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1、Welcome To My ClassUnit Two Unit Two Text A Text AAll The Cabbie Had Was A LetterAll The Cabbie Had Was A LetterWarm-up Activities In this unit we will learn something about friendship.So first of all,can you give a definition of the term“friend”?Or in other words,what kind of people you will call f

2、riends?Friend:In dictionary it says friend is person one likes and chooses to spend with.proverbs about friends and friendship lA friend is need is a friend indeed.lEverything is good when new,but friend when old.lFriendship multiplies joys and divides grieves.lFriendship is to be bought only by fri

3、endship.lA friend to all is a friend to none.lCompany in distress makes the sorrow less.lFriends are the nearest relatives.Have you ever heard about a fair weather friend?Fair weather means fine weather;it is a good day with sunshine.It is breezing.There are no dark clouds,no flashlight,and no thund

4、er.Then,a fair weather friend is one who is happy to stay with you when things are going well but leaves as soon as trouble arrives.Think CarefullyThen what is a true friend?What is the difference between a fair weather friend and a true friend?True FriendA true friend is one who will still stay wit

5、h you when you find yourself in difficulty.And the American pop singer Dionne Warwick told us what friends are for in one of her songs titled thats what friends are for.Lets turn to page 275 to appreciate her song and think it over what friends are really for.Do you Know Dionne WarwickA Song For You

6、 Questions How often do you write to your friends?Can you give some reasons for writing or not writing to your friends?(frequently,sometimes,seldom,rarely,never)Sometimes we put off writing letters because we think letters can wait until other matters are dealt with,or because we think a phone call

7、will do instead.But sometimes,as you are to find in this text,we may leave it too late to write,and letters are the best in expressing our innermost feelings.Cultural NotesHalloween万圣节前夕万圣节:All Saints DayHalloween is celebrated annually.It is on the night of oct.31st,when people once believed that g

8、hosts could be seen.Now,in Britain and America,it is a time when children have parties,dress up as witches,make lanterns out of pumpkins from which the inside has been removed,and play“trick or treat”.Trick or treat is a traditional activity at Halloween.Children dress in costumes and visit houses.A

9、t each house they say“trick or treat”.This means that they will play a“trick”,or joke,on the people in the house unless they are given a“treat”,e.g.sweets or money.Most people prefer to give treats rather than having tricks played on them.HalloweenNew words and expressions available adj.可用的,有效的(Syn.

10、usable,obtainable)eg.We have already used up all the available space.I am available in the afternoon.New words and expressions available 既可以做前置定语,又可做后置定 语:eg.all the available data 或 all the data available 一切可得到的数据 New words and expressions apologetically adv.道歉地 apologetic adj.apology n.apologize/-

11、ise vi.make an apology to sb for sth 向某人为某 事道歉express ones apology to sb 向某人表示 歉意apologize to sb for sthNew words and expressions estimate n.v.估计,评价 Overestimate 高估 Underestimate 低估eg.Bills personal riches were estimated at$10 million.比尔的个人资产估计约一千万美圆。New words and expressions“estimate”和“evaluate”est

12、imate 是对事物的数量或价值作一个粗略的计算,evaluate 是对事物的价值的整体好坏作细致具体的评价。eg.They estimated the tree to be thirty feet high.We cannot evaluate people by their clothes.New words and expressions correspondence n.对应,信件eg.Any further correspondence should be sent to my new address.There is not much correspondence between

13、his ideals and mine.correspond(to)vi.对应,一致eg.The contents of the box must correspond to the description on the label.New words and expressionsbring into correspondence with 使 与相符合eg.we must bring our ideas into correspondence with the laws of the objective external world.我们必须使自己的思想符合外界的客观规律New words

14、 and expressions practically adv.几乎,简直 (Syn.almost,very nearly)eg.I know people who find it practically impossible to give up smoking.实际上(Syn.in practice)eg.There was practically one room in it,and the room was practically full.里面实际上只有一个房间,而且这个房间几乎满了。Practice,practise,practical,practicableNew words

15、and expressions tough adj.1坚强的 strong 2困难的 difficult 3强硬的hard get tough with sb.对某人强硬起来eg.Its time to get tough with football hooligans.现在该对足球流氓采取强硬措施了。New words and expressions shrug v./n 耸肩 Shrug off 耸肩表示对不屑理睬eg.He shrugged off their criticism.他对他们的批评不屑一顾。New words and expressions urge vt.催促,力劝 N.

16、强烈愿望,激励,冲劲urge sb to do sth,=urge sb into doing sth eg.I urged my sister to take a year off to study drawing.我力劝我妹妹抽出一年时间来学画画。urge意为“敦促,请求”,后接从句时,从句用虚拟语气。eg.Bush urged America(should)fight against terrorism.urgent adj.an urgent call/letterurgency n.Call me in a matter of urgency.New words and expres

17、sions postpone vt 推迟,延期=put offpostpone doing stheg.The couple had postponed having children to establish their careers.*delay 指因为遇到阻碍致使某事无定期的“延迟”。或因为疏忽而耽误,拖延做某事。New words and expressions reference n.参考书目,推荐信(refer,referential,referee)refer 和reference 的共同用法是后面通常跟介词to,意为“提到,谈到”eg.It was strange that

18、he made no reference to any work experience in his resume.His recent book makes references to the political events of those days.With reference to 关于,就而论eg.With reference to your recent letter,Im instructed to inform you that we cannot accept the offer.关于你最近来信提及的报价,我谨向你奉告我们无法接受。New words and express

19、ions absolutely adv.完全地,绝对地,(Syn.totally and completely)absolute-absolutely 绝对的 relative-relatively 相对的eg.It is absolutely necessary to preview the text before class.New words and expressions union n.1联邦,联盟 (Syn.association)2工会,协会 eg.trade union工会,student union 学生会New words and expressions reunion n

20、.重聚,联欢会eg.Before she went abroad for further study,the whole family had a big family reunion.The golf club holds an annual reunion。高尔夫俱乐部每年举行年会.New words and expressions mostly adv.几乎全部地,大体 (Syn.mainly,nearly)eg.The guests at the wedding party are mostly friends of the bride.The words in the English

21、 tests are mostly new to me.New words and expressions awful adj.1令人畏惧的,可怕的 2极大的,非常的eg.I cant bear the awful smell of cigarette smoke.awfully adv.extremely veryeg.This summer was awfully hot.New words and expressions destination n.目的地,目标 (Syn.goal,aim,objective)destine v.命定-destiny 命运 指定-destination

22、目的eg.Singapore is still our most popular holiday destination.The enemys attempt is destined to fail.These tourists are destined for Beijing.reach ones destination 到达目的地 leave for ones destination 动身去目的地New words and expressions skip vi.跳跃,vt.略过,跳过eg.We will skip text B and go on with the exercises.S

23、kipping breakfast will do damage to your health.New words and expressions unpack v.打开pack包装-unpack 打开(包装)say说出-unsay 收回(说过的话)fold折叠-unfold 展开load装货-unload 卸货tie打结-untie开结New words and expressions be lost in=lose oneself in:be absorbed in,be fully occupied with 专心致志于 eg.Tom has lost himself in though

24、t.=Tom has been lost in thought.汤姆陷入了沉思。New words and expressions Be lost in 是lose oneself in 的被动式。在英语中,有许多“动词+反身代词+介词”的形式,在“人”做主语是都可以转变为“be+过去分词+介词”的形式:addict oneself to=be addicted to 沉溺于 adjust oneself to=be adjusted to 适应于 charge oneself with=be charged with承担,负起责任 engage oneself in=be engaged i

25、n 从事于 indulge oneself in=be indulged in 沉迷于 dedicate oneself to=be dedicated in献身于New words and expressionsor something 诸如此类的事eg.Her name is Julia or Juliet of something.她的名字是朱莉娅或朱莉叶或类似的什么。New words and expressions go ahead:continue begin 继续,开始 eg.I had no confidence to go ahead.我没有足够的信心开始。Go ahead

26、后经常跟“with+名词”的形式。eg.The manager will be absent,but we will go ahead with the meeting anyway 经理将缺席,但我们还是继续开会。New words and expressions know/learn by heart:memorize,remember exactly 记住,能背出 eg.The girl learned the poem by heart.小女孩背会了那首诗。Know/learn by heart=keep/bear in mind eg.I will bear your advice

27、in mind=I will learn your advice by heart.我将记住你的忠告。New words and expressions at heart 内心里,本质上 by heart 用心记 in heart 心情好的 out of heart垂头丧气的New words and expressions not much of a不太好的eg.I dont think they have much of a future.我认为他们没有多大的前途。New words and expressions keep up:continue without stopping 保 持

28、,维持eg.He keep up a correspondence with one of his old classmates.他和一个老同学保持通信联系。New words and expressions keep back 隐瞒,保留eg.You must not keep back anything you know.你不应该隐瞒你所知道的任何事New words and expressions Keep down 压缩,压制eg.She couldnt keep down her anger at the sight of her husband dancing with a pre

29、tty young lady.看见她的丈夫正在和一位年轻漂亮的女士跳舞,她再也无法压制心中的怒火。New words and expressions keep off(使)不接近,(使)让开eg.Fire will keep off wild animals.火会把野兽赶走。New words and expressions keep on 继续,反复做eg.Dont keep on asking such silly questions.不要总是问些愚蠢的问题。New words and expressions keep to 遵守,坚持eg.Keep to every promise yo

30、u have made to others.一定要遵守对他人许下的诺言。New words and expressions kind of/sort of:a little,in some way or degree 有几分,有点儿eg.Its kind of late to begin now.现在开始有点晚。a kind of 一种,一类 kind of 有几分,有点儿 of a kind 相同种类的eg.Rose is a kind of flower.I kind of like him.They are two of a kindboth unreliable.New words a

31、nd expressions lose touch with 和keep in touch with eg.I lost touch with my former classmates after graduation.The pop singer still kept in touch with his fans while staying in the hospital.New words and expressions on ones mind惦记,挂记在心eg.This travel plan has been on my mind all week.The failure in th

32、e English examination was still on his mind.New words and expressions come up(尤指意想不到的)发生,出现eg.A light breeze came up.突然吹起了一阵微风。“Sorry,I am late-something came up at home.”New words and expressions go by(时间)过去eg.Her daughter was becoming more and more beautiful as the years went by.As time goes by,th

33、ings will be better.New words and expressions hang out1闲荡,徘徊 2挂出,伸出 eg.He often hung out in coffee bars while he was unemployed.It rained the moment I hung out my washing.New words and expressions every now and then有时,时常,不时 eg.John comes to visit me every now and then.Every now and then I have a des

34、ire to quit my tedious job.New words and expressions choke up1哽咽地说不出话来 2堵塞eg.He choked up and couldnt finish his speech.During the rush hour roads are usually choked up with traffic.New words and expressions in the distance 在远处eg.A ship could be seen in the distance.at a distance 以一定的距离,在稍远处eg.The p

35、icture looks better at a distance.这幅画远看比较好看。New words and expressions right away 立即,马上eg.I will find you a hotel right away.He has got a high fever and should go to see a doctor right away.Difficult sentencesHe sounded as if he had a cold or something.听上去他象是得了感冒似的。本句暗含的意思为:老人很是伤感。类似的例子:She unfolded

36、the letter from her husband and began to read.The writing suddenly became blurred(模糊的)。(暗示她流泪了)Difficult sentences At least they do with me because Im on the road so much.At least letters from home mean a lot to me because I travel a lot in a car for long distances.至少对我来说是这样,因为我老是在外旅行。Difficult sent

37、ences“There isnt family,”he replied.“Although,”he went on,“come to think of it,it might just as well have been family.”(想起来,也可以算是一家人。)There isnt family-there isnt a letter from my family.Difficult sentencesCome to think of it(口语)想起来,的确,真 的 eg.Come to think of it,I should write home today.想起来了,我今天该给家

38、里写信。Difficult sentences Im not much of a hand at writing.Im not good at writing.我这人就是不大会写东西。Difficult sentencesBut I take it hes someone-But I expect that he is someone 但是我期望他是Went to school together?-You went to school together?(*a rising tone serve as a question in colloquial English)Difficult sen

39、tencesBut I realized that Old Ed was still on his mind when he spoke again,almost more to himself than to me.-but I realized that the taxi driver was still thinking of Old Ed when he spoke again.It seemed that he spike more to himself than to me.可我知道他还在想着老埃德。他又开口时,与其说是跟我说话,还不如说是自言自语。Difficult senten

40、ces“Like it says there,”“about all we had to spend in those days was time.”-“as the letter says there,”“though we didnt have much money we had a lot of free time.”Difficult sentencesn nthere are fewer and fewer still aroundn n-fewer and fewer of us are left alive.Difficult sentencesDifficult sentenc

41、es But for the last 20 or 30 years its been mostly just Christmas cards.-but generally speaking we have sent only Christmas cards to keep in touch with each other for the last 20 or 30 years.可最近这二三十年来,主要就是寄圣诞卡 了。Difficult sentences Your friendship over the years has meant an awful lot to me,more tha

42、n I can say because Im not good at saying things like that.-your friendship over the years has been very important to me,more important than I can say because Im not good at expressing my feelings.你多年的友谊对我非常重要,远比我能说出来的重要的多,因为我不擅长说这样的话。Text AnalysisThe story is,to a large extent,built around the lett

43、er.If you pay special attention to this clue,you will find it easier to understand the organization of the text.Text AnalysisPart One Paras 1-20 From a conversation with the cab driver,the author learned how much he regretted failing to keep up correspondence with his old friend Ed.Text AnalysisPart

44、 Two Paras 21-35 Reading the letter by himself,the author learned more about the lifelong friendship between the driver and Old Ed.Text AnalysisPart Three Paras 36 The drivers experience urged the author to reach for his pen.Grammatical structuresound 是系动词“听起来”。look 看上去,smell闻起来,taste 尝起来,feel 摸起来,这

45、些词后面可跟adj.若后跟as if,可不必用用虚拟,因它们可表示事实。Grammatical structureeg.The fish tastes delicious.It sounds beautiful.She looks as if she has a great pain in the stomach.It feels as if it is made of artificial fabric instead of silk.Grammatical structuremay/might(just)as well 不妨,也无妨 This sentence pattern is often used as a suggestion to others and it should be followed by a bare infinitive.may/might(just)as well后要跟动词原形eg.Its too late for you to go home.So you may/might just stay here for the night as well.Now that you are lack of money,you may/might share the book with me as well.

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