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1、外企英语面试第1页Non-Verbal Communication in an Interview第2页Dress OneBody Language TwoOther Important TipsThree第3页 Dress A growing number of firms realize that their employees appearance is important.Therefore,many companies are introducing dress codes for their staff.Appropriate clothing need not be expens

2、ive.The rule of appropriate dress in an interview is to dress as you would if you were employed in the position for which you are applying.第4页coatdressblousenecklacehigh-heeledshoeshandbag第5页ShirtTieBelt皮带Western-styleclothes ShoesTrousers西装Stickpin领带夹Briefcase公文包Watch第6页 Body Language Handshaking i

3、s a very im-portant manner in interview.1.Women should offer to shake hands only if the inter-viewer extends his/her hand.2.Men should extend a firm handshake to another man.3.Men should wait to have a hand extended by a woman interviewer.第7页Dont look down.Avoid chewing gum or eat candies.Dont smoke

4、 or even smell of smoke during the in-terview the majority of employers dont smoke.Dont open your mouth until youre ready to say something.Keep your hands still.Sit up straight in the chair.Be positive in your comments,outlook,and attitude.Body Language Wait to be asked to be seated.Smile frequently

5、 during the interview.Look straight.Maintain eye contact with the inter-viewer.第8页Keep fine seat posture第9页Important Tips 1.Plan on arriving 10 minutes before it is scheduled.2.Be sure you know the exact location(building and office)where the interview is to be held.3.Consider traffic conditions at

6、the time the interview is planned.4.Be careful,you may take the same route your co-workers,the interviewer,even your future boss take.Watch your manner.5.Go to the restroom and make yourself presentable Male Comb your hair if you ride a motorcycle to an interview,.Female Check your makeup.Dont look

7、at yourself during an interview.第10页6.When you arrive for the interview,give the receptionist your name and tell him/her the name of the person who is expecting you(which you have memorized)and the sche-duled time for your interview.7.Anticipate a wait longer than 10 minutes.Interviews that go well

8、often last longer than originally expected,and so the interviewer runs past the appointed time.8.While waiting in the reception area before being inter-viewed,review your answer against anticipated questions.Important Tips第11页页脚求职英语面试Express ThanksAfter InterviewSalary ExpectationWorking Experience表

9、示谢意面试结束薪金期望工作经验第12页页脚求职英语面试工作经验Dialogue 11Dialogue 22Dialogue 33Dialogue 44Dialogue 53第13页求职英语面试 工作经验Dialogue1I:Doyouhaveanyworkexperienceinthisfield?A:Yes.Aftermygraduationfromuniversity,IworkedasaCustomerServiceCoordinatorinaforeignrepresentativeoffice,andthenItransferredtoajointventureasaMarketDe


11、aventdiscussedmyleavingplanswithmycurrentemployer,butIamsurehewillreleaseme.I:Whatisyourimpressionofyourpresentcompany?A:Verygood.I:Whatwouldyourcurrentcolleaguesayaboutyou?A:TheywouldsayImadependableandhardworker.第14页求职英语面试 工作经验Dialogue1I:你有这个行业工作经验吗?A:有,在我大学毕业后,我就到一家外企代理处做了一名用户服务协调员,之后我转到一家合资企业做市场

12、发展部经理,所以我对中国市场非常熟悉。I:那你从以前工作中学到了些什么?A:我学会了在处理客户埋怨时要有耐心而且要尽力为他们处理困难。而且,我还学会了怎样与同事共同合作。I:你现在老板知道你在找另一份工作吗?A:不知道,我还没有和他讨论我要离职计划,但我坚信他会让我走。I:你对你现在这个企业印象怎样?A:非常好。I:你现在同事会怎样评价你呢?A:他们会说我是一个值得信赖而且工作刻苦人。第15页求职英语面试 工作经验Dialogue2I:Whatkindofjobshaveyouhad?A:IhavebeenaProductionManager.I:Howmanyyearshaveyouwork



15、Iamaresponsiblefriendandacapablecolleague.I:Canyougetrecommendationsfromyourpresentemployers?A:Yes,Ihavebroughtthemwithme.Heretheyare.I:Doyouhaveanyquestions?A:Ithinkthatyouhavecoveredalltheimportantpointsalready.ButifIhaveanyquestionslaterIwillcontactyou.第16页求职英语面试 工作经验Dialogue2I:你都做过什么工作?A:我做过生产经理


17、点都提到了,不过假如以后我有什么问题,我会与你联络。第17页求职英语面试 工作经验Dialogue3I:Areyouagoal-orientedperson?A:Yes,Iam.IalwaysmakeaplanbeforeIdoanything.I:Wheredoyouwanttobein5years?A:Idontwanttohaveaspecifictitle.IjustwanttoenjoywhatIamdoing.I:Thatsoundsveryreasonable.A:Itsthemostimportantthingtome.I:Ifyouarehired,howlongdoyoup


19、Ihaventthoughtitoveratall.I:Whatdoyouthinkisthemostimportantthingwhenlookingforajob?A:Ithinkthemostimportantthingistheinterestinthejob.第18页求职英语面试 工作经验Dialogue3你是一个有明确目标人吗?是,我是,在做每件事之前我都做一个计划。你在五年内希望做到什么位置?我并不想要什么尤其头衔,我只想做我喜欢做事情。听起来非常有道理。这对我来说是最主要。假如你被录用,计划在我们企业干多久?这当然依事情发展而定,得看我和企业之间是否相互适合。能说说你近期目标以

20、及怎样去实现它吗?我想把我知识和经验利用到一个含有挑战性工作中,为了到达这个目标,我只想一步一步地踏实工作。你久远目标是什么?我还没有认真考虑过。在找工作时,你认为何最主要?我认为是对工作兴趣。第19页求职英语面试 工作经验Dialogue4I:Couldyouprojectwhatyouwouldliketobedoingfiveyearsfromnow?A:AsIhavesomeadministrativeexperiencefrommylastjob,Imayusemyorganizationalandplanningskillsinthefuture.I:Howdoyouplantoa


22、.第20页求职英语面试 工作经验Dialogue4I:你能构想一下五年后你在做些什么吗?A:因为我以前工作积累了一些管理经验,我希望未来能利用我组织和计划才能。I:你计划怎样来实现它呢?A:做任何需要做事情以及继续深入学习。I:你打算在本企业干多长时间?A:我在贵企业干多长时间决定于我和企业之间是否相互满意。I:你认为五年内这个行业前景怎样?A:我相信在这五年中,这个行业会迅猛发展。第21页求职英语面试 工作经验Dialogue5I:Howlongdoyouplantostayhere?A:Tospeakfrankly,itdoesntdependonme.I:Howso?A:Ireallyw


24、wouldlookforwardtohavingtheresponsibilityfortrainingandsupervisingnewmembersofstaff.I:Whatisyourtypicalworkdaylikeatyourpresentjob?A:Iarriveat8oclockeverymorning,andImakealistofthingsImustdothatday.I:Whatthen?A:ThenIstartworkonmylist.第22页求职英语面试 工作经验Dialogue5I:你打算在这里工作多久?A:坦白地说,这不是我能决定。I:为何?A:我很想拥有一个

25、固定工作,只要我有施展才能机会,而且能和上级、同事相处得好,我就不会离开。I:你未来有什么计划?你对企业有什么期望?A:我知道,通常情况下在贵企业含有了两年工作经验后是有可能从现在职位升到管理位置。我希望能负担培训和监督新员工职责。I:你现在这份工作天天基本上都做些什么?A:我天天早上八点到,然后把我当日要做事情列出来。I:然后呢?A:然后我就按照列表工作。第23页面试形式:面试形式:复试中口试要求复试中口试要求 从以下三个方面进行评价:从以下三个方面进行评价:1 1、语言准确性(语法和用词准确性、语法结构复杂、语言准确性(语法和用词准确性、语法结构复杂性、词汇丰富程度、发音准确性)性、词汇丰

26、富程度、发音准确性)2 2、话语长短和连贯性(内容连贯性、寻找适当词语、话语长短和连贯性(内容连贯性、寻找适当词语而造成停顿频率及长短、表示思想语言长短等)而造成停顿频率及长短、表示思想语言长短等)3 3、语言灵活性和适合性(语言表示是否灵活、自然,、语言灵活性和适合性(语言表示是否灵活、自然,话语是否得体,语言能否与语境、动能和目标相适应)话语是否得体,语言能否与语境、动能和目标相适应)评价成绩为:评价成绩为:a a优异优异-能用外语就指定话题进行口头交流,基本没能用外语就指定话题进行口头交流,基本没有困难有困难b b良好良好-能用外语就指定题材进行口头交流,虽有些能用外语就指定题材进行口头

27、交流,虽有些困难,但不影响交流困难,但不影响交流c c及格及格-能用外语就指定话题进行简单口头交流能用外语就指定话题进行简单口头交流d d不及格不及格-不含有口头表示能力不含有口头表示能力第24页面试形式:面试形式:口试内容与结构口试内容与结构 分为两部分,有两名教师参加分为两部分,有两名教师参加口试工作,一名教师主持口试,随时与考生交口试工作,一名教师主持口试,随时与考生交谈并评分;另一名教师专事评分,不参加交谈。谈并评分;另一名教师专事评分,不参加交谈。两名口试教师所给分数各占口试成绩两名口试教师所给分数各占口试成绩50%。第一部分:考查学生了解并回答相关日常生活、第一部分:考查学生了解并

28、回答相关日常生活、家庭、工作、学习等问题能力(家庭、工作、学习等问题能力(3分钟)。分钟)。第二部分:考查学生连续表示能力。考生从所第二部分:考查学生连续表示能力。考生从所给你问题中选择一个话题,就此话题表示自己给你问题中选择一个话题,就此话题表示自己看法(看法(3分钟)。分钟)。第25页第一印象:第一印象:见到考官第一句话,很关键,不用说很复杂。能够是一个简单句,但一定要铿锵有力。展示出自信和实力。千万不要来一句“sorry,my English is poor”.常见开头有:1.Good morning!may I introduce myself.2.I am glad to be he

29、re for this interview.First let me introduce myself.Im peter white,my NO is(北大清华等学校参加面试考生很多,可能对考生有一个编号,说一下自己编号显得很职业,也很正式。)第26页问询个人情况:问询个人情况:Q:What is your last name?A:My last name is wang第27页问询个人情况:问询个人情况:Q:What is your first name?A:My first name is qing第28页问询个人情况:问询个人情况:Q:Name and examination numbe

30、r please?A:My name is Wangqing,My examination number is 135.第29页问询个人情况:问询个人情况:Q:Tell me a little bit about yourself please?A:My name is Wangqing,I graduated from Peking University in,my major is economics,After graduation,in the year I joined China mobile as a business manager.I like traveling very

31、much and enjoy sports.第30页相关工作背景:相关工作背景:Q:Whats your present job?A:I am working as an office administrator in China mobile.第31页相关工作背景:相关工作背景:Q:What kind of people do you prefer to work with?A:I prefer to work with those who are willing to work with other people.第32页相关工作背景:相关工作背景:Q:What are your best

32、 professional skills?A:I think I am skilled in computer operation and maintenance.第33页相关工作背景:相关工作背景:Q:How do you normally handle criticism?(你通常怎样处理別人批评?)A:Silence is golden.Just dont say anything;otherwise the situation could become worse.I do,however,accept constructive criticism.(缄默是金。无须说什么,不然情况更糟

33、,不过我会接收建设性批评。)A:When we cool off,we will discuss it later.(我会等大家冷靜下来再讨论。)第34页相关工作背景:相关工作背景:Q:How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work?A:I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized way in order to get my points across.第35页相关工作背景:相关工作背景:Q:Do you work well unde

34、r stress or pressure?A:I am young and have more energy,so i think i can handle it well.第36页相关工作背景:相关工作背景:Q:What do you find uncomfortable in a work situation?A:Sometimes,the narrow-minded people make me uncomfortable.第37页相关工作背景:相关工作背景:Q:How do you handle your failure?A:None of us was born perfect.I

35、will sure to be given a second chance to correct my mistake.第38页相关工作背景:相关工作背景:Q:What provide you with a sense of accomplishment?A:Doing my best job for my company.第39页相关教育背景:相关教育背景:Q:When did you graduate?A:I graduated in 1998.第40页相关教育背景:相关教育背景:Q:Whats your major?A:I majored in economics I specializ

36、ed in accounting I did law International finance 第41页相关教育背景:相关教育背景:Q:Which university did you graduate?A:I graduated from Peking University第42页相关教育背景:相关教育背景:Q:Did you get any honors and awards at college?A:Yes,Every year I was awarded scholarship/first prize scholar ship from the University.第43页相关教育

37、背景:相关教育背景:Q:Have you received any degree?A:Yes,In 1998 I received my bachelor degree of economics from Shandong University.第44页相关教育背景:相关教育背景:Q:Which course did you like best?why?A:Computer Programming,It turned out to be the most useful one whatever job you engaged in.第45页相关教育背景:相关教育背景:Q:How about y

38、our academic records at college?A:In fact my records were pretty good.My overall GPA was 93,which was the highest in my class.第46页兴趣兴趣问题:兴趣兴趣问题:Q:What kind of hobbies do you have?A:I like reading and fishing.A:I enjoy sports and I like music very much.第47页兴趣兴趣问题:兴趣兴趣问题:Q:What kind of sports do you l

39、ike?and do you watch or play?A:I like watching and playing both.And I enjoy almost all sports,but I especially like tennis.I prefer doing to watching第48页兴趣兴趣问题:兴趣兴趣问题:Q:What kind of books do you like?A:I like mysteries very much-I like to try to figure out“who did it”before the author explains every

40、ing.第49页兴趣兴趣问题:兴趣兴趣问题:Q:What is the most impressive book you have read recently?A:I read the book that the movie“the Deer Hunter”was based on,about the war in Vietnam,and it made a very deep impression on me.It was the first thing Id ever read that made war seem real to me,It was quite a shock.第50页性

41、格测试问题:性格测试问题:Q:Do you call yourself introverted or extroverted?A:It just depends when I promoted sales for my company,I was quiet extroverted and persuasive.When I was promoted to the director of sales department,I got along quiet well with the staff members;I liked interacting with them.on the othe

42、r hand,In my spare time I prefer to be alone,thinking about my work and organization,my past,present and future,my failure and success,or anything Id like to.At this time Id rather call myself introverted.第51页性格测试问题:性格测试问题:Q:What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy?A:I feel

43、happy when others resulting from my work./When I see what I do benefits others.第52页性格测试问题:性格测试问题:Q:what kind of reaction do you like best in your spare time?do you have any hobbies?A:I like seeing films dubbed in English.I like reading books.I play basketball.第53页性格测试问题:性格测试问题:Q:what kind of persona

44、lity do you think you have?A:Well,I approach things very enthusiastically,I think and I dont like to leave something half done.It makes me nervousI cant concentrate on something else until the first thing is finished.第54页性格测试问题:性格测试问题:Q:Would you describe yourself as outgoing or more reserved?A:Well

45、,sometimes I want to be by myself,but most of the time I prefer being with a group of people,so I guess youd say rather outgoing.第55页性格测试问题:性格测试问题:What is your greatest strength?I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done.I feel a real sense of accomplishment whe

46、n I finish a job and it turns out just as Id planned.For example第56页性格测试问题:性格测试问题:“What is your greatest weakness?”(“你最大弱点是什么?”)A:I m such a perfectionist that I wont stop until a job is well done.你可说出一项可能会给企业带来好处弱点,如可说:我是一个完美主义者。工作做得不漂亮,我是不会撒手。第57页性格测试问题:性格测试问题:A:I tend to drive myself too hard.(我有

47、时对自己要求过于严格。)A:I expect others to perform beyond their capacities.(我对他人能力期望过高。)A:I like to see a job done quickly.(我喜欢速战速决。)第58页性格测试问题:性格测试问题:Q:Can you work under pressure?A:Yes,I find it stimulating.However,I believe in planning and proper management of my time reduce panic deadlines.第59页性格测试问题:性格测试

48、问题:Q:How do you deal with those who you think are difficult to deal with?A:I stick to my principles and keep the rules.Sometimes,they are just lack of enthusiasm and I got them involved with something constructive.Some of them had changed their attitude later.第60页性格测试问题:性格测试问题:Q:what basic principle

49、s do you apply to your life?A:I try to keep to a regular schedule everyday.When I dont,my body isnt in good shape,and neither is my mind,so Ive been keeping to a schedule ever since I started college.第61页性格测试问题:性格测试问题:A:Not to put off till tomorrow what you can do today.I have found out that time an

50、d money get away very easily-you think you have them,and theyre gone!Putting things off just makes it worse later,so ever if its hard at the time,I try to get things done that day and not let them to.第62页特色问题:特色问题:Q:What personality traits do you admire?(你观赏哪种性格人?)A:I admire a person who is honest,f

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