1、NO.:PS091101上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.产品规格书PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 顾客:Client:产品名称:Connector Product Name: 产品编码:/ Part Number 版本号:/ Version Number:制定审核EditCheck上海市松江区洞泾镇洞薛路651弄88号 徕木:Laimu:Auto Meter Connector(汽车仪表连接器) SEE TABLE/批准Approval邮编:201619 No.88 Lane 651 of Dongxue Road,D
2、ongjing Town Songjiang District,Shanghai City Tel: 86-21-67679109 Fax: 86-21-67627615Page 1 of 11 Zip: 201619 上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.编 号PS091101Serial Number 产品规格书 Product Specification目 版本号 /Version Number 产品名称ConnectorProduct Name 产品编码See TablePart Number 录 CONTENT0更改记录.31
3、产品描述Product description.4 1.1产品简图Outline drawing.41.2产品组成BOM.5 2总体要求General.5 2.1功能描述Functional description.5 2.2安装位置Mounting location.5 2.3温度范围Ambient temperature range.5 2.4额定范围Rating range.5 3默认测试条件Default test conditions.5 4产品性能Performance.64.1外观Appearance.64.2结构尺寸Dimension.64.3接触电阻Contact resis
4、tance.64.4绝缘电阻Insulation resistance.64.5耐电压Withstand voltage.74.6温升Temperature rise.74.7插入力Connector Mating Force.74.8拔出力Connector Unmating Force.74.9端子保持力Terminal to Connector Retention.84.10振动Vibration.84.11温度循环Temperature cycling.84.12耐高温Heat Resistance.94.13耐低温Cold Resistance.94.14盐雾Salt spray.9
5、4.15耐焊接热Resistance to soldering heat.104.16沾锡性Solderability.10 Page 2 of 11FOR-TS3-D08-01 版本/版次:A1上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.编 号PS091101Serial Number 产品规格书 Product Specification0更改记录 序号 版本号 更改前描述 No.: Version Description Before ModificationNumber1 2 3 4 5 6 版本号 /Version Number 产
6、品名称ConnectorProduct Name 产品编码See Table Part Number 更改后描述 批准 日期 Description After ModificationApprovalDatePage 3 of 11FOR-TS3-D08-01 版本/版次:A1上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.编 号PS091101Serial Number 产品规格书 Product Specification1产品描述Product description1.1产品简图Outline drawing适用于本规格书的产品系列,如
7、下表:P/N.料号No. No. of PIN Color A 1.2产品组成BOM1.2.1接触件:黄铜,底镀镍,整体镀锡;版本号 /Version Number 产品名称ConnectorProduct Name 产品编码See TablePart Number B C D E F Contact:Brass, Pure Tin plated over Nickel under plating;1.2.2塑料本体:PBT+GF15;Housing:PBT+GF15;2总体要求General 2.1功能描述Functional description本产品主要适用于汽车仪表控制模块与线束的电
8、力信号传输与连接。This product performs the task of making the electrical connection of automotive meter control system and wireharness. 2.2安装位置Mounting location本产品安装于汽车仪表控制模块的PCB板上;The palce of this product fixed to the PCB of automotive meter control system;2.3温度范围Ambient temperature range贮藏温度Stockage temp
9、erature:- 30+80 工作温度Working temperature:- 30+105(潜在最高温度Potential Peak Temperature) 2.4额定范围Rating range产品额定电压Voltage Rating:12V DC;产品额定电流Current Rating:3A Continuous Maximuim。 Page 4 of 11FOR-TS3-D08-01 版本/版次:A1上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.编 号PS091101Serial Number 产品规格书 Product Spe
10、cification3默认测试条件Default test conditions版本号 /Version Number 产品名称ConnectorProduct Name 产品编码See Table Part Number 在具体试验方法中如无其他规定,试验样品应先在下述条件下放置24h后,然后再进行试验,样品的预处理 条件和和默认的试验条件如下: 环境温度:(1828) 空气相对湿度:45%75%大气压力:86kPa106kPa All test samples shall be preconditioned at(1828)and 45%75% relative humidity for
11、24h Before the start of any test.All test shall be carried out at following basic condition: Ambient temperature: (1828)Relative humidity: 45%75% Atmospheric pressure: 86kPa106kPa Page 5 of 11FOR-TS3-D08-01 版本/版次:A1上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.编 号PS091101Serial Number 产品规格书 Produc
12、t Specification4产品性能Performance项目测试设备引用标准ItemEquipmentReference照相机、摄像 目视检查 机、 放大镜等放 版本号 /Version Number 产品名称ConnectorProduct Name 产品编码See Table Part Number 规格要求测试条件和方法Requirement Condition & Method1.塑料件表面应无明显疤痕、凹 陷、开裂及影响使用的变形。2.金属件表面无锈蚀、氧化 、无 明显的机械损伤等缺陷。3.标志、其它零部件外观符合相应 视力:1.0以上 规范。大设备(如需 要)外观 相应图纸:
13、4.1Camera, AppearanceDrawing:Video Recorder, Magnification Apparatus (as required)游标卡尺、 投影 仪4.2结 构 尺 寸相应图纸:Calipers, DimensionDrawing:projecting apparatusQC/T 4.3接 触 电 阻毫欧姆电阻分 417.1-2001车用 选仪Contact 电线束接插器(第resistanceOhmmeter 4.8项)绝缘电阻表或 绝缘电阻测试 QC/T 4.4绝 缘 电 阻仪417.1-2001车用 Insulation megohmeter 电线束接
14、插器(第resistanceor insulation 4.12项)resistance tester FOR-TS3-D08-01 照明: 200300)lx(1. Plastic part: smooth and flat 目测距离: 0.30.5)m (surface without discolor, broken, crack, distortion defects is Visual examination acceptable. vision: 1.0,at normal strength of 2. Metal part: bright and even vision and
15、color perception. surface without rust, oxide, fog Illumination:(200300)lx and obvious physical damage Viewing distance:(0.30.5)m defects is acceptable. 3.The contact crimp,identification, other component shall be checked against the relevant specification. 用符合详细规范(或设计图样)精度要求 符合图纸要求的游标卡尺、投影仪进行测量。The
16、 dimension accord with the part drawing. Use calipers or projecting apparatus to measure the dimension.在受测连接器之公母端子对上施加12 VDC Max.、1A开路电流条件下测试Contact resistance: 10 mMax.(Initial) Mated contacts assembled in housing 20 mMax.(Final). subject to 12VDC Max., open circuit at 1A. 将试验样品的所有接端交错连接成两组, 再施加规定的
17、试验电压,测量绝缘电阻。 测量电压:500V DC(干区)插接件间的绝缘电阻应至少为Apply 500V DC voltage (desiccation 100Mbound:) between all contacts connected Insulation resistance for desiccation bound: 100MMin together and a metal foil surrounding the housing. In addition, apply the voltage a different test sample to every two adjacent
18、 contacts.Page 6 of 11版本/版次:A1上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.编 号PS091101Serial Number 产品规格书 Product Specification项目测试设备引用标准ItemEquipmentReference版本号 /Version Number 产品名称ConnectorProduct Name 产品编码See TablePart Number 规格要求测试条件和方法Requirement Condition & Method先将试验样品的所有接端交错连接成两 组, 件,再施加
19、规定的试验电压。相邻插接件 试验电压的作用下无闪络、飞弧或 之间或地线之间施加1000V(50Hz,有 击穿。4.5耐 电 压Withstand voltage温升 4.6Temperature rise 4.7插 入 力Connector Mating Force4.8拔 出 力Connector Unmating Force耐压测试仪417.1-2001车用 效值;1minute) 。During this test, neither dielectric withstand 电线束接插器(第voltage tester breakdown nor flash- over shall 4.
20、13项)Apply an ac voltage of 1000V (50Hz) for occur. 1 minute across all contacts connected together and a metal foil surrounding the housing.将试验样品(两对配件)插合,通以规定 线束的各个插接器在插合时,通以 50A安 时 特 性 的电流,当热平衡后,用数显温度计测量 规定的电流后,其温升应不超过试验台 接触处的温升,记录热电偶所显示的数 60。或FLUK数 显 QC/T 值, 接点温升为热电偶记录的数值减去环 417.1-2001车用 温度计The te
21、mperature rise of each 境温度。(见图表一) 电线束接插器(第contact shall not exceed 6050A 4.14项)characteristic where the temperature rise Mate connectors and Carry rated test-bed equals the measured contact current load. After heat balance, use the or FLUK temperature minus the test thermometer to measure the thermo
22、meter ambient temperature. temperature. (Fig.1)以100mm/min之间的恒定速度插入配对 QC/T 端,测试其公母端插入力417.1-2001车用 测力计Mating Force(N):70N Max. 电线束接插器(第Force tester Measure the force required to mate 4.3项)connector using locking latch by operating at 100mm a minute. 以100mm/min之间的恒定速度拔出配对 QC/T 端,测试其拔出力417.1-2001车用 测力计
23、Unmating Force(N):70N Max. 电线束接插器(第Force tester Measure the force required to unmate 4.3项)connector without locking latch set in effect, by operating at 100mm a minute Page 7 of 11FOR-TS3-D08-01 版本/版次:A1上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.编 号PS091101Serial Number 产品规格书 Product Specificat
24、ion项目测试设备引用标准ItemEquipmentReference版本号 /Version Number 产品名称ConnectorProduct Name 产品编码See TablePart Number 规格要求测试条件和方法Requirement Condition & Method以25100mm/min之间的恒定速度拔出 QC/T 4.9端 子 保 持 417.1-2001车用 测力计力Terminal to 电线束接插器(第Force tester Connector 4.3项)RetentionUSCAR 2-3振动试验机汽车连接器系统 4.10振 动Vibration 性能
25、标准(第Vibrationequipment 5.4.5项) 高低温交变湿 热试验箱Temperature chamber QC/T 4.11温度循 环capable of 417.1-2001车用 changing from Temperature 电线束接插器(第one cycling4.22项)temperature extreme to the other within the specified transition time FOR-TS3-D08-01 端子,测试端子在塑件中的保持力单根端子的最小保持力为20N。Retention Force for a terminal 20
26、Operation speed: 25100mm/min. N Min. Measure the force required to mate connectors产品应能经受X、Y、Z三个方向的扫频 振动试验。振动频率:2020020Hz, 试验后外观, 接触电阻, 绝缘电阻, 加速度44.1m/s 2, 扫描时间3分钟, X、插接件和电线压接处的电压降,均 在Y、Z三个方向上分别持续振动3小时。要符合相应要求。有对配件的插接 器振动试验中,若接触电阻大于7,瞬断持续时间应1s。Carry out the vibration with unmated connectors: The samp
27、le shall fulfill visual, Vibration frequency: contact resistance, insulation resistance and voltage drop tests 2020020Hz/3min. after vibration. The time 2 Acceleration: 44.1m/s discontinuity1s(when R7)Vibration direction: X,Y,Z Duaration:3 hours each耐温度变化试验,在不工作状态下进行。 试验温度范围-3080,在每一种温 度中的暴露时间为3h,温度
28、转换时间不 大于12min, 循环次数为5次。 在常温下 放置24h后检查。参数变化图见“图表 二” 。外观无损伤,Parts shall be placed in the chamber. 接触电阻20mMax., The Part shall then be cycled between 绝缘电阻100MMin. temperature extremes for 5 cycles. The time at the high/low temperature Appearance No damage, extremes is 3h. One cycle consists of Contact
29、resistance 20mMax. low temperature dwell, transition to high Insulation resistance 100MMin. temperature, high temperature dwell, and transition to low temperature. The low temperature to high Temperature transition or reverse sequence is acceptable. The sample shall be allowed to cool in air for 24
30、h.(See Fig.2) Page 8 of 11版本/版次:A1上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.编 号PS091101Serial Number 产品规格书 Product Specification项目测试设备引用标准ItemEquipmentReference版本号 /Version Number 产品名称ConnectorProduct Name 产品编码See TablePart Number 规格要求测试条件和方法Requirement Condition & Method按GB/T 2423.2试验Bd进行试验。
31、汽车电气设备基 本技术条件(第4.10.2项 高 高低温试验箱4.12耐 高 温温试验) high-low Heat temperature General Resistancetester technology rules of automotive electronic equipmentQC/T 413-2002汽车电气设备基 本技术条件(第4.10.1项 低 高低温试验箱4.13耐 低 温温试验) high-low Cold temperature General Resistancetester technology rules of automotive electronic eq
32、uipmentQC/T 盐雾试验箱417.1-2001车用 4.14盐雾Salt 电线束接插器(第spraySalt spray 4.16项)chamber FOR-TS3-D08-01 品放入从室温开始的高温箱中, 达到规定 产品外观无变形,断裂,松脱等缺 的+1203并保持72h,取出产品,在 陷,导通性能正常。常温下保持24小时后完成测试。After the test, there must be no distortions, cracks, looseness, According to GB/T 2423.2 testing item etc. Bd. Subject the sa
33、mple to a electrical circle normally。temperature of(+1203) for a period of 72hours. Then take out it and finished test after 48 hours.按GB/T 2423.1试验Ad进行试验。 将产 品放入从室温开始的低温箱中, 达到规定 的-403并保持72h,取出产品,在常 产品外观无变形,断裂,松脱等缺 温下保持24小时后完成测试。陷,导通性能正常。After the test, there must be no According to GB/T 2423.1 testing item distortions, cracks, looseness, Ad. etc. Subject the sample to a tem