当留为作业。不论哪一个形式,都应事先对学生提出明确要求,可依据不一样水平进行分层教学和作业布置。也能够适当增加一些内容,开阔视野,激发学生学习兴趣

14、。第17页Language Focus刚升入初中学生语法概念是含糊,最少有一部分学生会说会写但不懂。所以,在预备课中处理相关语法内容,让他们明明白白进入后面单元学习非常有必要。这部分内容不是一带而过就能处理。假如学得好,会对后面学习起到事半功倍效果。比如名词变复数,be动词使用方法等这么看似简单内容,要使每个学生都弄懂会用绝非一件轻易事情。讲练结合,重复操演才能到达掌握目标。第18页预备课中所学句型Whats your name?My name isGood morning/afternoon/evening.How are you?(Im)fine./Im OK./Very well.Tha

15、nks./Thank you.Are you a new student?See you tomorrow.How about you?This is my English teacher.第19页Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.Pleased to meet you.What class are you in?Im in class Three.Where are you from?Im from America.Whats this/that in English?Its a bus.What are these/those in English

16、?They are apples.第20页What color is it?Its red.What color are these apples?They are green.Where is your English book?Its in my desk.Where are the flowers?They are in front of the house.There is/are have/hasI like playing football.第21页She likes swimming.We dont like flying kites.He doesnt like playing

17、 basketball.Do you like watching TV?Yes,I do.No,I dont.Does Tom like reading books?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.Can you play the piano.Yes,I can./No,I cant.I can speak English.He cant drive a car?第22页what day is it today?Its Tuesday today.I have Math and Art on Tuesday.Lets go to the zoo?I like/love Ar

18、t very much.My friend likes Math best.What time is it now?Its seven oclock.Whats the time now?Its three fifteen?What would you like for lunch?Id like chicken and beef.I want potatoes and fish.Whats for dinner?第23页What would you like to drink?Id like to drink/have some water.I have no idea.Whats your

19、 favorite food/drink?My favorite is noodles.Whats the weather like today?Its cold.Whats the weather like in spring in Beijing?Its warm.第24页What do you do in spring?I often fly kites.Let me see.What are you doing?Im reading.What is he doing?He is listening to music.What are they doing?They are playin

20、g ping pang.第25页要求会背会写全部句型坚持天天听写会做与这些句型相关替换练习第26页单元课教学标准上是一周一个单元其中期末个留一周复习时间充分利用早自习时间进行背诵和听写练习重视分层教学教辅材料使用好第27页阅读教学步骤阅读前阅读前(Pre-reading)阅读中(阅读中(While-reading)阅读后(阅读后(Post-reading)第28页阅读前:Prepare Ss for reading.话题准备(topic preparation)词汇准备(vocabulary preparation )第29页阅读前话题准备:1)讨论(全班或小组)依据问题讨论 利用图片讨论 特

21、定话题讨论(如吸烟)2)头脑风暴:3)游戏第30页阅读中阅读中(while-reading):Help Ss understand the writers purpose,the text structure,the main idea,the surface and underlying meaning of the passage.第二遍阅读任务:了解细节(见教材)可依据学生水平和实际情况,对教材中阅读任务进行修改,但阅读任务必须聚焦于对文章内容了解。第31页3)阅读后)阅读后(Post-reading):阅读与其它技能结合,如写、说。第32页学习语言与利用语言第一遍阅读快速浏览,以了解文章大意,或跳读找详细信息,或经过文章标题预测文章大约,或经过相关信息推断作者意图。第二遍阅读了解文章详细内容,阅读任务设计集中在对阅读内容本身了解上,普通不包括语言点解释。第三遍阅读,在学生基本了解文章大意和细节基础上,老师边读课文边处理文章中出现语言难点,如生词短语,长句难句等。第33页Thank you for listening 第34页

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