1、翻译概述翻译概述Yin Xiaohong(印晓红)印晓红)Email:Tel.No.:699796第1页Teaching PlanEC translation translation skills and passage translationCE translation translation skills Interpretation general introduction第2页Scoring考勤 5%课堂表现 5%平时作业 30%作业1 15%作业2 15%期末考试 60%第3页 巴别塔典故巴别塔典故据圣经,创世之初,普天之下人类同讲一个语言。出于骄傲,人们想建一座通天之塔。耶和华对人
2、类骄傲感到恼怒,于是使人们语言变得互不相通,从而在造塔人们中间造成了巨大混乱,只好放弃了造通天塔狂妄打算。Babel现在已经成为了翻译象征,广泛出现和应用于翻译理论和与翻译相关文件和故事中。第4页翻译定义The Oxford English DictionaryTranslating is to turn from one language into another.Columbia EncyclopediaTranslating is the art of recomposing a work in another language without losing its original f
3、lavor.第5页翻译标准严复信、达、雅傅雷传神就效果而论,翻译应该像临画一样,所求不在形似而在神似钱钟书化境把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语言习惯差异而露出生硬牵强痕迹,又能完全保留原有格调第6页Examples(1)The sun is bright,and the sky is clear.阳光灿烂,晴空万里。(2)Gonna fight with me?Tellem I am ready for it.I am always ready for it.想和我打架?让他们放马过来吧,我随时奉陪。第7页翻译标准Faithfulness(1)All the answers are
4、 not right.未必全部答案都对。(2)His father is a medicine man.他父亲是个巫医。(3)The old man touches no spirits.那位老人不喝烈酒。第8页翻译标准Expressiveness(1)Historically,city life has always been among the elements which form a civilization.从历史上看,城市生活一直是文明一个组成部分。第9页(2)I have read your articles,but I expect to meet an older man.原
5、译:我拜读过你文章,我料想会见到一个年纪更大人。改译为:我拜读过您大作,但没想到您这么年轻。第10页(3)Currently we are working with 27 enterprises and every year we are adding between 10 and 20 investments to our client list.原译:当前我们正与27家企业合作,每年都有10到20家企业增加到我们新客户名单上。改译为:当前我们正与27家企业合作,每年都要增加10到20个新客户。第11页翻译标准EleganceIf you dare to play the fox with
6、me,Ill shoot you at once.(1)你小子再给我玩花样,老子叫你白刀子进去红刀子出来。(2)你要是对我耍滑头,我马上毙了你。(3)搞鬼,崩了你!(4)假如你有勇气对我搞阴谋阴谋话,我确保以迅雷不及掩耳之势向你瞄准开火。第12页()你蹄子要是有半句假话,看不揭你皮。()敢跟我扯,别说我马上废了你!(吉林)()你龟孙子再乱整,老子一枪敲死你!(四川)()小伢儿要是不给()我老老实实,老子让你翘辫子。(杭州)()侬格小赤佬要是敢白相我,侬()爷()我就给侬粒花生米吃吃。(上海)第13页翻译过程(1)Understanding examples:(1)We have turned
7、the financial corner.我们已渡过了财政难关。(2)It seems to me what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.我认为应该一视同仁。第14页(3)John can be relied on.He eats no fish and plays the games.约翰为人可靠,他既忠诚又正直。(4)Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.昨夜我听见他鼾声如雷。(5)Clothes or no clothes,I can read you like
8、 a book.不论你怎样伪装,我都能看透你。第15页翻译过程(2)Expressing(1)No one is satisfied with his favoritism in his work.他在工作中表现出来徇私作风,谁都感到不满意。(2)Ruth was upsetting the other children,so I showed her the door.露丝一直让别孩子不得安宁,我就把她撵了出去。第16页(3)The market in China is an almost bottomless pit.中国市场无限巨大。(4)But his wife kept dining in his ears about his idleness,his carelessness,and the ruins he was bringing on his family.可是他妻子不停地在他耳边唠叨个没完,说他懒惰,说他粗心,还说一家人都要毁在他身上了。第17页翻译过程(3)Revising其目是:检查译文是否精确检查译文是否自然,是否简练,尽量消除翻译腔第18页 Thank you!第19页