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1、红与黑读后感英文版红与黑读后感英文版ad gave riters and orks most selfless and impartial judge, I like reading attitude to bestseller sine ant, and ant be like that unbridled fition as nonmittal on that. Im in ith the mind talking ith that era, the ke is in histor outside of the inquir and thinking Lead me finish the

2、book is gna its on great harm. The authors from a paper simple riminal ase shoed that time data broader soial sreen, turn an ordinar riminal improve to earl nineteenth entur Frenh bourgeoisie soial sstem, make the level of the researh histor and philosoph. Novel makes me see histor books in urt inab

3、ilit to feel, that Frane and bourgeois big noble alternating the ke period of ruling the ondition. I learn realisti orks of another kind of artisti harateristis of the orld of people -83 stendhal 'soul dialetis' This and I had from the high old man ', 'oue ni ? lattie lang sets of Ba

4、lza in' the experiene 'aused a persons irumstanes' ver different. The most daXXling enlopedia is literar histor famous haraters, in SuoLeiEr natural is even higher, 'ivilian bakground, ulture, as happened ith the hostess governess, relationships, de, the shot that lover, as sentened

5、to death' is his lifes skeleton, 'pursue' happ 'arm' and 'perseverane and lass differenes revolt shoed almost heros spirit is moving flesh and blood. The author USES desalt material desription and highlight the gimmik of mind traking, it is to strengthen the impulse even in o

6、uth pursuit of 'the heros dream' experiene, this is the soial form of resistane, but also for proudll, our lost outh rebellion. For ambition in soial realit hen hampering onl to hoies: retreats or resistane. Those small staff in advane, not all the outh is plaining life tedious ithdras perso

7、n, the mabe mediorit fortabl as soial forard eliminated. Can ontinuall establish a life goal, deided to ahieve the ideal of life is and YuLianYou masuline-looking same protesters. The era of ourse not ele false ords as the method, but still need enthusiasm for life to oppose empt to live. So, in the

8、 end even tragi exept shos 'personal rebellion ont ork' outside, the more pratial signifiane in todas soiet. Write so far, leads to the novel to a 'firsts' - made ith DE pepe reina in even Mrs 'spiritual love' and to onnet ith DE la Moore oung lad 'mindlove' set eah o

9、ther off bees an interest. Although the to aristorati a of love, a ver different deep, a franti, the in these to basi points is onsistent, that is: to this lass of disgust, MenFa sstem and rebellious feudal. Remember hen julien jeanvier find their love is morphing into vanit said 'I put their to

10、ols an be destroed', after the detail is 'a proud ith maliious expression beteen the most sinere quikl replaed the most intense love, look.' The noble from miss is alas slo as the tortoise limb, like life, ith a loss of dignit method. Evoked love Book to paragraphs of tragi love has alas

11、 been ith the progress of the upstart dominated and even inferiorit in the suspet, until brought life shall be the end, love that broke the futilit of primitive sparks, a illnesses. When I ill put pen to rite ith onsiousness, found that hen the time alread an feel ith the time ith a pshi reading the

12、 original pared. Im exited to gain against mediore revelation, moved b those although distortion and still heroi love segments. When someone mentioned 'red and blak', I an proudl in response to 'I read' behind plus a 'I also YanJuan meditation of'. 篇二:红与黑英文读后感 During this ter

13、m, I have read a novel The Red and the Blak. The novel as ritten b the Frenh riter Stendhal in theth entur. MarieHei Bele, better knon b his pen name Stendhal, as one of the ritial realism Frenh riters in theth entur . The militar and theatrial orlds of the First Frenh Empire ere a revelation to Bel

14、e. Knon for his aute analsis of his haraters' psholog and refletion of soiet, he is onsidered one of the earliest and foremost pratitioners of realism in his to novels Le Rouge et le Noir (The Red and the Blak,30) and La Chartreuse de Parme (The Charterhouse of Parma,39)。 Stendhal laid don for h

15、imself in a diar entr of Ma04:“regard everthing Ive read to date about man as a predition; believe onl hat I have seen for mself. Jo, happiness, fame, all is upon it.” Futurit all it realism reation method. In Frane, Stendhal as the first litterateur to reveal orruption of the bourgeoisie through li

16、terature. The novel marks the beginning of realism. Andr Gide said that The Red and the Blak as a novel ahead of its time, that it as a novel for readers in the tentieth entur. In Stendhals time, prose novels inluded dialogue and omnisient narrator desriptions; his great ontribution to literar tehni

17、que as desribing the pshologies (feelings, thoughts, inner monologues) of the haraters, resultantl he is onsidered the reator of the pshologial novel. The paper's opening sentene:“If our haraters do not talk about politis, the are not the Frenh in30.” is the famous sentene in The Red and TheBlak

18、. The material of The Red and The Blak is based on a realisti event that a tutor killed her hostess in27. When Stendhal read the stor in the nespaper, he adapted it and rote the long bildungsroman novel The Red and The Blak. The ork, previousl titled Julien, then, hanged into The Red and The Blak. T

19、he Red smbolizes man things, the uniform of the Napoleon era, Mrs. Renals blood, revolution and ontribution b the mon people. The Blak also stands for robes of priests, Martels mourning apparel and the plot of hurh. The subtitle, A Chronile of theth Centur, definitel states the time bakground. Thus

20、it an be seen, Stendhal onsiousl rote this politial tint novel about soiet of Bourbon Restoration. The Red and The Blak is the first ritial realism novel in Europe. The Red and the Blak inludes to volumes. It mainl tells the stor of Julien Sorels life in a monarhi soiet of fixed soial lass.The lue o

21、f this book is about Julien Sorels life experiene. From the venal ton to the apital Paris, the ghastl seminar to the roalist, love and religious ativities to the seret politial onferenes, The Red and the Blak desribes a piture of the soiet under ontrol of Charles X of Frane. Book I Julien Sorel is a

22、n ambitious son of a arpenter in the Verrires village, in Franhe-Comt, Frane, ho ould rather read and dadream about the glor das of Napoleon's long-disbanded arm. In the event, Julien Sorel bees an aolte. Later, the loal Catholi prelate seures him a post as the tutor for the hildren of Monsieur

23、de Rnal, the maor of Verrires. He falls in love ith Monsieur de Rnals ife; it ends badl hen exposed to the village, b her hambermaid, Elisa. Then, Julien goes to a seminar in Besan?on, hih he finds intelletuall stifling and pervaded ith soial liques. Disgusted b the Churhs politial mahinations, Juli

24、en remends himself as private seretar to the diplomat Marquis de la Mole, a Roman Catholi legitimist. Book II hroniles the time leading to the Jul Revolution of30, and Julien Sorels Parisian life, as an emploee of the de la Mole famil. Despite moving among high soiet, the famil and their friends, on

25、desend to Julien for being an unouth plebeian his intelletual talents notithstanding. In his boundlessl ambitious rise in the orld, Julien pereives the materialism and hporis important to the elite of Parisian soiet, and that the ounter-revolutionar temper of the time renders it impossible for ell-b

26、orn men of superior intellet and estheti sensibilit to progressivel partiipate in the publi affairs of the nation ith an suess. Meanhile, in the preeding months, the Marquiss bored daughter, Mathilde de la Mole, had bee emotionall torn, beteen her romanti attration to Julien, for his admirable perso

27、nal and intelletual qualities, and her soial repugnane at being sexuall intimate ith a loer-lass man. At first, he finds her unattrative, but his interest is piqued, b her attentions and the admiration she inspiresin others; tie, she sedues and rejets him, leaving him in a miasma of despair, self-do

28、ubt, and happiness. Onl during his seret mission does he gain the ke to inning her affetions. Consequentl, Mathilde sinerel falls in love ith Julien, eventuall revealing to him that she arries his hild; et, hilst he as on diplomati mission in England, she beame offiiall engaged to Monsieur de Croise

29、nois, an amiable, rih oung man, heir to a duh. Although The Red and The Blak as ritten in theth entur, the novel is still of refletive value to our real orld.In the modern soiet, e still an find out man “Juliens”。 The are oung and talented, but lo birth. At first, the despise the unfair treatment in

30、 the soiet. The hate orruption of offiialdom.The disdain the person ho has speial poer and privileges. Hoever, the alas long for joining in the offiialdom. The iron hand of ruel neessit broke those Juliens ills. One into the offiialdom, the graduall lose themselves. Finall, the even enjo in it and t

31、r to defend themselves. In fat, the must end of failure like Julien, I think, against their ills, folloing the rong mind and taking advantage of the empressement of others. Learning of Juliens romanti liaison ith Mathilde, the Marquis de la Mole is angered, but relents before her determination, and

32、his affetion for him, and bestos upon Julien an ine-produing propert attahed to an aristorati title, and a militar mission in the arm. Although read to bless their marriage, he hanges his mind upon reeiving the repl to a harater-referene-letter he rote to the abb Chnal, Juliens previous emploer in t

33、he village of Verrires; hoever, the repl letter, ritten b Madame de Rnal at the urging of her onfessor priest arns the Marquis that Julien Sorel is a soial-limbing ad ho pres upon emotionall vulnerable omen. On learning the Marquiss disapproval of the marriage, Julien Sorel travels to his home villa

34、ge of Verrires and shoots Madame de Rnal during Mass in the village hurh; she survives. Despite the efforts of Mathilde, Madame de Rnal, and the priests devoted to him sine his earl life, Julien Sorel is determined to die beause the materialist soiet of Bourbon Restoration Frane ill not amodate a lo

35、-born man of superior intellet and aestheti sensibilit possessing neither mone nor soial onnetions. Reading beteen the lines, e an find that Julien is a strong-illed and unning oung man ho is determined to make his a to the upper soiet. Juliens mistrustfulness and his touh pride ere through his life

36、. He reahed suh heights of perfetion in this kind of eloquene, hih has replaed the siftness of ation found under the Empire. Julien forgot his drear role as a rebellious plebeian. When he as in the prison, he XXkened and said:” The hole orld and the soiet are hporitial!” He elled out:” I love truth,

37、 but here is truth? Everone is hporitial and trikish, inluding the great people! ” He refused to appeal. Later, he as sent to the blok and ended hislife. Julien is a tragial harater in this novel. He represents the oung people of Pett Bourgeoisie in the Bourbon Restoration. The are oung and talented

38、, but lo birth. Finall, the end of death. As the novel shon, the soiet under ontrol of Charles X of Frane as dark. There as no middle a for them. The onnetion beteen people as onl mone, even beteen father and son. When Julien as in the prison, his father visited him. At the beginning, his father sol

39、ded him. He thought that Julien as a shame of his famil. While father heard of the mone Julien had, father hanged his attitude at one. You had mone, people respeted ou; ithout mone, people looked don upon ou. In that soiet, ithout mone, ou ere nothing! Julien as the vitim of ash nexus. I annot help

40、saing:” It is an eat-man orld!” If Julien lives in the modern soiet, ithout repress and exploitation of lass, I believe, he must be appreiated b others and bee a suessful person. Julien Sorel is pratial, greed, and ruel. In order to realize his aim and get rid of povert, Julien took advantage of Mat

41、hilde b hook or b rook. He believed that the end justifies the means. It is true that ever one should tr his best to ahieve hat he is pursuing. But e should do it in a proper and moral a. And hatever e do, e shouldn't forget that love and honest should remain the most herishable elements in our

42、life. Toda e are living in a harmonious soiet; e should keep our purit and humanit. Fame and fortune are important, but the are not everthing. Love and honest are of more importane for a peaeful life. We should trust eah other, help eah other, and take are of eah other. Although Julien ended of deat

43、h, e still have man things to learn from him. He as lo birth, but he alas enouraged himself that:” I ill be great!” He never gave up. When e enounter some problems, e should tr to solve them instead of giving up. Plus, before Julien started a thing, he alas had made a plan. Everthing must be arefull

44、 planned before e at, then tie as muh an be aplished ith half the effort. In a hole, suess and opportunit are onl given to those people ho are ell-prepared. I am read at all times. Are ou read? 篇三:红与黑英文读后感 The riter riting unfolds, first is entire Frenh soiet's one tpial indo -small it Varriale&

45、#39;s politial pattern. The aristorat is born German Sitzerland that maor is restores the dnast篇三:红与黑英语读后感 红与黑英语读后感 The riter riting unfolds, first is entire Frenh soiet's one tpial indo -small it Varriale's politial pattern. The aristorat is born German Sitzerland that maor is restores the

46、dnast in here highest representative, the maintenane restoration politial poer, prevents the bourgeoisie free part member is in poer in politis regards as the inherent responsibilities. Poor olletion post manager Valno the promise originall is the pett bourgeois, as a result of hires oneself the hur

47、h seret organization saint an obtain the no the fat differene, thus oneself ith restoration politial poer hith in same plae. Transription hall Father Maslon is the sp hih the hurh sends, all people's ords and deeds all under his surveillane, the time hih mutuall supports in this king plae and th

48、e sarifiial altar, is person hih ields great poer ith great arrogane. These three people onstitute Three heads Politi , refleted the restoration influene the aspet hih ou the it arrogated all poers to oneself in Varriale.But their opposite, is a large number, has the huge eonomi potentialit aggressi

49、ve bourgeoisie free part member. Stendhal desribes to the people guarantees king part member's be domineering and trannial, on the one hand again let the people dra suh onlusion: Grasps has the eonomi potentialit the bourgeoisie, also ill deide in politis is the final vitor. The Red and the Blak the book in irulation revolutionized in Jul,30 before, takes harge of soup reahes unexpetedl piture is understands learl historial movement this one inevitabl tends to.附送:第 12 页 共 14

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