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1、The Asia Popular Music King Jay Chou第1页I have listening his song ten years old,appreciate his music style very much!我听周杰伦歌已经十年了,非常我听周杰伦歌已经十年了,非常观赏他音乐格调观赏他音乐格调!第2页Jay Chou,a famous musician,music creator,producer,one of the boss of Jewell music company,director.He break through original Asian music t

2、heme,form,the integration of music material,create various songs style,especially in the fusion of western and eastern hip hop or R&B,is the most famous Chinese pop music Pioneer of Chinese wind.Jay Chou breaks through Asian pop old situation,turning over a new page for the Asian pop music!周杰伦周杰伦,著名


4、is he?第3页 Music styleJay Chous music style is very diversiform.Including traditional Chinese classic,European music style,and American classical rural style,and so on.And he particularly adept at R&B and Rap,and his unique music material,singing skills,issues and Fang Wenshans lyrics,and become a st

5、rong personal style.British pop star Craig David(Craig David)had been saying:“Jay Chous music has dominated,may even change all the Asian music.周杰伦音乐格调十分多样。包含传统中国风、欧洲古典音乐曲风、美国乡村曲风等等;尤其擅长节奏蓝调(R&B)和饶舌(Rap),加上他独特音乐素材、歌唱技巧、议题和方文山歌词,并形成一个强烈个人格调。英国流行乐明星克雷格大卫(Craig David)曾于表示:“周杰伦音乐已经主宰、甚至可能改变亚洲音乐。第4页第5页Ja

6、y Chou mixed Chinese culture music,western classical music,Jays fusion music and popular music together,add creation and unique to music,.Among them,he is good at R&B and Chinese classical.using all kinds of instruments to cooperate,presenting on great effect,and make great contribution to his music

7、 style of diversity.“周杰伦融合中西音乐、古典音乐和流行音乐,以天马行空创作和独特唱法,穿梭于音乐之间。其中以 R&B和中国风功力最深,加上娴熟利用各种乐器加以配合,展现出华丽编曲效果,造就了他多样音乐曲风第6页A gold partner Fang WenshanWhen it comes to Jay Chou,We must mentioned another Chinese music poet,a poet who Specifically write the lyrics for Jay.Fang Wenshan lyrics match with Jays t

8、unes,forming a gold partner,which can benefit from each other.其实提到周杰伦,就不得不提到另外一个华语乐坛第一词人其实提到周杰伦,就不得不提到另外一个华语乐坛第一词人-周周杰伦御用词杰伦御用词-人方文山,周杰伦曲配上方文山词,形成了优势互人方文山,周杰伦曲配上方文山词,形成了优势互补黄金搭档。补黄金搭档。第7页 传唱千里传唱千里 只为中国风话只为中国风话Jay and fang is talking about details in the workspace.第8页 弟兄情长弟兄情长 更能相濡以沫更能相濡以沫 The best p

9、artner 第9页 This classical living in your lifeThe traditional master,Yu Dan has a good evaluation of Jay,an voice of times,she said:“this kind of classical culture is living in your life,I suppose that Jay and Fang make it,Jay Insist on making Chinese wind songs,there is a transfer out of classical v

10、alue,a kind of cultural deconstruction.宣扬儒学国学大师于丹这么评价他“周杰伦,一个时代声音,有一个古典就活在你生命里,我认为周杰伦和方文山就做到了,周杰伦主打中国风歌曲,那里面传递出来是一个古典价值,一个文化解构。”第10页blue and white porcelainblue and white porcelain第11页天青色等烟雨而我在等你天青色等烟雨而我在等你 Sky blue needs the rain as I need you 炊烟袅袅升起隔江千万里炊烟袅袅升起隔江千万里 Mist rises I find miles away dis

11、tant to 在瓶底书汉隶仿前朝飘逸在瓶底书汉隶仿前朝飘逸 Only have to devote in artical carving 就当我为遇见你伏笔就当我为遇见你伏笔 As I drunk in the first meeting with the love 天青色等烟雨而我在等你天青色等烟雨而我在等你 Sky blue needs the rain as I need you 月色被打捞起晕开了结局月色被打捞起晕开了结局Drawing down the moonlight it reveals the move 如传世青花瓷自顾自漂亮你眼带笑意如传世青花瓷自顾自漂亮你眼带笑意 Lo

12、nely but pride the porcelain shines as the love第12页When it comes to prospect,it is as beautiful as landscape painting,which leaves audience to imagine as much as possible.论意境,青花瓷宛然一出烟雨朦胧江南水墨山水,论意境,青花瓷宛然一出烟雨朦胧江南水墨山水,水云萌动之间依稀可见伊人白衣素袂裙带纷飞水云萌动之间依稀可见伊人白衣素袂裙带纷飞When it comes to the lyrics,it is as moving a

13、s the Poems of song dynasty.论词句,青花瓷却是一幅笔端蕴秀临窗写就素心笺,论词句,青花瓷却是一幅笔端蕴秀临窗写就素心笺,走笔波折只因心似双丝网,中有千千结走笔波折只因心似双丝网,中有千千结When it comes to tune,it is as lovely as spring water.A these up to this popular song,it bring out the classical beauty.论曲调,青花瓷好像微风中静静流淌石上山泉溪涧,论曲调,青花瓷好像微风中静静流淌石上山泉溪涧,清泠透亮而又蜿蜒回环多有不尽之意清泠透亮而又蜿蜒回环

14、多有不尽之意这三者叠加至一处,青花瓷一曲正如其名,这三者叠加至一处,青花瓷一曲正如其名,恰似那恰似那“自顾自漂亮自顾自漂亮”青瓷极品,洗尽铅华,古朴典雅,清新青瓷极品,洗尽铅华,古朴典雅,清新流畅。流畅。第13页Through this 10 years,the innovation of Jay rewritten the music direction.The significance of innovation cannot be overemphasized.The young man,from young fellow to the leader of Chinese music,J

15、ay left too much to us,these will be written into Chinese music history of flowery chapters,marking the page 10 years Chinese music voice in this times,the voice of an era.走过这,周杰伦大胆创新改写了华语音乐方向,再怎么说都不为过。从初出茅庐小伙子,到当今华语乐坛领军人物,周杰伦留给我们太多,这些终将被写入华语乐坛绚丽篇章史页,标志着这华语乐坛声音,一个时代声音。第14页 Far-reaching influence onT

16、o this generation of young people,Jay Chou have a deep influence on them.In the Peking University independent examination it appears the “blue and white porcelain”word analysis,influence for now many singers,but he has an enormous advantage over others.Nobody can keep up with him,at least it is for

17、the moment.周杰伦对这一代年轻人,学生都产生了一定影响。北大自主招生考试语文试题出现青花瓷词分析,高考试题也屡次出现与周杰伦青花瓷相关试题,除了这些,对于现在歌手产生影响,但周董“不停被模仿,但从未被超越”,最少当前是这么。第15页Jay Chou achieves his dream through his constantly efforts.As the people often said.You dont get something for nothing.Faith will move mountains.In the end,we wish Jay can bring about more excellent works.In the same time,we hope that it can well up more talents in the Chinese music field.第16页THANK YOU!第17页

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